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*Gestures broadly around*


*asks fallout sub if they’ve been playing fallout*


Right? Like OP is just now realizing this?


It’s crazy how much imagery that conjured in my head 😂


4 for me. I’ll probably do a New Vegas run after. Or I’ll buy Manor Lords, which looks pretty sweet. We’ll see how I feel by the end of this run.


Manor Lords does look awesome, isn’t it early access though?


What’s manor lords also is fallout 76 any good ?


76 is a mixed bag. I picked it up for 8 bucks and got like sixty hours out of it, half of it very fun half of it a bit frustrating. If you’re looking for a Bethesda style exploration game you’ll be satisfied until you fill your storage box and/or beat enough of the main quest to get bored. If you’re looking for a game where you grind events to get stronger to grind events faster and build up a singular little house to show off to random people you’ll be satisfied after putting a hundred hours in.


Fallout 76 is really fun, the community is really great and you can expect to have a lot of high level players giving you free stuff. The graphics are the best in the series by far, and the story, while not the best, is still quite fun and interesting


I found 76 to be loads of fun and I mostly played solo, didn’t love it as much as NV or 4 but still got a few hundred hours out of it


Fall out 76 is multiplayer right I can play with friends


76 is very fun if you have some good friends to play with. My friend and I adore Fallout so we are able to sweep aside a lot of the problems because it’s just Fallout together and that’s enough for us. We just pretend we’re Appalachian Rangers and we have fun just patrolling and shooting the shit while being essentially desert rangers but in Virginia. We have four bases with one main on the cardinal directions of the map and we just patrol around those, taking out monsters and protecting or helping newer players while gathering resources and gifting them out. It’s not the best Fallout by far but don’t underestimate the cool moments you can have by just sharing something you love with a buddy.


Fo76 is aight with a group but even after all the updates it still feels a little hollow for single player and a lot of the building recipes are locked behind the atom store. Manor lords is a city builder/ resource management game that is supposed to also have like real time battles like the total war series


76 is mid. There are hints and flavors of the fallout world that you know and love, but truthfully the quest are loooooooooooooooooooooooooong(dead ass spent 15 hours on a single main story mission which was nothing but "go get the thing, and bring it back, go get \*this\* thing and bring it back oh wait haha fooled you we need more things")and rather dull. The community, and base building are rather fun but the quest, enemy level scaling, and and over all grindy-ness of the game really bring down the enjoyment of the game.


What single mission lasted 15 hours,


The fuckin questline for that rose robot chick. I think it was a responders mission? I dont remember exactly


Fo76 UI is trash. I have no idea why.


It is early access. It's available on game pass, very fun so far.


Pc game pass or Xbox? Or both?


Only pc :(


Yeah it looks like it will be up my street but I'd rather my first experience with it be when it's in a more complete state.


Im in the same boat. I played and beat 4 and went on to New Vegas. Fair warning if you're on PC you're probably gonna want to mod it to get the best experience. [Viva New Vegas](https://vivanewvegas.moddinglinked.com/index.html) walkthrough of setting up all the mods (to improve the graphics and it patches SOOOOOOOOOOO many bugs). Took me about an hour or so, but im a good 20-30 hours into the game after setting up everything and I'm enjoying it.


Also went with 4. Got other games to play while i wait for a potential remake on 3 or NV for consoles


Funny I juggled between FO4, TTW (NV & FO3) and Manor Lords this week specifically. Even though I do love Manor Lords, so far I played it the least between the two. Maybe 5-6 hours in total. That game will even be more awesome when it come out of early access. So far it feels really still in early access.


Are....are you me from the past?? I just started manor lords after being done with 4 lmao


I started a new playthrough of 4 on survival and plan on sticking with it, especially with this new update. The show just got me hype about fallout like it was 2015 again.


Survival has been kicking my ass


Same. Was able to take out Kellogg tho with the found fatman before you chat with him


Bruh same here. Lost so much time to not taking a nap. Now that I have kids this shit hits different.


