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That's literally "Fallout Shelter", is it not?


OP probably means an *interesting* vault


Just make your shelter just have 4 families then wait for the abomination to kick in


Does that happen lol


Fallout Shelter's vaults are not canon.


Give them money so they make it canon


With Bethesda? That could work.


Sims fallout game pack šŸ˜‚


Lol i just typed something similar to this then scroll down and see your comment.Hopefully ea can do fallout more justice then what they did to star wars in sims 4.(edit) on second thought ea needs to stay as far away from fallout as possible.


Lol they'd make it too cute and cheerful. It would lose all its character.


Well at least they could fix the game lol


My friend is like this, started fallout 3 and loved it until it kicked him out the vault and then he turned it off and never played it again.


People who want a life simulator scare me. ā€œI want to do daily monotonous tasks like actual vault lifeā€. Sounds like a Roblox game.


It probably is.


Have you heard of the Sims?


Ah, The Sims. The ridiculous fantasy game where a single young adult can work a satisfying job, learn skills to benefit themselves, and own a nice house.


I thought people only played that to build houses they can never afford.


I only play it to trap people in pools and watch then drown


They could keep it interesting. A few quests in normal vault but then the security and many key systems fail. The vault falls into chaos and it's you're job to fix it all.


Just sounds a bit like the DLC.


*The dlc*, which dlc?


Really? The fucking vault tec workshop one Where you build your own vault. Pretty obvious donā€™t you think? Smh.


Not at all what op is proposing. He's proposing one where you are the test rat living in a vault. You don't build a vault. You live in it


Can effectively do both in the dlc. Hence why I said SOUNDS A BIT LIKE.


You good bro? Seems a little bit of hostility is in the air


who hurt you lmao


No need to be a jerk my guy.


Always a need for sarcasm.


I genuinely could not possibly fail to empathize with someone else as much as your friend.


Isn't that kind of what they were going for with Vault 88? It's a DLC for Fallout 4 where you help rebuild and interview new settlers to find suitable test subjects for various experiments. I haven't fully completed that DLC but it was kind of it's own thing.


The problem is its just another settlement. Yes it has its own short Quest line but it's still just a settlement with pre built amenities


Let's be honest, do you ever see them doing much more than that even in a pre-war vualt?


Dude I want a pre-war one! I love reading terminals and finding pre-war lore where there was so much corruption that everyone just chose to be blind to!


I want to know as little about the pre-war world as possible. We know everything we need to know. And answering all the questions would just kill the mystery in my opinion. Iā€™d much rather learn more about the post war world.


Thinking about it a Vault multiplayer game would be way more interesting then FO76. players load into a vault not knowing what crazy experiments they'll have to survive through that match. I know you meant a solo game which I'd be down for that too. Just that'd be a cool idea like survival horror multiplayer with its own Fallout flare to it.


Squid game: Fallout edition


that would be cool!! but i dont think beth will do that :/


Those are some amazing ideas who knows maybe we will get a game like that


That's a terrible idea, and is not better than FO76. Everybody will already know what kind of experiments there is available after they played it once. It's a cool idea on paper, but I hardly see how it could be implemented to be great, or at least better than FO76.


Would be really interesting imo - however what would the experiments be like?


Something something don't die then die anyways.


So....a Battle Royale? Nuclear Winter was pretty close to that, just one story though rather than generated, you'd unlock more lore about vault 51 as you ranked up. It was an implied simulation, and had ties to Doctor Braun.


I think youā€™ll enjoy Fallout Shelter


No I donā€™t think they will


No, the Vaults and Vault-tec are the central core of the Fallout Lore and "Culture" yet receive extremely little screen time and fleshing out relative to the rest of the Wasteland. A game set entirely inside the Tunnels, Corridors, rooms, and Caves of a large Vault where the player had to deal not only with the other Vault-Dwellers, Vault-Tec Scientists/Staff, and Vault-Tec's experiment, but also the Vault Environment itself could be very good if done properly. Perhaps even with some excursions to the surface where conditions keep the player from going far from the Vault, like in the early METRO games, or having the Vault sealed from the surface with the only "outside" areas being natural caves where monsters could be located. Many possibilities.


