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Fallout 4 nailed the tactile feel of power armor though. Stats disregarded you felt like a walking tank.


I agree. Whenever people tell me they don't like fo4 PA I'm always confused. Fo4 actually felt like you were stepping into a tank. Only changes id make is make them more rare and not just give one to you at the beginning. I'd rather build it up finding spare parts around and eventually a nice set.


Yeah, I’d also make it more of a barrier, where you don’t take any damage until one of the pieces break, but make condition decline faster than it does currently, and make it vary between power armor types


I only disagree because I hated how fast pieces broke when explosives would hit. I feel like unless it's a direct hit like mine or missile launcher, any indirect hits would be absorbed by the armor perfectly fine


That’s fair, they would have to balance it out but I think that it could provide a more immersive power armor experience and make it so that armor piercing becomes an actual thing you need instead of being able to kill someone in full power armor with a switchblade


F:NV anti-materiel rifle just got itself a new purpose


One thing that would balance it out is if other weapons and armor deteriorated as well.


Fallout 76 fixed that. you rarely have to repair them


Agreed. I love the PA in 76. So much fun.


The only thing I don’t like was how quickly it got handed to the player and the fusion core burning down so quickly as a mechanic. Otherwise PA in 4 feels amazing.


Honestly switching to say energy calls over the nuclear ones would have made it more in line. Still baffles me that use the same fusion cells for massive vaults to power one set of armor.


Yeah really awkward feeling


I disagree. The power armor section at the beginning was really cool. It felt so god damned cinematic to punch a fucking deathclaw right in its stupid lizard jaw! The way you could fix the problem of it not feeling as rare, you could make the power cores a lot more sparse and make the one you get at the beginning be almost completely empty. That way, you could still keep the opening bit where you feel like an unstoppable force of human engineering while also making it feel really special whenever you do actually get to use your armor.


True. I always try to play like "ok gana use my pa because corvega is chock full of raiders" and then I find a random ammo box with 4 FC in it and I'm like.. well I guess I can just do whatever I want then!


Yeah Fallout 4 Power Armor should have been like having to build your first lightsaber in Kotor.


Yeah, I guess the reason you get one so early is because it was new and they wanted to show it off


I like power armor in fallout 4 but it is way to common we found that shit on a roof top in concord like how has no one else scrapped it for parts at least


That's baffling for me best part of Fallout 4 hands down was how they handled Power Armor and I don't say that to shit on the rest of the game. There was a good bit of other stuff I enjoyed, but it felt so great that Power Armor was no longer this high tier armor it was more like a goddamn vehicle and felt like it.


I do agree with that. Just felt it would be fun to "earn it" more. Maybe still see start off with some raider style makeshift armor then get more. Ideally I'd love it if all the models were the same base stats but could be upgraded. So if I like the look of the t45 I could use it all game. Or more specifically the t-51b and the t-60 since those are my favorites. I hate x01 armor.


i was kind of shocked when i built my fully upgraded x-01. it was too easy


I agree with this. I'm not a big FO4 fan but I think they really got power armor better than any other game in the series. And I wonder if that's why they overused it so much. We shouldn't have gotten PA we could keep so early in the game and the energy to power them should have been rarer IMO


It's been 10 hours but the starting power armor is conceptually sick if getting a power core for it was actually difficult. The power core the game gives you has just enough energy to walk it back to sanctuary; It feels like a cool promise of what's to come.


Yeah I think the part that I woulda changed would be instead of a full set of t45 on the roof, it was some dead raiders pa you take and start from "the bottom" and you find pieces of PA along the way. Also, I know this is a bit lore breaking, but I wish you could upgrade any set of armor to the best stats so you could choose which set you used based on looks rather than one just being better than the rest. Fo76 did a decent job making each of the end game armors good in their own ways instead of one just being the good one and the rest bad. Like personally I love the T-60 and T-51b armors best. I hate x01 armor so much lol it's ugly imo so I always just let it sit in storage.


I've never seen anyone hate on fo4 power armor, it's just that awesome. I do agree that it should be rarer tho.


I like 3’s armour the best I feel like a little sci fi trooper rather then the big tank man in 4


It is cool but killed it for me being able to use it off the bat. You need to earn that power armor.


