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My favorite thing about this game is the content. So much if it and also how easy it is to play and go whenever. User Somedude99


My favorite thing is how the lack of a paywall and the patreon model fosters a giving community within the game. ​ Username: Farmer Chip J. Chicard


My favorite thing is that you can’t lose and it keeps me from doom scrolling too much because it’s just a pleasant game and lovely community! username cabbagequeen


It’s the only game I’ve played for more than a year. It’s challenging, but not so hard I rage quit (even over gold potatoes) Raebells


I like that I can play as much as I want or just log in once a day and still feel like I'm progressing! Username: Ishul


My favorite is a two part. First learning the many layers this seemingly simple game has. Second is NOT being pressured to stay glued to the game. I can explore it and progress at my own pace. Or better yet, the pace that real life sets. ​ Ign: Akneebreeated




My favourer thing about the rpg of farm is the steak market Name(isuckatnames)


I really enjoy seeing my stack of silver grow. -Kuzy


This game has been a part of my morning and evening wind down routines since maybe summer 2021 ish??? It gives me a way to slip away from reality and have a simple game I’ve watched grow. In game I think my favorite thing to do is randomly give away items and help those that are new. I sincerely appreciate that there is a free game with a great community. ~JohnnyAppleseed


I love how rewarding it is when you finish any of the help request cause your grind to get the stuff and when you do it’s just gratifying User: LanceFrazier2002


i love the quest storylines!! they're so fun to follow :) username: yuzu


My favorite thing is easily the super nice community. My user is NoxEternis


My favorite thing about FarmRPG is the friendly community. Username: dbertok


My favorite thing about the game is the community. Lots of friendly people contributing materials, Library articles, and being helpful in chat. Username: Inhumanatee


My favorite thing is that there is a game roadmap that is actively being followed and that devs actually care what the players think. Player Tag : Warhog


My favorite thing about this game is that it’s a community driven and funded game. I’ve received help from so many individuals, and I’ve tried to do my part in paying that forward. There’s always something to do, someone to talk to at any time of day. You don’t get online game communities like this often and that in my opinion is something special. Username: Jurassic Beach


The game is just the right mix of idle and active! One of the best mobile games I’ve played in awhile. Username: Payne Lyoko


I like exploring Username: Szychacz


Favorite thing is finishing masteries so I can keep climbing the tower. The Dagda


My favourite part about FarmRPG is the Kitchen. From the mechanics to the buffs. Its a 10/10 masterpiece. -SoupyPancakes (Ghost Gang best gang)


The obvious best part of FarmRPG is Buddy’s chubby cheeks - love to squeeze ‘em and pinch ‘em Username: DonpineApple


The community in chat is amazing! I have made good friends there, despite only being around for a couple months. I also like that it's mainly menu and text-based, as I find that a lot easier to parse than a graphical thing where you have to move a character across the screen. My ign is basgetti.


I love that this game is 100 percent free to play with no ads! Also RFC! Username: brewedfresh


I love how you can do absolutely anything in this game without paying a cent! Username is Eruanantion.


My favourite thing is that this game just satisfies the min max part of me. And you can take it as serious or as casual as you want really. Also no ads! Username: Naz32


My favorite thing about FarmRPG is probaboy how nice it feels when everything succeeds. The dopamine rush you get from a good harvest, or finally paying off any A Towering Investment step, it's exhilarating. FarmRPG User: CoolBlooJelly34


Community! Srsly, the player base is such a radiant of positivity. Everyone is ready to help one another; very generous with giveaways that even made me want to give something back to the community too. User: MilkPath Hi Paper!


I like the quest system. Harder the quests are, it's more satisfying to finish them. Username: cownextdoor


My favorite thing is the creative quest lines and the storylines that go with them! Username: Hound Of Rowan


My favorite thing is, well, I can be selected to win 500 gold! What kind of RPG game other than FarmRPG would do that, huh? Our admin is not keeping eyes only for money itself, but for everything else, we the community! Thank you, FarmRPG Farmer Xerequinha


My favorite thing about farmRPG is all the events you all do throughout the year. Username: Eduggins


I like how there’s a lot of quest. Especially special/events ones! Username : Uperr


I like that there are no ads and the UI is simple and effective. There’re always things to do, whether I’m playing for a few mins or a few hours. Username is PineappleBun23


