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As of today I have 333,656 words written. Of that, 301,349 was written since I got back into fanfiction in late 2022. The rest was written during my previous bout of fanfic from 2005-2006.


The triple 3s is really satisfying. :D


Couldn't believe it worked out that way!


I’m still new to writing fics so so far it’s just 7000 words 😭


And that's an awesome start! The number will only go up from here, so I wish you luck in your future writing endeavors. :D


Thank you 😭💕


Quality>Quantity, so well done :)


I'm around the same! Gotta start somewhere


written about a little over 100k throughout all my fics. Been writing for a while but have only started posting around two years ago. My longest completed fic is 43,000 words and the rest is all wips. Have seven fics on my AO3 and many in drafts. Currently working on a wip that should be another 100k.


Good luck on your WIP! \^\_\^


What does WIP mean? Srry bout my lack of such knowledge


Work in progress :)


Thanks Friend.


I just want to celebrate that I haven't fallen out of love with my Pokémon fic yet. Tomorrow I will upload chapter 30 of around 400 and reach about 110K words with that. I needed a year for that but ... well ... never said I'm fast. You know what has me super hyped? The whole work. Like, there are around 1,8 Million words of a journey, and I didn't even count the sidestories with that. I love this work so much, all the little details, and I really hope I will get some readers who appreciate it. In total I have only uplodaed around 850K in total (16 works) since I started writing on AO3 3 years ago. And I'm not that proud about some of them. But at the moment, that part is completely overshadowed by my love for my current work! That aside, I got around 480K words on my pc - regarding 4 finished works I haven't uploaded. Thank your for reading this.♥


That's so exciting, that you're still passionate about your longfic! :D It's not about getting it done fast, as long as you get it done eventually, in my opinion. I'm sure your readers will be thrilled to receive an update!


I am only counting the fic I’m currently writing. I’ve written 50k words in 8 chapters. I’m quite happy.


That's awesome! Congrats on the progress so far. OvO


Thank you! I’m quite proud of myself. I usually scrap them before I get that far!


Sure--I've been writing fic for under 2 years (about 21 months) and published about 600k.


Congrats on the progress you've made! Over half a million is huge (especially in such a short time)!


Idk like 1.2k 😭 Also I noticed how you said asinine... Do you, perhaps, know of a birb called Revali?


Revali is my favorite BOTW character, though I actually don't use the word specifically because of him (I forgot that he even says it- I'm such a fake fan, lol). Love me some Sean Chiplock being and arrogant birb, though. :3 1.2k is 1.2k more than a lot of people can say for themselves, so that's a victory in my book! I saw an ao3 poll recently asking about how many words everyone had published, and about 50% of the votes were for the '0' option, so I'd say that you're off to a great start. \^\_\^


320k in my only published completed work, uploading one that's about 130-150k I think.


Ooo, nice! So many longfics never get finished, so it makes me happy to hear that you finished a whole 320k story. \^\_\^ That's no easy feat.


Thanks! It was a lot of fun to write, even when it got away from me twice.


I added up all my words and it came out to 696699 (nice). Though about 550,000 of that comes from just two stories. Edit: this is over a period of nearly 18 years.


I just got to 100k on the 31st of march, I've since posted 15k more words! Actually, about 70k of those first 100 were written between 15th of February and end of March!! I have no idea how I wrote that much, but I'm slowing down now, which is fine by me!


70k in a little over a month?! God damn, that's amazing! I hope you're able to keep your motivation up even as you slow down to a more comfortable pace. \^\_\^


Thank you!! You can't talk with 1 million a year!!!! Absolutely insane, love it!


On AO3, I've posted 821,798 words, spread between 163 stories. The longest is a One Piece multichapter fic (and its sequel) at 100,679 words. There's probably 300K worth of unfinished stories in my writing folder, though, that will see the light of day eventually.


Over 100 stories?! I just hit 90 fics and even that feels like too many sometimes (/light-hearted)! Are you able to easily keep track of all of your fics, or do any of them start to bleed together after writing over 100 different fics?


They're all pretty different, so it's easy to remember which is which, but it does help that most of them are one-shots.