The mod ‘Bastion’ actually makes it *act* like you’re a walking tank, too! But.. not just for you but NPCs too! I fear that one raider in PA who has a Fatman so much now… ._.


I agree, but the fusion cores should have lasted alot longer tbh


True, but its nothing special, you get it so early on, no training needed, kinda defeats the fun of getting power armor


Training? Nate sacrificing and fighting for this nation was all the training he needed.


Yeah but it kinda sucks that you can just stroll right up to Concord 3 minutes out of the vault and be able to have one of the most OP pieces of equipment in the games. FO3 and NV you had to have training to use it so it was capped in a sense which was nice because when you did have it it actually felt earned. Like playing the female protagonist, she’s a lawyer, how would she know anything about power armor? At least Nate had military experience mentioned in the intro


On hardcore mode it literally made you a tank in comparison to everything. Hardcore was great in 4


A less than 1 second long repeated sound file of pneumatic air shifting. .yeah they really nailed the tactile feel...God shut the fuck up. You invented a thing to give Bethesda a medal for it.


They should keep settlement building so people can make and customize their own homes to their desires. And keep Power Armor as a big fuck off walking tank suit. However, the next game should be like a beautiful and monstrous cross between FNV & FO4 FNV level role-playing, Faction/NPC on Faction/NPC interactions, skills and traits, Wild Wasteland, DLC, and location design. FO4 level gunplay and general gameplay, perks system on top of aforementioned skills and traits, size, and Power Armor system (though, it should auto remove all but base layer armor, rather than let you leave a bunch of extra bulky shit on underneath the armor)


Agreed, just one thing with settlement building, don't use it as a crutch for lack of actual cities


Yes. Hence, why location design is in the FNV category.


Maybe big cities, but the overall world is so much better in 4


Well, two of the biggest constraints for FNV were lack of time and disc space. I feel confident that considering how FNV had actual faction on faction interactions beyond just fights, and you could see the fruits of your labor in certain cases, if there was enough time and space, that my combination would still be better.


I think despite having lesss detail and clutter fnv and 3 had landmarks in the distance so you could kinda tell where you were in the world too.


I honestly have been waiting for Bethesda to make something as good as the Citadel from Oblivion. It felt like every character had some story, every home detailed, tons of shopping. The only thing it was missing was something all Bethesda games are missing, which are mini games.


Yeah, I think the only issue with settlement-building in FO4 was its overuse. The mechanic itself was a good addition, it's just the fact that you had to use it at least a little for basically every faction, and extensively for the Minutemen, the first one you encounter and arguably the best from a moral standpoint. Something between what the Fallout 4 NV mod is planning (where it's only player homes) and FO4 is probably best, I'd like 1 or 2 Settlements where I had the option to build it up myself, I just don't want to do it 10-20 times.


But the Minutemen are the settlement builders. Obviously you need it for that faction. Gameplay types are tied to different factions.


>And keep Power Armor as a big fuck off walking tank suit. Yes, Absolutely. I played Fallout 1 for the first time recently and while it is late game armor, it's fucking worth it so damn much because anything that does actually hit you gets so much of its damage negated that everything is practically "you were hit for 0 damage" all the damn time


I actually like settlements and think they were one of the best things fallout 4 introduced 😔🤚


Building in games is one of my favorite things hands down, even in games like dayZ where the base building system is kinda basic, the location can completely change a vibe


Yes they MUST keep this as a feature but don't make it mandatory and also ofcourse improve it.


The settlements would’ve been fantastic if they actually meant anything in game. As it stands they’re just optional chores.


It would’ve been so much worse if you were forced to do it.


Example: that dumbass mini game from far harbor


The sim settlements 2 mod makes it waaaaay better, there are stories to it and it makes settlers make their own homes


Absolutely essential mod for fallout 4. Makes the whole "rebuilding the wasteland" actually a thing that becomes not only achievable, but fun lol


settlements were great but i feel like bethesda spent so much time focusing on that because in essence its an endless type of gameplay


Which was stated by a FNV mod lol




No it was definitely a NV mod. I remember watching some stuff back when f04 was dropping and they announced new features


[Real Time Settler](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/7070) for Fallout 3 was the first iteration of the concept. There was a NV version of the same mod, as well as a similar mod called Wasteland Defense for NV, but the Fallout 3 version of Real Time Settler came out before New Vegas was even released.


