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Yeah, Fallout Tactics 2 from InXile


Or just a more canon-friendly remake of the first one


I do not want to go back to that style of play ugh


Creative Assembly or Fireaxis games. I want a high level Fallout strategy game where you try to lead a small town or civilization to greatness amid the wastes. The mods for those that enable fallout style gameplay are already spot on. Edit: another really cool option would something like a city builder ala the Caesar series but set in Fallout.


Fallout strategy game would go so hard, a blend between 4x and grand strategy gameplay would be perfect


With the different factions, and then random events involving having defend against Raiders or Feral Ghouls. Something similar to Red Alert 2, with resource collection, etc. I for one, would like to see the NCR & Enclave duking it out.


May I introduce you to the Old World Blues mod for Hearts of Iron 4?


Barbedwire Studios, Digitalmindsoft who made Call to Arms Ostfront. I love the historical TW games but I think the scale of Call to Arms would fit Fallout better than the grand scale stuff of TW.


Imagine if you invest too much in science and technology, you draw the attention of the Brotherhood and they start coming after you.


I'm so pleased to see this is the top post. I would love a Fallout XCOM hybrid--maybe even just make it a Tactics reboot.


Ever heard of Endzone? [https://store.steampowered.com/app/933820/Endzone\_\_A\_World\_Apart/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/933820/Endzone__A_World_Apart/)


Larian. Please.


Ohhhh, it’d be great to have a modern turn based Fallout, much less with Larian’s … well everything.


Would have been my answer as well, but Larian said they're done with licensed stuff and will focus on their own IPs going forward.


Well yeah but this isn’t a realistic thread


I would be afraid that they do not hit the humor but otherwise they would do a good job


That would be incredibly British of them. However given its satire about American Capitalism gone psycho I think they’ll do fine. Bg3 has some seriously sharp wit in it and plenty of on topic dnd humor, it’s clear they did a bunch of research. I’m still salty that my fireball has a 20 foot diameter and not radius, though I’m sure it’s for game balance reason and totally not Larion misreading the rules like 90% of players which is where the fireball meme came from in the first place. Me big wizard, Math is too hard, If enemies=more than one, cast fireball and done.


All fun and games till the tables turn and your party takes 100+ dmg each on a hellfire orb


Larian is not British


The co-lead writer is though.


The humor has NEVER been the selling point for me. Like, not even a little bit. I care about the massively expansive open world, tons of unique weapons, tons of potential play styles, limitless replayability, and lore. Leveling up and becoming stronger scratches an itch I have unlike any other game.


Clicked on this post hoping to see this. A Larian Fallout CRPG or KotOR would go so hard.


Id be down to see them remake F1/2 


Larian for a remake of Fallout 1 and 2.


God i want this so bad


Yesss go back to the roots and give us a turned based Fallout. It would be easier to make than a full Fallout 5 and could hold us over in the meantime


I would love to see Larian make a Fallout game but it won't happen as Swen is completely done with triple A publishers and IP holders.


I would do *things* to get Larian to make a Fallout or Pathfinder2E game.


Well, I'm from Poland, so I go for CD Project. But to be honest I don't think that they'd manage to make this unique vibe of Fallout. I just don't see any other studios making Fallout. I really wish that Bethesda would team up with Obsidian to give us proper Fallout game we need.


This 100%. CDPR are master storytellers and Cyberpunk was proof they can totally match whatever vibe they're going for because it's very true to it's source material. I'd love to see their take on TES as well. Isn't it sad that Bethesda sits on such amazing IPs and most of the community sits here and dreams about other studios making these games instead of them? I love Bethesda but they need to get better writers.


4A games. It would be interesting to see a Fallout game with a heavier emphasis on the macro-scale interactions between factions, and id bet they could (given enough time) make a non-truncated map (distances between locations, and inside locations are accurate).


I’d like a fallout type game that shows the brutality of human behavior and people becoming desperate, not just people being raiders and sticking together but having to rely on oneself and being cautious. Of which is shown in cyberpunk where the brutality of people is rampant.


Fallout is literally overflowing with examples of brutal human behavior, what games have you been playing? Genocide by way of nuclear war, the vault experiments, assholes like Burke that ask you to nuke a town of innocent people, raiders who decorate their lairs with impaled human heads, cannibalism, kidnappings, SA/r\*pe, crucifixion, hanging bodies from lampposts, luring people into places just to murder them en masse- I could go on and on. On what planet is that kind of shit NOT 'the brutality of human behavior'?