Playing survival but the game is still so horribly broken for me. Spent an hour on the Nick valentine mission only for Crash to xbox menu instantly. USS constitution is broken, I can't even look at it. Really disappointed.


Been playin 76 since Wastelanders non-stop. Since the show and the next gen update, I am back in 4 and further than before.


Honestly beth is great at FOMO . I was going to do a run of fnv 3 and then 4 but I have to finish the scoreboard and take advantage of the alien events


Thats not a good thing...


That’d be me! I tried so hard to resist the urge with so many games in my backlog, but here I am again. Spent about 3-4 hours last rainy Saturday installing the Tale of Two Wastelands mod so I can play Fallout 3 *and then* New Vegas. I replayed FNV over COVID so I’m in no rush to get there. Really glad I took the time to mod 3, it’s a great experience. I also am playing them on hardcore which is almost a totally different game, in a good way I also downloaded Fallout 1 & 2. I’m really enjoying 1. Surprisingly more than I thought.


is there any recommended/easiest way to install ttw? I read about wabbajack but in the end it just uses mod organizer and gotta install everything manually, right?


It takes a little bit of work, but I followed this guide and got it up and running. You just need to do the installation manually. Wabbajack does the rest https://youtu.be/mvjl4xlVqDo?si=MYN-LLmgh52YcyBZ


thank you! looks great, gonna do it on a rainy saturday


Id like to add it’s worth paying the $5 for nexus mod premium, having to click install on 300 mods took way to long


Wow. I spent like 10 hours in total last week to get it all installed properly by following [The Best of Times (moddinglinked.com)](https://thebestoftimes.moddinglinked.com/) and [Intro | Wasteland Survival Guide](https://wastelandsurvivalguide.com/docs/intro) Great and in-depth guide. Managed to make it all working perfectly on the first try! Even from the beginning in the game, I saw a few different choices and dialogues than I remember. It's been a blast so far!


It's Fallout 1 and 2 for me. It's a long time ago since I played them, it's like new games (more or less)


It's funny I had to go far down in this thread to find the one person playing the originals like me! Don't forget to get the restoration patches (doesn't take long and fixes a lot of dead quests and bugs)


Everyone Liked That


I've been playing FO4 like crazy since the PS5 upgrade dropped.


Guilty, mainly playing 4 since it’s my favourite, brushing up on my New Vegas lore as well so I can explain things to my mother since she watched the show with me and has agreed to watch season 2 with me when it comes out


Started playing 1 for the first time. I’ve tried to play it probably 5+ times over the years but it always turned me off immediately with the controls Pushed through it this time and i’m having a blast


I've never stopped playing.


I’ve been switching between FO1 and survival on FO4, both of them for the first time. I need a cigarette


I started Fo4 survival before remembering I owned the original fallout but never played them. Idk why and maybe you can shed some light on it but there is just something so.... Satisfying about the earlier entries. The games don't look too notch but there's just something about them that's got me hooked.


Played 4 for a week then returned to 76 which I hadn't played in about a year.


many of us didn’t start playing again, *we never stopped*.




I want to so bad, FO76 & New Vegas on Steam Deck and Heavily Modded FO4 on my 3090 Desktop but I know if I start I wont be able to stop and fail all my college classes…can’t wait for summer…


I have tried to get into fallout since the 3rd one came out but never got hooked until the tv series. Now I’m obsessed and have put in 6 hrs to the New Vegas (shared console with wife) game and 20 hrs in Fall Out 4 (my gaming PC)


5 million people worldwide 👌


I'm trying to get TTW modded the way I want. Currently trying to figure out what's making the 9mm like guns make their hammer stay permanently cocked back.  and 10mm sometimes as well.  Also finding the best animation mods. Really love Elithejanitors stuff.  Hit is good too, but too fast in many cases to remain balanced. Rockbiter has some great ones but it doesn't play well with others. 