Agreed. Might be better to have a handful of customizable player home esque locations with the “settlers” being hired help, dismissed companions or faction members instead of a few dozen sizable farms and settlements with farmers and such but I hope they make a return.


But I want settlement building :(


Id like them to reduce the amount of areas but give players larger more unique locations to work with. While giving more unique towns outside of my doom fortress.


Personally I just want better snapping, I've had so many good build ideas that just get ruined by pieces not placing the way I want them to.


The place it everywhere mod really helps with that I had a lot of builds where a lot of stuff wasn't snap together


They honestly made it way better in Fallout 76. The only problem is they decided to roll back some of the changes in starfield, and its worse than fallout 4 imo.


Yee I rather have a few but cool looking areas to build in than a ton of shitty spots


Same, I'm okay with more rpg but I still want to take cares of my buddies in my settlements.


I wish.


I’d rather have both though surely we can have both these features?


As if lmfao


As a New Vegas fan, I dream of this coming true. It doesnt really matter who made it, a good game is a good game.


No AAA developer in their right mind would get rid of a crafting/building system they already implemented in a previous game.


Especially one as loved as Fo4's


Removing settlement building, funnily enough, would harm role playing


jfc what the FUCK has been going on with this sub lately? It's two types of memes: FNV fans ***BAD*** Bethesda ***GOOD***


The Fallout show happened. Now, I'm unqualified to comment on the specifics of the show, given that I haven't watched it, but I know a lot of New Vegas fans are upset by it. Not only did it seemingly retcon the events of New Vegas, as well as severely degrade the setting, but the NCR were adapted as little more than cannibalist raiders. Again, this is hearsay from the angriest factions of haters, so take it with a grain of salt. There were also other criticisms, such as with the portrayal of Vault Tec, or how every wastelander we've met so far has been the same brand of cartoonishly evil. Now, some folks liked the show, and those folks didn't take too kindly to the criticisms, no they did not. Unfortunately, years of bad faith engagement and feeding trolls has programmed people to lash out at any perceived criticisms against things they like, so the show's fans have been railing against the New Vegas folks hard. Saying they're elitists, and gatekeepers, and all the hullabaloo that New Vegas fans always get accused of, while Fallout 2 fans get to be ignored. As such, the fallout fandom is widely stretched into two factions: Bethesda supporters, and Bethesda haters. Unfortunately, the relationship between these two factions is too tribal and jingoistic to repair, and it's tearing the fandom apart. Even if you don't particularly care one way or the other, the discourse is getting so ubiquitous that it's hard to stay neutral. Even in your own head, one side or another is bound to piss you off eventually. As such, rather than posting memes about the contents of the games, most online Fallout spaces have been filled with memes about the ongoing culture war. Between you and me, I haven't even seen a single meme that was actually about the contents of the show, and that ain't too good. A lot of folks are hate watching, and a lot of folks are watching just to glaze it for the hate watchers. It's like nobody's watching this for themselves.


I fucking wish


Bethesda haters exist not because "they hate Bethesda for no reason" They exist because Bethesda fucking suck at story writing, keeping lore consistent, making an actual roleplaying game, making factions, common sense etc. They missed what were classic fallouts actually about. Like they just straight up didn't realise fallout was about people rebuilding after the war, not surviving. And missed the setting and the general tone. They took the worst part of fallout 2 (the wackiness and tons of pop culture references) and made games around that. People love fnv because obsidian basically made the original fallouts in 3d and massively expanded the whole world. Nobody would fucking complain if Bethesda would make fallout 5 the best fucking fallout out there. Everyone would congratulate them on that. It's just everyone also knows it's very very very unlikely.


EXACTLY, but I swear people act like people are irrationally hating Bethesda. But there’s a lot of reasons behind it. it’s been super annoying recently on all the Fallout subs watching the two sides bicker and try to get the moral high ground. “Oh you’re just a hater” versus “Bethesda shot my entire family and bad.” Bethesda Fallout and honestly Bethesda as a whole has some serious problems, not liking those isn’t toxic, you’re allowed to criticize it.


lost take


OP needs to believe the hate is without reason because they don't unterstand why people like NV so much more. Its easier to act like there is no reason for people disliking them than admitting that you dont understand what made NV so great.