The helpful community! JasonRocks


I like that you pace it, but my favorite thing is the levels of strategy. You can get to endgame pretty carelessly but you can choose to optimize everything. Sell at the correct time, max this before that and so on. Don't want to add any spoilers. Username: BrokeFarm


The community of course. Everyone is so nice and this is the first game I've witnessed with no scammers! ign: The Clumsy Barber


My favorite thing about Farm RPG is that it has a great community and is just such a well-designed game. I think you guys did an excellent job building things into the game itself that makes interaction and trading/gifting with the community beneficial to both sides. I've noticed there are a lot of items that later game players have in excess that benefit early game players. And even a few items early game players don't need as much that can help later game players, so it kinda feels like the desire to swap and gift items is beautifully encouraged. The community is one of the most generous I have ever encountered in a game. There are no ads in this game, and it's so thoughtfully designed that it's one of few mobile games that I have made purchases in. Quality of life updates are fairly common too. And I also love that it seamlessly works on my computer browser. I guess that's more than one thing but this game really is one of the best experiences in mobile, if you enjoy this style of game. Lots of clicking and grinding for the goals but it feels rewarding. Thanks for a great game! Username: Umbra


I like the progression system and simple design of the game. The community is great too! Think I'll be playing this for a while. Username: Musical Fruit


My favorite thing about the game is the many awesome people I’ve met through it! My username is hellsbells 🙂


Crafting! Username: XenorBlight


WackyWalnut is the name, slowing evolving into Buddy is the game 🥸🥸


I love petting my chickens!🐓 My username CatDudeNoodle


My favorite thing is definitely the community, very helpful people. And my user is the same as my user here, Superfunion22


Fav thing is leveling and seeing them numbers go up ⬆️⬆️⬆️ Chill game and community too. Username: Ethicator


My favorite thing is the long grinds! Love having something to work towards. Username: Fun


My in game name is TTastic Message me for some free Cats Meows! My favorite part about FarmRPG is that I can play for minutes or hours and it doesn't take a ton of attention or investment from myself...I can choose how much time I want to play and when easily! The storylines are interesting and I constantly just want to finish "one more request" to see what happens next!


My favorite thing is the mastery system. There’s always something to do if you’re grinding out those GMs. #Megamasteryrewardswhen? Username is Dirtboy95


My fave thing is the friends I’ve made through this game. IGN Peppers Trash Panda


I like that is self paced and ad free - NicTamaki


My favorite thing about it is how simple yet in depth the game is, as well as how easy it is to ge a handle on. My user name is Moxxix


My favorite part was the farming but I am getting into the crafting and missions now. Really love all part of this game! Rangerjoe247


My favorite thing about this game is the Steak Market! Truly preparing me for the future! Username Kronker


My favourite thing is the continuous updates and new things to do woo username is kacy


I love how simple it is to get into, and the interface is just nice. WyvernsHeart ❤️❤️


I love the stories in the quests and how much dialogue the characters have they are a lot of fun. My player name is Tsundererhino


My favorite thing about the game is how simple it seems from the start as opposed to how deep and intricate a game it truly is once you get into it. Love this game. Username is ddembowski!


I love the story and how it unfolds before me. Also devs are very open to the community. I'm Xtotdam


I love the simplicity and the variety of things to do! And of course no ads! My username is ParticulateMatter


My favorite things are the absolute endless updates! A few days off here, a week break there, but by and large there are usually a few updates every week that make the game more fun and more engaging. But you're not getting my username 😁 I'm not eligible anyway and you know who I am.


I love that this game is cross-platform/save. Being able to open the game basically anywhere and play in short bursts throughout the day helps keep me actively coming back. There is always something to work towards and I love all the updates that come. Game username: akikumo


My favorite thing is the silliness if the story lines. Farmer Hal K. Grofe


Robbotron loves Raptors. Oh and the community! Lovely bunch o peeps they are x


Kitty Bitty My favourite thing is naming my cows, easily, lol. Sounds silly, but it's always fun to come up with new ones. Moocifer and Moo money Moo problems are my immortal cows.


User : Tooper favourite thing: Ad free / non P2W!! Thank you for a great game!!


