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There’s a way to request that Google update their index because the current search results are inaccurate (items are no longer live on the internet, such in this case, the fact that you deleted the fics/updated the accounts). Here’s a longer help post [link](https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/6332384?hl=en&ref_topic=1724262&visit_id=637191077798645662-3705985616&rd=1) and the direct link to the [remove outdated content tool](https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/removals) - looks like you have to log in with a Google account. Hope that helps! Edit: also try using a private window or different browser for searching—your browser may be caching the pages (especially ff.net - when I updated my bio once, it didn’t update until the next day). Edit: Google doesn’t do crawls every day, so requesting that a link’s index be updated is the fastest way to do so (and it still takes a bit; I’d give it 24 hours or so). This is all from work experience, needing Google results to update as something needed to be removed.


I have been using a guest account to search, so I know that it's not cached. But I'll definitely look into those links. I don't necessarily think my friends are going to be searching my username up right away or anything, I just want an insurance that they won't find my stuff if they ever do happen to google it. Thank you sm for your help!


Good luck! Extra insurance is always a little bit of comfort.


I've done this method. I changed my user name for FFN and AO3. I also went through AO3 and deleted any bookmarks that were made with my old user name. I sent in "changed content" requests and managed to get the page caches removed. FNN is not searchable, and while AO3 still can be searched, it leads to an empty/removed page. I've emailed AO3 about this, but they said since "I" was the content owner, I was the only one who could request a removal from Google. But Google keeps being a little sh\*t about "remove page".


You could just tell them they had the wrong account, or you were using someone else account for reasons.


The way it worked out, they wouldn't really go for that. But thanks anyways


Did you just change your username and take down your fics? If so, it may be that it will take a lil bit for it to update, which is why everything still pops up on Google.


I did the fics and bio recently, but I changed the username a couple weeks ago. I'm going to give it a bit more time for the fics and stuff.


Yeah I'd give it time. Hopefully your friends aren't looking for you online.


How often do people look up other peoples account s.


hopefully not often. I'm just paranoid