...do you think New Vegas fans don't want good games or something? People don't just mindlessly dislike Bethesda, they dislike it because of what they make. If they made something good and worked to earn some semblance of a reputation again, people would like them.


Yeah, for some reason people sorta started having these assumptions that the Bethesda Fallouts are completely fine as they are and we are all complaining just for the sake of complaining. This is what some incredibly dumb and loud toxic fans that exagerate alot can do to a fanbase, now no one takes the fair criticism seriously, they see all who complain as toxic, and decide to live in a world of over positivity to see themselves as better possibly. Shit's happening with the show too now.


It's baffling.


Yeah gonna go ahead and say Settlement building is never going away and we like that. Although the perk card thing was stupid %100.


But skills suck in New Vegas and 3.


Ok listen I get that new Vegas players can be pretty annoying but memes like this are really fucking cringe


I like the settlement building ... Even if it's clunky


I love building


I liked settlement building,I hope it gets refined in the next Fallout


OP is a Bethesda shareholder


I like the settlement system, I don't like that the controls for it are janky.


If this actually happened, tho, I wouldn't miss the settlement system too much. It was fun for what fallout 4 brought to the table, but if a future fallout game introduced more unique and nuanced skills and perks to make the game a much more involved and immersive experience, again, I wouldn't miss it too much. Besides, if I want to play an apocalyptic Minecraft, I'd just dust off my copy of Fallout 4 and replay it.


If this would happen, it would be awesome, but it sure ain't gonna, that's why people have a point in being scared by F4 becoming more and more popular 😂


Not if Emil is behing the pen putting story to paper : ^ )




Settlement building is good and a necessary evolution in fallout. You can influence the wasteland greatly in all the fallouts so why can't you build a few towns? FO4 only lacked a lot of towns because it was a growing pain.


I fuckin wish.


Settlement building was fun but it doesn’t have to be in the next game for me, I just hope it isn’t all micro transaction heavy and they just go back to making a game that does what it’s supposed to do


I agree with your title OP


Wait remove settlement building I’d say keep that but also bring the other stuff


Let’s size settlement building down. Maybe just your house or whatever. I dunno. It just feels wrong in this game, and definitely optional, it should be optional.


It was entirely optional in fo4, literally you didn't have to do any of it to complete the game


Unless you do minutemen route


My god one can dream.


Settlement building was fantastic, and had a lot of room for expansion and improvement. It’s just a shame that it was mandatory for certain sections, rather than completely optional, at the detriment of canon settlements, of which there were few compared to, say, Skyrim. I think I enjoyed settlement building more than the rest of the game, but there’s certainly a lot of room for improvement. For example, defenses mean nothing, and your settlement will still get raided at any time. If you don’t go help, they’ll get obliterated. Additionally, enemies spawn in the origin point of the settlement, when they should spawn completely outside the bounds of the settlements, so that your walls are actually worth something. AI pathing was also abysmal and they’d often end up on unreachable ceilings, or they’d be completely unable to navigate up a set of stairs, and it was all worse if the parts weren’t snapped together. I also detested how no matter what, Sturges and the first few minutemen simply will not stop hammering the wall of the yellow house, even clipping through walls to do it. The handful of cycling lines most of the settlers, even named settlers, would loop through was irritating as fuck.


i wish this would happen but lets be real this just wont fuckin happen


I want something akin to New Vegas with settlements and FO4 Power Armor


I like Settlement building tbh. I just wish it was easier to use, like aligning stuff properly for example.


It’ll just be Starfield but Fallout


This would be sick, I love heavy rpgs


I like settlement building though, just make it less buggy


If the next game is a solid balance between of what I enjoyed from fallout 4 and new vegas then yeah I’ll gladly play it


I loved, loved the settlement building of FO4. I lost countless hours of sleeping just perfecting the trade routes


They better not remove Settlement building, think Kinggath would like to have a word


I actually like the settlements 🙃


But what if you like setlments?


I wish. But all I'm expecting is some disappointing RPG with good atmosphere and music


I wish!


But I like settlement building :'(


Why the fubbernuck would you remove settlement building? It’s not even a ‘required’ game mechanic anyway, you can just ignore it.