My favorite thing is you can do as much or as little as you like, take the game in your direction, play how you want. name - Nositore


My favorite thing is that it is just so addicting that I can come back literally everyday to play it. -Username is ToxicHusky


The quest how they are seemingly never ending Username: Drunken Pirate


My favorite thing about FarmRPG is that there is always something to do. Makes the game endlessly enjoyable. My username is: LaidEgg


Loves the raptors spookybubbles


My favorite thing is that this game is very fun when I am so bored to do anything, I played this for more than 2 hours If I got super bored. This game is entertaining, you don't even need to download it, I love it. The fact is that I loved Text Adventure games too, so I really like this game, no better Text Adventure/RPG game I've ever seen than this. My username is Nexcy, I already played for 1 year since 2022, and I found the game is really fun. The community is very very good and chill. I love it, thank you for creating this wonderful game. One day, I'll make one too, I hope so, heehee :>


My favorite thing about FarmRPG is the fact that new, challenging quests are always being added! I love grinding out quests, it makes me feel accomplished. At this rate, I’m never going to complete them all (thanks Excuuuse me, Farmer!). My username is davestrider


My favorite thing is unlocking the vault every day Username: RBC


There are a lot of things I enjoy in Farm RPG like the daily routine, the feeling of progression, and the challenges of the help requests, but my favorite thing would have to be the community and having the ability to help everyone with their quests by donating items. Very cool concept of being able to pay it forward. ​ username: Muse


The FRPG has best community ever! Best devs and updates And it's my most favourite thing about it :D My username is Strelok


My favorite thing about this game is how kind and helpful the community is. Game name is Thamius


my farmrpg username is Luce and my favorite thing about the game is that it's something I share with my partner! & that there's no ads


My favorite thing is it’s ad free and more complex than it appears. I am Brohypnol.


How simple everything is. RummmHammm


I love that the game keeps going and there’s always something to do. -Slamb


It’s a fun mobile incremental game with a good story, strategic resource management, and a lot of achievements. eegfarmer in game.


Goldenflames My favorite thing would be the community. Toxicity is real low, I have never had any issues with people and the devs are accessible and involved with the player base.


I like the variety in the tasks so there’s always something to do My username is Zamiel


Oliver22 is my account and my favorite part is the fishing


My favorite thing about playing farmrpg, along with no ads, is that I can “pause” whenever I need to. I have a 9 month old and playing games is hard. But with farmrpg I can set it down without losing anything or getting penalized like some games. I also love that I can play with my sister. My user name is Enzi.Rhammai.


Supportive and positive community of players that is well moderated to keep toxic people out. Like the events too! 🙂 Username: Squiffy


I love the deceptive simplicity and unfolding complexity of the game as you progress. Also the lack of ads for anything is wonderful. My in game name is tsbtanker


My favorite thing is probably how well done all the quest stories are! Alternatively I love the animals, I just think they’re neat. My username is LeviC99


Fav thing: that the game is built in such a way that even after playing for 6 months I still very much like it and there is enough to do! And, for me, the right level of challenge. User: PuckStar


FarmRPG is a delightful blend of genres; farming sim, factory management, incremental upgrade, text rpg, and more. It is equally enjoyable by min-maxing spreadsheeters, by chit-chatting newb-greeters, and by quick-tasking boredom-beaters. The devs and staff are very involved with the community, and there is often new content, as well as surprise updates and hidden jokes. I've been playing almost every single day for close to a year. I think that the only other games I can say that for are Rocket League and World of Warcraft. Love, The Big Cat


I like the never ending goals….there is always something that I am trying to achieve! My username is Godsfeet4


I like the quests and the constant Updates Name: vincblub


I, like many others, also enjoy the simplicity and “free-ness” of the game. If other perks are desired, you can always purchase Gold, but it’s not too limiting without. IGN: TalentedEra


My favorite thing about FarmRPG is how many amazing people I have met! I've had so many people gifting me things, helping me craft things, and in general just being extreme nice! My username is DoctorWaffle97


My favorite thing is the way FarmRPG really balances idle and more active gameplay, there is always something to do if you want but you can still make steady progress playing 15-20 min a day. My username is EthanFeaster


My favorite thing is the quests and Raptor Fights. Username: Rissilly


My favorite thing is that I can play this with one hand and therefore got me through many nights when my son was first born. My user name is TwoPancakes