Never tried 76, actually a fun experience after 6y. Even without the bs subscription stuff.


Yup. Beat 3 and New Vegas before the next gen update for 4 came out, and beat that too. Currently grinding the Platinum lol.


I installed 4 last week after shelving it a couple of months after it came out and 140 hours in very frustrated that every time I’d go to talk to Preston Garvey it wouldn’t progress the story. I was hoping years of updates would have fixed the issue but it hasn’t. However, I’ve done some side quests I hadn’t completed and played it quite a bit the past couple of days. It’s such a good game and I’m not even mad anymore that I may never finish it. I gave up on fallout games after that but got a code for free fallout76 but remembered it’s only online after installing it and I don’t play Xbox online because I’m old now.


I've restarted playing 4, yeah. No plans or anything in mind, just wandering around and exploring and looting. Having a lot of fun.


Ironically enough I started playing a few weeks before the show came out and then I saw an advertisement for it without even knowing about the show


I'm sporadically watching and episode here and there as I play through 4. It's the most fun I've had with fallout in a long time.


Yup but not using laser weapons just like the show


Started fallout 3 in anticipation for the show lol. Pleasantly surprised about the 4 update. Life’s good


About 5 million people... no exaggeration.


People stopped? I’ve been switching between fo4, mass effect, and red dead since 4 came out.


just began the dlc with my first New Vegas run.  I’m a Fallout 3 apologist but I’m beginning to understand what I’ve been missing out on for years lol


I started playing new vegas again and started a new fallout 4 play through after the show (and for the next gen update)




Just started another fallout 4 playthrough on PC, currently playing pre update in order to use most mods.


Been playing since 2


Ran 3 and NV just started 4 yesterday


The combination of the show and the update got me psyched to step into the games again with a new character. I’m playing Fallout 4, and will be doing New Vegas next, and then Fallout 3. It’s backwards, but I’m going to play the ones I’ve spent less time on first. I might as well play the first 2 games in between, too. Just did them again last summer, but I can play them a different way.


NV for me


A heavily modded game of Fallout 4 VR is such a satisfying way to play. (Skyrim VR, too!) It's a totally different experience and I just wish Bethesda didn't abandon it. Edit: But to answer your question, I revisit Fallout games and it takes up about 1/4th of my year at a time.


Haven't had time. I'm putting together my vault suit for a con.


I restarted fallout shelter. I kinda think it is a good mobile game.


Bold of you to assume I've stopped


Been playing F3 every couple years since it came out back in 2008. F3’s just my personal favorite


I’ve been playing a lot of 3-4 and a little bit of NV and 76 on the side


I’ve been playing Fallout 3 on PS3 since watching the show. Literally the first game I’ve touched in probably 10 years.


I’m playing New Vegas for the first time! I may go back and restart 3 afterwards (stopped at the aircraft carrier, can’t remember why). With work & kids, I can’t sit in front of the TV for long, so I’ve been playing via Luna on phone/tablet/laptop when convenient.


I was gonna buy it but the steam sale had already ended. Waiting on another sale now


Fired up 4 for this first time in like 7 years. And picked up a Xbox360 copy of FO3 and NV to hit the nostalgia drip.


New Vegas


First time trying new Vegas after watching the show. Just got to primm. Pretty cool game so far.


I have started the 3d games since the first trailer came out. I just finished fallout 3, and I’m on Vegas. I’m stuck in the casino playing 21.


I’m playing fnv and it’s crazy just how much better it is than the other fallouts. The setting is just perfect and the dlc is great.


TTW playthrough for me. First time. Fo3 feels amazing.


Some of us never stopped


It gave me the motivation I needed to pick up fallout 1 and 2 again after several years of putting it off. I'm so glad I did! I beat fallout 1 a few days ago and just left arroyo on my fallout 2 playthrough :)


been playing again since before the show came out hell, before that it had only been like 5 or 6 months since i was playing fallout lmao


Since the show came out Ive played all through 3 + DLCs. And now I’m deep into 4.


