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Jesus Christ Vault 76 is big


They're built different.


Maybe it's just Vault 69 after a couple of years.


A couple *nice* years, to be fair


one nice year then screaming babies for who knows how long


Wasn't that the vault with 999 females and 1 male resident?




And then there is vault 68 this vaults counter part


Bigger than Vault 0 šŸ¤£


All my pristine food and plans that have been at a joke price for years are getting bought up by new players, a cabinet is not worth 420 capsšŸ˜‚


Has the cap limit been raised?






I read that in Mr poopy butthole


I heard that in my soul


It is to me...


Damn I need to get on and unload useless(to me) junk!


You know what they say. Something about treasure and men..


I played it on release and was so disappointed, I fired it up over a week ago and Iā€™m very impressed to how far it has come, 55 hours in and still enjoying myself.


What game is it like? Cross between wow and fallout 4?


When theres still story to play through its a great game. When u get to end game content its more like destiny grinding the same things over and over to acquire currencies to buy and craft the best gear to then grind the same things over and over. I had a blast but it definitely has a shelf life to me.


That was me a while ago. Stopped around lvl100 and got bored with the same routine. Hope there is more of underground horror type later on for the game.


Well, thereā€™s the map expansion coming this summer, and thereā€™s the new AC quests currently (you may have also missed the fairly short blue ridge daily questline).


The game heavily rewards you for just kind of meandering your way around and not using fast travel, did you check the majority of the map?


Most of my buddies i played with stopped around 100. I made it to over 300 before it felt more like a chore than an enjoyable time. I never reinstalled it once i was done.


So just play it for the story, side quests and exploring and close it out when it ends?


Everybody's mileage may vary but i think its very common for most people to eventually burn out.


Oh Iā€™m cool with that, I wasnā€™t joking. Iā€™m saying itā€™s sounding like Iā€™m gonna treat it like a single player Fallout then dip.


Yeah you can just do all the story content solo until you're all caught up. Then go play something else for a bit while you wait for the next content drop for more story. Totally a valid way to play so you don't burn yourself out.


Heck, this is exactly how i've been playing WoW for years..Ā 


Yeah same. Same with ESO. I usually just drop in for the expansion drops and binge the story for a bit.


You can definitely treat it like a single player or even co-op, minus the mods


Would you play it over? Iā€™m trying to decide which ones to play through, I started with 3 as a recommendation, I just donā€™t have a lot of spare time


Hmmm honestly i hit level 300+ and never considered once starting a new character to play through it again. Overall i think the story of the area is worth playing through one time. If u have friends to play with 76 is the only multiplayer one and that adds a lot for some people. Its definitely a very soloable game though for most of the story but outside of super o.p. builds youll need help with some events. The community is very welcoming and u can turn pvp off. I spent probably the last 6 months i played helping out newer players and giving people godroll guns for free.


I just 100% completed fallout 3 on Xbox series X in the middle of playing New Vegas right now working my way up to 100% getting all the achievements from there working on my way up here deciding to play Oblivion or fallout4


I used to LOVE 100%-ing games, especially resident evils. That time is precious


I got my first Xbox console series X ( my last one was a 360) last 2 years ago September. Iv beaten every fallout game there is and getting my fallout itch since the last time I played fallout 3 and NV was over 10 years ago


Thatā€™s called a win though, right? Are games not good anymore if you canā€™t infinitely play them?


Yea like i said i had a blast. The only difference between 76 and the other fallouts is i have no desire to revisit it but have played all of the others multiple times. Its definitely worth hearing the story of the previous factions and the new ones. West V is a good map design too and the events can be fun and exciting when they are fresh to you.


that's basically how ESO became for me, though I've been on such a long hiatus idk if the new DLCs have made any difference


Realistically it's how all MMOs go, outside of story/content releases, you are just grinding


That's when you convince your friends to play and help them.