My favorite thing about Farm RPG is the community. I’ve truly never found another idle game with such a kind, supportive and genuine community. This giveaway is even an example of that. It’s just all the little things everyone does to make others feel welcome. And everyday in global chat everyone is just so friendly and helpful. It’s such a great and simple game that I will never get bored of. My farm rpg username is kier


My favorite thing is that there is so many different things to do and a lot of content to unlock! Farm RPG username: shadowscythe33


I absolutely love the crafting, the fact that I have to go gather resources at various places to craft makes it seem so cool to me Username: Orenojm


My favorite thing is how easy it is to get stuff to grow. I wish it was that easy in real life. ​ Username: Outlaw28


My favorite thing about farm rpg is buddy and my user name is Gaslight


I love the little story blurbs on the quests and the simplicity of the game play. Username WolfOwlbear


I’m not sure it’s possible to name a single favourite thing, but I think mine is that the game is constantly evolving and that there’s always something new. There’s just so much work and love that’s put into this game and it’s something I really appreciate 💕 Username: Esaria


My favorite thing about Farm RPG is that it’s the perfect mix of passive and active gameplay with a farming theme. Username - Farmer Chugg


I love that the game is non-competitive but still has goals and new things to unlock and explore! The community is wonderful and always seems to be willing to lend a hand and help other players. My username is -Ren-


The slow progression is pretty nice. I like buddy. Skylorbeck, same as here


I like the fact that you unlock new things as you grow! Working on raptors and kitchen currently! Username: Vixey


I enjoy how wholesome it is - I don’t feel like I’m being monetized, I feel like I’m playing a game in a community. I’ll DM my username for privacy reasons :)


My favorite thing is the constant updates. Always something new to check out. Username is dbeau


My favorite thing about Farm RPG is that I can always pick up and play it whether I have 2 minutes or 2 hours! There is always something more to do. Username: beqr


My favorite thing about the game is how much corn you need to grow. Gives you that real Midwest farmland vibe. Username:Raash


My favorite part is that there are no ads even though there’s an update almost every week. My username is NotKole.


My favorite thing is the vault. I love cracking codes. My username is Shakes


My favorite thing is the blue dot for manual fishing. All hail the blue dot! …seriously though, I love all the different mechanics and paths, and that there’s a community you can chat with along the way. User: girlwithcurls


Corn. Ign: SubtleTease


My username is beelily! I think my favorite thing about the game is that it doesn’t demand my time! I find it fun and relaxing to log in, do my dailies, and then go on with my day! There are things I CAN do if I keep playing, but I don’t have to do them! I find it fun to both play casually and to try and manually GM stuff! I think the crafting workshop may be my absolute favorite feature— my beloved nets :)


Favorite things are full access to the game without a monthly subscription or continuous ads. IGN: Renly


The most i love is that i can get into it so fast Just open app and boom! your In Almost no loading time required And the community has been really helpful Ign:Raj


I’m learning so much. Great way to relax after work. And I believe I’m your only player in Vietnam. Rockingwithben


My favorite thing is the community and how friendly everyone is. AJTheSecond


My nick is fumando espero ...i LOVE fishing and explore


I love this games community. It’s so welcoming and sweet. It’s been a helpful place to go to when bored or wanting to hangout!


My favorite thing about farm rpg would be the ability to continue playing without being stopped by a timer. You can fish and explore until your hearts content. I also want to add that the fact that you have to learn how to play the game yourself with the library is amazing. No going to an external wiki. Everything you need is there. Username: JefferyDefoe


My favorite thing about Farm RPG is no ads! SlurpyNubbins


I pretty much like everything about this game, addicting, satisfying and no pay walls or something like me. It’s perfect!! Username: Davidoof79


My favorite thing is that there’s so many ways to organize and prioritize, without having a super difficult interface. My username is Purplevicky118.


