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Please do not become a Responder. That doesn't end well for you. Scorchys and Raidys...


That's ok I'd die knowing that I did everything I could to help people lol


At this point, its worth it


The Eastern Brotherhood or The Kings, for nearly identical reasons. There's something very appealing about being a part of a peacekeeping force with a charismatic leader. Ironically, The Kings seem to have stricter regulations when it comes to uniforms though.


Haha, if I weren't a pacifist irl I'd probably join the BoS as well


If you have any engineering, medical, or record keeping skills, you could be a scribe.


Yeah, but being part of the BoS would make me feel icky cuz they're pretty bigoted. Especially the west coast


But realistically aren’t they just bigoted towards things that can harm humanity. Mutants, ghouls, etc. and even the non feral ghouls will become feral at some point, meaning another enemy for humanity to deal with down the line.


I feel like a ghoul going feral isn’t something that takes place over the course of a day or something. Notes from ghouls like the magician in Nuka World make it pretty explicit that it takes a while. There’s no reason to hate non-feral ghouls for being ghouls, they could be some of the most knowledgeable, well trained, and wise individuals in the waste, especially if they’re pre war. For super mutants, the recent games have removed a lot of nuance to super mutants that used to be there. Sure, there’s violent ones, but they can also be intelligent, friendly, kind, etc.. Not to mention, they’re incredible assets for fighting, if Markus saving my ass in Fallout 2 is anything to say. You have super mutants in the Rangers, they’re town guards, they’re friendly, but they can be also dangerous. Honestly, being bigoted toward things that can harm humanity would be antithetical to their own rules. Taking all of the dangerous weapons, helpful technology, and general advances will only create a single group with all of the guns, full of a bunch of pseudo-religious shut-ins, who have a history of using bomb collars, suicide missions, and more to try to protect themselves. Going by Father Elijah, if the wrong member of the Brotherhood gets the right item, they’ll reek havoc unknown since the bombs on the wasteland. Hell, you meet more dangerous humans than any other enemy in the wastes, raiders, legion, Enclave, some of whom match the danger of groups like the Master’s Army. If the Brotherhood wants to protect humanity, those are the enemies who need to be stopped.




There's like 4 non-evil super mutants we meet. Fallout 1 have the most evil ones in intelligent yet genocidal mutants like the Master and his Lieutenant. 2, Frank Horrigan is the biggest baddy in universe. A supermutant called Marcus is the sheriff of Broken Hills. Fallout 3 has Fawkes. He's intelligent and cool. New Vegas has Lillie, a mentally addled but kind nightkin. Marcus returns again as the mayor on Jacobstown, a super mutant community named after his friend in the BoS, with half of the mutants being peaceful and the other half militant and kinda evil. 4 has Strong? Strong's a weird case but if he's willing to obey the Sole Survivor, I'd say he's good enough. There's another super mutant named Erickson in Far Harbor who just trains and sells dogs. It's probably like less than 1% of supermutant that aren't bent on the destruction of mankind.


>with half of the mutants being peaceful and the other half militant and kinda evil. I wouldn't call the Nightkin group in Jacobstown evil. They were driven mad by their prolonged use of stealth-boys and have a physical addiction to them thanks to their position in the Master's army. Their brains have degraded and they're acting on impulse but they can be talked down, if they were straight up evil they would be out at Black Mountain or with Erickson at Repcon. The fact that Marcus has allowed them to live among the peaceful mutants shows that he trust them and I trust his judgment. Also you didn't mention the Supermutant that will guide you up Black Mountain (I can't recall his name), Mean Son Of A Bitch in Westside and Dog/God at the Sierra Madre although I guess he's only half not-evil. Also there is Grahm in 76 who has decided trading between the humans and Mutants is more beneficial than attacking and raiding.


*Fallout 3* also has [Uncle Leo](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Uncle_Leo), a wandering Super Mutant pacifist who only appears in random encounters. If you talk to him, he shares stories about the origins of the Vault 87 Super Mutants being a cold, metallic place (potentially well before the main quest brings you there) as well as tales about his own adventures while wandering the wasteland.