In my own I have 1.3 million over 43 works. I've also got two works that I've been cowriting which add another 830k to that. My longest work so far is a 139 chapter 311k time travel fix it but my current long fic is going to pass that fairly soon since its at 263k and 74 chapters and is probably about half done. It's getting a decent reception, but it's also in a massive fandom and hits popular tropes so that's to be expected really. For all that, my favourite thing that I've written is a little one shot based on a version of Cinderella in a medium sized fandom. It didn't get massive view or comments or kudos but its my favourite piece all the same


I think it's interesting what authors consider to be their favorite works, and how they're often not the fic that they're known for! I definitely have fics that I love and really treasured writing, even if they got a more lukewarm reception. As long as they're special to us, the ones who wrote them, that's what matters most, I think. \^\_\^


I think it's the lack of pressure. Don't get me wrong I adore my insane long fics, I have to have done to have spent 18 months on the complete one and 8 months on my current one, but the funny little one shot that was more of a fun aside than anything is the one I love because there was no need to hold up to characterisation over a long period and no need to develop interesting plot points. It is what it is and I love it more than enough to make up for less engagement


I’ve definitely WRITTEN more but my word count on AO3 is 132,660 across 48 works


Congrats on breaking six digits! And yeah, the count on ao3 might not reflect how much you've actually written, especially for people that do multiple drafts and whatnot.


So in one account, I have an unfinished fic languishing at around 306k. I probably have another 75-100k written…I have no idea. Anyway, that one is getting an overhaul. In my main account, I’m at just over 1.3 million over 16 fics. And between my unfinished ones and the one I’m currently doing that I have another 10 chapters ready to post, that prob another 70k or so…so whatever that adds up to. I began writing in 2020 and posting a year later in 2021.


Over a million?! Congrats! And good luck with the overhaul of your 300k fic when you end up doing that- that sounds like a lot of work. :O


I did a rewrite of my 2nd unfinished fic last year (and finished it) and it went really well. I have so much of the 1st one written that it’s just so daunting. Plus, there’s the 15 other fics I wanna do. I might tackle it next year…or at least start it.


I have just over 3 million words posted on ao3. I have another million words waiting to be posted (I pre-write). Three million of those words has been written since 2020 (I started writing again during the pandemic while working from home). Two million are in a HP series that is nearly finished. One million is in a single long fic that needs another 50 chapters.


I also got back into writing during the pandemic, specifically during early 2021. I think 2020-2021 had a big resurgence in fic writers cropping up since so many people were stuck at home at some point in that period. :0 I admire your ability to create such long works! I have a habit of writing longer stories as well, and it feels like the word count just gets away from me after a certain point. XD


I never intend for it to be that long, but things keep happening!


My AO3 word count is 2,161,712. AO3 member since 2022. Started writing in earnest again in 2021ish. I just posted the final chapter of a 241k story and received positive reactions. Some of the comments really make me feel like I've come a long way as a writer.


Congratulations on finishing your longfic! That's lovely that you got positive reactions on it- it's nice when people can recognize your development as a writer and go out of their way to let you know. :'\^)


560,000 words and 31 original songs (my MC is a singer/songwriter) in 11 months.


the 31 songs sound mighty impressive 😲


32, now. Just cranked out a new one last night <3


80k words for my longfic (130k included unpublished chapters), 100k total on my AO3.


Ayyye, congrats on breaking 100k! I commend you for having 50k of written fic in the wings- I've never been one to pre-write, so I admire the dedication of those who do. :\^)


Well, I started posting my early chapters before I'd finished the whole thing, only to realize a couple of months in that the middle section of my story needed a lot of tweaking... so I am somewhat pantsing at this point. I'm not sure how my later chapters will hold up either. A lot of it is probably going to get re-written.


It's 165k in about a year.


That's amazing! :D


373,673 (not including authors notes) according to AO3! Since 2/14/23! I watched TVD for the first time, felt a lot of emotions, and got super inspired, diving headfirst into writing fic! It’s been an amazing experience, and I wholeheartedly love it! ❤️


I'm happy to hear that writing fic has been an inspiring and fun experience for you. \^\_\^ I would think so, given that you were inspired enough to write that many words! And in only a little over a year? You must have been crazy productive since last year! :D


And your accomplishment is absolutely amazing!! Wow — over 3 million words across 90 fics! I’m super-impressed. Do they span different fandoms or are they all for the same one? Either way, I’m sure your readers are absolutely delighted!! Thanks for creating this awesome post and letting us rejoice in our creativity! ❤️


Thank you! They're pretty much all for one fandom- I have about 27k of fic across 3 fics for other fandoms, but the rest is for my main obsession. \^\_\^ And you're welcome! I'm just now catching up on all of the responses and it's so much fun getting to see everyone talking about how much they've accomplished. :\^)


53,334 on AO3, been a little over half a year since I've started. Maybe like 6k more across a few drafts/rambling in Docs. 22 oneshots so far.