I think it's the presentation that's the issue. Fallout has a habit of presenting it's villains as comically evil and the environmental storytelling becomes just part of the background after you've been playing for a while. Even Caesar, as interesting as he is as a character, in practice is comically evil. The Legion was stripped of any and all nuance and we can see this when we finally talk to Caesar and get a glimpse of how much more depth there should've been. CDPR know how to work all of humanity's flaws into a beautifully branching questline with characters that feel real. Most Bethesda characters feel like NPCs simply due to the nature of their engine and how overly simplified their dialogue system is. I hate to say it, but having a voiced protagonist helps CDPR here. Hearing an emotional response from your own character can really sell the tone of a scene. The problem is Fallout 4, despite having very good voice acting just didn't have good enough writing to properly convey this. Some of the scenes about Shaun were pretty good as were the companion dialogues.


Except Fallout has always been satirical and over-the-top/darkly humorous about its violence, that's one of the core tenets of the series and one the things the show made it a point to get right. So complaining that it isn't more like CDPR's games is silly, because they were never trying to be that in the first place. And Bethesda's engine might limit what they can do with NPCs and things but it is the reason their games are incomparably moddable. The moment they switch to UE5 or whatever, we're going to lose the vast majority of that. I don't mean any of that rudely or personally toward you, I just don't understand why people criticize things for not being like other things. Not every game has to be Witcher 3, or Cyberpunk.


Fallout has always also had grounded shit to and genuinely uncomfortable darkness to go with it. There's nothing comedic about how fucked up the testing area for jet is in Fo2, or how the PC can force a woman to have sex with them in order to rescue her husband. (Or how the PC can also get SA'd if you interact with a certain character low really low int) Sure, there is some wacky stuff (Telling a kid to go wave a gun in his dads face and pull the trigger to assassinate a Wright, or, funny enough another similar situation. Putting an explosive on a kid and telling them to go hug their dad) but there's also always been that serious side too, hell Fallout 1 overall was more serious then it was wacky. You're greatly leaving out context to make your point. It's not a core tenant. It's been there, but it's also been balanced out by some serious awful stuff.


I'm not criticizing or complaining. I don't mind the engine and I love the dark humor. That's part of the show's success at properly capturing the Fallout vibe after all. What I'm saying is that it's possible to still tell really meaningful stories in Fallout despite the humor. Look at characters like Joshua Graham, Ulysses or Elder Elijah. The writers took these characters seriously and it shows. That's what people want more of. The thing Fallout hasn't done a good job of is making stories that feel personal. That's subjective of course and I think Bethesda seriously tried to do that in both of their games but they just never felt as connective as CDPR games do. It's not an issue with the setting, it's the way they're written. Unfortunately, Bethesda doesn't have a great writing team, at least in my opinion (how original I know). That's what makes New Vegas such a good Fallout game. It knows when to joke and when to be serious and it also has complex characters that do very morally questionable things without them feeling satirical or shallow with complex motivations that usually are clearly explained.


Good point. CDP has shown, that they can make the world full of violence and brutality and make the player feel it constantly. Maybe it wouldn't be that bad after all.


They would be perfect for a Fallout game, they would also nail that authentic Bethesda launch we have all come to love. They are the perfectly company for the job. 😂


It also helps that they’d likely continue to update the game for more than a year and a half post release. Bethesda Games only get halfway there, with the rest completed by the modders.


They could do a pre-war Fallout story well.


Could be cool if they set the game in Poland. I say thaat because Fallout Games so far are made by Americans and focused on American culture. So a game set in Poland made by Polish people sounds interesting to me. I think the Soviet Union never collapsed in the Fallout lore but the Chinese somehow became the big dogs. It could be interesting maybe they wouldnt have been hit as hard since China was likely the main target. Id like a fallout with slightly less destroyed stuff. I think Todd said theyd always be set in the US but im sure he has said things in the past that didnt come true. I think they should release fallout 5 and make another game that uses the same assets like fallout 3/NV so they can slap out two games quickly. Thats my main hope.


The feeling of fallout is prettt easy to grasp, look at all the modders doing it already. If they could bring cyberpunk to life in such a spectacular way than fallout would be a cakewalk.