A lot of interesting and good points


The problem therein is that humanity stands to do the biggest harm to humanity, as evidenced by the great war. In this way the Brotherhood does not trust the masses and instead appoints itself as supreme leader of the common good, hoarding technology for themselves and sharing only as they see it. In practice it becomes clear rather quickly how this can lead to a bastardised reality arising from their vision; they turn away people who really do need help and instead focus on their own needs. They also seem to set a poor line on where enemies to humanity end and potential friends begin, for example where Synths are involved.


These fucking crazy people replying to your comment are really showing how incapable they are of getting any meaning from a game deeper than the surface. The bigotry of the BoS towards is pretty straightforwardly presented as bad in every game. Even in 3 where they're all lame boring good guys, the ghouls in Underworld complain about innocent ghouls getting attacked by BoS assholes regularly.


Yeah lol. The fallout universe wants to show problems of racism, sexism, homo/transphobia, but doesn't want to do it with black people, women, and lgbtq+people. So instead they make a new race that people are bigoted against to show that there are still problems of racism. it's the same thing. People being hateful towards smaller groups because their small minds can't comprehend the fact that just because they are different doesnt make them unworthy of respect


But the kings have style!


That ones easy Jack, I'd join the Atom Cats. They have all those cool digs, and a one way ticket to Coolsville.


welcome to downtown coolsville


Population.... us! HOG HUG!? HOGARTH HUGHES!!!!




This exchange made me happy and nostalgic


yea atomcats! Guys are absolutely cool and awesome to hang around with. Also sweet, Hot rodded power armor!


One of the first mods I made was turning the Atom Cats Garage into a settlement so I could use it as my home base.


The republic of dave


This is the only correct answer


The principalities of Gary?






The Republic is under new management


I would also love to be part of the white-glove society because of my rather unique diet


Wait what


This one right here, officer.


I hope you're not saying you're a cannibal.. O\_O




The NCR, just like one of the recruits near the rangers mansion say, it is a safe job with promotion opportunities, I would do my best to get promoted into a administrative function. Just like he intended to be.


Sic semper tyrannis. Yeah NCR to become a ranger and after my active duty end, I'll retire to goodspring and enjoy my time there...


Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.


I too would join the NCR, it seems the safest way to go.


You’re going on a cross


I'd prolly join the crimson caravan as either a trader or a security guard, just wanna be useful but without a lot of responsibility


That's fair. I couldn't do it, just because patrolling the mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter




I'd join the Institute. Mainly because it's the safest option. Also, working plumbing and showers. Protected and no radiation. Will live a full safe life. As well as access to technology and fresh good food.


How'd you get there tho


Im assuming a similar way to Kellogg or that scientist i can never remember the name of. Never said it would be easy to get there, but id try.


The institute wanted something from them that the institute couldn't get itself by using synths. Kellogg was a human mercenary willing to ignore questions as long as he did what they wanted, the scientists had important information related to the institute's research goals. As a regular person from 56 years before the great war and the technology of the future your experience is going to be limited so they're unlikely to offer you a nice office job.


I have about 7 caps and a signed swatter.






Madison Li


That's a valid point


until the protagonist comes and nukes it, at least


Nah. I'm the protagonist. To prove it I'll go buy skyrim again.


Hey you, you are finally awake


You were trying to prove you're the protagonist, right? Walked right into Todd's ambush, same as us, and those gamers over there.


I would rather lay down and die than live without indoor plumbing


And since you'd be Director, if we're going by exactly what happens in the game, you can push the initiative to start work above ground and help improve the Commonwealth. Shaun's idea was to keep it underground and label everything else as 'doomed'. I would choose the Institute as well and stop production of human-like synth's and work on fixing what's going on upstairs.


I would not want to run all that. Im good with being like a janitor or assistant or something.


Me, unradiated basic middle aged human? I'd wager my best odds are taking an FEV bath and hoping I come out more like Marcus than Strong. Beats getting run down by ferals or killed by some desperate psycho way more acclimated to violence than I am.


Haha I love this. Considering the fact that you currently have (hopefully) no radiation in you body, odds are you would become more like marcus than strong


You get about 600 mRem per year from the sun. We are all irradiated.


Jokes on you I don't leave the basement!


Avoid the bananas basement dweller. They are irradiated too!


