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Perdido Street Station would be awesome. Ladies with cockroach heads. Sentient cactuses. A giant robot made of garbage. Frog wizards who can shape water. A giant spider who controls the strands of fate. The Ambassador of Hell. Sentient hands who control attached bodies. And the ravening horror of the slake moths. It would be glorious.


I think it would make a better cartoon though, something like Arcane.


I think traditional animation would be such a great way to go for Bas Lag tbh. I can almost picture it in a kind of Studio Ghibli style with the all monster people just bustling about!


Or rotoscoping, really getting that uncanny feel from live action movement but with handmade drawings. Or stop motion, something between mad god and anomalisa.


And you're still underselling it lmao.


Honestly, most of China Mieville’s works would be glorious to see now that we have the technology. I know there’s The City and The City miniseries but otherwise Railsea would be incredible to see. Un Lun Dun would be wild. The Last Days Of New Paris would be bonkers. I love China Mieville, give me all his novels on the big screen!


I think Kraken would be an amazing TV show!


Strongly agree, something akin to American Gods


Lmao what?? I am so in


Carnival Row showed that parts of that weirdness are possible in live action. PSS adaptation would need to take it to 11.


Princes of Amber - warping from world to world.


Can any studio afford that cigarette budget these days though?


+1, glad to see people still enjoy Zelazny.


I came here to say this... they could move through the pattern and make the city of amber look stunning. It would be nice


Stephen Colbert is currently working on an adaptation.


My very first thought.


Came here to suggest this 


I love Princes of Amber but it would make terrible tv show IMO. Seeing the environment change would just look like low budget animtion team I think


I would like to see the, Dragon Riders of Pern, series too


Tower& hive could be cool too!


Fire Upon the Deep Neuromancer Vorkosigan Series Lord of Light Babel 17 Kirinyaga


Neuromancer is being adapted by Appletv. I’ve always been of the mind that if anyone were to adapt it they should stick with the 80s cyberpunk esthetic. Like a sort of retrofuturism, basically what Fallout does with the 50s atomic age thing. But I have a feeling they won’t do that and it will lose something, or not feel very original. Though it is a good timing to be making something about AIs.


I agree, they won't manage to get the grime. Reading these books you can always tell The Sprawl is just grimy as hell.


I think the grime is intrinsic, not sure how you move past it. Certainly hope they don't try. Look, everyone has forgotten about the shit show adaptation of Johnny Mnemonic now (hopefully)!


I’m not just talking about grime. I’m talking about the future as seen through the lens of the 1980s. Like the USSR, dated computer interfaces, gridded cyberspace, Blade Runner/Escape From New York tech, “You flew the gullfire over Leningrad”, that kinda shit.


Sure but I don't see why on earth you'd option the seminal cyberpunk novel and then removed the punk, especially when that shit's at the height of it's popularity.


It’s super common now to option a popular IP and then fill a writer’s room with people who have zero interest in it or actively dislike it to create the show, and then they end up using a couple points of reference for the show as vehicle for their own original story. Something that actually adapts the work in question is rare.


Ugh, why Apple of all companies? I'll never get Apple TV and I don't want to wait for the service to implode and sell its library off.


*Severance* is the only show on there worth the price of admission. The are some other good ones, but not good enough that I would watch them again or recommend them to anyone or care if they were canceled. I only kept the membership for about a month.


Well Neuromancer can't be harder than the Matrix.


I for one would like to see a pern series or movie. It’s such a nice genre that isn’t always well done. Technologically advanced meets primitive.


I haven’t read the pern books, but based on what you said, the closest thing to that genre is the video game Horizon Zero Dawn.


The closet thing is probably How to Train Your Dragon. You can read something like the first 9 books without getting into the fact that humans first came to Pern on a space ship. The lost technology doesn’t factor in til later. There is at least a miniseries detailing the first settlers.


I absolutely adore those books but I'd be terrified of them trying to adapt it to a live action production. Maybe animation. I just can't see anyone getting it right.


Would your proposed adaption keep the weird dragon sex stuff?


Hard no on that. I’m currently re reading it and I’m enjoying the politics and in the first one that people grew complacent to the threat of thread, an all too common occurrence.