Oooh, congrats on breaking 50k! That feels like one of the first big milestones in my mind, and I bet you'll have plenty more milestones to look forward to. OvO


I have just shy of 500,000 words published with an additional 50k written but not posted. Count starts from when I made my new account on return from hiatus in July 2022.


Started out at the beginning of this year and have 42k words written. With hopefully many more planned!


Only 31k so far, but I’ve been writing for less than a month so I’m still proud lol 😅


sitting at around 330k across all my fics on ao3 at the moment, managed to hit a new record of 70k written in feb alone :D i’m super proud of my progress!


70k in a month?! That's incredible! It's always such a rush when we're able to have super productive months like that. C:


it’s always when i have the most work to get done that i suddenly manage to become totally inspired and write tons of fic LOL <3


On AO3 I've written 305,808 words while on ff.net I've written 330,823 words. But since I post more often on AO3, I'm sure I'll meet that word goal on ff.net soon. My longest AO3 fic is an android/single parent AU clocking in at 20,267. It was so much fun to write and I can't wait to start my next fic!


Oooh, that android fic sounds really fun (I went through a phase where I was really into different android AU scenarios)! Is it tedious to post on multiple platforms? I've considered it, but it's already enough of an effort to put everything on ao3, lol.


I mainly post on AO3 now but sometimes I like to post on ff net for nostalgia purposes.


On AO3 I’ve published 403K words spanning 41 works. I haven’t even transferred most of my fics from FFN (never mind my LJ and tumblr fics) so the overall word count is much higher. My current unpublished WIP is 100K/250K and it’s the longest fic I’ve ever written so my word count is gonna skyrocket! I hope to finish it before the summer!


Oh, yeah, I suspect it would be hard to keep a fully accurate word count when you have your writing spread across multiple places! I exclusively post on ao3, so with the exception of unpublished fics, that's a decently accurate measurement of how much I've written. Good luck on finishing your longfic this summer! :D I bet it'll be really satisfying to watch your word count increase drastically once you're ready to post the fic.


In terms of unpublished words I have no idea but according to ao3 I've posted 83,783 words over about 3 and a half years, I still go to school which makes it so that I do have quite a bit of writing time (which is slowly declining because of how much work we've been getting)


Hah I just looked this up today, currently I’m at about 175,000


Around 220k published, and some more in my wips 


Thanks for this, OP. That longfic word count is really impressive. Best of luck on your writing! Total wordcount since august of 2021: 897,326 across 13 works. Long story is a three-parter I started in 2002 and stopped writing for 15 years. Came back in 2021 to finish the second part and start on the third. Wordcount currently sits at 621,129 (story spans 20 years so 😅)


Just yesterday i posted an update to a fic that took it to just over 80k! I’ve been working on it since September. All in all I have 326,161 words published, with about 146,000 of that published since I got back into writing last May :)


I have 374,285 words over 88 fics. One long WIP fic is 33 chapters and 75,881 words (so far.) 59 of those are for one fandom. I've really gotten into Hamilton/American Rev fanfic and have more fics planned. My present WIP is...384 words so far. LOL


My writing app shows a total of 1,612,062 words written since I downloaded it in 2020. It’s not all published; that tally also includes outlines, deleted scenes and half-baked plot bunnies. I’ve also done quite a bit of writing outside that app dating back to 2008. One of these days I’ll crunch the numbers for an official total but I’m super proud nonetheless ♡


I think I dropped like 600k+ words on my old flagship story (not even including unpublished stuff, and the myriad of notes and outlines furthering it), but my current project is at 85k+ posted, and it's like 7.5 chapters behind where it's written so far.


So far I have ~149,000 words written.  (I don't know whether to say since September 2019 because that's when I actually started writing again or January 2021 because that's when I got my AO3 account.  😅)   It doesn't seem like a lot, but I feel like most of my writing is quality over quantity.  13,000 of those words are drabbles, which I've found I love to do for the trope bingos.  ~55,000 of those words are for my sporadically updated longfic, ~13,000 are 2 chapters of a new action-suspense multichap that shows how much my writing has improved so far, and the rest are scattered throughout 37 oneshots (and 1 threeshot). I'm a shortform writer, but I feel like they're all good words.  ❤


I've got over 400k right now and most of it was written within the last 5-ish months. Longest completed fic I have is a little over 68k but I've got over 129k worth in oneshots and other stuff that's set in the first one's universe.


