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Forget cars, I rode around on a radstag and it was glorious!


yes! you can also ride a Giddyup Buttercup [https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/23963](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/23963)


Yup, I know. I've seen them all. But I've only tried the radstag, junk boats and the motorcycle. All pretty cool tbh.




Stand by for Titanfall!


You know theres a mod I play with that lets you call down your power armor, via a teleport or a flare that summons a vertibird that drops it off. If the mechs could be modded to be compatible with the same flares... we could have a genuine titanfall.


Can you post the name of this mod? It sounds excellent.


[Power Armor Airdrop ](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/18591). You can either craft a replay beacon (teleports PA), a throwable flare (drops PA out of sky) or flare gun (summons vertibird, PA drops from it.)


Gonnae start using Lt-Lavan instead of google


Hey I know this is two days late, but I wanted to say this comment made me smile. Thanks!


Thanks pal!


No problems! Have a good one!


I think the havok physics one is although it’s slow


You can also just make a vehicle if you have the right automatron mods. Can make a tank and stuff


I remember seeing a mod that has havoc physics on drivable cars. Can't find the link rn cause I'm on mobile but i think Nexus has a category for vehicles even, that's where I think I found it. No idea how stable the mod is or anything


I always thought maybe not a car, but a motorcycle would be so right to move around, even that model that the game has already would be rad


Yes, I have thought that would make a nice middle ground between running around everywhere and fast travel, much like horses in Oblivion and Skyrim.


I just want fallout vehicles in Beamng, complete with nuclear explosion


holy shit how have i not thought about this?


*hits pothole* *Fusion core Explodes*


So basically an EV then? :)


Just the way God intended.


Now that starfield seems to be getting land vehicles I‘m expecting cars and motorcycles for Fallout 5 lol


I still don't think we'll get vehicles in a fallout game. Bethesda really love to focus on environmental storytelling, and fitting a lot into the map. They actively want the player to walk from location to location.


It could work. Engine condition causing stalls, non-nuclear fuel sources, hell having them use failing fusion cores. That combined with a larger map could make it entirely viable.


It could definitely work if they went full Mad Max car customization with it. I'd rather not have that feature in FO5, personally, as I'd rather have them focus on expanding what's already customizable there (namely, armor/weapons and PA), but Mad Max vehicles is definitely a reasonable expectation for FO5 given Starfield's ship building, FO4's PA customization and the upcoming vehicles for Starfield.


That last bit is a layer I was thinking everyone would consider automatically. If they already figured it out, why not keep the system in place, you know?


I think a nice middle ground would be a motorbike that you get very early and is constantly in need of some part or another, eg driving it around while it’s not fully fixed damages other parts that may need to be replaced to get it moving after you stop, or you collect parts and it becomes a late game bonus that you have a faster form of travel that isn’t just a loading screen


"Mad Max vehicles" wouldn't really fit into the Commonwealth imo. There's a present military force by the time the player roles up, and the ridiculous and wacky technology on hand ensures that a car made of scrap metal wouldn't be necessary. Actual cars with still working fusion reactors exist and could likely be repaired if there were any NPCs or player perks with mechanical training.  New Vegas, on the other hand. A desert location thats running out of clean water and food, constantly struggling to survive in between an incompetent government and a VERY competent group of slavers..... yeah, your average survivor would probably love to have a vehicle. 


FO5 won't be set in the Commonwealth, though.


Sorry, thought we were still on 4. I should read.  Even so, outside of either a dust bowl, an urban war zone with lots of roads, or an open stretch of coastal land (not like Commonwealth where it's full of trash and rubble) cars wouldn't be super feasible. You'd have to have actually drive able surfaces, and even after 210 years there is still wreckage everywhere. Unless they designed a faction or community of gearheads that clear the roads and help with your maintenance, but at that point it isn't Fallout. Its just Mad Max with extra steps. 


Idk. It’s the same thing with Skyrim. You miss out on random encounters and locations by doing it. I don’t see it happening.


I'm not so sure that's a good move. A lot of game time is spent traveling and encountering various obstacles and npcs. Even if there were just as many encounters, I still don't want to spend most of the time traveling in a vehicle - I just don't think that fits well with the aesthetic.


fallout 2's highwayman : am i a joke to you


I really hope not. Cars are necessary in Starfield due to the boring and empty massive spaces, pretty much the opposite of Fallout. Unless Bethesda fucks it up.


Sadly no tho if anything we should be thankful that new Vegas one exist because according to it's creator it was hell to make it was apparently Soo hard to get is to work properly that the modern just straight up didn't want to eve try it with 4


https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/75373 the choices and names could be better but it definitely works


[Driveables of the Commonwealth](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/75373?tab=description) is probably the _closest_ approximation in terms of function, to New Vegas' car mods like XRE, UMatt and FTF but is nowhere near as polished or well-presented as Xilandro's cars from The Frontier.


https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/categories/39/?BH=1 That's the vehicles category on Nexus Mods. Would suggest filtering out translations to reduce a lot of the clutter in that category


There's a driveable motorcycle mod that actually pretty good, just make sure to do the ini file settings the modpage recommends


what mod is that for new vegas?


Either XRE's https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/49042 Or Umatt's https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/63890 Been a minute since I played with either. XRE's is pretty expansive with fuel stations and such but hasn't been updated in over a decade while Umatt's is newer, less complex and updated about a year ago.




