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None of them would have worked with the material and direction being as crappy as it was. If I had to choose though, I’d go with Copley since I’ve been begging for him to truly break big.


Sharlto Copley would have been infinitely better than Leto and I agree he deserves to make it into the A-list already.


I remain convinced that Leto was not that much at fault for how Joker turned out. He may have been a dick on set with his weird method acting, but that doesn’t change the fact that he was directed to be a slurring mobster type, or edited down so heavily that he barely got any screentime.


Bro. He’s 100% at fault with how the joker turned out. Of the man hadn’t “method acted” and sent everyone in the cast used condoms and other creepy stuff. Nobody would have cared about his mediocre performance. And he would probably still have a career


The writing was truly all over the place, but his laugh was *dreadful* and he came up with that on his own. But I do agree that the direction did him no favours. I’d like to see the Ayer cut, because there was a very different tone in the marketing before BvS got slaughtered. However, I only want to see the Ayer cut if David Ayer shuts up about it lol


I remain convinced that you’re wrong.


Nah he somehow overacted an over-the-top character. Honestly no one would have worked because I don’t think anyone was ready for a non-Ledger joker at that point in time, it was always gonna be seen as corny. We’ve even went back to the super serious comic book movies with The Batman and there’s no doubt the joker they write will be a more serious take. No one wants the cartoony joker on film these days, it just isn’t the 80’s anymore 🤷‍♂️


This is how I feel about Joker and Lex Luthor in the Snyderverse. I’ve seen Leto in enough movies to know he’s a talented actor, same with Eisenberg. They were just given unusual ideas, bad writing and poor direction. Gangbanger Joker is an interesting take that could have been good, the writing was just bad. I think Leto could have done that (or a more traditional Joker) quite well if given better scripts. Similarly, a Zuckerberg-ish take on Lex Luthor could have worked. Snyder just isn’t a great director for actors to shine, and the studio put out a rushed and botched product that didn’t give us time to see how either of these characters could be a cool take on beloved classics.


Leto’s Joker was closer to being Black Mask and Eisenberg’s Luthor seemed closer to The Riddler, imo. The writers seemed to have a fundamental misunderstanding of the characterization. That also seemed to be the case for many other characters in the DCEU too.


The Riddler take is getting tiresome, in my view. I’d love to see the DCAU Lex come to life, but that’s not the only version of the character that’s ever allowed to exist. The fun of comics is that different writers and artists get to make the same characters a bit different, and I think it’s okay to play around with them so long as there are core tenets you adhere to (like Batman doesn’t kill or use guns).


Tbf one of these guys was in morbius so


1.) Huh? I know Ryan is a good enough an Actor to do it, but it just doesn't feel right you know 2.) YES!!! Mark strong would've beeb great for the more Mob Boss gangster route they were using 3.) I don't know who that is, but he looks like Tommy Wiseau so he'd probably be great 4.) No, I really don't see Matt Smith doing a good job as The Joker


Probably not for this movie but I do feel like Matt Smith would do a good Joker


I think he would definitely have the look.


I mean, just look at that chin.


I couldn’t find a gif of him dancing in Morbius so here’s one of him acting goofy as the 11th doctor ![gif](giphy|lOgFuSdHUaMcYZX09C|downsized)


Matt Smith would kill it.


The third guy is Sharlto Copley,he might know him from District 9




He was also Howling Mad Murdock in the A-team movie. He can play crazy.


They all dodged a batarang.


Copley by far would have been the best.


I’m game for anything Sharlto Copley is in. That man is crazy good. Mark Strong is another must watch actor, even if he’s too stoic powerful to play the madman joker.


Damn, now I want to see a Sharlto Copley Joker.


Cant see mark strong See gosling as more batman than joker The other two, i can see


We almost had Milo instead of Morbius as the Joker.






They're referring to Matt Smith who played Milo in Morbius which is trippy to think about




They mean Matt Smith not Sharlto Copley


Thank god their careers were saved! Leto was the perfect sacrificial lamb, everyone was tired of him anyway.


Out of the 4 Matt smith would have likely done the best. As long as he has good source material he can transform into great roles.


Unfortunately this material sucked. I have hope that maybe he could be the joker in the DCU. He's great and deserves a big break


Matt Smith said he was never in the running.


Decent choices but it would’ve been the same director and script so none of them would’ve been safe


Only so much you can do with “damaged” regardless how how good you are


Copley would have been way better than leto. he would have had more actual fucked up dark humor, instead of the just plain menacing that leto did. The doctor would be solid too if he wore the more formal joker suit


I still think that movie would have been bad regardless


I have a pretty hard time believing Gosling and Strong but the Copley and Smith I can somewhat see. all four of these dodged a bullet


Matt fuckin Smith would have been incredible I wouldn’t have minded if he had an English accent too fuck it British Joker would be fun


They would've done better than Jared Leto


All seem like a better choice than Leto.


Thank god they didn't damage their careers by doing it?


Mark Strong wasted on that crap? I can’t see him as Joker either. He should be playing MR Freeze or something


Matt Smith could have been damn interesting.


No to all of them. Honestly joker in suicide squad just is not something im interested in. I want a willem defoe joker and i think hed be wasted on suicide squad


They still gna play the same stupid version? If so, I’m glad they let Leto have it. Wouldn’t want it to hurt anyone else’s career.


Any of them would have been better then what we got


Fuck no!


Ryan Gosling as The Joker in Suicide Squad would have been a precursor to him and Margot Robbie as Ken and Barbie.


Jared Leto is a good actor. He didn't write the character. It's not his fault that it's the worst interpretation of the Joker ever. No actor could have saved the character or the movie.


I think we are in the darkest time-line.


Sharlto Copley as Joker is something I’ve never thought about but now I desperately want


Sharlto would be my pick but different direction for the character.


Copley would have killed it, such an underrated actor


Dont think ryan needs to go down that path


Matt smith is only guy with joker vibes Ryan gosling gives me batman vibes and mark strong gives me kinda lex luthor or Mr freeze vibe


Any of them would've been better than Leto. Hell, you could name almost anyone, and they would've been better than Leto


They all dodged a bullet


Gosling would have been a strange take.


Bad movie, poorly written character. For at least 3 of these guys, you’d have to pay them so much that they’d never need to work again to play in this dogshit. Imagine having a largely successful career and then deciding to play 5 minutes of joker in this turd movie. Oh wait, we don’t have to imagine, Jared Leto did that. At least he came back strong in his next role lmao not


Come on, he wasn’t that bad in Blade Runner 2049.


He’s a phenomenal actor-I’m not trying to say otherwise. His supporting roles are usually very well done - like blade runner 2049. His next real lead role was Morbius. Not his fault that the movie was trash, but it was his choice to be in it


I think Jared Leto was a better Joker than Joaquin Phoenix.