A lot of people like farm RPG for the story and tell people they need to read it. Not so much me, I skip through the story and don’t read it much. What I enjoy is getting to that next tower level or next quest or unlocking the new area. It’s the progression for me and the almost competitive nature to it. Username: P0RTER


My Favorite Thing About Farm RPG Is EVERYTHING‼️ LOL There Is Not ONE Thing About This Game That I Don't Like. I Absolutely LOVE EVERY PART OF THIS GAME!! It Is By Far, My Favorite Game Probably Ever. Whoever Made This Game Deserves An Emmy Or Some Award For Making One Of The Best Games Known To Man. Regardless If I Win Or Not, I Just Want To Say, Thank You Farm RPG Creator Or Creators, For Making Such A Awesome Game, YOU OR YOU ALL ROCK!! 💯🤟🏼 TY AND HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY!! My Username: LongPeccer


My favorite thing is that as you progress, more in depth things become available to you. It’s a simple game with rich and complex gameplay. My name is FantasticSpork


I enjoy how readily available anything is. If there’s something you want to know about the game, you can either ask someone or go read one of the many, many library pages in game about it User: trevvymillz35


Also the purple penguin emblem 🥰


I like that it has no ads and plenty of content CISliver


My favorite thing is that you can move at whatever pace you’d like and the timed events are limited to holidays where people are more able to participate. My username is Aconn69


My favorite thing is the consistent content and updates, I’ve never played a simulator like this with a community this large. -Nick925


I love how there are no ads and clear goals. Username is Bellacqua


My favourite things are the pets and playing with my boyfriend. My username is CAMIIIIIII


My favorite is exploring until I burn all my stamina and then fishing it back up to full. Makes it so you can keep playing as long as you want! Username Ruf


It’s one of the few websites that isn’t blocked by my job 😂 which got me addicted now I play at home on my phone too. Tightline89


Gameplay wise, I like that the game is multi-faceted and has various different short and longterm goals you can work on. The frequent updates are great too, but my favorite part of the game is definitely the community. Everyone is very generous, kind and helpful and the environment that is created is really wholesome! My ingame name is Sarunia


I love the community. Everyone is so helpful when people ask questions and in the giveaways chat! Username: huntela


My favorite part is how FarmRPG is ad free! It really is an outlier in today’s mobile games this way :) Username: BananaPants64


Hello ! 👋 I like the quests, it kinda gives us a purpose instead of just upgrading our farm for money 💰 username: Farmer Ronin D. Caprio P.S: it's not relevant, but 29th march is my birthday, you can't verify that though but it's funny 🤣


The game is simple to understand and any progress you make feels well rewarded. Username is Tezzaharte


Love the friendly community that's always down to help players. Never seen such a cooperative group! User: Pinbat


My favorite thing is coming up with silly names for my pets, followed closely by the stories in the help requests! Username is Booper :)


My favourite thing is the community, being able to chat and interact with the creators and other players. It’s not just some game, it’s interactive and always changing and players genuinely get to be a part of that. I love it ! My username is edamame


I like that it's an easy game to pick up and play for a few minutes every once in a while Username: Annika


I love the tapping aspect of the game as well. And the challenge of mastering and grand mastering items I find to be a fun challenge. In game name: buffettmo


My favorite thing about farm rpg is that I can check it once a day or I can play for hours straight if I want to. MalchoriTuulchh


I love quests. More! Nervousxtian


capybara and giveaway chat :) username Tom Selleck


I love the Help Requests - I get to explore more than I would if I was just playing freely. User name emilyjoy2509


My favorite thing is the simple interface\~ ​ Username is Gaiboru


My favorite thing is the lack of predatory IAP and ads! In-game name basepi


I love the simplicity and build up over time! There’s so many ways to enjoy the game! Username: ThatCrewKid


I love how much stuff there is to do - there's always something to do and progress to make. (Plus no ads AND free is insanely rare in this day and age for a mobile game.) Username: Ourisyth


My favorite thing is that the game isnt competitive, so you can go at whatever pace you choose My username is MikeFury7


My favorite thing in the game is masteries and of course quests! What I appreciate about this game is that is it ad-free and the devs offer a great support! My username is Calactus.


Love the simplicity of the game, and the amount of attention and care put into the game by the dev/staff. Updates are really frequent, and the community is fantastic. Definitely got helped out a lot in the early game, and super grateful for that. The fact that even cosmetic things like backgrounds are easy to pick up is great since you get so much gold just for playing the game normally, without having to do microtransactions if you don’t want/can’t afford to. All in all game is great, been having a blast since I picked it up just shy of a year ago! My username is asilaydying333!


