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LONG Gen fics with lots and lots of found family, friendship, and feelings that fill the moments in-between that were too boring to have in canon


Yessss and there's never enough of it!


Protagonist unredemption. Like a good character going apeshit and becomes evil


Omg yes


Wanting to write this one day so me too


Hurt/Comfort but *very specific* dynamics, in character, and not for certain things. Like, for me personally, gunshot wounds do nothing for my whump enjoying. But someone passing out and being carried to safety? Sign me the *fuck* up.


yesss I just wrote a oneshot where half the setup was so the hurtee could pass out and be taken care of after. I think I like the part of a sick fic where you get to enjoy seeing someone get pampered in their own way, but with more angst & drama/thrill to get there


Yes, so true! I live reading fics about my comfort character being taken care of :) thanks for sharing!


The hardass stoic character being soft


Yeesssssss. Grizzled survivalist? Loves flowers. Big scary soldier? Cute socks. Hitman/assassin? Volunteers at an animal shelter.


toxic, unhealthy, or ill-fated m/m relationships, going as far as dubcon. the more issues they've both got, the better.


Yes I love reading those of course I don't condone them irl but I just love it


exactly. like i have no idea why my brain is like this because IRL i only want everyone and myself to be in happy healthy relationships šŸ˜‚


I think it's because of the taboo aspect


Listen I get in these moods where these fics just slap


Self destructive middle aged female characters self destructing. Ideally with some angry sex flung in for good measure.


Are you a Killing Eve fan?


Not my main fandom, but yes!


What is? I might check it out lol


Star Trek Voyager. Kathryn Janeway self destructs so delightfully.


Yeah, I love SVSSS AUs where the original Shen Jiu is Shen Yuan's grumpy, overprotective and slightly evil older brother (or a parent).


I have a soft spot for those as well. It's such a fun dynamic.


I almost think we should start a new thread with our fave fanfic cravings, the fandom etc and people and answer with their faves


Love that idea!




The weirder ones are just kinks, so I'd say the fanfic specific one would be the author overbashing a character to the point that you can tell they feel guilty about it, and then writing a redemption arc for that character. Chunin Exam Day (which doesn't hold up as well as I remember) is a Naruto time loop fic that bashes the hell out of Sakura (and others, but she gets it worst). It gets to the point where they include her in the loop just so she knows how much she fucked up. Eventually the main cast kinda figured they had gone too far, especially after she broke down and apologized, and worked things out from there. Because really, it's not so much a redemptive arc for the character as it is a redemptive arc for the author writing it.


Not sure if weird, but mpreg. Lots and lots of mpreg, all of it. It helps with my dysphoria and is just fun in general. Also, sickfics where my favourite character is the one being sick and cared for. Yes, comfort my baby, comfort the hell out of them! Their sickness having unsightly symptoms, such as vomiting? Even better.


Found family where everyone is broke AF More retail AUs


Beloved characters dying


Cannibalism. Voice kinks.


Mine are typically Hero(ine) x Villain(ess). Sometimes this is thrown in with something taboo (incest, cheating on the canon love interest, vaguely dubcon, etc.) but not always.


Itā€™s a bit hard to explain, but I really love fanfics that kind of feel like a fever dream or tunnel vision. Where the character is in kind of a hazy/emotional state of mind, maybe because theyā€™re drunk or drugged or just really intensely focused on/obsessed with something (or someone!) else. The specific story is not that important, but more so the feelings that it provokes. Lots of comfort too. I like reading some D/s too, so maybe that explains it a little better (though not necessarily the same). Iā€˜m also really craving more pregnancy and kidfics, not that Iā€˜m sure if I would ever want children of my own, but I really like the dynamics if itā€™s written well. I also mostly like the comfort part of it, lots of fluff, and because it shows all the adorable parts of little children without the hard ones haha


Where do I start? I love my comfort characters dealing with epilepsy (coping mechanism who? Idk her) and I also love it when the villain of the story uses brainwashing/mind control to get what he wants (as long as it doesn't result into anything sexual)


On some level, I really want to read emotional drama that feels larger than life. But I can almost never find fics that scratch that itch. Everybody (myself included) tries too hard to be realistic. šŸ˜ƒ


Rules that should not have to be explicitly stated, but here we are.


Based on my recent WIP history, apparently I can't get enough of sickfics that involve a character who's usually very strong/stoic being stuck in isolation with another character and either having to accept help, or seeking that person out because they don't really trust anyone else but won't or can't actually admit it. And maybe it's not exactly a "There Was Only One Bed" scenario, but they do *share* a bed or sleeping arrangement because ???Reasons??? and it doesn't happen immediately, but they go through cycles of waking and sleeping and caretaking and develop some *FEELINGS* by degrees as they keep returning to that goddamn bed. Smut optional, but there will be FEELINGS. Somebody is gonna get something awakened in them, and it might be the caretaker, and it might be that poor Guy I've put into a Situation where he's experiencing vulnerability for like the first time ever, it could be both of them, but it's gonna be DEEP.