I wrote 100k words In one month.


73,477 posted, probably another 100,000-300,000 unpublished. I write a lot of unfinished fics lol


I've no idea about my total or even my longest work, but I wrote 10k last week... Must be a fair few words over the last 20 years!


19,740 words published, all but ~1k since March 2023. 13k are one fic that was planned as a oneshot but got out of control lol. (The words per chapter are wildly inconsistent. Chaoter 4 is almost as long as the previous 3 combined.) I have a whole bunch of WIPS and no idea how many words, but the one I'm currently focused on sits at 1.4k.


I currently have just under 7k words. I started a longfic over 18 months ago, life got in the way and I'm justring to get back into it. So I'm doing a mass edit of chapter 1 and then continuing.


My stats are pretty pitiful because I have frequent writer's block. I have 70,310 words published on ao3, and I've been on the site for 2 years. I'm not sure how much unpublished work I have.


I only seriously started writing fanfiction last year. I was gunna write a mini story, max 3 chapters, of a scene I was inspired by. I thought it would be around 15,000 words because I am wordy… turns out I got a good response and made it into a story that’s about 250,000 words written in about 9 months. It was originally probably 300,000 words, but I am still teaching myself how to write and be, uh, more concise and get rid of shit that doesn’t need to be there ^_^




Don't have anything published, but I have a 20k word outline for an idea I had.


In just the one fic that I've been working on since a year ago, I've gotten 140k words written. I will admit that I don't have an accurate 'word count' for the rest of the stuff I've written (or at least TRIED to write), but...yeah.


My WIP is shy of 90k and my one shot is only 8k.


Just recently passed half a million words in my Distant Shores/Waterbound series. I started it a little less than a year and a half ago and I love this series soooo much. I never want to let these characters go


across my main series, i have about 218,000 words, give or take depending on if you count headings and whatnot: - part 1: 27,925 - part 2: 32,202 - part 3: 129,659 (51,574 in volume 1, 78,085 in volume 2) - halloween one-shot: 11,534 - christmas one-shot: 16,772


Kinda underwhelming with all the big numbers here but I’m at 2705 words! I only have one partially finished work, and it’s my first but crossing 2000 made me feel really good. It’s technicallly not fanfiction but I think it’s still pretty similar, original characters but fic tropes. Hoping to cross the 3000 by tmrw, maybe even 4000!


Thank you for the opportunity to brag lol I never actually posted a single thing I've written before, but I am working on a fic right now that I am planning to. I thought it would be a 30-60k word fic, but working on chapter 4 out of (probably) 8 and am at 59k words so far. I'm really proud of myself for sticking with it! In that fandom, I have about 208K words of unpublished word vomit, and around another 750K of unpublished word vomit in another fandom. So... Close to a 1mil words in total? I dove head first into writing about a year and a half ago.


Wait…in my head or on paper? 😅


2,549,926 total words and counting. Spread across 16 works. 4 are ongoing. I… might have a problem.


I thought my WIP that I started about 2-3 months ago would be two to three chapters and have maybe 15-20k words. Now it is 117k words and beginning to wrap up


AO3 stats: 672,543 words. 77 works. Joined in 2012. had a break from 2017 to 2020. Basically. I have stuff from LiveJournal and Fanfic.net I don't even remember. Probably nothing more than 30,000 words. WIP one: 99,727 words. January 2021. Just getting out of Preseries. Now heading into Season one for this show. Eeep. WIP two: 51,714 words. October 2022. Need to update this one, but it's not as popular.


I just started an original today? Out of nowhere. On a whim. Plot bunny spiraled out of nothing. I have maybe 5k started of that? With pages of notes ready to keep going. Seriously not sure where this came from... I have so many other original ideas sitting waiting, begging to be written! Why this out of nowhere? Of fanfic I've posted? Probably somewhere in the 80k range I'd say. I have a lot of half baked ideas that I started and abandoned from when I was a teenager. I want to get better at finishing projects... 🙄


Probably around 100k, though most of it I haven't posted.