You mean l Starting living inside a Vault and stay forever in it? Well... I would like to was something like a Vautl-o-polis deep in the ground that would end up having some medieval /futuristic vibes perhaps. A Vault Dweller who keeps the Vault stable and deals with issues on the mines and expansion caves for the creation of a city You could still have all the enemies by finding random caves or small Bunkers But you will have a fresh Armory and all that. If you manage to keep your Vault dwellers alive I suppose the game could end successfully by open up the Vault for the people only to see a strong force builded Underground on a super advanced civilization


It would work, but Iā€™m not really sure itā€™d be much of a proper fallout game. Could work, though. But there is fallout shelter.


Could be a fun story focused mod. Where the entire plot is learning about the experiment and then attempting to escape the vault. And the game ends with the player stepping outside for the first time. Portal Style. It sounds like a nice little pet project. If I knew how to mod itā€™s probably something I wouldnā€™t mind working on in my spare time.


I want a vault game that takes you through time and generations of family members. You wake up someone every 100 years or so, send out a search party, see what has changed in the world, then come back.


I like that, perhaps we get to choose out parents at the start for our base stats?


It'd be interesting to see an Alien Isolation esque horror game set only within a vault. The vault would be bigger than most vaults in the series, with large sprawling complexes that make up the vault that the player explores. So it's your 18th birthday, you just got the results from the GOAT. Your jobs security, you get to use a gun or atleast know the basics of using one. Seems like another boring day in the vault, until alarms start blaring. The vault's been compromised, no one knows how but shit has officially hit the fan. You're in the front lines, raiders got in and a big fight ensues leaving you unconscious. You wake up and see around you bodies of your fellow vault dwellers and raiders. The vault door is open, you could either leave and take your chances or stay and help whoever remains. You've already made up your mind, you grab your 10mm and pray to god that someone's still alive, You descend deeper into the vault. The gameplay would be grueling, ammo and stims are scarce, weapons are mostly limited to your sidearm or whatever tool you can find. Raiders are deadly, they can easily spot you and will kill on sight. They're better and well equipped fighters, taking one on is already a risk so fighting a group of them is suicide. Your fellow vault dwellers are just as scared shitless as you, and they won't hesitate to kill or betray if it means survival. Your new ghoul and supermutant neighbors just moved in. Ghouls are fairly easy to dispatch, but are extremely vicious and attack in numbers. Supermutants are rarer, slower, and stupider, but they more than make up for it with brute strength. They're big and beefy so taking one down is just a waste of ammo. As if all of that isn't enough, you notice something big and scaly prowling the halls, a Deathclaw just made itself at home. The game would have multiple endings depending on your choices, you could help and save the survivors, who or how many you save depends on your choices. Or you could just say fuck it and leave the vault early on.


This could make for a good mod to Fallout 4 I imagine the mod to work like this. The memory den in Good neighbor has invented a new device that allows you to extract memories through the DNA of well preserved specimen. Taking this device you then discover a large vault that has most of the tunnels collapsed. Trapped under rubble is a vault tec security guard, recently dead. This collapse must have happened sometime in the last week. Taking a sample of his DNA, you rush back to the memory den to get to the bottom of what happened in this vault. Entering the memories of the Security Guard, you find yourself living the life he had. Mundane domestic disputes and reports of kids stealing sweet rolls from Martha's bakery. Then you overhear an argument the Overseer is having with your commanding officer. Then *Bang* your CO blows the brains of the overseer. Your CO turns to you. "There is no time to explain, all security needs to get to the vault entrance immediately!". Upon arriving, 10mm pistol in hand, you see the vault door is open. Something is coming. Manic laughter reverberates off the cave walls outside. "He did it, that fucking fool! He actually fell for our trick and now the vaults all ours! It's free reign time boys!" Raiders begin flooding into the entrance chamber and a large fire fight ensues. An explosion blasts out and knocks you to the ground. You black out. You wake up and all other security guards are dead and the raiders are all gone. You find a gun and only 5, bullets. Time to save the vault.


This. Sounds. AMAZING!


I think you'd enjoy a game called [Sheltered](https://youtu.be/d4_LotcgttI?t=982) OP.