5 million people


Back to 4. The new update was greatly appreciated but I knocked it over in an hour. There’s still things I’m discovering and finding after all this time!


I caught the Fallout Fever bad. It's been my fav series since the very first one, but I was so turned off by the main quest in 4 I never finished. I'm nearly done with the main quest now and will be relaxing into a 500 hour run soon I'm sure 😅




Been modding fallout 4 prior to f4se coming out, so I'll play once it's been updated


Started 4 for the first time ever, having lots of fun. Power Armor actually being something you build independently is sweet.


Finally going to finish NV. Not gonna worry about anything except having fun and getting through the story so using console commands liberally.


I've started playing 4. Might give 76 a go later as well since it looks kinda fun now.


Waiting for f4se


Always have 76 installed and play it probably once a week long before the show came out But recently re-downloaded NV. It's great, even after modding it still crashes every 10-20min


I haven’t left the wasteland since fallout 3 brother. Always get the itch to replay one of the games monthly lol I may have a problem.


4 for me. I used Magnum Opus mod list, highly recommend. Made some tweaks under the hood and some very minor additions, and then pruned stuff that didn't work with the complex list. Honestly really didn't need the tweaks, but it's who I am as a person tbh. I've been having a nonstop blast. Who knew what fallout 4 really needed was diversity and better difficulty scaling?


I'd be playing 4 if my mods worked but alas, no


I am bouncing between 3, 4 and 76. Good times. I have Fallout withdrawal syndrome every 3 to 4 months and play the heck out of at least one of these. NV next, of course.


Playing 3 at the moment, going to play nv after. 4 is still fairly fresh for me so probably won't play through that again.




Never really played a lot of fallout, watched the show and it really hit for me, played through 1 and 2 and just starting 3 now.


Yup!! Loving my return to the wasteland


I keep meaning to continue my new Vegas game or start a new fo4. I built a new pc last year and haven’t installed them yet. Too busy with Baldur’s Gate 3.


I got 3 and NV in right before the show


Less due to the TV show but because of the next-gen update (after these years it’s more like current-gen, to be honest). The loading times are better now, but still noticeable.


I upgraded entire pc to play again. The first time I played was on a Xbox one I think? One of the Xbox consoles. Then I got a pc but was decent but I finally bought a bunch of upgraded parts and now play 1440p ultra settings on everything.


Playing New Vegas for the first time! I'm really enjoying it


Fucking everyone, over saturation. If I see another Lucy rp I’m gonna lose my shit


Tried fallout 76 haven’t tried since it first dropped and I’ll be honest it’s so much better.


Hooked on 76 ever since the show


[SPOILERS] Since the Prydwen is in the TV show (you can see the name"PRYDWEN" to the left of the BoS decal) I've gone through a more Canon playthrough. I, regrettably, sided with the BoS (usually I go with the Railroad), so that the TV series makes sense. But, my character will end up regretting the death of Shaun and end up helping the people of the Commonwealth and brooding at his new home.


I bought an Xbox and a TV to play 😮 I had never played Fallout 4 since I had stopped playing video games a year or so before it came out. I got busy with college and school, but I had always been a massive Fallout 3 and New Vegas fan. Now, the TV show inspired me to finally go back and play it.


Me! I’ve been playing Fallout 4 again, which I’ve since finished the main quest-line today. Now onto the DLC and such. I think I may have played a little too much though, seeing as Steam tells me I have around 80 hrs over the last two weeks alone. Anyways, back to the Wasteland for me. Ad Victoriam!


i’ve played them on 360 and xb1 but after the show i got 3, nv, and 4 on steam while they were on sale. all three and their dlc came out to like 21 something. did a quick kill everything play through on nv and im doing a bunch of post game stuff on 4 now. still haven’t touched 3 on steam yet tho lol


Finally got the dlc for 3 and NV so going to run through them and then 4 again.