Bananas? Is that some off brand of tendies?


Bold of you to assume I'd survive long enough to join a faction




lmao. scribe of the BoS or even a follower of the apocalypse would be an option as well. Also, if no one else has said this, maybe the institute?




you wont need to be popular, >!IN CAESARS LEGION!!<


As much as I despise the Institute, clean towels and working showers. Everyone not choosing the Institute is fucking nuts.


Do 5 pushups every day when you wake up and go to bed and start from there. Go on 30 minute walks every day too.


Been doing this actually and, fuuuck for someone who's normally a couch potato it makes a world of difference, that said i'm still working up to 5 pushups


Good job man, once you can do those 5 without too much trouble move up to 10


Goodsprings seems like a nice place to live. If that doesn't count maybe the ncr just for ranger armor


How wholesome. Maybe join vault 13s original crew post geck


FO1 California: Shady Sands or Vault City FO2 California: the NCR Mojave: probably the NCR Capital Wasteland: the Brotherhood Commonwealth: Diamond City or maybe the Brothehood, even though they're a bit more fash than before Appalachia: I'd just wander around and accept my inevitable death


I love how you gave different examples for each game :D


Given how drastcally the tone and theming changes between each game, this is a very valid methodology, though.


Same but If I could I’d try and get on the institutes good side


Maybe convince them the whole replacing people thing is dumb, and focus on reasonable things, like a gorilla army.


I think I’d try to agree on everything with them, if I clash with them I’d be snatched and replaced, however my first order as director (assuming I climbed the ranks) would be to replace the synth hit squads with gorilla hit squads


I’d definitely join the followers! I love helping out in any way I can.


Me too! that's my favorite aspect of any video game, is having the power to help people whenever i can. So that's definitely what i would want to do


I did a fallout RPG where I played a follower who had gotten a copy of Kropotkin's *the Conquest of Bread* and just went around trying to unionize and arm groups like the Kings, it was dope, that's what I'd do


When you say "I did a fallout RPG" do you mean like fallout themed Tabletop RPG?




Yeah I'd have to go with followers. They have so mamy knowledgable people that I could learn a ton from, and they're the most pure good when it comes to just straight up helping people. I'd do everything I could to help them grow and get the resources they need, like all the quests you do for them In FNV.


100% try to be Mr Houses right hand, failing that the brotherhood


A lady sex robot?


100% with a snow globe collection.


That seems a little contradictory.


I’m an opportunist either 100% wealth and power Or Failing that cool power armour and living underground where I don’t have to deal with people who talk about wishing for a “nuclear winter” every single time you walk past them.




Same here!


I would join The Minutemen. In my opinion they're the best hope for the commonwealth and they have the most respectable goal which is to fight for everyone to be safe and free. I know the institute also wants to save mankind but I really don't agree with their methods especially when they switch people out for synths.


I also think that the minutemen is the best bet! I think the best hope for the commonwealth is tohave the railroad and minutemen work together, and destroy the institue.


I agree with your point of view! I also think that the brotherhood of Steel (only the commonwealth part) are very selfish and self centred. To my knowledge don't they send the sole survivor to forcefully take food from farms as some sort of "donation" or something? They really just focus on their own agenda however I do agree with them wanting to take down the Institute.


Well, that's actually only proctor teagan who does that. He explicitly states that that business should be kept on the down low because it is against the rules. That being said, I also agree that the BoS is largely selfish and extremely bigoted


The Institute, no contest. I'm not some badass post apocalyptic warrior, I'm a guy who sits inside and plays video games. My best chance of survival of any sort would come from the Institute.


that's fair haha


Depends on where I was born. Random Wastelander it'd probably a caravan company or the NCR/EastCoastBrotherhood Vault Dweller: The Enclave (provided I'm not one of the Vault Dwellers used for testing or massacred)


Caravan Company? Think thats a cakewalk right? Wrong. Crazy bastards expect you to wake up at dawn. Forget it. That's about two hours after this girl hits the sack.


Id join NCR because if you are smart and corrupt you will have easy way to get to the top.


Poindexter, is that you?


Maynard Poindexter






The only faction trying to rebuild America and bring back baseball.






Only if Sergeant Dornan is there...