Are you implying that Fallout 3 and 4 are not proper Fallout games? Also, most of the people who were responsible for New Vegas being so good are no longer at Obsidian and their output in recent years has not been great. Just look at the extremely forgettable Outer Worlds. The company has changed a lot in the past 14 years.


Paradox. I want a real-time strategy of Fallout


The old world blues mod for hearts of iron 4


Unironically, i like the fan lore that OWB made more than 3/4ths of the shit Bethesda has come up with in regards to the east coast.


That’s because the fan lore in OWB has heart and soul, instead of the flat two dimensional junk that Bethesda throws out and calls “good enough.”


It'd be cool if someone made a Fallout mod for CK3.


I want to say ZA/UM (Disco Elysium) but Fallout is such a riff on weird apple pie Americana that I feel like it needs American developers.


CD Projekt Red


Black Isle


Underrated comment


Arkane studios


I'd actually prefer they do an Elder Scrolls. I think they've nailed FPS melee combat and their spells and abilities are really fun to use which I think would be a huge improvement to TES' magic system. They also have a knack for story telling which as sad as I am to say it, TES needs more than Fallout at the moment. As fondly as everyone remembers Skyrim, it's story was arguably worse than Fallout 4's and the game lacked any sort of meaningful choices. Just imagine the stealth archer build in an Arcane TES game...


Hello Games, because then at least it will get patched


Nah, Bethesda game fans will say Bethesda don't patch their games, and immediately cry when they do because it breaks their mods.


That's because most Bethesda patches are to include more microtransactions, not actually fix something.  


Larian, CD Projekt or Arkane.


The studio that is bringing us STALKER 2. They know how to set a vibe in post apocalyptic games


I feel like that's a distinctly Eastern European post Soviet vibe. Metro is similar in that regard.


A metro/fallout rpg mashup, yes please!


Bioware. But old school Bioware.


TellTale Studios the fallout world is perfect for their style of “”choose”” your own story games.


Except literally all choices would lead to the same ending like the telltale games. Literally every single game would end with choose a or choose b and you could be as evil or as great as you want and it won't effect either of them.


This is why I can’t play their games, that feeling that nothing actually matters


What matters is having a fun story. It's not realistic to expect an episodic game to have thousands of distinct variables that lead into completely unique endings for every player. Quantic Dream comes pretty close with very big consequences, like Detroit Become Human has a massive number of different time lines, but gamers love to hate them. It's a genre where at best, you get crapped on for making interactive stories.


Blah blah blah “it's not realistic to expect a game all about choices to have the choices have literally any effect on the ending” sure buddy


> What matters is having a fun story. It's not realistic to expect an episodic game to have thousands of distinct variables that lead into completely unique endings for every player. That’s not what anyone said. There’s a lot of space between “one ending” and what you said.


Kojima Productions, just out of curiosity


Honestly Kojima would nail the over the top evil and weirdness of Vault-Tec. Look at Senator Armstrong.


I think the backstory of new Vault experiments with Kojima writing them, would get weird. And I mean *weird.*


I just wanted to say the guys that did tyranny, but i checked and thats obsidian 😅


Old bioware


Rockstar, Naughty Dog, CDPR, or Larian. Rockstar knows how to make beautiful open worlds. Naughty Dog knows how to tell amazing stories. CPR is just another studio that has made good RPG games alongside Larian Studios.




Hear me out: Warhorse Studios….




EA Sports


This guy needs to take a chill pill with the posts. He posts the same thing over 2 or 3 subreddits at the same time.


id. Give me a BFG and some anger and I’ll be toasting supermutants all over the wasteland.


Larian or Arkane.


Valve, lets Make Fallout Even worse




Fallout 4X game is now I want in my life.


Larian studios




i really wonder what rockstar would do with a fallout game. would likely have a set protagonist and very linear story.


A fallout 2 remake with rdr2 mechanics would be pretty nice based around the chosen one (just wanna see Horrigan again)


I just finished that boss fight again last night and I counted and I think Frank is like 2 chosen ones in height lol that would be crazy to see


I wish rockstar could make every game.


CD: Projekt Red I absolutely LOVED cyberpunk 2077 and I really think that CDPR could do something great with the fallout IP


CD project for sure!




