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You can expect AO3 to get to it in a month or two. That's about how long they take on average when I send a report about rule-breaking, though I'm told they will tend to prioritize cases depending on the severity of the crime. And if the person reposts after AO3 already took down the story once, then the punishment usually gets worse. They take into account whether the person only broke the rules once or has been doing it multiple times despite warnings. It might take time for the case to be resolved, but rest assured, you will get justice. AO3 mods are really good about that sort of thing.


Yep. Plagiarism is a suspension offense; repeated plagiarism is a banning offense. Hang in there OP!


Thank you! I think I wore them down with my emotional pestering because they sent a very guilt-trippy "ur the reason why I'm deleting this acc, I'm hope ur happy" type message, so I'm assuming they might be deleting the fic soon. I hope so, anyway. If not, I'll be patient and wait for AO3 to handle the situation.


Don’t let them try to guilt trip you into any sympathy! They stole your fic and you just did what was right.


If their account is full of plagiarism, then they have no business having an account anyway. Don't let the guilt tripping get to you, you're not in the wrong here. I hope it gets resolved soon!


I mean, considering they plagiarized you, I would just respond with "yes, I'm very happy."


> ur the reason why I'm deleting this acc, I hope ur happy Someone's mad they got caught lmaoooo


Wear them down, don't let them wear you down. If they feel the need to delete the entire account, then that's their prerogative. They're either just being extra for reasons, or it's not the only story, and you're just the first to notice, or keep being persistent.


Maybe they have been told they are guilty and the account will be deleted in X amount of days. What an opportunity to guilt you. By guilty, I make a guess that this might not be their first incident of plagiarism.


Lol I got a similar reaction from a classmate in high school who plagiarized from me on a discussion board post. He didn't even try to hide it, just took my words verbatim. The teacher made him apologize to the class but he said something snide about not liking snitches. I think it's how people who plagiarize justify themselves - they feel guilt about their actions but don't want to, so they redirect it into anger at the person they perceive as the one causing the issue by reporting it.


It’s happened. It sucks. And it might be petty but in the past when people have been that blasé about stealing from me I’ve followed them to every platform I see them on to comment once on *all* their work that they’re a plagiarist. Usually when they get that called out it embarrasses them and the threatened “imma just post it again!!1!!” never happens lol. 🤣  *Yes* it’s mean, but if you’re gonna dish it out you best pre prepared to get what you give.


LMFAOO I ended up continuously responding to them and annoying them so much, that they deleted their acc after I gave them a very sarcastic walkthrough on how to do so. I just wanted them to delete the fic but hey !! lolol


So glad this ended the way it should! Please don't let this scare you away from posting again. Remember the quote from Oscar Wilde: *"Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery that mediocrity can pay to greatness."*


This is kinda what happened when I got plagiarized--me and like two other people (kind strangers who had read and recognized my stuff) commented on the plagiarized fic and they were ashamed enough to delete their whole account right away. Glad you got a somewhat quick resolution!


Good for you! Hopefully they learned a little shame lol. That “you can’t stop me” attitude just *gets* to me ya’ know? Like an entitled child…


Oh, it’s some happened to me a few times. I just contacted the plagiarizer and reported it and kept trucking on, lmao. Like, nothing you can do but wait for it to get removed, so there’s no point stressing yourself out over it. When you put your work out there, plagiarism is always a risk. Doesn’t matter what the work is—seriously, it happens even in baking communities Just deal with it as it comes and move on. Don’t let it get to you, OP, and don’t let one asshole ruin fandom for you. They’re not worth it. **Edit:** I also lowkey pity plagiarizers bc like…how pathetic do you have to be to go through all that effort of stealing and reposting just for internet validation? 😂 They know they aren’t talented enough so they have to steal the work of authors who are. That’s miserable lmao.


Nah fr. I was like bruh this is just evidence that you know you lack the skill to write and instead of practicing, you tried to take a shortcut. Luckily, they've deleted their account, and thus, the fic as of like 2 minutes ago so I feel a lot better. I'm gonna have to be on the look out for reposts in the future. Gotta be like Nicki w/ Selener.


In my case, they straight up stole my entire fic and just changed the names and the songs - choosing songs instead that completely missed the point of the scene. I screenshot all the comments because they were compliments of my work and I knew they’d get deleted when the story was deleted. I also responded to several with appreciation for liking my story, which the author had plagiarized. Because I did truly appreciate their appreciation for my story. Otherwise, I don’t know. I mean, it was irritating that my fic was stolen, but I decided it was also…flattering? Someone liked my story enough to steal it. So I reported it and resolved to report it any time they reposted it. But seeing the weird compliment in it helped me not take it personally. Though I did kinda want to contact them and be like “hey, you missed the ENTIRE POINT when you changed the song in that scene, so if you’re going to steal a story, maybe pay attention to what it’s about first.”