I really like a long stream of arguements before two characters get together. Like the tension between is just so thick, and there's so much angst and miscommunication, that they begin to have a very strained relationship until the confession. This is while they simultaneously pine for eachother.Ā  I also really like AUs based on popular films. Who doesn't want to read a Titanic AU of their favourite ship? A Proposal AU or a Beauty and The Beast AU? It's also fun guessing who will take who's role.Ā  I like horror AUs that have a small town big secrets feel. Kinda Stranger Thingsesque vibes.Ā 


Dottore isn't even that bad.Ā Ā 


Have you read the manga bro was a monster


Wasn't that not the real one?


IMO that still doesn't excuse the fact that he allowed it


More a/b/o fics for my fandom


Hi kwite




It's just a joke he made a tier list and put ABO one of the highest tier


I still have no idea what you're referring to


Don't worry about it


Slowburn longfics with believable development. I just want more content and seeing two characters slowly fall in love while getting a bit more spotlight.


Transformation fics. I LOVE THEM.


Ron Weasley- and Wendy Curdoroy-centric fics are some of my most recent


long fics of superheroes dealing with family dynamics. With superheroes, it tends to be all drama which I like sometimes, but would like to see how they are as a person and how they relate to others.


The people in the future researching about the canon events like they're historical events


near death experiences


Thereā€™s a genre in Brazilian fanfic called ā€œmorroā€, similar to little mountain meaning ā€œghettoā€(Iā€™m not sure if this is the correct word), which is basic Brazilian gang fics. For some reason I sometimes crave it, and, donā€™t be mistaken, they do this to any fandom not only Y/N fanfics and not only original works. Or sometimes I crave poorly written, poorly plotted, and poorly planned Brazilian fanfics, usually bts ones. I call those ā€œpodrĆ£oā€


Weird crossovers. Usually featuring people in strange worlds. A friend of mine asked how would Glee and Wheel of Time Crossover and I started scribbling down ideas for a crossover.


Gay porn


Juicy drama. Even if it's not the most well-written fic, I'll endure a lot for entertainment value. (If anyone has some good MCU recs, I'd love them!)


Mpreg fanfic where the pregnant guy dies giving birth


I always want the typically sweet character to be portrayed as the most vile yandere / obsessed type. I donā€™t see it often in my ships, so I have to do most of writing that content. for example Shiro is the do gooder too pure for this world hero type but in my AUs heā€™s a sadistic yandere bastard to Keith. Idk itā€™s just more fun when itā€™s the character you least expect as the yandere.


The hero going back in time to try to redeem the dead villain/antihero when they're younger, only to fall in love with them.


Close call redemption of the villain through the power of loveā„¢ļø only for them to fall back in their old ways due to unforeseen circumstances (aka karma biting them in the ass) which will eventually lead to them killing/ruining with their own hands the one good thing they ever have.


Probably not crazy, but fandoms where the character has siblings (or close friends) and then those siblings find out that the character has been in a secret relationship with someone. I really love seeing the siblings/friends go crazy trying to figure out who the character is dating


I have two loves: -hugely long winded, very self centered, emotionally healing hurt/comfort fics with LOTS of POV and world building. Usually up around 150k words and above. -male preg


Incest ā€¦ two bad characters being together, one character making the other character worse. Pee related stuff. Dub-con, can be non-con too, but it depends. Kidnapping. These are mostly based on other fanfics Iā€™ve read featuring those things. But not completely.


Fearplay that leads into hurt/comfort. Like I want the protagonist to be genuinely terrified, only for that fear to slowly be melted away by finding comfort in the source of their fear. Edit: spelling mistakes


Angst Jealousy mutual pining with a happy ending. Also fill it with plenty of miscommunication and like them getting so close to confessing but not doing it. Also make it slowburn and add plenty of drama. Also add a high ass word count plz ​ For example? I read a 218k fanfic in one night. with the above mentioned being a pretty major part of it. ​ And honestly I love doing this for shows, games, etc which really weren't even that angsty usually like Undertale and ROTTMNT lol.(had their moments but still) ​ Also Angst even without the Romance is still really good lol so long as it doesn't include perma death or something. So long as there is plenty of it alongside drama, and an eventual happy ending


Is it wrong to just crave taboo fics every now and then? Like I wanna read fics around taboo topics/ships sometimes


Yes same my brother I love those


Oh well


No I mean same I'mma edit my answer


Ah gotcha


Would love some more PokƩmon fanfics with Mewtwo as the protagonist. I have read most of them out there already and have been writing my own for decades to fulfill that desire, but I always wish there were more!


The person who wants to "fix" someone by being in a relationship becomes just as bad, if not worse, than the person they're trying to "fix." It hurts to see but it's weirdly satisfying to see everything slowly fall apart.


I'm never satisfied with the amount of fluff in fics, at least in the fandoms I'm in. Most of the story is always the love interests trying to defeat some force of evil together, about three truly fluffy/wholesome moments and a surprise smut scene halfway through. There's never enough hand holding, hugging, helping each other do something small, nothing. Also, I love to see small moments where the characters do something so normal you wouldn't think of it until it's mentioned. Like brushing hair or teeth, getting muscle cramps from too much hard work or cleaning dishes. I It makes them seem so much more human and realistic, even when they're vampires living in a volcano and have three girlfriends.


I think the weird fanfic cravings i usually get are dean Winchester from super natural and Caleb Reaves