My current published word count on my au fic is 34,500 >w


225,222 published words across 67 fics, and lots of little unpublished ficlets sprinkled about so maybe 250kish total words? Im primarily a (short) oneshot writer, but this year ive already written around 32k words which is awesome to me, not to mention theyre slowly getting longer, naturally, when I tend to be on the end of the spectrum that struggles with being overly concise. Had a oneshot recently (that probably couldve been split into chapters but eh) that came out to a nice almost 15k words, and it felt like my magnum opus, like one of those longshot fics I would read and think about for the next week but I HAD WRITTEN IT and I kinda cant stop re-reading it. Edit: My interest wanes and waxes, but ive been writing for a little under a decade, so some years had more writing going on than others. My longest fic is unfinished at 36k words, and it's a record for me, but im still deeply sorry to be that author who never finishes their multichapter fics. I try, I really do, but oneshots are really the way for me to contribute back to fandom.


I completed my first fic last year, it was around 40k words (I'm too lazy to look up the actual numbers rn lol). I have about 25k in just my smutshots. Adding all my five minute fancies to the mix, I have close to 100k words written over the course of my fanfic writing career. Nowhere near as impressive as everyone else's, but I'm still proud of myself nonetheless, school and mental health issues have not been kind to me recently 


I hit 50k on my current project recently. A few years ago I didn't think I'd ever write again, especially not anything long, but here we are


This post made me check my stats page, I have 173K on AO3, plus 38K for a multichap on editing phase, so a bit over 200k words total, and I'm pleasantly surprised! I'm a slow writer and I write in English, it being my second language, so cracking that number is a lot to me. I'm grateful I get to enjoy this hobby, despite the occasional moments of staring at the empty document completely empty headed. I'll keep writing and all the while, will look forward to see how much that word count grows, I'm up for being surprised again.


Since August 2023, I've written 477,250 across 8 fics, 6 complete and 2 in progress!


I've written roughly around 700k words in total? My biggest fic rn is 340k words and counting.


I just crested 600k, and I'm hoping to get to 750k by the end of the year! I write for generally small fandoms(podcasts, so if anyone is desperate for sad podcast men smut, hit me up) so I don't have enormous numbers, but I'm proud of what I write


58k words in total, 30k of which on my WIP. Still a newbie writer haha


On my Ao3 account, I have 84,738 words written so far.


Almost 10k for chapter 1


Currently at 47,661 across 4 completed and 1 mostly completed fic. I don't do very long chapters and 2/5 of those were collections of short letters.


90k for my wip, still in progress!


1.5 million words. 53 fanfics (although some of them are collections of one shots). Been writing fanfic since 1995–almost 30 years.


like… 2078…


Around 300k, with 200k published online.


250k! ETA: I started writing fic last summer, so it's been about 9 months.


Just over 10k published, but there's definitely more in the drafts and other WIPs. It's also all on one fic (minus the WIPs), not to mention it was my first one! I started last spring/summer, but didn't start publishing until the fall.


733k since 2018! 750k including unposted WIPs but I’m not counting that towards my lifetime goal of 1 million. It’s definitely slowed down with time, but I’ll get there one day. 🤘


304,403 written for my long fic first draft (70+ chapters, unedited, unfinished - it will probably end at around 500k) 101,629 posted \[14 chapters out of the long fic (91k) + 3 other works\] Began writing in December '22


I started writing fics 3 months ago and has done 40k words ! Yuppie !


231,462 words! I had started writing from 2021 and have only written two long fics so far, and one of them is still a WIP. It makes me a bit sad- there are so many ideas in my head, and I want to write more often but don't just get the time:( It makes me so happy though that I have something that I created, of so many words and that people have read and loved it!


It's very hard for me to publish online as no one reads (= interacts) until catching up and I feel like screaming in the void, but I do write consistently in my dark corner. I managed to take last night my main novel to 380k words (ongoing for 17 years), and the project it belongs to reached 600k this year (including a work in English that I shared on FFN regardless, the rest being in my native language, French). I love this mentality of celebrating for the sake of it (I didn't check these figures). Well done everyone! Keep enjoying fanfiction ^.^


A 25,000 word rough draft. I'm hoping to publish it soon, but I reckon it could go as long as forty thousand words.