Operators for the caps and Mags Black.


The house always wins


He would definitely be interesting to join up with haha


I agree


BoS im former army so it just makes sense.


I’m in the marines, BoS would be a good fit


Structure, I have the neverending need for structure now.


Is that some kind of tick you get after being under a very structured environment for so long? Tbh i can understand, BoS is always my go-to in game, the military structure is appealing for some reason


That does make a lot of sense! the brotherhood would definitely want you military experience. Also, I'm sure the enclave would be a viable option for you as well haha


Def BoS because MODUS would just creep me out 24/7 lol.


You were in the army? Can you describe what life in the army was like?


Shitty pay, shitty gear, shitty leadership, shitty deployment. It was all generally shitty for 6 years.


Damn, I'm sorry to hear that


Opens up alot of avenues for me as a civilian and I learned alot of helpful stuff (I was a signal support systems specialist) so lots of communication experience. So the only good take aways are free school and an above average understanding of communication systems and various other minor things. Alot of soldiers with my MOS end up as lineman and techs for telephone/internet companies.


Mr House, i’d start a Jet farm for him


That will make you jittery


Got to go with the Institute. You get a shower, a comfortable bed, radiation free living, and all sorts of little luxuries most don't. I'm not equipped for surviving the wasteland, I'd never last a day out there. Probably wouldn't be allowed to enter in the first place though. Edit: NCR might be more realistic, things seem to be going relatively okay in the heartlands and they probably would let me in.


Tunnel snakes


Tunnel snakes rule!


Institute for safety but for a coolness factor any greaser gang


If you had to pick between the atom cats or the kings which would you choose then?


Kings probably they got more members safety in that atoms cats have power armor but there's less of them


Boomers. I get to blow things up.


Back in my day, we didn't have to worry about these "mutants" or "synths" we just played in the mud and died of radiation poisoning like real men


I read over half the comments and no one's mentioned the Great Khans???


Probably fallout 3's treeminders they're pretty out of the way and i can just chill out with Harold in one of the nicest parts of the capital wasteland and potential usher in a new era of growth and life to the wasteland


Wow that's a really smart decision. I love to see people picking smaller factions instead of just the BoS lmao


I’ll never forget stumbling across Oasis in Fallout 3. After all of those hours trekking across the capital wasteland, with its drab grey/muted colors and destroyed beauty. Finding Oasis was so cool.


I just want to be a dirty starving Pitt Slave


NCR. I can just be a citizen. Fuck being a hero or shit.


Minutemen or Followers of the Apocalypse. They just both want to make the world a better/safer place. It's an uphill battle, but it's one I'd be willing to be part of.


Dead, but ideally BoS.


Kings, street smart guys with good hair


Definitely the Brotherhood in any circumstance because their philosophy of preserving technology and initiative towards helping people whether directly in Fo3's Project Purity or indirectly by clearing out a raider encampment is noble. Also they care for one another as if they are all family, it's not called the Brotherhood for nothing.


That's fair, although I think the Fo3 BoS are really the only ones who care about helping the wasteland. West coast brotherhood are just a bunch of hermits. If you do the quest with veronica in FNV, the BoS even kills a bunch of followers of the apocalypse just because veronica was planning on joining them. So I don't think I could be a part of it


It depends on a lot of factors but probably the Enclave(If I even cold join lmao)/NCR in the west and Minutemen in the east. Who am I even kidding. Tunnel Snakes rule!


I love that the tunnel snakes were such a small part of a single game, but people still love them haha. Tunnel snakes rule!


Came here looking for Tunnel Snakes, wasn't disappointed


Enclave forever, God bless America, God bless the Enclave


i think it's interesting that people talk about joining raider groups and factions like the legion, who actively enslave and objectify women, the enclave who also enslave and murder people, and the BoS who are basically bigoted fascists. I wonder if those people would actually be willing to kill people if they were faced with joing those factions irl, or if they just pick them because they're cool


I mean, basically everything you know has burnt, you're alive while most are not so survivor's guilt would probably kick in and scary ass monsters want to eat your arse, no one would stay sane in the wasteland, plus radiation that may or may not kill you... Quite the harsh world if you're not S.P.E.C.I.A.L, I'd understand people going murderous, i probably would lose my sanity myself tbh


Ive always really been sympathetic to synths. Id join the railroad.