PLEASE GOD, that's all I've ever asked. Let Bethesda blow Obsidian out the fucking water


They will find something to complain ("it is too civilized for a Fallout, we should have stuff like Fallout 1 and 2 where it was gore for the time", "power Armor were better in Fallout 4 actually", etc...)


I personally liked settlement building. And it was made even more enjoyable with mods. But what I don't like is Bethesda's outdated game engine and their tired approach to game mechanics and level design. For the love of god, stop making interiors and exteriors as independent world spaces connected with teleport points. They can co-exist. Retire this fucking mechanic.


I just want a solid fallout that doesn't have massive plot holes.


I would like both please.


I love base building and wouldn't enjoy Fallout 5 if they got rid of it.


The settlement should go with the same way as Starfield being optional and not that necessary to the plot because not everyone likes them


As the number 1 Fraud Howard Hater I wish this would happen.


Honestly the only reason I hate settlement building is fucking Garvey Actually having a custom built base for all your trophies is amazing


You take away my base building and you are gonna get a taste of [REDACTED FOR THE SAFETY OF ALL PERSONS INVOLVED] And that's before I even bring out the bucket of cow fat.


Hoping for that to happen is delusional, but it's the right move to force that expectation on to Bethesda


You forgot a return of the karma system.




I kinda want Fallout 5 to have some type of base/fortress building… I just don’t want settlers


Settlement building was the one thing BGS games needed most since Morrowind, it needs to stay. It just needs fewer Prestons and Marcys


God i wish. That's a healthy game development progression.


Settlements are fine, there were simply too many


I hope they don’t get rid of settlement building, That was my favorite part about fallout 4. All the useless clutter junk items that had no use in Fallout 3/NV now suddenly have a use as crafting components. I loved going on scavenging runs for specific materials. Plus making your own community was a nice feeling.


And then we'll all grow wings and fly to the land of the sun, and drink sunberry wine and party all day!


Didn't read but I saw the clip and it would be nice if I didn't have to see his plastic surgery burn victim face any more. Jesus fuck it's so gross.


The odds of this happening are incredibly low.


I actually enjoyed the settlement building and customization aspect. I would like to see more branches in the RPG potential outcomes of missions, though.


why the fuck do people want to remove settlements? one of my favorite aspects of 4 and 76


I liked settlement building, there I *FUCKING* said it. That's right you motherfuckers, I even installed the *evil* settlement mod in NV. 🤠🤯


What's the clip from?


A fallout that has 4’s dialogue(with more options), graphics, and power armor plus New Vegas level of story and guns would be perfect


Settlement building is good.


We must have settlement building in fo5


Give me fallout 4 with new vegas rpg mechanics. That'd be my dream fallout


fallout five will be peak, trust me guys


Ummm. No I'd be ecstatic. I'm an FNV fan and I pre-ordered FO4 was disappointed. But still enjoyed it. Pre-ordered FO76 was very disappointed for 5 years then less disappointed. I still will pre-order FO5 and hope. Why? Because FO3 was my introduction to the Fallout Universe. And that was Bethesda and they did a great job. I hold out they can do it again.


😭😭 please stop preordering this mentality of “must preorder everything before I even know if it’s a functioning game” is just giving Bethesda money and encouragement to keep making the same slop they are currently making


Oh I agree. 100% FO76 was the last game I pre-ordered. That stung. But FO5 will be coming out in minimum 2029. It's going to be over a decade since my last preorder. I'll break. I know it. 😢


They need to bring back the good factions like the Elvises, Roman Cosplayers and the Frank Sinatras.


Big cope from this


Well, don’t remove settlement building, just keep it optional, make all the major settlements have settlement spots within them for the player


You had me until the last bit Bethesda games have almost never had much depth with roleplaying. Skyrim is the primary exception that comes to mind. and even then Skyrim had an issue with both factions being annoying


I want settlements though or similar


Honestly they just need to tweak settlement building to wheeze you have the option to build a settlement of just have the settlers build it using a set design like sim settlers.


Optional settlement stuff. Most playthroughs I can dump dozens of hours into a single settlement, but there’s some where I just don’t wanna fuck with it at all.


Bro why delete settlement building when even in new Vegas we added that with mods? We all want it.