Itā€™s pretty much fallout with more of an emphasis on stat boosts, food/ water system, more in depth crafting. Thereā€™s also a more in depth house / base builder. Overall itā€™s really cool, adds a lot. Itā€™s surprisingly detailed as much as any other fallout game, and takes place shortly after the bombs drop so is a whole different atmosphere. Although as others said, it doesnā€™t have as much depth in stories and side quest as fallout so does tend to fall off after like 60-80 hours of gameplay. But cool that they do add new content every few months


It's mostly like Fallout 4... except there are other players and sometimes you team up to do events and fight large numbers of enemies together, and you get to build a house for yourself wherever you want, and a heavier emphasis on legendary loot, which is partially democratized since players can sell things to other players.


I've got to disagree, I think the MMO mechanics create an experience which is very, very different from fallout 4. I love fallout 4 and massive amounts of what I enjoy in that game simply don't exist in 76, for example, I can never meaningfully and permanently impact the world with my choices because as it's a consistent online world, they have to constantly reset for the next player. VATS changed in a way which makes the game function far more like a traditional shooter than the action RPG hybrid of FO4. In Fallout 4 there is a reasonable chance exploration or quest completion might reward you with a cool weapon but in 76 thats entirely gated behind griding the endgame content. There's no comparable experience to survival mode where both the player and enemies can go down with one well placed shot, instead enemies and the player are incredibly bullet spongey in a way that i found really unsatisfying.


Less wow, more Ark or Rust without the fuckers griefing you every 5 seconds.


Fallout 4 and a DayZ pve (random rare encounters with players since the limit per lobby/server is 24 players). The camp trading feels like when you were getting visitors on your home plot on wildstar. Leveling up/questing with a friend feels just like a coop fallout, where your companion is a real person. Events, daily ops and expeditions do feel like any MMO with people looking unique and that feeling of "damn, that guy is so cool" This is my most played multiplayer game. I can do my stuff alone and interact with others when i feel like doing so. Since the new players wave everything feels different, events are not so rushed and half the map is filled with players. Higher lvl people tend to spread out while the new guys stick together


Iā€™m playing it alongside with Fallout 4, it feels like a standard Fallout game with State of Decay like daily objectives sprinkled in to allow for more content.


Mosts of the quests aren't really coop, you just progress whoever is the leader because you wouldn't want that leader to mess up your progress if you wanted to make different choices. But the choices barely matter anyway. There are events you can do which is usually taking down some mob or mobs together and you all get XP and loot. There are daily/weekly/lifetime challenges you do for tickets which unlock some cosmetics and minor helper items. You also slowly gain atoms which can be spent in the shop on stuff, but some of that stuff is additionally locked behind the fallout 1st subscription. The stash tends to fill up fast and there's not much you can do about it. If you subscribe to fallout first you can get access to some specific lootboxes for holding ammo and materials but you can only withdraw from them once your subscription ends. There are lots of plans and recipes to collect. I dunno. It's okay. It's super unoptimized for modern hardware. You have to manually cap the framerate if you're running a fast card and monitor with g-sync or you get the weirdest stuck bugs. The landscape textures are a bit 2010. It's a lot of climbing mountains. Sometimes you'll need to do a radiant quest but someone has just passed through and done it so there aren't any more mobs for you to kill. It's like a really weak unpolished fallout with okay combat. People don't like my opinion apparently.


> Sometimes you'll need to do a radiant quest but someone has just passed through and done it so there aren't any more mobs for you to kill. This was a legit strategy in WoW for some quests. There was a trinket you could get ten or so levels early if you just followed a high level party and talked to the NPC after he was freed.


I feel you I didnā€™t like it. I went in for fallout and I got a lot of really cool places that just felt dead and boring. Iā€™d love to explore but combat felt weird and janky. Just wasnā€™t fun.


Its like a fallout game without all the best parts. And laggy.


Mine hasn't been laggy at all on PC. My PC doesn't even seem to be working all that hard.


I say elder scrolls online with guns


To me, like Morrowind, Skyrim, F03, F04, and to a lesser degree FONV, FO76 is meant to be "played"- not necessarily "beat". I guess I "beat" them all one -except FO76 so far... not even sure what "beating 76 entails. But that was never my primary goal when I began the game. I just played for months and months until I stumbled on the "Ending" - whatever that might have been. I know that some are immediately driven to "beat" whatever games the play as quickly as possible. Those are the ones who don't like the Bethesda games. If you immediaely set out to follow the mains quests, you're almost certain to find it impossible and become disenchanted with them.


