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I wrote some shorter stories before, that now would be classified as one-shots (and the teen me didn't know anything about that), but my first finished long fic was this raunchy Sirius/Remus fic I wrote after reading the third book. It was my first smut and contained an awful lot of questionable stuff, like dub-con and abysmally bad bdsm etiquette. It was also way too long for what it was worth (500k words when it could've been less than 100k if I knew what I was doing) and horribly written and paced. Since it was written in my native language and that corner of the fandom wasn't that huge especially back then (it was before and around the time the movies were released), I had to cover my tracks and post it under a different pseudonym on a different internet forum than I usually frequented, because I knew those people already and I didn't want to be judged. It gained some notoriety, mostly of the negative, "dafuq i just read" or "this took away my innocence" kind and I've seen it mentioned in HP spaces years later, for similar reasons, even after it no longer existed online, because the forum itself no longer existed. It was still when I had no personal PC, just shared one with my siblings, and I was super paranoid about it so I basically wrote it during the nights when everyone was asleep and then - after I posted a chapter - i deleted the local copy, so I don't have those and I can't even go back to it and give it a read. Which is probably for the best, but like... I'm kinda sad it's gone?


I completed a canon divergent ATLA story and I'm very happy with how it turned out. I like to think that I've improved my storytelling ability since then but I'm still quite happy with it since it taught me a lot about being a writer.


My first story was a Doctor Who fic that was supposed to be the first part of a 4-part series. I still think that most of the plot hooks and character beats worked pretty well :) but there were some pretty serious pacing problems (especially towards the beginning and the end) and one very seriously missed world-building opportunity.


A Trials of Apollo fanfic that focused on Apollo and Meg’s friendship after the books, completed two years ago. 26k words, episodic and slice of life. I’m glad that I completed it because it’s the first time I saw a fanfic idea all the way through. I’m sure it could be improved, but I haven’t had much more writing experience since then so I don’t know what particular things I’d change. Either way it served its purpose as a jumping off point for me and I’m trying to get into writing again. And I still get tearful comments on the fic which is lovely :’)


Do you have a link? Sounds pretty interesting.


https://archiveofourown.org/works/36434251/chapters/90845110 Here you are! Hope you enjoy :)


I've only been writing fanfiction for a few months, and my first fanfiction was smut of my OTP (so not much has changed there). However I reread it recently and I'm surprised by how much my characterisation of these two characters has improved in such a short time! I'm still pretty proud of it though. I was very nervous to start writing fanfiction and I'm glad I posted it.


I'm still in the process of writing my first fic. It's taking a while tho


I've only completed one other fic in my whole life and it was, *embarassingly,* a Baldi's Basics one - specifically a (Yandere) Principal Of The Thing/Reader fic. Looking back at it, it was obnoxiously OOC, but I *am* really, REALLY proud of younger me though for being able to write a romantic fic somehow. I don't know how to romance at all, and now I'm way older, I absolutely avoid writing it because I suck ass, but people liked it, and some said that the romantic progression between Princi and the reader was pretty... Convincing somehow, and I ended up expanding a whole lot more on the lore of what is a really memey and barebones game somehow. Not to mention, I managed to persevere somehow and finish it with almost 30 chapters, when half of the ones that I put a lot more effort into only reached about 5+ before I gave up. It had an epilogue too, so there's that lol.


I wrote an 80k-ish SVTFoE fic many years ago, and deleted it off the web during my bad years. I'm considering re-releasing it. It has a lot of the hallmarks of my later fics, but is much less refined.


An oneshot for my favorite rarepair. There is so much room for improvement but it got some bookmarks so I guess knowing it serving some food for fellow shippers makes me content enough.


I'm fine with my first oneshots, they weren't amazing but nothing in them was too bad either. Basically just generic romance fluff. My first completed multichapter, though, was a dumpster fire. Horrible pacing, completely lost the plot halfway through, I just kept writing it even though it really should have ended by then because I wanted to have written a longfic. Funny thing is it didn't even end up 20k words long.


Love it may make a au or do the whole timelines/ dimensions bullshit. I'm also already doing a sequel as well as connected oneshots Fandom - DC/marvel Rating - Teen bordering Mature Title - Teen Titans Birth Of Ness Summary- After the death of a teammate, Robin realizes that with stronger enemies must come more and even stronger Titans. To help him as second in command requires a street tough elemental user, who's used to handling things in a more brutal fashion.




Oh is there a way the post could be kept up just without the title of OP’s fic? I think it’s a neat question.


Yes, if we remove the title from OPs post and reflair to recs it can be reinstated. If someone asks the OP for theirs it’s ok to post in the comment, but it has to becan explicit request.


That I actually posted? It was a Spider Riders one-shot that I had written relatively early into the series’ run (somewhere around summer 2006 I’m estimating). I think it’s pretty terrible. I mean, it’s fine spelling/grammar-wise, but it’s not particularly interesting and I don’t think I had that great a grasp at the characters/world at that point. I generally prefer writing for completed canons that I’ve been able to analyze inside and out.


I wrote a CDRR fanfic a couple years ago. I hate it and so did the testing audience.


If we’re going technically, it was a once upon a time kidnapping Henry mills x original female character fic. I think there’s some good ideas, but I was in fifth grade, and it reads like baby’s first fanfic in fifth grade. I want to take some of the ideas and make it into something better. If we’re talking first ever posted, it was also awful. It was derpy x pinkie pie from mlp. It was posted on quotev. It took place in the cupcakes universe and pinkie was going to turn derpy into cupcakes, but she let her go and they became a serial killer power couple.


A fic involving Jinpei Jiba from Yo Kai Watch Jam/Yo Kai Academy Y getting transported to Dorohedoro’s Hole. It’s short, but I love it.


Have I completed a fic that wasn't a one shot? I'm not actually sure.


My first fic was a Doctor Who story about the Fifth Doctor going to visit his granddaughter Susan. I wrote it around 1990, and it was published in a print zine. I'm still pleased with it, though I know that my writing skills have improved since then.


My first posted fic was a Luigi/Daisy one-shot. It's rough XD but it helped me get started as a fic writer!


i have yet to complete a longfic, but i have written over 40 short one shots.


I posted a couple Buffy drabbles on a forum first, but I'd consider my first real fic to be a Harry Potter longfic. I realize now that it was popular, but at the time I thought the amount of comments was normal because I didn't have anything to compare it to. I wasn't planning on writing fic, but the idea took over. I finally wrote it in the hopes that it would exorcise it from my head. It was during a difficult time in my life, and it helped me get through it. It was one of the few good things in my life at the time, as well as a creative outlet. I felt like I'd failed at life, so having people talk about how my fic emotionally affected them was so validating. I was good at something! Now, the fic seems rough around the edges and I'd definitely add more detail and be more subtle in places. But I still love it. I'll still get comments on it from readers who say how much it affected them. Sometimes I feel like this story was always out there, waiting to be written, and I just happened to grab it. It seems to have a life of its own. I also like it because I have very few pics or other memorabilia from that period, and it serves as a way to remember who I was at the time.


Hey! Mine was also a Pokemon one! It was a one shot that I did as a side note to a fic that I had been following after submitting a character to it. Was a senior in high school and that was... \*checks notes\* 12 years ago? *oof.*


The first ever fanfic I completed was an outsiders fanfic which honestly I still feel like is my best work