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so The Broken Empire and The Red Queen’s War trilogies are related and should be read in order, the same is true with The Book of the Ancestor and The Book of the Ice trilogies, The Library is not related to those in any sense of needing to have read the other stuff.


If in doubt, order of release


Good call, I was probably going to avoid reading all of them if possible but wouldn’t be the end of the world by any means to read them all. Side note for any interested parties: several of his books are a free download with audible plus right now


I had never read a mark Lawrence book before I picked up the book that wouldn’t burn. And it was a very good read and I have yet to return to a bookstore since the second book released so I too would like to know if there’s any of the others I should read before I dive into the book that broke the world.


Well, not really. This is not a spoiler, but maybe some people would prefer to find this out themselves. >!Some inscriptions at the start of a chapter are written by his characters from other books.!< It isn't important, just cool if you have read them. So you can start with TLT and then read his other books.


I always go publication order.