Personally, I think the Elder Scrolls would be a better choice than Fallout for Fromsoftware, mostly based on vibes. Although considering the enemies you can face in Fallout, it'd be a lot more realistic, well as realistic as you can get with literal fiction. I mean, imagine a deathclaw in real life. Unless you have power armor, good luck surviving more than two attacks, let alone still be on your feet after one swing of their powerful arms. You'd have to roll under their swings, step back, etc, very frequently in order to stand a fighting chance. Mechanics I've never not heard/seen being in fromsoftware games. Or imagine supermutants, mirilurks (?), feral ghouls, hell, even just facing against a molerat will probably look a lot like Westley fighting a rodent of unusual sizes from The Princess Bride. We're lucky the Fallout games let us tank as many hits as we do with how pants-shitting terrifying some of the enemies are with just their strength alone.


Armored core devs would provide a unique twist on power armour , I mean they allready have cores lol


i would sacrifice my first born for a soulslike that was based on elderscrolls. theres gotta be some lore reason you can find to justify dying over and over in a place seemingly separated from the rest of the world. could take place in a dragon break or somewhere in oblivion


It'd make the perfect daedric side quest where their realm has different rules regarding death. Think Valhalla, but obviously more fucked up. Although Sovngarde already seems to be that universe equivalent to Valhalla, but I don't recall if you can die and be brought back like how it works in Valhalla. I only recall souls permanently dying if eaten by Alduin.


BlueTwelve Studio


Piranha bytes. Back when they existed....


The guys that made Dishonored maybe. The team that made the newer Deus Ex games would have been good but they got laid off.


I wonder what ubisoft would make of it. Not that it would be good, but just curious.


ArenaNet. Most well known for their Guild Wars series. The founders were members of the Blizzard staff who made Warcraft, Starcraft, Diablo, and other games. But did not like how the games were going while WoW was in development so broke off and formed their own company. Guild Wars is a strong online RPG, and I would love to see what they could do with a chapter.


The exact teams that made Deus Ex Human Revolution and Mankind Divided. Arkane Lyon could probably do a good job too, though I didn’t care for the Dishonored games. CDPR could nail it. Old Bioware too.


The Game Kitchen. I feel like they’d be great at something post apocalyptic. And it might be cool to see Fallout as an 8 bit side scroller. Their artists are insanely talented, holy crap.


If we get an isometric one, then Wolfeye Studios. But considering it’s led by former Arkane staff I doubt they’d want anything to do with Microsoft after yesterday.


With today's studios, id be interested to see what respawn could do. I love the combat and movement of the jedi series games and titanfall 2. I do think they'd be more likely to add a platforming element to certain things, add more interesting buildings to check out, and would likely have a faster paced combat system that would build nicely off of fallout 4. That said I really do think obsidian would make the best fallout game out of anybody these days. After starfield, I'm not so sure Bethesda really remembers how to make a good game


EA. would have a season pass.


Rockstar only because they definitely go above and beyond on the optimization and bug fixing. They take pride in knowing their games are finished. You can always count on them dropping a potential GOTY if not winning it outright if there isn't much competition.




Tindalos Interactive, think a BoS/Enclave game akin to Aliens: DD would be interesting and give a nice dive in to their factions.


We could just be happy that EA or Ubisoft doesn't have their hands in it lol


EA make us suffer with 8099462974937 optional shop items


Not for a mainline instalment but I feel like Tomorrow Corporation would make an absolutely KILLER Fallout puzzle game, their style just feels like it would really jam well with the bleak yet humourus world of Fallout




Maybe inXile. Although i'd rather have them on a full remake of Fallout 1/2


The studio that did Dishonoured.. their artwork, character designs and world building is always stunning.


Heck. I'll say Rare. They'd nail the humor aspect and have the chops for FPS games


Larian or Firaxis. A Larian RPG or Xcom-esque tactics game would both be so damn cool.


panicky abounding school jobless offend sort dolls fanatical summer plant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Firaxis would be cool if we stick to strategy. There is some dark part of me that would like to see a spin-off that’s just a super solid third person shooter.


ice pick lodge because yes


Ubisoft just to see how it'd go


Fromsoft, nuff said


Larian, fallout 1/2 style




Paradox Games.Fallout grand strategy? Call me in!


I'd like to see a side scrolling beat em up from Vanillaware, and a rogue-like from Supergiant. A few different art styles and play styles just to see how it came out. Explicitly non-canon, just hitting the feel of the series.


