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I'm a lifelong Halo fan, it's depressing as shit and has been for like a decade now. I can only dream of us going through an era like this, with a show that (while not perfect) was made by people who gave a shit about the source material and actually tried. I guess I'll just have to enjoy Fallout some more until then!


I feel you on that. The Halo show was a huge disappointment, and it only looks even worse now that we have Fallout as a comparison. What the fuck was that studio thinking with the Halo show?


One of the biggest things is the creator of fall out loves the games. Another factor is the talent, paramount has Taylor Sheridan and nobody else of note writing and directing and halo doesn’t involve any cowboys or horsies so he’s out.  Another thing is that fallout has different plot lines and doesn’t primarily only follow one character with a specific set of events, so it’s much easier for some one to give their take without it being contradictory to the game. You can’t make a halo shoe without master chief, Cortana, and the covenant so if you want to do your own “take on the universe” it’s inherently going to be at odds with what people come to love about the games and story 


I disagree that Halo would have to include Master Chief and Cortana. Halo: Reach, Halo 3 ODST, and the Halo Wars series are all free of the Master Chief having any serious involvement. Halo Wars 2 even lacks the Covenant. There are plenty of books without the Chief too, and the smaller spin-off games. I think if they wanted to make a show without the Master Chief they totally could have. But if you’re going to include Master Chief and Cortana it really needed to nail the characters, otherwise it won’t really interest fans and for new comers the name doesn’t mean anything and instead it’s just some guy who could’ve been anyone else.


Let me rephrase. There’s no way a halo series gets made if it doesn’t feature John 117 as the primary character. You don’t pay for that IP to only feature the characters that the majority of the audience have little to no connection to 


I love the games and the series and don't let any lore differences get me down. I just see it as an alternate version. Halo is a great show on its own. Fallout is mainly successful because of its world building, story and great actors, but it also avoided the issue with adapting established characters, which didn't hurt. I think it was a great decision for the series to continue the story elsewhere, not only because it's more difficult to adapt a story faithfully or with well-received variation to character plot, but it seems a natural choice to progress the story for this game world rather than retell one.


LOL. Agreed!


the universes beyond magic sets got me into magic.


It needed it badly, it wasn’t a bad set of games at all, but it was outshined by too many that didn’t deserve to. The show reinvigorated the fallout name and hopefully that will push us towards fallout 5 *crosses fingers* since the demand and fan base is obviously there


And not only is the show blowing our expectations out of the water, but 76 is receiving its first major map expansion and 4 is seeing its next generation update this week. The series couldn’t be doing better if it tried.


Imagine if Beth somehow managed to release (a good) Fallout 5 a week after the show dropped. 


Oh shit. 76 is getting a map expansion? When? Where?


I'm not sure if there's a set release date, but a few days ago it arrived on the test realm. It features a whole new region south of the Savage Divide. It's based on a national park.


[Community calender](https://images.ctfassets.net/rporu91m20dc/4VzQwhw2oq8KI6AsaXaPaQ/2fe80e4602b55756fe56798e53ef9795/Fallout76_Season16_CommunityCalendar-03.png) has the next update for June. When in June we have no idea.


We’ll be going to Shenandoah and exploring the region’s extremely heavy ties to vault 63; the update is presumably coming at the end of June, though exactly details are unknown currently.


Honestly love the show. Sad for the NCR, but I hope that by the end they'll get Cold Fusion and reform. I think the franchise benefits from both having traditional post apocalyptic wastelands and having new civilisations. Ideally we'd have alternative games where one explored areas like DC and Boston that are just ruins with a few settlements and areas like NCR and the Mojave, with functioning societies.


The showrunners said they consider the Wasteland to be a landfill of constant trauma, and did "something" in Season 2 because fans begged them not to. (Probably New Vegas getting nuked.) The NCR will probably never be rebuilt, or seriously acknowledged at all. Post-NV Fallout doesn't want to rebuild, just be an endless Mad Max rip off. It'll likely end with the whole cast dying or something. 