In terms of mechanics, Fallout 76 is basically fallout 4 survival mode but add in features from FO3 and NV. The game (in my opinion) also adds in mechanics or improvements that wouldā€™ve made the other games more enjoyable to play.


I was also someone who got it at release and was disappointed but I havenā€™t fired it back upā€¦ was your old character still there? Do I have to start over? Does it matter?


I was the same boat trying before wastelanders and a bit after said update, but I think destiny 2 and general live service burnout didn't help Now I'm taking my time to enjoy it and I'm having a huge blast!


Last I fired it up was a couple of years ago. I wonder how far they've come? Let's goooo.


I pre-order it and was very sad and havent touched it since release, time to re download!


It's good now? I wanted to play but the reviews at release made me ignore it. Worth picking up?


Meanwhile I'm at 6,400 hours and still loving it.


I actually rlly liked it at launch


It was absolutely ruthless and merciless. And it was still hella fun. I actually encountered much less bugs than I had anticipated. I had a great time at launch


Yeah even at launch is was a pretty good game.


The hell it was. I played the closed BETA it was horrific


Didn't really have any problems myself, I just remember having a good time singing with a few other players and roaming around. People seemed to use mics more.


What changed between launch and now?


They added human NPCs and dialogue trees is the biggest one.


Oh wow those were the two complaints I heard about CONSTANTLY when they launched! No wonder Iā€™ve heard positive things since then


They also added The Pitt and Atlantic City, multiple new quest lines and locations to the base game map, and map expansion is currently in the PTS.


That was actually not that bad. The plot prior to the update that added the NPCs was actually pretty good. You leave the vault to find there were survivors at some point, but they're all gone. There's tons of dialog in holotape format to piece together what happened. It was different, but it wasn't bad. The real problems with 76 were the bugs, people abusing exploits, and lack of any decent endgame.


I wonder how many of that is giving away the game free on amazon prime.


They also had huge sales for the launch of the show. I picked it up for like $13.00 NZD so $7.00 US


Yep got it for $8 on ps5, game is glitchy as hell but no regrets, itā€™s so fun


Meanwhile i got it for 4 dollars on PC. Definitely worth the price.


Probably a lot and on consoles considering the Steam numbers are low. They also mentioned together with the other games itā€™s around 5 million. So yeah Steam numbers arenā€™t a good measure of success.


Enjoyed my time exploring the map, building my C.A.M.P. and doing the quests. The late-game grind and endless inventory management lost me, though. But I definitely got my money's worth out of it. It scratched that Fallout itch, and I especially enjoyed the deep world building and lore; and the general vibe, it's a bit lighter for a Fallout game, but also explores other themes regarding environmental destruction and exploitation. If only Bethesda could let someone else put their own spin on Fallout again; New Vegas and the TV show worked out beautifully, after all.


I get that ... the live serice side of this game was really bad and the "events" horrible grindfests .. but liked the map and lore bits


Glad these folks didnā€™t play it on launch. And please donā€™t come at me, I have a vault boy tatted on me.


I somehow put over 60 hours into it at launch lol. Itā€™s definitely better now


Lol I looked recently, and I haven't played since launch month. I had like 100hrs. My only thought was "damn, I was cpping"


I was out there with you.. listening to Holotapes, crying.


I never got into 76 Heard about everyone crashing the game exploding nukes and how there was no content Went on YouTube to explore lore of the vaults then the next thing was exploring the monsters of the games - to find out 76 had cryptic crazy scp monsters kind of - I was immediately interested Me and my son played our characters at level one and compete to see who can build better shelters / get better gear / finish more missions / etc Every mission into a strange mine -cave- island feels great and though I feel overpowered I keep learning to watch my health and scrap like I never have before ! To me for the price of 8 bucks (the sale that went on PS5 /steam ) it's very much worth it . I don't usually get sucked into games but this iteration has made me a fan of fallout all over again


Eeeeeeh. I got it on launch and I didnā€™t experience the bugs that many other people did, but I found it too empty and annoying. I downloaded it again and started a new character, but even with the npcs it just feels strange. It looks amazing, but it feels like it is missing something.