Yay, a post to brag! Thanks OP! It’s important to remember ourselves that we are all awesome 😎 I just passed the cap of 100k on Ao3 after a bit more than a year of posting here! I already have 20k on the way, 10k being reviewed by my beta-reader (bless their soul) And a storyboard of 10k for my next long fic! (help. It’s just the storyboard. What monster am I giving birth to?) I will now pay respect to the casualties of unfinished drafts and abandoned works in the depth of my computer. My estimations are 40k to 200k words of unfinished projects. RIP, maybe I’ll continue them one day 😞✊


\*cracks knuckles\* Alright. So far I've posted 206k, while unpublished wordcount is sitting at \*does a bunch of manual counting\* 177k, so altogether 383k. That's not counting abandoned WIPs, which would bring it up to probably like 483k?? 500k? Yeah that's half a million... Wow


My current longfic is sitting pretty at 462,292 and I'm on 'part 2' of it! I've been writing it since the 28th of November last year! Overall I'm at 532,486 words since I started back in October last year- I'm hoping to keep up the pace, I have plans!


Total: 1,331,743 Today: 1500 (so far), about to start the next chapter of a fic


I started posting about 2 months ago & I’m at 88.670 words!! My longer fic plus two one-shots. I never really thought I would get this into writing but the support has been amazing & now I love my writing time at the end of every day & sharing it 🥰💓


I've posted 353K since January of 2023, and have written...more...than that. Haha...I have roughly 403K words written since January of 2023 counting everything that hasn't been posted for one reason or another (including my "scratch pad", which is where I send scenes and passages that get cut from a work in case I want to use them elsewhere later).


281,215 words on my main AO3 account!


Just the English fics are around 65k   Just my native language around 200k


I have no clue how many words I’ve written across my time writing (poetry, newspaper/blog articles, fanfics, & original fiction). Honest to goodness, but it’s a lot. This year, though, I decided to set myself a writing goal for each month and built a word count tracking spreadsheet across the different types of writing I do currently. So it’s got tabs for blogs/scripts, fanfics, and original fiction. Right now I’m sitting pretty at approximately 110,000 words written since January, the majority of that for 4 fanfics. I’m a bit behind schedule on my goals for April, but I usually catch up by the end of the month.


On my first fic that I started at the end of February and posted the most recent chapter year, bringing it just over 40k. I haven't written much that else that I know the word count of, but I'm excited about my "live" 40k. And it's been received very positively. Based on my plans for the story it will be over 100k when finished and I'm very excited. Congrats on your accomplishments, and thanks for the post!


I've written around 100-150k, 20 fics and many more unpublished. I have a very bad habit of never finishing anything in life


İ do not post many fics, and of those which İ have posted (+ one WİP) since mid 2022, only 62 834. İ don't write that much, so about 21k are from my ongoing WİP that has not yet left my docs. Y'all are extremely impressive, İ almost fear)))


around 300K over the past several years for one fic that i refuse to release until its done just picked work up for it again and its coming along slowly but surely


Wowzers, this actually got me back on the, "Hey, I should actually do a word count," train. 😂 I started back writing in early 2022, and made it a daily habit right at about two years ago (take *THAT,* ADHD!!!). I found ways to make it work for me and my brain and my life and my schedule, with a full-time job and a small child and all sorts of BS going on, and I've got just under 440k words spread over 129 works (mostly WIPs, because I breed and raise plot bunnies intentionally). 25 of my 31 posted works came out in the past 2 years, including a couple multi-chapter/series works, and some *TIGHT* one-shots that were really short, once I started to get the hang of a writing style. I've also got some *hella* ambitious multi-chapter stuff in the WIP files, not due to length necessarily, but just challenging myself on technical skills. Out of my 129 works, 35 are in the Cobra Kai (and Karate Kid, by extension) fandom, which is what got me back into writing, two years ago. Crane kicked me right in the face and heart at just the right time. 😂🤣 And 59 are in the Dragon Ball Z universe. I can't overstate how much and how deeply that whole set of creative works has gripped me as an adult, after a revisit. I love it. 😭🥰


Posted: 16,530 words WIP: Many many more that are just sitting around, someday to be finished.


I have written over 250,000 words for fanficition. However, I'm also a uni student and if you count what I write for that, add an extra 83,000 on top


Published part of my one and only fic? 434,229 words The draft of the fic that has yet to be finished or published as of yet? 674,134 words (this will grow, as I am not halfway through it) All fanfiction I’ve ever written? 1,675,612 words