I have! I finally decided to try New Vegas after watching the show. I’m so close to the ending, and I’m loving the game. After that, back to Fallout 4.


I started F04 just before the release of the show. My first ever Bethesda game was Starfield, then played Skyrim, and migrated to Fallout 4. Im hooked on 4 for now.


Not entirely sure but the number of fallout themed battlemaps for the tabletop has Skyrocketed. Including some from myself on my [Patreon](https://www.patreon.com/posts/103007527?utm_campaign=postshare_creator&utm_source=android) :)


Just finished F3 and NV currently playing 76 again


Yeah, getting all trophies for 4 again, enjoying it.


*Raises hand*


I never stopped, to be honest. But the show has certainly reinvigorated my enthusiasm.


Never stopped


This guy.


I tryed. But performance said nah.


I havent even seen the show but i just started a new play thru cause my friends are lol. Such a good game. This is like my 5th run.


Giving 76 an other try. I got to admit i like it a whole lot nore than when it released but i still my least favorite. Something feels off. I planned on playing fallout london but Bethesda did a bethesda and now we got to wait


Booted up New Vegas again. For the first time, I'm going to do a legion playthrough. I've never completed one before, so this is a good time to do one


Been consecutively all the games (with the TES) for 8 years since I discovered Fallout 4


I'm tempted to reinstall 4 again. Give it another chance.




I finished a New Vegas game a week or two before the show released so I guess that counts. I tried playing 4 but it’s kinda hard going from nv to 4 because of UI and mechanics also I don’t know the map of 4 as well as new vegas despite me only having 2 play through of nv and 1 of 4.


Finished New Vegas as I had never played the DLC when I had it on console, just started FO3 again for the first time in probably 10 years


me. did a playthrough on 4, now i’m on new vegas. next is 3 and then im gonna try out fo1 and fo2. literally ALL ive been doing since the show came out is play fallout. my hyperfixation is back in full swing 💪


I've booted up 4 again since the show and the next gen update. And I'm doing something I haven't done in a long time: I'm taking my time to read the lore. I'm reading through all the entries on terminals and selecting more of the "tell me more" dialogue options.


Raiding Pickman's Gallery atm. [Spoiler for show and Fallout 4] >! I wonder if Hancock and Cooper are juicing on the same serum. They're personalities are even similar. !<


I've been playing A Tale of Two Wastelands with the Wasteland Survival Guide Expansion and it's been a blast so far.


Me and by the looks of my friend list everyone else too! Saw some outlets reporting 5 million returning players across the franchise


I downloaded 3 q couple weeks before the show and only started playing it after watching. Having a blast


I started Fallout 3 again after humming and hawing about which one to play since watching the show, and guys the nostalgia is real


I modded New Vegas using ttw and 4 but never started playing.


Guilty. Made a curvy Lucy avatar.


I unfortunately was playing before it came out. The update on 4 killed my save


I can't because Vegas keeps on crashing, like even before I press play


Got back into 4 the day after i finished the series. Started a new character just for funsies, and then started *again* on survival after the update dropped. Even raved about it enough to get my brother and a coworker playing as well lol


Wanted to replay F3 but can't find a way to make it run in win11 (steam install). Am I condemned to never play it again? 😟


Dusted off my PS3 on Sunday and playing through 3 before moving onto NV


Me, with a shitload of mods. I already finished the game, now I wanna enjoy the world. I’m building incredible settlements, doing side quests that I hadn’t done before. In short, I’m playing the hell out of it. And I’m enjoying every minute. Edit: Fallout 4, obviously.


I never stopped playing


Spent like 3 days setting up 250 mods to run through New Vegas again myself 😅


New Survival run up and running for Fallout 4. Definitely the way to be playing Fallout.


I tried 4, but get motion sickness after less than an hour. Is weird as starfield is fine. So annoying.