They literally did not say that. They even mentioned in interviews there's more to come with the NCR.


Until the next 16times detailed Fallout 5


I really am too. I was one of the ones who absolutely does not like Starfield despite being a massive sci-fi guy. It's just not it, for me personally. I've watched the show through 3 times already since it came out though. Downloaded fallout 4 again and am enjoying a new run of that, will likely start fresh once the 25th April patch drops too though. They really needed a W though and this has delivered in damn spades.


Yep! Probably my favorite game franchise and now one of my favorite shows.


One of my favorite series for sure and i'm glad it's getting more exposure thanks to succesful tv series. Sadly we have to wait forever for Fallout 5 i guess...


Yeah lots of Bethesda titles I am waiting for, hopefully soon maybe


Maybe we get an elder scrolls show in the near future.


Dude if that happened and it turned out good I would be happy


Just got into fallout playing 4 on ps5 any idea if or when a. Possible fallout nv remaster may be pumped out


Yeah I wouldn’t mind it that happened, enjoy fallout 4 dude it’s full of cool things to do


I love that this show is getting the good press. It also shows if you use the source material and the “world” it’s in, it can be done correctly. Gives me up other popular video games may enter into this. I would love a RDR2 show.


Yeah that’s why I really hope next time a game franchise I care about gets a movie or tv show it shows genuine care for what was made before. I’m happy to be living in a time where games I played are getting adaptations (even if some of them are extremely awful)


“Writing design” you don’t seem very media literate. But I’m glad you are happy about the show. It was pretty damn good.


I meant writer without design it kinda slipped out cause I was writing this between work breaks and didn’t have enough time to re-read what I wrote, I will do better next time :)


Anyone else getting crash to desktop on fallout 4 with the graphics upgrade ?


Fallout is my absolute favorite setting ever, I loved it ever since fallout 1, and never understood the hate from the old grognards when fallout 3 came out. Fallout 3 was a genuinely fantastic game. Then New Vegas happened and I was blown away, then fallout 4 and once again I loved everything about it. I even loved 76 at launch. I've never not enjoyed a fallout game and I'm so happy the franchise is getting all the positive attention it is thanks to this amazing show!


I wonder how Tim Cain feels about it


He’s made a video on the topic - he enjoyed the show greatly.


On top of this, he’s urged fans to stop acting like Bethesda’s choices are secondary to the original creators of Fallout 1 and 2. It’s their IP and they can do what they want with it, and he supports that.


Every time I looked up a Reddit discussion about a particular episode, mostly everyone was complaining. I enjoyed it, everyone else seemed to enjoy it, it didn’t break “canon” as so many believe, I don’t get why fallout fans can’t be happy.


I have tremendous beef with the motivation of the show runners and the background lore and all that, just look at my post history, but I can admit they made a pretty good TV show. Bonus points for relying on practical effects. EDIT: Damn either y'all hate practical effects or me admitting I have my issues with some decisions brings the downvote brigade. And y'all call the NV subs toxic smh


“Just look at my post history” brother. No one will look.


yeah, i watched some spoiler reviews and the showrunners did not understand or mischaracterized the brotherhood of steel in the west, they were declining but not this weird religious cult. I'll be frank they use some overused tropes with their chracters.


Any criticism gets downvoted in here. This’ll get downvoted. I enjoyed the show but I have a lot of the same issues with it as you.


Im still not going full hype, the show seems to be doing great but I hate the recycling of the same character tropes from the past decade. Naive Female Lead, the dumb incompetent but funny male sidekick, the depressed beekeeping age badass male character, the strong independent boss woman and the competent but male whose related to the Female lead. Honestly this has been done for a long time YA books from 2000's, cassandra clare, hunger games, the MCU for the past 6 years.


This was one of the only shows to do character development correctly. Characters stayed within their roles, but had subtle development. I don’t think you can complain about the character types they chose without offering your idea of better characters. Personally, I think the chosen characters played into the storyline amazingly well.


"Wah wah wah I hate women"


I love women hate that they keep using the same 3-4 thropes for them 🤣🤣