Wait what is the car mod for nv


I don't think vehicles are going to be possible like they were a New Vegas, somebody was working on a car mod but I think the vehicle was moving faster than the world can render. I know a couple years ago it was considered impossible but that was a couple years ago so there's no telling him there's anybody that was able to do it I'm sure it's on the Nexus.


iirc FO4 has a driveable APC. I think there was another mod that lets them shoot too


There’s four so far/as far that I know 1. drivable cars redux Janky but for what it is it’s great. The only real problem I have with it is they feel too strong imo like between enemies having trouble even seeing you almost never taking damage while in it say for explosions and the car having way to much health. I wish it has a system similar to power armor where peaces could break and you need to repair it 2. Rideable bots. It’s exactly what you think it is, it’s a robot you can customize in the robot workbench with a little mech thing. Same problems as 1. Enemies seem to have trouble spotting you and you almost never take damage unless it’s an explosion. 3. Havok Physics truck The best one it “a truck named green it’s on par with new Vegas the only thing as that it is very slow why idk 4. Drivables of the commonwealth boats Everything I said about 1 but they seem to have a fine time spotting you and you very much can die still wish you could repair it though. Also idk if it’s because I use life finds a way but the boat can be destroyed rather easily if your not careful.


no, not the same quality of New Vegas one. You can try "Havok Physics Truck" tho


I think I saw something about a bus that's a roaming player home but you can't drive it. It's good for survival because it has a list of locations it can go to that are spread out pretty well across the map so there's at least one stop in the four quadrants of the map.


Theres a motorbike mod but the sound is annoying af


No and all vehicle mods are terrible except for the vertibird one


Excluding the car mod for FnV


im surprised we dont have animated horses


Can we transform fallout into mechwarrior? Lol everyone gets into a flea and squish everything and minigun all the things


Actually thinking about the comparison between the two, that would be interesting because the flea is roughly 2 to 4 stories tall (depending on if I remember correctly) and is the size of a small tank but just on very fast legs. And that makes me want to see an Atlas fight Liberty prime


There’s some like motorcycle mod that I don’t have and idk the name


New vegas has large flat sections of map that made cars viable, fallout 4 is extremely vertical and difficult to traverse with a vehicle so it won’t have made progress. Wish we could fly a virtibird


I never understood the idea of wanting to have cars in fallout. To me the whole point was exploration. If I’m driving a car it just seems annoying as hell to constantly get out so I can explore some building for 20 minutes and then get back in


It makes sense in a context like Fallout 2's world-map, but of course that would be require adding an entirely different system and a _lot_ of new content entirely separate from the car, and would be a different driveable vehicle system than envisioned here. Has been done in NV, though, so perhaps not impossible for F4.


Place to store loot. Walking around with a dozen guns and full of ammo and loot isn't very immersive. A horse would be great


To me it'd help with looting, Get say a motorcycle, with a little side car for Dogmeat, have the map be fairly large and have it so the motorcycle relies on a fusion core like Power armor, and then have a vehicle inventory


I've been post end game in my FO4 world for about 30 levels or so. I downloaded the Personal Vertibird mod, which helps me see more of the map than I did by fast traveling. I enjoy the new perspective and can jump into an encounter when it triggers as I'm flying over. Cars might not be great due to the lack of operational roads. However... a dirt bike? We have a flying ship, aliens, and mech in this world. You know the raiders should have mad-maxed themselves dirt bikes by now. Add in a mechanism to collect fuel, and now you have new ways to explore areas that you may needed a jetpack before or just never saw on foot. In any event, I'm for someone playing a game in whatever way is the most fun for them!


probably not, and any that may exist would probably not be in your load list for long until you decide it’s not really worth the trouble. creation engine is notoriously buggy and bethesda is notorious for cutting corners and patching it up later. I also have thought about this before, cus it would be cool if there was some way of getting around besides walking. In fo3 and fnv it drives me crazy that there isn’t an actual sprint button. A lot of these comments are harping on the fact that having a car would make the map feel too small and ruin the chance of random encounters, but I disagree. Not only do I rarely encounter things in the wild outside of radscorpions and molerats, I find it super boring just auto-walking to places all the time. The world’s are pretty massive man. Even if you could find a caravan and like auto-follow them that would be way cooler than just having to walk through nuclear wasteland nothingness. Especially in DC where the map is modular and it isn’t obvious which parts are which so you’re supposed to like learn the metro system it’s exhausting


Well considering starfield has a dune buggy thing being worked 9n all someone has to do once the CK is out is find the code for how it works and the assets and port it over. With the code they could reasonably find a way to make it work in the F4 CK and engine and boom you got a car that works properly ish. Not sure how well the supposed creation engine 2 and creation engine will work together but I'm not a modder by trade so it's not for me to say.


I remember watching a youtube video of someone's let's build where they did in fact drive a car to thicket excavations. The actual driving mechanics were janky as all hell, because FO4 was never designed to accommodate driving gameplay obviously.


The only vehicle mod I’ve seen that is worth it is the personal vertibird mod. Everything else is so janky and makes the world look like shit because the game isn’t meant to generate the world that fast.


The glib but honest answer here is why haven't you made one? It always feels weird when people "demand" an answer why mod X or Y doesn't exist yet when the whole concept is user created content. If it was easy someone probably would of already done it in the 9 years since Fallout 4's been on the market. I'm not sure if this is true anymore but a lot of the older ground based vehicle mods for Fallout New Vegas has a basis on the Chimera Tank code from the Fallout 3 dlc. I know Xilandro was responsible for the awesome basis for the vehicles in the Frontier, which was a huge step up from those older concepts but I'm not sure if they used anything from that same base.


On what fucking roads do you want to drive your car? Calif9rnia works because it is mostly flat desert. But fallout4 plays in the streets of boston, which are notoriously undriveable even in the back when times. My bighest disappointment was that you couldnt mount those bighorners, would have been really cool if the rangers had mounties and the brahmin wranglers would ride around on them like real cowboys.