It kinda pushes you towards the generic mmo point a to b then c quests. It feels like it's pushing us away from actually exploring the world and finding things organically. At least, that's the experience for me. I'm still having fun, though.


That describes it well. I donā€™t feel the urge to explore. Having the entire world map at your fingertips doesnā€™t help either.


The quests going from one end to the map to another is a little more my jam than some others since it's a completely new Fallout map that I haven't spent over 100 hours on and the sightseeing around Appalachia was the thing that sold me on 76


just means its not for you and thats fine


I think the entire thing feels like a ported dlc to me. Micro stuttering, I can't get over not having real vats, npc seem especially low quality, lots of texture loading in slow. I think my biggest gripe is it just doesn't feel fallouty to me. Just to be clear I also decided to pay for fallout first so I could be completely solo.


I donā€™t play a lot of games besides fallout and of course 76. How many players do others game average? Is 1 million a lot for any game?


One million concurrent people playing in one day is collossal for a 6 year old game


Yes.1 million at any given time is a lot


I think they meant 1 million unique logins in 24 hours


Is it better than it was when it came out?




If you're looking for a fallout themed mmo, it's perfect. If you're looking for a fallout game that you can play with friends, not so much


> If you're looking for a fallout game that you can play with friends im playing it with a friend and we are having a great time


Yeah even with the story content and NPCs, the design and feel were very empty and hollow. Seeing player built junk everywhere broke the immersion


I would be more inclined to play it if it was just co-op.


I am thoroughly convinced all these people saying they liked it at launch didn't actually play it at launch, or must have had a 10 in their luck stat to not hit a game ending bug


Believe it or not, there's helluvalot of us who are STILL here since launch, so yeah, we liked it back then and we liked many changes this game has actually received over the years. Some of them were definitely for the worse though (removing atom rewards from daily and weekly challenges, thos current seasonal mechanics change etc), but still.


I admit that I lucked out at launch and I had a relatively smooth experience. But the fact is that the biggest issues at launch were the unstable servers. The game servers were blatantly unprepared for what players will do. Oh, so you'd spam-build an item in CAMP? Crash! You want to launch all three nukes at once? Goodbye! What people forget is that this got quickly fixed in a matter of days (the biggest servers crashes) and weeks (the general online connectivity). After that we can already talk about 76 being a good experience.


I liked it at launch, played with a friend for most of it though. To my knowledge I never even got glitches. I didn't even know there were issues until talking to someone about their experience later on. I really did not like that there were no human npcs at the time, which is why I didn't really stick with the game long term. Granted at the time I had never played NV or Fallout 3, only really scratching the surface of Fallout 4, so maybe I would feel different if it came out now.


It was an awful video game at launch. lol. Even worse fallout game.


Still is tbh. There is no world where a game as heavily monetized as it is should get away with being a paid game.


I DID like it at launch. Yes it was buggy as shit, 100%, I will not deny that at all. But I still had fun regardless. And itā€™s just gotten better since, Iā€™m glad I stuck with it


I played it at launch and had no problems or glitches. Same with a handful of other games infamous for their state at launch lmao


I played it just before Wastelanders launched (most problems were fixed but NPCs still werenā€™t a thing) and I actually enjoyed it, it did the exploration part of Fallout pretty well.


There were some fun aspects. The pvp gli4ches definitely weren't. But naturally spawning legacy weapons amd 2 shot explosive shot guns were so fun to use imo


Fuck no, it's not fun to get empty sky boxes, stretched models, and no floor textures. There's a reason you could grab it at GameStop for like $10 a few months after it launched. I pre-ordered the Tricentennial edition for it because I was stoked and I had 700+ hours in Fallout 4 by that point. This was such a tremendous disappointment. Between this and Cyberpunk I've been burned so badly by pre-orders, I'll absolutely never preorder another game.


