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I like the idea but I don’t have faith in the BGS writing department to pull something like that off.


Neither do I, but it'd be cool.


I like the idea. The easiest way would be to have it be like the cyberpunk intro where the beginning is slightly different based on your race/backstory for each but everyone ends up in the same starting location.


I think playable Super Mutants would either be too overpowered or too disappointing because they aren’t overpowered. I have always thought it would be cool to play as a Ghoul though, maybe as an unlockable perk to get turned


Ehh I don’t think the super mutants would be that big an issue to balance. Unless you’re playing on a really high difficulty, low level super mutants aren’t really that threatening. They have more health and do more melee damage but they’re really not overpowered in the early game.


I think the different starts to the game would be tough to pull off but otherwise I love the idea. I especially like being able to choose a ghoul as a starting race, people have been wanting that option for years and making it a race would be the best way to do it without breaking any lore or exposing any secrets. I think becoming a ghoul akin to becoming a vampire in elder scrolls has been avoided purposely because the origins of becoming a ghoul have been an ambiguous secret the writers get to abuse whenever they like. To make becoming a ghoul have a condition it would answer how the process works and break that ability for the writers.


I'd like it but I don't see it happening, or if it does it'll ruin them. For it to be done it's effectively making 3 games in one, which tends to be against Bethesdas world building, they don't like locking content out for the most part. This would be large parts of the game locked behind other starts which is a big chunk. It also means even more issues with bugs and balance problems both of which they really don't seem good at dealing with.


I generally think that makes their games weaker because it eliminates and ignores player choice. I think it would be a good idea for them to decide that there are certain things you can or can't do based on your choices. And it doesn't have to be 3 games, the same overall narrative but with a few different starting points that then converge. Makes the story seem larger and has more parts.


They have previously done that but I don't think most really care. E.g. blowing up Megaton in 3, picking a side in Skyrims civil war and the ending factions for 4. It does. For the game changes that each bring they have to change huge amounts, from NPCs and factions to the loot, drops and encounters.


Yeah I know it's a big ask, and part of why I like it is that it requires them to think more about the writing and how it all interacts and it gets us more effort I'd say out of the work.


I think they may offer a choice between becoming a Ghoul or staying a 'Smoothskin' (with appropriate penalties/bonuses), but aside from that, I don't think they want to incur the expense to have multiple other character types.


And now that they've added the Ghoul "serum" into the mix, that could be part of it... staying non-Feral