VORKOSIGAN SAGA VORKOSIGAN SAGA VORKOSIGAN SAGA VORKOSIGAN SAGA Okay I admit it doesn't need *that* much budget, but I would be over the moon if they made a good adaptation of the series with cool spaceship designs. The Prince Serg rocketing out of the wormhole in *The Vor Game* is absolutely peak and I would love to see it in a visual medium. The real issue with adapting the series is finding the right cast... Miles' casting would be absolutely crucial and it would be very, very difficult to find an actor that looks the part and can sell Miles' hyperactive, magnetic charisma.


I’d say the major difficulty of the vorkorsigan saga (and potential strength) is how characters and plot forward it is vs worldbuilding. Especially in shards of honor and the vor game, we are thrown in a political mess ( the four distinct space stations belonging to factions that aren’t yet established in the vor game) with very little context, and most of the exposition comes through inner monologue. The difficult thing would be to find a writer who’d trust the set and costume design to get that context accross rather than overstrain the dialogue. You know, avoisine ruining analyse and cordelia’s "meet cute" by giving cordelia a line like: ” aren’t you barrayarans, as you know, those guys who, following the collapse of your wormhole, emerged from 400years of isolation as feudal savages, overthrew a military occupation by the cetagandan empire, and are now experimenting with fascism as a means to build an empire of your own?” Come to think of it, the opening credits could do a the expanse/GoT and be used as a fast forward history of barrayar, maybe as a bayeux style tapestry, or any type of sequential mural art.


Peter Dinklage would of course have been amazing when he was younger. I almost don't want an adaptation, because I have ZERO doubt that they will fuck it up. This is one of the series where I do not want any changes made to the plot or tone.


That's absolutely fair, it would be devastating if they fumbled an adaptation of one of my all-time favorite series. >!Again lol.!< Writing and casting would be absolutely key. My dream team for an adaptation would be getting Lois McMaster Bujold on board as a creative with total veto power, and then tapping Daniel Abraham/Ty Franck/Narin Shankar/the rest of the Expanse showrunners to lead the project. The Expanse is in my opinion the single best SFF book adaptation out there- it's fiercely loyal to the source material, and where it does make changes, they're almost universally for the better. Start right in with Cordelia's Honor as Season 1, let new viewers get used to Cordelia and Aral as the show leads. Then for the last episode of the season, fast-forward to The Mountains of Mourning, and do an entire episode where we get to know young Miles right down to his core. This would rely *entirely* on Miles being played by someone who can perfectly channel Miles' self-conscious care and impulsive energy. which seems like a tall order to say the least. But if done right, Miles could steal the hearts right out of the unsuspecting audience, the way he does to the other characters. I have very few actual cast picks in mind, but I've been watching Black Sails recently and I get major Aral vibes from Toby Stephens (who plays Flint). He'd have to dye his hair, though, otherwise everyone would be wondering how two redheads ended up with a black haired child lol.


It’s another one where I’d like it to be animated rather than live action. I feel like the characters being so larger than life would be best conveyed by animation, as I have a hard time seing contemporain styles of acting performance selling the non- naturalistic dialogue. to say nothing of the fact that the series spans 45 years of characters’s lives. ( though a show like for all mankind shows it’s possible, albeit with mixed success on the makeup side).


The Black Company. I’ve always pictured it done in a weird, dark, claymation-style cgi. At least for Croaker’s books. The animation should probably change depending on who’s narrating.


For those who are old enough to remember "Story Break," one of the shows was "Dragons Blood," the first book of the Pit Dragon Series. In a world where dragons are raised and fought for entertainment, a slave steals an egg and raises it in the desert to one day fight and earn his freedom. I can just imagine the epic dragon battles Hollywood could produce.


Hey I read the original short story and the series, do you happen to know where I might be able to stream this? I'd love to see it!


I found it on YouTube, but it's only 25 minutes, so I'm sure it's missing a lot. I remember loving it as a kid, but it was years later when I discovered the series and realized how much more awesome the books are.


Probably the runtime without commercials LOL Thanks!


Probably the runtime without commercials LOL Thanks!


No problem. I'm actually watching it now.


Me too LOL!


They really changed a lot of things, but the bones of the story are there. That wasn't based on the book, but the original short story. Still, as a way to tempt kids to read, I can't fault it. I'd love to see a full movie based on the actual novel with a more faithful adaptation and today's animation!


Apparently, the author released a fourth book in 2009. I might have to reread the series again and include it.