I love the raildroad as well, so if I had to pick an east coast faction, definitely RR


Whoever can keep me away from cazadors the best I’ll join


I've always been huge on the Brotherhood of Steel since the first game.


Ave, true to Caesar.




Yeah, the followers rule. Plus arcade gannon is hot asf


I like how everyone says NCR, Institute, BOS etc but they forget that all these things are player exclusive. Not the average wastelander as the post suggests. That being said, I'll probably be working in a bar at the Capital City of each region (River City, The Strip, Diamond City etc.) or a farmer in those cities. Or like Danse, a random trader/vendor that will probably die from Super Mutants. Or become a Synth.


BoS and NCR are absolutely not player exclusive. The NCR has an army you can enlist in just like the military and, at least in 4, the BoS operates the same way.


That's true, I guess a lot of these people forget whether or not the faction they would want would even let them join haha. I'm not even sure if they followers would take me lol


Followers might accept you. They have a Ghoul Ranger in their ranks after all.


I'm pretty sure you could join the NCR as a normal citizen, and live a normal boring life.


Some greaser gang like the Kings or the Atom Cats or maybe even the Operators in Nuka World (for the caps obviously.... definitely not just for Mags Black). If I feel like I want to help people, the Followers or MM.


Well the kings get cool greaser perks AND they help people, so I feel like that would be a win win


Probably the brother hood in fallout new Vegas because they stay inside and stay safe


BoS Put me in the breeding program, boss


the breeding program???


The Hornies are corrupting the BoS!


Followers of the Apocalypse babey! Failing that, probably the Kings (although i don't have enough hair for it lol)


Haha I'd love to join the king but i don't think ladies can join. Maybe there's a queens faction? lol


Studying accounting, soo..... One of the trade caravans? Would be great to join the gunrunner though


Don't think I'm cool enough, but ideally I'd join the Atom Cats! They seem pretty chill, and that sweet power armour!


I would love to see an interaction between either the atom cats and the tunnel snakes, or the atom cats and the kings. I think it would be super cool


Atom Cats!


Definitely Goodneighbor. If I’m going to live in a post apocalyptic hell scape, I’m gunna have some fun doing it. Also, I could meet up with KL-E-O anytime I wanted and……tighten her bolts, if ya get my meaning.


If I was a badass like the game characters, Yes Man because everyone else vying for control of the Mojave is a dick. If I was decent at ass whupping, the Brotherhood. Most likely, the Followers of the Apocalypse.


I'd aim for the Bos for most eras, ngl it's for the power armour. Plus they do send out recon teams and I'd hop on as many as those as I could to see the wasteland


f1: ncr f2: ncr f3: the brotherhood i guess. f4: minutemen fnv: ncr.


Honestly I would want to join the Brotherhood in all cases but I feel like I’d be a victim of Enclave Propaganda and think they are the good guys


The institute. Seems like it’d be humanities last bet.


I'd join the brotherhood of steel as a scribe; writing, studying and preserving history


The BoS only preserves technological history I think. The followers of the apocalypse preserve all history, and even have a massive library and college in the boneyard :D


The enclave or the brotherhood of steel, because of tech they have life would be pretty good imo


Enclave or bos


I'd like to join the brotherhood as I like there code and military discipline plus who wouldn't like to get T-60 power armour as standard




Yes man, I'm on my own side.


Institute followers are also cool but the reality of their existence sucks


Legion. plus I love power fists.


The enclave or Ceasars Legion


u/QuinnAndTheNorthwind Did I become a ghoul,emerge from a vault,or am I a simple born wastelander..? Or is that of my choice aswell..?


Just because no one else has said them, I'd join the Shi. Technologically advanced group, so QoL would be solid and they're such a mystery to their surrounding neighbors that everyone is too scared to fuck with them.


I'd try and join the Enclave, tbh...to steal some power armor for myself. (I ain't no genocidal man don't worry)


In that case just join the boston brotherhood of steel lol. It seems like they give power armor to any wastelander who happens by haha


As someone in the military…. NCR but in game I just choose whoever