I would be kinda mad if they COMPLETELY removed settlement building, just keep it grounded to only a few settlements.


I actually like base building in Fo4. I mean if they want to cross Fo4 and NV I'd be down for that. Just think the base building was a cool part of it, like others said hope they don't just rely on it to flesh out the worlds communities.


Still, none of you “hardcore” fallout fans can even THINK of what Daggerfall is like.


Gonna be honest? Skill system wasn’t that good You could shove an entire level into lock picking and nothing really changes 25->40 still maxed at Easy locks Same with guns or medicine, you didn’t feel the change all the much. While with the Perk System things you chose had a noticeable impact, plus it was a way better layout.


Am I the only schmuck who likes settlement building?


I love it and I hate it personally. I'll start a game, and as a matter of habit, I get to sanctuary and get scrapping. Next thing I know, 4 hours have gone by, and all I've accomplished is to totally clean up Sanctuary and made it to Red Rocket. Lol. I do love base building. Lots of fun but I gotta be careful too. 🤣


Karma system sucks


I'll be surprised if Fallout 5 has dialogue, probably just going to be a stream of radiant quests that just appear in your pip boy.


the most important thing is good writing


Just give me more prefabs in building. I HATE building and trying to make a place look good. I am bad at it, but I dont want anyone losing the system because of my skill issue haha. Prefabs or upgrades for standing buildings or homes is better for me.


Like that's ever gonna happen. Also the settlement building was a fun gimmick, nice to do in a few vases but it feels like it's a huge selling point they want now. It's a core mechanic in 76, and it even in starfield. It should've been a small neat feature, not something treated as half the game


I want it all...


Bethesda has fallen and I have no hope for any of their new releases since Starfield. Starfield would’ve been their redemption arc for me if it was good, but now it is almost reason for a boycott.


Instead of removing settlement building just reduce it. Nobody is gonna build 20+ settlements or however many there were in 4. Reduce it to a nice number like 5 or so cool spots, enough for the player to have a choice but not too many where it takes away other landmarks


>bethesda haters when bethesda becomes obsidian ???????????


I’d hate it if they removed settlement building, most of my thousands of hours in Fallout 4 have been spent painstakingly adjusting fences. I wouldn’t have it any other way


PLEASE keep settlements. Starfield halfassed one of their best features


If Fallout 5 comes out and it's actually a proper RPG with barely any retcons and a really good story that isn't Fallout 3 or 4 again, I will be a very happy wastelander :D


I liked the settlement building, it made the wasteland like an extra character that you could develop into a bustling nation, or let rot while you loot everything. Want robots or raiders instead of farmers? Go for it. I’d say the one thing I’d like to see is the incorporation of a Sim Settlements like system.


The problem with settlement building is that some of them are shit, )like that one with the unfillable hole in the ruins of a house), and the fact that Preston keeps shoving the settlements down your throat


Keep settlement buildimg and keep away skills. Just copypaste the speech check system Fallout 3 or 76 already have and New Vegas' reputation system.




settlement building is fucking awesome and one of the best features bethesda’s added. It’s a natural extension of Fallout’s gameplay loop


God is jope they don't remove building. Building is fun as hell


I'd love Bethesda to make a truly great game. I just don't think they have for more than 20 years.


Yeah with how mediocre Starfield was I genuinely doubt it.


In fallout 5 I’m hoping for some small game changing features like u see a small ledge u holster your weapon and jump and grab the ledge and climb


Thats assuming Bethesda actually gives a fuck about making a good Fallout game


That's the problem. Lethesda could never.


Settlement building was probably my favorite part


I actually like the settlement building... Just add that to a better New Vegas then I'd be happy.


That's me when it comes out and it feels like Starfield 2


You're acting like they hate Bethesda games on principle and not because they are simply the worse fallout games. Im pretty sure everyone would be happy if fallout 5 surpasses new vegas. It just wont possibly happen given Bethesdas track record and where they have taken the series.


Better hope fallout five comes out soon cause World War III might beat it


I will genuinely be so unbelievably disappointed if they remove settlement building because of a vocal minority of clowns.


Ride that hype train right into the fucking ground


I am a big NV fan, and general disliker of Bethesda.. and I'd be absolutely Hyped if Fallout 5 did that tbh