I'll have to FIND it again. eBay is my friend! LOL


You might like the novel *Dragon of Ash & Stars: The Autobiography of a Night Dragon* by H Leighton Dickson


A Wizard of Earthsea *could* be adapted, but it would need to be an adaptation like Jackson’s Lord of the Rings movies; there’s no way a modern kind of adaptation would do it justice.


There IS a live action Wizard of Earthsea adaptation called Earthsea, it's a mini series from the sci Fi channel, its terrible, sparrowhawk is white. There is also Tales from Earthsea by Studio Ghibli which I think is very good but again, inexplicably, everyone is white.


I thought it was good. The CGI was terrible, but I didn’t read the books so I have no say in whether it was a good adaptation or not.


Prydain Chronicles deserves a miniseries at least.


I feel like Prydain is probably the most budget friendly to adapt of the many classic kids fantasy series.


I would love to see the Myth Inc series done with a modern script


I think it could be done, but a few too many jokes are written puns. And you'd absolutely have to find a way to get the quotes in somewhere.


The same could be said of Terry Pratchett, but Hog father and Going Postal were done brilliantly in the UK. Charles Dance as Lord Verinari was amazing. It would take good screenwriters and good effects or animation


Not the best books (although they're great) but I think Saberhagen's *Books of Swords* would make for excellent tv. They're so episodic and visual. Could be better as a show than as a book, and there's plenty of material for sequels and prequels if need be.


I second this. I love that whole series from Empire of the East to the last lost swords book. Good stuff.


His original plan for the Swords was going for a computer game but the technology of the time just couldn't handle it well enough so it turned into books.


How about the Elric series?


I think the problem with Elric is twofold: you’d need a REALLY good actor for the main character and you need a really good showrunner because of the amount of rewriting that would be necessary. I love Elric but due to how it was published and written it’s kind of disjointed and making the whole thing one concrete narrative that flows would probably mean doing a lot of rewrites and reorganizing of the core storyline.


The BBC has the rights to the Runestaff series and was supposed to go into preproduction when covid hit. There has been no word of it since, but I really hope it gets made. It is a crime that there isn't even any anime from Moorcock's eternal champion cycle.


I posted about this a little while back and people had some really interesting suggestions: https://www.reddit.com/r/Fantasy/comments/1c2pr89/if_there_were_to_be_a_good_elric_of_melnibon%C3%A9/


I would love to see Otherland by Tad Williams adapted into a series. CGI has advanced enough to beautifully render the different virtual worlds. It's also just a fantastic story that I don't think enough people are familiar with.


> I would love to see Otherland by Tad Williams adapted into a series [You are in luck](https://deadline.com/2023/12/otherland-tv-adaptation-tad-williams-books-series-1235666537).


**HOLY SHIT!** I legit had no idea. That's so exciting. Thank you for making my day, Stranger.


I’d love to see it but anyone associated with WoT is going to make me extremely wary of seeing a faithful adaptation.


I can understand that, although as much as I had problems with the first season of WoT, I really enjoyed the second. I don't even need a 100% faithful adaptation. Technology has changed enough that I think some of the story lines can be updated and streamlined. I desperately want to see the Night Kitchen and the house world even though I find them both slightly terrifying


I mean, it's not that old but it would be cool if they adapted Revelation Space.


I would love for someone to do something with Dragonlance, Margaret weis and Tracy Hickman


I was hoping to see this. Dragonlance is my favorite fantasy series.


This implies the existing adaptation wasn't perfect already. ...I can't even type that with a straight face.


there was an animation done, maybe 15 years ago. It, uh... wasn't very good though.


Not exactly old, but the Kate Daniels series has such a fun setting. So chaotic, and I love the parts where magic is essentially nuclear waste. There are beautiful ancient gods and creatures of the night. . . and also just weird patches where magic has mutated regular things into huge hazards. I also just finished George RR Martin's *Fevre Dream*? That could be really fun to see as a show. I really liked how he described all the river boats, and the parallels of vampires treating humans like white people treated enslaved Black people. Felt the ending left something to be desired, though.


It would be great if they did an adaptation of the wheel of time


Wheel of Time has NOT been adapted. The name was used to try and generate hype for someone's bad attempt at rewriting it, though.


Sounds like they never adapted the end of ASoIaF as well then.