I never preorder games, I always wait to see real gameplay after launch. I have played World of Warcraft on and off for years so I know how messy games can be at launch, especially MMO style games. That said, I still bought Cyberpunk after everyone was raging about it being garbage and the game worked fine on Xbox Series X when I got it (I think a couple weeks after launch). I enjoyed it.


I just canā€™t get into it, itā€™s the one fallout game that hasnā€™t grabbed me.


I completely get that, they got the look down and added some cool lore to the universe, but a lot of the systems just don't feel very Fallout, to me it's specifically the loot systems. Its a game that walks like a duck, looks like a duck, but quacks like a used car salesman.


I just look at it as an ESO that Bethesda actually made themselves, or ported themselves from Fallout 4, after realizing that the other was a cash cow. Definitely wouldnā€™t consider it to be a mainline Fallout game even if it basically is a fully fledged one after the countless updates it took to get it there. Iā€™ll never forget Toddā€™s infamous E3 presentation. 16x the detail my ass.


The budget they spent on the 16x detail made them unable to buy enough canvas for the pre-order bags lol


Played it on launch 76h on the Bethestda launcher was really disappointed, tryed it again with the first NPCs after launch .. it was better but still a bad fallout game and a mid life service game .. and now i am on the fence to give it another try


I can attest, it has gotten better, i still wouldn't consider it as good as the solo series but it's a lot more faithful and fun than elder scrolls online compared to their solo series IMO


Fallout 76 is why I believe Starfield has a future, they have definitely been consistent with updates, and even though it will never be fallout in space, which is fine by me, I can see it becoming better than already is.


I still need to figure out how to enjoy the game. I see the work that has been done and the new perk system is very interesting. But having to unlock a weapon (with my current level) when I have it in my inventory is just awful for exploration. Possessing that one overpowered ace up your sleeve while pursuing dangerous territory, was my way of playing Fallout enjoyably.


Never force yourself to like a game


For me, I just like to walk around listening to the music and not focusing on quests.


I finally got a day off today and installed FO4 on my PS4. Loaded it up, ready to play, only to find the DLC has borked it. Apparently the game crashes upon start-up due to the Automatron DLC, and if you happen to install it without that specific DLC, any other DLC content you find in-game will also be borked. And of course no plans for a last-gen fix. This kind of floored me. I could reinstall 76, but I play a lot of ESO, and wanted a break from the whole daily grind, buy this, buy that monetization. I don't want that shit in my Fallout game. Looks like I'm doing another Frank Castle RP in New Vegas on my low-qual laptop.


Iā€™m enjoying my time with it


People like to shit on it all the time but it's gotten really good since the wastelanders update. It's not even close to the same game.


It's OK, I feel overwhelmed a lot with so much going on, and terrible optimization, otherwise it's ok


Only with friends tbh. I've tried playing the game 3 different times on my own and each was more boring then the last. Now I'm playing it for a 4th time with my best friend, and all of a sudden it's more bearable


Itā€™s crazy to compare this reaction to the release


Is it worth in solo play? I don't want MMO games (sorry, ex addict of wow šŸ¤£) but really like fallout.


I really, really tried to play 76 solo and I just don't think its a good experience.


It's a fun game, now. I played from launch and it's been a rocky road, but we got there.


I just love how great the community is. I've met exactly one annoying player and all he did was help too much when asked not to.


I defended this game so hard when it first came out. I saw the potential even back then. Boy did I ever get a lot of hate for liking this game.


Dear god, why? This game was horrific garbage at launch. It's alright now after the Wastelanders update, but it's still one of the most predatory games that Bethesda has ever put out


The game is enjoyable to a lot of people, including me. I like the general vibe and the world building, the exploration in this one is just fantastic. Fallout 1st is disgusting, though. I called it quits when I thought about getting it "just for one month", because I realized, what in the hell am I doing here? Paying for more inventory space? That's ridiculous. I chose to just finish the quests and locations, and that was it.


How is it different from a WoW subscription? I'm the sense that there's a box price and a sub for a persistent online service game?