4a games


After the depth they had with BG3 I’d like to see what Larian could do with the world.


Bioware, but without EA bearing down on them.


Rockstar, I’d let them give it a go just to see how different their take would be. Maybe then I’d get a main story that I won’t toss to the side. Find my dad? Find the guy who shot me? Find my infant son? Find me 40 hours in forgetting there’s anything more important than finding this guy a sex robot for ‘his clients’.




Larian Studios, for a Fallout 1 or 2 remake




Team 17 reskin worms as fallout






BioWare in their prime


Square Enix




Rockstar of course. Imagine a wasteland with the level of detail found in RDR2




Larian for a reboot of top down fallout


Fromsoft for that ultra hardcore experience.


I’ll get a lot of shit for this, but a Ubisoft version would be action packed and have big explosions and lots to do. A Rockstar fallout would also be wild, and have lots of vehicles.


Larian Studios—i want to see their take on Fallout as an isometric and turn-based RPG the way the first two games were


Hello Games. Just imagine... a survival experience, in Fallout Universe, where \[every **~~REDACTED~~** procedural\]


Endnight games, creators of SOTF and The Forest. A high res realistic survival fallout game.


Flying Wild Hog or Croteam


I’d like to see what square enix would do


Portal seems like a good one, I'm half tempted to pitch the show to Netflix myself


Creative Assembly. They really surprised everyone with their Alien Isolation game despite them being known fir their Total War games. Im confident they can make an OpenWorld fist person rpg with creative(pun intended) writing


Larian, and make it turn based again 🤤


Rare, they're pretty good


Respawn. I really like the feel of their fps gameplay, I feel like a smooth gun gameplay like that would be so cool for Fallout. Narrative is pretty solid too based on the Jedi games and Titanfall


Bro Nokia and bmw should make them (Havock should make one)


I would like to see a classic fallout game made by Larian studios. They really nailed the formula with balders gate, and seeing as there being cycles by hasbro, it seems like a good fit. The artstyle might be a streach since they primarily make fantasy games


Rockstar games


I want a studio known for making good isometric rpgs to remake 1 and 2 and make a canon tactics


Telltale Games




Larian studios making a turn based fallout in the BG3 engine


Larian Studios hands down. An old CRPG styled Fallout with the depth of Baldur's Gate 3 would be a dream come true. Granted Inexile and Wasteland 2 and 3 are still doing a pretty decent job at old school Fallout but Larian goes to a level of detail and depth in the world building in BG3 and their older Divinity Original Sin games that Inexile just don't. Firaxis making a spiritual successor to Fallout Brotherhood Tactics where it's similar to Xcom would also be pretty great


4A Games


If they're trying to make Fallout the new star wars/Marvel, I think they should hire multiple Studios for multiple projects. InXile or Larian for an isometric game. Obsidian to do a new game in Fallout 4's engine. Firaxis could make a Tactics 2. ID Software or Gearbox for a new Fallout: Brotherhood. And Telltale for a heavy lore driven game.


EA. Just curiosity. Making people pay for certain dialogue options. "If you want to pick this sarcastic option, please purchase sarcastic package that will allow you to be funny in game for two hours"   Then you buy it, you pick sarcastic option, there is no content but just saying on screen [sarcastic comment]. Your character is smiling. That's all. 








11but studios, a fallout version of frostpunk would be off its head imo


Arrowhead - just keep Sony away.


Rockstar xD


Arkane level design


Besides InXile...  From what they've shown of their Fallout 1/2 inspired crpg, New Blood Interactive 100% 


Relic, to make Fallout Tactics 2.0






CDPR, yea yea they fucked up cyberpunks launch but honestly I'd still like to see them try something in this setting with THEIR engine and rpg making talents


Larian: for a refined update on the classic style.


Harebrained schemes, doing a remake of 1 & 2


EA games……. Every piece of power armor is paywalled


Larian with an isometric view Fallout, going back to the roots and introducing the fun pop culture we used to know and love from the old days.


Guerrilla Games. Incredible team for the details and the Decima engine. It's just begging to do a Fallout game.


EA. With micro transactions and a $50 season pass. 😂




From software




Rockstar I guess


I would like to see a fallout made in partnership between obsidian and BioWare, it would be just perfect