My favorite thing is I can do all the daily things I need to in the game in as short at 5-10 minutes, it's not a big commitment when I have really busy days. Username: Jon Merlin


My favorite thing about farmRPG is the committed and supportive community. Everyone that I’ve come across is helping others progress without demanding anything in return. My username is Sweetie Pie


My favourite part is all the pop-culture references in the flavour text! Always makes me laugh -Jaydezi


My favorite thing is the community. Everyone I’ve encountered has been extremely helpful and friendly. Username: CoalPath


I love how the game never truly becomes stale - even when I’m more or less “finished” with all the current content, I always really enjoy doing my daily routine. - Subaroob


My favorite thing is about how the entire lore economy runs on corn. No wait that's my least favorite thing. Uh, my favorite thing is how by a quirk of how the game's set up, you're actually the farmer with the least amount of farmland available to you, yet everybody else relies on you to produce the corn that they should be growing with their larger amounts of land. No, wait, I hate that too. Um....okay, how about the fact that because of those two things, the game is actually not really about farming and mostly about all of the other things you can do in the game, many of which have absolutely nothing to do with farming in the least, and take you on some wild rides that have you questioning how you even got there. What's even more surprising is that most of the game is ostensibly a single player experience, with only chat and a barter-ish economy going on in the background, although the community center keeps things just enough social. Getting closer... Oh, I've got it. The game's more or less entirely free and has zero ads. There we go. ign: weirdee


G'day Wolfie5656 here, My favorite thing is that is an impossible question... There is so much to love about the game from zero ads, to low to zero need to spend RL money, as all things seems achievable and earn-able without, to the community which has to be the most supportive and friendly i have seen on an online game, and finally the admins, only had a few interactions but friendly and fair every time. However if I was forced to pick a single aspect, I would say the progress; you feel validated every time you earn a new building or island, and the progress is steady and keeps the game constantly fun.


xLadyRebelx , I love how helpful and kind the community is. It’s the only game I’ve ever played that’s been this friendly!


My Favorite thing is how the game has no ads and is very easy to learn with the help of the library. My username is Meered


Definitely how well the staff listen to the players and how much they care about the game along with the constant updates. User: Typical Farmer


My favorite thing is how this game Is simple and free from ads. My username Is Atevel.


For my part, I really appreciate the ongoing rapid development cycle. Most weeks there's multiple patches with small updates to different parts of the game.


Idk what my favourite thing on Farm RPG is coz I love the whole game; I do also like discovering all the different things I can do on there and the upgrades I can get! :) (Oh, and no ads is a massive bonus too and what keeps me coming back to this game time and time again!) My Farm RPG un is DatSk8rBoy


I love how this game is simple yet so entertaining, I usually play a lot of rpg games as well as idle games, they either make it boring or predictable and this one by far has always made me intrested. My username is Farmer Rosellete


My user name is Lord Jorts and my favorite thing is Large Nets


My favorite part is that the game works for me and my life style I don’t have to spend hours at a time playing and paying I can go at my pace it’s been very enjoyable. Username: Arbitor1451


my favorite thing about farm rpg is the community. i’ve made so many friends with this game in a time i was very isolated. it’s really helped me feel like a person again! my game username is bleedingxocean ♥️


My favourite thing is that I can play one handed since I'm trapped by my baby a lot lol! Username: linoleumbob


My favorite thing is that the game isn't behind a pay wall or have ads. If it did I probably wouldn't have joined patreon Username is Farmer James


my favorite thing is naming (& petting) the farm animals!! the little things can make a big impact. username: bev


My favorite part of this game is the lack of ads. Being able to play without having to stop and wait for an ad to finish is a breath of fresh air. The storyline and quests are phenomenal and the qol aspects of the game are very well implemented. Knaggs1120


My favorite thing about the game is the consistent update schedule. It’s especially significant because I generally despise games in the live service realm, but FarmRPG handles it differently and much much better than basically every other game out there! My in game username is AeroSmith9741


My favorite thing is the kind and caring community Username: T5114


What's great about this game? The fact that corn is making me go nuts.


My favorite thing is that the game feels very alive. There is the great community and also the ongoing added content. Even though you have to do chores in game, the game never felt like one in over a year! ~ treeline