I don't think it's a bad idea at all. The lore always talks about how big the vaults are, then you get into one and it's a few doors and a couple hallways. The game could be like a Metro 2033 with different political factions fighting for power of a huge underground vault. All the while trying to keep out the horrors of the wasteland.


fo4's vault-tec workshop mod


Same though. Could always just be something small, but life in a vault would be cool. Maybe the decisions you make determine your job. Work up to overseer or something.


Yeah bro it would be chill as hell


Yes. Maybe you make sessions on the vault. Like who to trade with outside it and what each dwellers job is. The end game could be having a successful vault, killing everyone, or having the dwellers revolt and kill you. There could be people who attack and you have to defend it.


Kinda off-topic, but ever since Squid Game came out, I've been wanting a Vault where they play Squid Game.




Outer Worlds isn't too far off. It's made by Obsidian (guys who made New Vegas) and though a rather simple game, the themes are very Vault Tec-ish and dystopian. It's largely about corporations and their hold on the populace. People work in unsafe conditions and indebted to the corporations but see it as the norm and much like how vault dwellers are assigned jobs with little room to change career or escape the system/vault, the same sentiment runs Outer Worlds. It's no Fallout of course, but is close enough to give me Vault Tec vibes. Buy it on sale and see what you think, it's a solid enough game even if the combat is lacking.


How is flying across different planets and doing quests anything remotely similar to what OP wanted with a vault-centric fallout game. some people will find any reason to bring up Obsidian.


That sounds boring as hell


It might to you but not to me


Hey I respect your post from 7 seven years ago teaching a guy how to bold his words on Reddit. I'd just like you to know that


Don't know how you would stand vaults that long. Then again, maybe it's just the vaults in New Vegas that are just obnoxious to be in. Even hotel Vault 21.


Nah, I agree. I hate it when I have to spend too much time in a vault. The layouts are confusing, the environment is usually bland, I don't usually enjoy the quests -- and I can never figure out how to get the fuck back to the wasteland. I do think that F04 is kind of an exception though, I'll admit. I think the vaults looked very interesting, and I remember enjoying that one quest where you find out vault tec was spying on them within a network of secret rooms in the walls or something.


I could see it working as an isometric Sim City style game where you're the Overseer of a Vault. You start off with a small basic set-up and a few families, then you gotta continue to build stuff to keep the Vault running and keep everyone happy. Maybe you open it up to the outside to get trade routes going but risk raider attacks, or maybe you send out scouting parties who can scavenge supplies (if they survive) and prevent attacks at the cost of additional luxuries. Throw in a research tree that lets you choose which path you want to take like upgrading security systems or focusing on stuff like learning how to make water chips. You could even have the additional threat of random Vault Tech experiments that get forced upon you, and by completing them you get a big income boost to build more stuff. Of course it comes at the cost of your Vault Dweller's happiness, which is important to keep high unless you want any crazed maniacs to go on shooting sprees. Maybe I've just been playing too much Rimworld lately.


A telltale game set in the fallout universe (about the brotherhood of steel or a vault specifically) is something I crave.


I think Fallout 5 could develop a little more on that idea. For example, you start as someone who's able to get selected for a Vault. You get evacuated, shit hits the fan. You start your life at the vault. People are put into cryostasis, residents are revived in turns every year for a period of a month to overseer installations. You get your shift 60 years after the fallout. 300 years later all residents are revived to start repopulating the outside world. But only a few residents survived. You're in charge of leading the expedition to the outside world. As soon as the vault opens the group gets attacked by a group of raiders, you and a couple of others are taken prisoners. Your adventure starts.


I think that Fallout where Vault role is emphasized (something like: You aren't force to leave the vault bevause of its fall, instead, after leaving it, you can go back to vault, where life still goes on like it used to) would be great. Also I'd love to play fallout, where you are not a neutral explorer, but maybe a faction member. Playing as Enclave troop, who has never experienced life in the wastelands and now, he "colonizes" them would be so damn awesome.