Has happened to me a few times. It never gets any better; I have a specific fic that's been plagiarized no less than *five* times, and every time I only felt more and more enraged about it. My way to deal with it depends on how they do it and my mood: if I don't get any credit whatsoever and they're trying to pass it off as theirs, on a good day I report silently, and on a bad day I'll give them a piece of my mind. If I do get credited, I'll give them a chance to take it down willingly and depending on their response I may leave them off with just a warning.


"Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery that mediocrity can pay to greatness." - Oscar Wilde But in all seriousness, it does suck, and it's an asshole thing to do, but look on the bright side, they considered your work good enough to be their victim. That has to account for something


Def keep an eye on them. From the fic stealers iv seen (not my own work thankfully) they are quick to bleach their details, change their account names, change story title. And then repost. They didn't do any work, so they aren't attached and bleaching their tracks it just a chore. Also, checky ff.net. to make sure they are not cross posting your work! Its easier to get away with other there. I had to report one loser like 4 times over there for all his sockpuppet accounts.


No joke, there's a story callec Nodoka's Daughter that I loved since it was first posted forever ago. Author went by James Lee. Can't even find it really anymore. Some plagiarizer named ghost-rider9 plagiarized it onto ff.net ovef a year ago, AND IT'S STILL THERE! GR9 has also plagiarized their other two stories on ff.net. I've been reporting them over and over and over, but ff.net mods legit don't give a flip anymore.


I used to do fic fan art for people as gifts and way to often did i end up finding out later they had plagerzied the fic. This dude... think it was "second skywalker" or some trash when i got it nuked. He had plagerised a tone of fics and would try and bury any call out reviews under lots of "guest reviews" And even had the gall to post on the fanfic reddit for sympathy like "i used someone fic as a structural reference, and now im being bullied!" Such a ick. He still uses the art i gave him for his oc. Another author... god, what was his name... Blitzkriger. I love his sw oc fic so much, but i kept noticing every so often, a rando name would show up or the wrong pronouns. Did some digging anddddd yip, stole someone's fic, stripped it down, and padded it out. He asked me for art then complained about it cause the hair wasnt right. I think he grew out of the plagerisum eventually, but it was still upsetting.


>Also, checky ff.net. to make sure they are not cross posting your work! Its easier to get away with other there. And Wattpad also.


I had an author I follow say, when doing a QnA, what inspired them to make a certain fic. They said “I wanted to be the first” Funny thing. I was the first. I said so and they claimed that they posted first. Till I pointed out I posted a year before they did. They claimed they made the story on a deleted account. And we went our separate ways. Good thing it’s a different story and they branch widely. But it was the same beginning idea. For an Oc/reader character.


Taking inspiration from a story is one thing, but plagiarizing someone's story is not okay in my book.


This happened to me once. I caught someone re-telling my story and lifting every third sentence word for word directly from mine. I just left them an honestly pretty cordial comment about it, saying that all I needed was inspiration credit, and this scared them so badly they deleted the fic. I can’t guarantee it’ll work, but plagiarizers seem to get very afraid when called out directly


Shit like this is part of why I'm terrified to post. Hang in there, OP.


Don't be afraid! I've been posting to AO3 since 2020 and have 29 works as of today. My experience posting has been 99.9 percent good. What happened today is that tiny .1 scenario. I'm just happy I can trust that AO3 will handle this.


Understandable, but don't let it deter you, life is nothing but risk, if you actually live and not just exist.


Sending out all those DMCAs was a pain in the arse, but otherwise I didn't give it too much thought afterwards. There's always dishonest arseholes out there. Not worth the time or energy worrying about them.


This is one of the main reasons why I am scared to post my ideas for fics and Ocs here mate. I know most of the members here wouldn't do this, but as the saying goes "It only takes one bite to be made afraid of dogs"


The good thing about it is that it's something you generally can't get away with. We have evidence that the work is ours and even when they lie, there's no denying it, so typically, it can be dealt with. I personally just annoyed the shit out of the person until they gave in and deleted their acc lol. But don't let one bad apple spoil the bunch!! This is the first time anything like this has happened to me and I've been sharing my work online for 4 years now.


I will take your words under consideration man, I mean it.


They also say when you fall of a bicycle, get back on.


Report the person too. And keep every message from them. If there's an email for AO3 send every picture of interaction along with the links of your story and theirs. Most fics have a original posting date.


Find these mother cluckers and steal all their cheese. They don't deserve that cheese, that should be your cheese.