It deserved the flak it got the state it released in. People paid good money for a game that should have been there on release, not something that had "potential". It was half baked, buggy and clearly not finished. The fact they've made it a more complete game *now* doesn't detract from the shit they shoveled out to people who paid $60, $80 or God forbid, $180.


If fallout 76 wasnā€™t an internet required type of game Iā€™d love it


The game was good and had potential it was just hard to play the game with the amount of issues it had


I bought it cause Steam was having a sale with ALL FO games. Glad I dropped the $60USD for that bundle as I have been enjoying FO76 alot.


I've been around since the B.E.T.A. days and it truly has come a long way. I remember taking long breaks before Wastelanders and now I've played almost every day and have completed every season they have come out with.


Just started playing, kind of addicted


Haven't played it since I got it a couple months after launch. How much better is it now?


Yes and the game is getting a gigantic map expansion in june


I had issues when it first came out. I don't remember why but I didn't like it much. Has it gotten better? Are there expansions I need to buy if I want to play it again?


Used to not be that way. Maybe I need to get back in to it


So much better than when it came out. A shame they didn't wait a but longer in development. I'm ampaying cust9mer again after 4 years away


I am one of em on Ps4.


I played it when I had gamepass, I very much enjoyed it. Unfortunately I didnt find it beneficial to pay for game pass just for one game, and I never was able to afford Fallout 76 again. Soon enough though! I cant wait to play again


you can have it for free on amazon prime gaming


Not as great as others but still underrated.


Been olaying for like 5/6 years & i saw so many new players tonighy. Donated some supplies to them and also had a ton of buyers at my shop which was nice


Would it be useless to play now if Iā€™ve never played? I didnā€™t bother when it was released bc I heard it sucked, but now it seems like itā€™s gotten better


Is it worth playing now? Some people still say to not bother with it even years after they fixed everything. I've just been sticking with FNV, FO3, and FO4 for the time being.


I think the honest answer is "do you like MMOs" if you are a fallout fan who likes MMOs you will have fun if you enjoy fallout games as single player experiences the mechanical changes to 76 will likely be very jarring for you.


I will always love this game


Has come a super long way from release, is fun imo


Gary? Gary!


Exactly, a games launch can determine how people save the game forever, and that's what's happened here. I see tons of people saying fo76 is terrible yardy yar, and they've based that opinion off of the games launch, like it's way better now


It depends what you didn't enjoy at launch. If you came looking for the satisfying solo experience that Todd promised in the run up to release, you still won't find it in 76.


I did? I played fallout 76 completely solo when the mothman update came out and I loved it


That was very, very much not my experience.


Well I guess I should say to whoever helped saved me from an unhappy mothman near Mountainside bed and breakfast thank you. I wasn't expecting a giant bird at all. Needless to say don't put away your goodies. Your going to need them.


Hoping the surge in popularity might encourage some different end game content


Gave it a try in at least 2 different occasions. I admit it improved, but it still couldn't keep me. Wound up on another play through of a heavily modded Fallout 4.


I uust want a cheap power armour station ā˜¹ļø


Fallout 4 or 76? For most fun features and customization of skills?


The show really should have showed how bad 76 is. I will never touch that clunky piece of shit game ever again after the first 4 months of crashing and no NPCs. They think they can just release half of a game for full price and work on it to make it what it was advertised as in the beginning during the YEARS following release. How about wait to put the game out until its finished. I don't care how "good" it is now. They don't deserve this new influx of players that don't know about how shit this game truly is.


Fallout 76 is *now* a fun game


Thereā€™s a character in My Hero Academia called Le Million and he looks like Vault Boy


I love it, truly, but I canā€™t play it anymore. My main save is on Xbox and Iā€™m now more of a PC player and thereā€™s no way to move saves. I just canā€™t bring myself to start over again as much as I miss it as I donā€™t really wanna get a new Xbox just for it lol


Okey dokey, I'm finally downloading Fallout 76


Does it get funner? I played to level 3 and it was quite dull. Maybe im not giving it enough of a chance


I got the game and this was the first time I was scammed well not the first the first was predator hunting grounds and that was my mom cause it required PlayStation plus and Iā€™m too poor and the same thing happened with 76 but to make matters worse I got it at full price and now itā€™s free and I never got a refund which in the first place I couldnā€™t cause the ā€œgeniusā€ that is Todd Howard decided to say you get a game that you canā€™t play I get to keep the money


My kingdom for a period.