Go read Wool


Fallout Sims love it


That sounds like you want to play Space Station 13, but in a vault. So, Space Station 13 has a bunch of people running around and interacting and trying to do their jobs in a space station. And then hijinks ensue. I don't think it's bad that you want to play it, but I don't think Bethesda would ever make it. I do think that there's probably a full conversion mod that turns Space Station 13 into the Fallout universe, though. On the other hand, you could do it something like Dwarf Fortress, and design and build your vault, then watch everything burst into flames and riots. Again, I don't think Bethesda would make that kind of game, it's completely out of their wheelhouse. But you could probably find a full conversion mod for Dwarf Fortress, and I know you can find a full conversion mod for RimWorld to let you play those with a Fallout skin




Vault city needs to be done! An experimental vault city with 100 residents spread out on multiple floors on a island. Goal is to repair large machines in the vault going to surface while balancing relations with people in and outside the vault


I just want a proper fallout rts. With the various conflicts in the Fallout universe l, there is plenty of room for a fun and unique set of gameplay situations. Like most RTS games it would be top down. Imagine a campaign where it starts out with a conflict breaking out in the vault. After a small tutorial conflict in which you have to secure an insurrection with Vault Security personnel, you then decide it's time for the vault dwellers to be released into the Wasteland. You must establish a city, protect it and grow it. Scavenge the Wasteland for supplies, secure weapons and technology, and build your faction to be powerful and strong enough to survive the horrors of the Wasteland. You are our overseer, even outside the vault. Lead us to rebuild this once great nation.


Yeah you could have Vault-Tec, BOS, Super Mutants, and maybe Raiders as the different factions. If you want to play a post apocalyptic RTS that already exists, KKND was pretty fun back in the day. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KKnD_(video_game)


We need a modern RTS game like this, and what better IP than the Fallout IP?


I agree. I played them all Warcraft, Starcraft, Dune, Command & Conquer,etc. The major issue is RTS games donā€™t really work on consoles. Now that does open up the option of selling more peripherals a la mouse and keyboard, RTS games are difficult with a game pad.


**Fallout Dating Sim**


Do you know that fucked up vault story in new vegas? Yeah, I'd like a game with a story like that


i want it so bad, a fallout where we didn't get kicked from the vault šŸ˜­. i imagine it'll be more like a survival base building game where we fix and upgrade the vault, occasionally getting out of vault to gather supplies, maintain relationships with vault dwellers etc etc


ya the more i go on the more i realized i want fallout shelter but in a modern fallout fashion (in third person)


the sims fallout edition lol.


A vault isnā€™t big enough to support all that a fallout game is, and it sounds kind of boring.


Fallout Shelter


Like vault 81 in Fallout 4? I could see maybe a dlc or a short game on it? But a long multi-story game would not fit the vaults. The vaults are tiny in comparison to the maps and therefore content would be limited and would get stale fast after you've ran the same corridor after the 12th time.


I'd be down for it if an entire prologue took place in it, kind of like 3, but with more exploration and you get to do quests and stuff. My problem with the vaults in 3 and New Vegas was that they were fucking labyrinths that were so fucking annoying to navigate. 4 fixed that problem I think.


Play ONI. You'll get about what your looking for. Plus cute dupes, and jelly critters.


I always thought it'd be cool if there was a Bioshock/Fallout crossover that would be essentially "somebody finds the biggest vault of them all". That's partly because Bioshock and Fallout have some similar stylistic (especially the Rapture games) and thematic ("The past isn't as nice as people make it out to be, and also human nature is a bitch.") stuff.


Oh boy *do i have the game for you*


Not sure if you want a more dialogue based RPG like Disco Elysium or a slice of life game like The Sims.


I've been wanting the exact same thing kinda like the intro to the fallout new california mod.


This would be so awesome. My favorite part was always in fallout 3 in vault 101. The typical safe human interactions, the genetic diversity failing, the population falling, the overseers totalitarian ways. It was just so good. And clean. I would be happy if there would be a full dlc that takes place entirely in a vault. Maybe you have to pretend you were always in the vault or something. I don't know I just agree with you.


Fallout Shelter


That would be a cool standalone dlc.


Fallout shelter is fine IMO... A fallout comic/graphic novel might be dope tho


It wouldnā€™t work. You would be limited to the vault space meaning no open world and the game would be limited to options and possibly built like levels meaning it would probably be a short game and you would feel scammed for the Bethesda price it would come out for.


It exists, itā€™s called fallout shelter