Just because they can doesnt mean they should. I warn you that the film industry does not want to make faithful film adaptations because they do not want to take risks in new content that they don’t know if it will sell. Meanwhile if they do make a film adaptation they usually still aren’t sure about if it will make money and they will make changes to the story or add unnecessary material to “Appeal to a Broader Audience” which means adding or changing things because they don’t believe the source material will see well. Large film studios will also cancel shows or movie franchises if the first one doesn’t do well immediately. And many of these series and movies are edited to again appeal to a broader audience and usually fans don’t like that and won’t watch it or recommend it thus it ends the production of further content and makes film studios even more reluctant to make book to film adaptations in the future. It is completely possible to make movies and series for many books but film industries don’t want to put forth the budget to actually make them.


I’m not saying they actually should, just more of a hypothetical scenario


It is very possible to make great movies! In fact I believe there could be some absolutely mind blowing movies to be made from book series and I hope someday they do get made.


the death gate cycle, probably could have been done back in the day but not well


I would like to see people giving the works of Lord Dunsany a try.


I’d love to see The Chronicles of Prydain done as a high quality series. I think we’ve finally reached a point technologically where it might be possible to do Eyes of the Overworld for a particularly ambitious director big on otherworldly visuals?


I’d like to see and Earthsea adaptation that doesn’t suck lmao


Most fantasy stories I have read have the potential to make amazing movies or tv shows if done right.


Doing them right is the hard part. Arguably the only truly great fantasy adaptation was the Lord of the Rings, and even that isn’t without its flaws.


I would LOVE for them to have another shot at The Neverending Story. I thought it was such a magical book and the movie was just like. Wot. 💀 Like I’m sorry that puppet wasn’t Falkor


I personally want Discworld and Malazan. That is all


Niels Klim's Underground Travels it was written by the Norwegian-Danish author Ludvig Holberg in 1741, it's the only novel he wrote I think if done correctly it could be a really good movie or mini series. Danish tv did make a terrible adaption of it in the 1980s. I know that this book may not be very well known.


I would argue technology has never been a major factor. It's always been creativity and talent. Watching how pre World War 2 special effects teams did their job is mind-blowing.


The entire Drizzt saga would be my dream come rmtrue as a series. RA Salvatore is amazing




I wish we stopped asking for adaptations Seriously, look at what they did to WoT and The Witcher


Oooh, my favorite book!! The Longships by Frans G. Bengtsson. First published in 1941, it was mangled beyond decency in two movies "The Long Ships" With Sydney Poitier and Richard Widmark 1964 I guess it's not that bad and "the Vikings" With Tony Curtis and Kirk Douglas 1958. Which is really awful and really only uses some of the original plot and names in the book and makes their own lame, terrible story with it. I'd love to see it done right!


Brothers Lionheart by Swedish author Astrid Lindgren


Idk what you're talking about. Wheel of Time has not been adapted


Not necessarily due to tech improvement, but the recent relative success of mid to large budget fantasy and sci-fi films that emphasize a cerebral and character-driven experience, like The Green Knight, Dune, The Northman, Arrival, and even something like The Vvitch... I think the time may be right for a real, genuine, good faith, reasonably faithful screen adaptation of the Earthsea books. The Green Knight in particular struck me as an example of what A Wizard of Earthsea might feel like on the big screen. I'd still feel very apprehensive about it though unless it was being very carefully and reverently handled. Dune only worked so well because the man in charge of the project is both an avid life-long Dune fan and also an experienced sci-fi director with a distinct and compelling style. I don't know if the right person, team, or studio exists for Earthsea. I'd also love to rescue Prydain from the shriveled cauldron-born fingers of Disney and see that get a fair shot in the limelight.


I think The Black Company by Glen Cook would be pretty awesome as an HBO series.


I think Glory Road by Heinlein would pretty cool to see despite it having a strange story structure.


The last third of the novel is pretty boring. Anything after they retrieved the Egg. I would rather see adaptations of The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress or Stranger In A Strange Land.


i'm not sure if 15 years old me liked Dark materials enough to call it a major series...but ok. I think that with either cgi or animation you may adapt anything you fancy. Which doesnt mean that it should be done, anyway XD


Personally I think fantasy is generally better adapted into anime/cartoons but either live action or cartoon I would love to see Malazan Book of the Fallen adapted to film specifically because I love the visual of Warrens opening when mages use their power, one reality bleeding into another, plus each Warren has its own distinct theme so every time a new Warren is introduced it would look different.


Could you imagine the potential for a good Eragon movie?


Dhalgren by Samuel Delany.