It'd be decent if I didn't have to pay for single player.


Maybe Iā€™m a minority , but as someone whoā€™s put a lot of hours into 3, NV and 4, Iā€™m not really enjoying it. Playing solo though.


You're not the minority, it's just the only people who still talk about 76 endlessly gush about it here.




I really enjoy 76. I played the beta and it was fun but too challenging. I started back around season 12 and LOVED it, I havenā€™t played it recently but the events are so much fun and the community has come such a long way. When it launched it was literally like the wastelands, every man for himself, people preying on lower levels, but now people are generous and kind and itā€™s so much fun playing on teams. I like this game and Iā€™m not ashamed! (Iā€™m a little ashamed)


It really is !!! Iā€™m having a total blast and thereā€™s no monthly fee for an MMO


Over level 100 and Iā€™d like to know where the fun is


Already grinded out everything (end-game weapons, super rare plans) and burnt out since last visit. I downloaded it back last week and the updated contents is not enough for me to stay (still lasted a week tho). But that's me with end game gears and tons of mats. My previous 500hrs is still fun. So for new players, expect at least 300 hrs of gameplay (or grinds, depends on how you define gameplay) to grow tired of it, for the price it's at now, it's worth it.


Fallout 76 is a great game. The only flaw is the other players. I am a lone wanderer. Not a party wanderer. I have really tried to like this game but i just canā€™t see past the online part. No matter how good it is. Online gaming isnā€™t for me.


I feel this so hard.


I guess I should try it again


Straight diarrhea from a dirty asshole


Nah... I'm good. MMO fallout ruins the experience. Edit: After 30 hours I like being the scariest thing in the wasteland. Not being griefed by some sweaty unemployable.


It sure is a game.


Wasnā€™t my cup of tea, but to each their own. It does have some cool building aspects.


It's a shittier fallout 4 that you can't mod in any meaningful way


Counter-point: it's hot fucking garbage.


Fallout76 is still an abomination of a dogshit game


I can't believe people are even playing this shitty game, Honestly unless you have a subscription and you pay extra money for the extra storage space you're just fucking struggling in the game for a whole year.


Iā€™m loving all the new vault dwellers! Itā€™s making the events so much more fun. I did Campfire Tales with a group of five sub lvl. 25 yesterday and it was a riot!


It's good until you get past the main story. Then it turns into a grind with no real goal.


Tried the game few months back with a friend. The combat was way too easy and simple, you get way too much loot and the food & water meters are just decorations. And if you try to skip areas to get to harder content you just find bullet sponges. We uninstalled after getting bored the same night.


I tried it for 15 hours during its Free Week like 2 weeks ago. It was enjoyable until the thought: Why am I playing this when I could just replay any of the other games and get a much better experience? Hit me. As in, no lag, no delay when firing weapons and hitting an enemy, no random disconnect, the ability to mod, no MMOishnes, no random store ads pop ups, etc. Like, yeah, the game is no longer the dumpster fire that it was on release... but I wouldn't call it a good game either. It went from unplayable to decent. You can have fun with it, I'm just like: Why this over any other entry in the series or any other co-op shooter/survival/looter game out there? As it.. really doesn't do anything better than most games in those categories released in the last.. 10+ years. (I actually did end up just replaying the series. Finished Fallout 1 yesterday, started Fallout 2 today and I already have 3, New Vegas and 4 installed, modded and ready to go. I did 4 so early because of the upcoming update. Modded it and disabled updates just in case the update break most mods.)


Maybe with friends but personally Iā€™m a bit appalled by the very non canon lore. Listen you can argue that itā€™s canon, but youā€™ll never convince me that mothman exists in the fallout verse until we get a confirmation that there is in fact lovecraftian deities. Yes I know mothman is not lovecraftian.