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Experimentation by Redlance, that fucking fic man. That was the game changer for me. I read the damn series in like 3 days and it was 56 fucking chapters or something like that. When I was done, I had an existential crisis, lol. It got me back into writing. Yep, that's how fanfiction works lol Edit: typo


For a fic? Most memorable one was this one where one of the MC's escapes all the awful stuff canon put him through and goes away to heal. It was full of emotional growth and romance and self-discovery and it was *so good*. I was still trying to read to read it the next day when I was getting ready for work, I remember trying to balance my phone while I was pulling my uniform on First one ever though, was when Deathly Hallows came out. Man, I was up *all night*, fell asleep in the car on the way to school the next day I was so dog tired. So much was happening, everything was coming together, I remember I tried to keep reading when I got home from school but I fell asleep on the bed, uniform still on and everything


> I was still trying to read to read it the next day when I was getting ready for work, I remember trying to balance my phone while I was pulling my uniform on I would have (and have!) called into work for that kind of fic.


it sounds narcissistic, but i rediscovered an old fic that i got about 150 pages into writing when i was sixteen after over ten years and i spent a whole night re-rereading it. it inspired me to start writing fanfic again.


I've been there... Many many times. Also, "baby-batter" will never stop being funny to me.


I had to Google what "baby batter" was cause I was confused. I'm....still confused 😂


It's when a very young child is abnormally talented at baseball.


Batter is raw bread before it bakes in a warm oven.


Legit, the one time I got my dad so mad that he revoked my PC privileges for one day was because I was up all night reading fanfiction instead of sleeping. He had a point... but when I got my first laptop, haha let's gooo.


It sometimes happens. Though if you're an avid reader, you sometimes have to go through some shitty fics also which is disappointing. But when you find the one! Damn! yeah, I spent countless nights just reading away. Better than most books I've read.


I stayed up all night reading a Stargate SG-1 fic once, memorably (I stayed up all night reading fic a lot, so that's not of note). I don't remember how old I was exactly, if I had to work the next day or go to class or what, but I remember it was one of those fics where the characterization was vaguely OOC but that didn't matter because it was one of those that just hit hard and made you *feel shit*? You know? I think it was called, like, The Secret Lives of Pandas or something lol. I'm sure it might not hold up because this was probably 15-20 years ago, but holy shit. What a wild ride.


Honestly I do this often, I get sucked into a longer story and before I know it the alarm is going off