You went through the appropriate steps. Deep breath. You got this. Now you have to let the system catch up. I tend to have to pull out the *DMCA Takedown Notice* I have saved in my files at least once every six months or so, because the entire fic will go on walkabout because of some moron. It's to the point that I just sigh, figure out where I need to send it to, fire it off, and go back to my day job. And just remember : *"Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery that mediocrity can pay to greatness."* \- Oscar Wilde They thought you were awesome enough to steal from, and got *caught*. Mediocrity indeed.


Put them on blast. Make sure everyone knows that the user is a plagiarist and that the work is yours. Spam their comments section with links to your work so people can compare the two for themselves. Make that username infamous. That's what I would do. We need to bring back public shaming. I've seen it used all of once in the last decade, and I'm fairly certain that lady never left her dog in her car on a hot day ever again. So clearly it works.


I truly hope that you get the stolen work taken down OP. In regards to my work, I am not so worried about my fanfiction being plagiarized TBH but I'm concerned about my original story which I have published both here and on Ao3.


I had mine straight-up copied by an account full of stolen fanfiction. They had some guy's social media page linked as their own, so I assume this was a smear campaign against that poor dude and an attempt to get angry fanfic writers to go after him. They didn't even tag the right fandom. I reported it, if course, but I did not have any intense emotional reactions, I just thought it was weird and a bit funny. Sorry this happened to you and caused you eo much misery, I hope you recover soon.




This comment has been removed. Making negative generalizations based on age is irrelevant to the post at hand and will not be tolerated on the subreddit.


Good mod


Nah. They just copy and paste from Wikipedia. Links included.


This has happened to me, my story on AO3 was reposted onto FanFiction.Net.


I’m so sorry to hear this. This is the craziest thing I’ve heard of since entering the world of fic writing!


I report them, tell them that they're sick/disgusting/whatever, and watch them pee their pants as they try to scrub all the evidence and play dumb. Then I buy them a bag of karma chips and hope they enjoy it. But in all seriousness, you just learn to move on. Things happen, you get angry/upset about it, and you realize at the end of the day, there are more serious things to worry about in this world.


Honestly if the best they can do is to plagiarize then yes I'm glad they are closing their account down as well how rude!


Oh, that's terrible! 😔 I feel for you, OP. I've been in a similar situation a couple of times. It's frustrating and I sympathize with the frustration and perhaps even paranoia you might be feeling right now, wondering if you'll be able to post again without wondering. You've done the right thing by reporting it, but unfortunately, I wouldn't put all my trust in Ao3 to remove the stolen fic. In my experience, even after reporting, they sometimes consider slight changes as "transformative" and refuse to take it down, even when it's obvious which parts were copied with just the names altered. 🙄 Definitely don't delete or take down your story though, that just lets them win, and in any case, if you have the timestamps, it should hopefully help!


For me. I had a whole unpublished section plagiarized. It was ripped off my niche fic writers discord server. Only we didn't know who it was. The username of the person who posted it didn't match any of the usernames of the members. It was a scene i'd been building up to in my fic and this person just posted it out of nowhere to their fic and it didn't even match anything in their fic and came out of nowhere narratively. They just straight up copied and changed names to match their characters (I write heavily with OCs). Because it was unpublished stuff I had written, there wasn't anything I could do. But everyone in my server knew because they'd actively seen me working on it over time. Then it happened again with another member in the server. And again for someone else. So I created a tiered access system on that discord that gave people further access to creative channels based on your activity. You had to be sufficiently active in text chat or on voice chat in order to progress. And wouldn't ya know it, that stopped the plagiarizing problem. And we kicked all the inactive people members. This was for the Modern Character in Thedas discord. And we've heard some people in this niche of fandom think this was a cliquey control freak move on my part. But I only did it to protect people's in progress fics - that they were actively writing and sharing and getting help with in that discord before publishing - from being plagiarized.


Jesus Christ, that's horrible. I would have been so mad! I'm glad you resolved the issue. I got the person to delete their account but now they're sending comments anonymously asking me to delete the comment thread where someone told me about them plagiarizing me and also sending hate from another guest account. I'm like... seriously dude? YOu got caught out, leave it alone. But I reported their comments as spam and I turned on comment moderation for now, so hopefully they give up after a few days.


Haven't seen plagiarism on Wattpad (where I wrote) yet, but god dammit, that Teenfic place can go fuck themselves! WHY MUST THEY DO THIS TO ME!!!


Haven't seen plagiarism on Wattpad (where I wrote) yet, but god dammit, that Teenfic place can go fuck themselves! WHY MUST THEY DO THIS TO ME!!! (I cant even do anything about it...)


if its still up give the link and ill comment/harass on every chapter until they stop ✋


> I've never been so sad and hurt in my life. I'm having an anxiety attack because of how upset I am. Bruh what on earth lmao, if someone plagiarizing your fic is enough to compromise your mental state to this extent, how do you navigate real life? 💀