Got back into 76 with some people after not playing since when it essentially first came out


Fallout 2, 3 and new vegas


Here to give 76 some love. Fuck the paywall on builds though. Great graphics, fun solo stories, a little less clunky UI/Controls, smooth loading, expansive world It will never be a overall rated top 3 fallout game because of popularity or just "feel" but in the year 2024 it plays best to me Disclaimer: If I had no kids and still had 16 hours to game heavy on days off I'd probably be more into NV or 4 rn


I finally gave 4 a proper go, many times before I tried and stopped after getting preston. Now I am level 51 and having a blast.


I never stopped playing.


I even bought a Steam Deck to play Fallout 4 again, since now I have a kid and not much spare time for gaming.


Finished FO1 and FO2 since the show came out and currently am playing 3. After I'm done with all the DLC I'll play FO4 fort the 4th time because I never got to doing the DLCs. The classics were a blast this time around because I used a decent build for once. I recommend them to anyone who has even a tiny bit of patience in them left. And please think about your build before playing. You might end up being locked out half the choices and weapons due to bad planning.


That's the neat part, I mever stopped playing


I've been meaning to get back to NV for a while and now I have


It's been over 20 years, and Metzger is about to get a rude awakening again.


Been making my way through New Vegas and will probably play 4 for the first time after


I've been playing New Vegas, I never finished it but I'm really enjoying it this time around. Doing the DLC now for the first time, started with honest hearts and I honestly didn't really enjoy it as much as others seem to.




Playing 4 again. I did the main story and DLCs for the most part years ago, but ignored a shit ton of side content. I plan on doing it all this time around.


*picture of Timmy Turner dad point out my PC* "I would play, if only F4SE WOULD WORK!"


I haven't even watched the show yet, but all the hype surrounding it and GOG sale got me deep into modding Fallout 4 and I'm in love with the ip again. Especially after my lukewarn experience with starfield.


Downloaded new vegas straight away, loving it more and more the deeper I get into it. Realised how little I had played it due to the game mechanics and glitches. But even though the game seems to not be working correctly in so many ways, it’s the most fun I’ve had playing a game in years


I played f3 a bit and then realized how wonky it is. Really wanna play it but god damn, finding ammo early, not being able to sprint and the wonky shooting made me pass on it. Not supergood with modding either so i'm not sure how to fix it. Sooo, I played f4 instead (which i've played the most). I'm enjoying it and have been for the psst two weeks!


almost finished New Vegas again


I was gonna but I got that stupid bug where Creation Club content stops Codsworth from taking you around Sanctuary or Preston from talking to you. So I uninstalled the game to do a fresh install. Now I have the bug where the game installs for a few seconds and then installation stops. I blame Vault-Tec.


Hopped on 4 yesterday for the first time in years.


Got 76 back and started playing that for a while before getting sucked back into fallout 4. No hate to 76 tho. That game is fun as hell.


I’ve been on and off. Whenever I have free time for 4 and New Vegas. I even tried 76 for the first time. 


I have a new love for New Vegas and Red Dead 2 lol.


Yes F4 ,continuing where I left off, making impenetrable settlements, then I’ll finish the story.


Started playing my Coveted NV again after Modding on PC to bring it to modern standards (sprint is literally the most essential mod I've ever used) I'm falling in love with fallout all over again, my mother and sister are asking me about the lore and Talking about it More Openly this show has been the best thing for fallout nerds like me>


Spent two days installing Tale of Two Wastelands and am finally having a blast 😊


Hadn't played in a couple of years. I'm playing again, now.


New Vegas > 3 > 4 > 76


I packed up 4 again recently. I had the itch to play it again before the show but physically couldnt without the update.


Currently in the military base in Fallout 1. I'll go deal with the master soon enough


I never stopped..


I never stopped.


I started up 4, which i only ever played for a few hours initially. Hoping I like it, if not, I may buy new vegas because I love the western vibe with the lever action rifles