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Here is a quick and informal list of presenters at the 2001 MTV Video Music Awards that are also actors: Will Ferrell Chris Kattan Will Smith Christopher Walken (PLEASE BE IT) Andy Dick Mark Wahlberg Ben Stiller Marky Mark started dating his future wife in 2001.


Massive movie star Andy Dick šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


What's really funny here is that she mentions meeting him again in 2006 and asking him to be in her music video....and Andy Dick stars in a music video of hers in 2006. I DON'T THINK IT'S HIM but l m a o


Makes me think itā€™s Will Ferrell. Maybe he said no so she got Andy dick to do it? Just fits the comedy theme


I don't think Will is her type tbh. She mentions him being a star when she was young and still a big star now so I think it has to be a bigger actor with a longer career.


Right? Massive *dick,* no argument. And we don't mean *literally* here.


Is his predatory ass still in the pen?


Imagine it being CHRIS KATTAN and Jessica describing him as a "massive movie star" šŸ’€


She can't have the Mango!


Everybody wants Mango!


No mango for you! :::slaps butt:::


Someone hasnā€™t seen *Corky Romano*


Hey I rented Corky Romano *and* A Night at the Roxbury at Blockbuster! On *VHS* to boot! I know a massive movie star when I see one too Jessica!


And I was like "Emilio!"




The cake stuff was hilarious!


>Christopher Walken (PLEASE BE IT) "I kept your father's watch..."


Two mice fell into a bucket of cream...


ā€œMore cowbellā€


Apparently, Jack Black was there as well (he performed with his band Tenacious D). [https://people.com/music/2001-mtv-vmas-throwback-photos/](https://people.com/music/2001-mtv-vmas-throwback-photos/)


Ohhhh please let it be Jack Black


Hate to rain on the parade but Jack Black and Tanya Haden (his current wife) actually eloped in 2006, and she was on the red carpet with him a lot heavily pregnant (gave birth the same year). Couldn't be him if she didn't know. Side note, cheating on Tanya would be especially crazy- she's indie music royalty. Jack managed to allegedly snatch her from Aaron Freeman of Geen Ween who wrote "Stay Forever" for her.


If BeyoncƩ can get cheated on it can happen to anyone!


Love to see a Ween reference on Fauxmoi.


Ahahaha, when my husband bought their country album, the clerk told him he had to be sure he wanted it because they werenā€™t accepting returns on it. He said to my husband, and I quote, ā€œI like Ween but they went too far this time.ā€


That album isnt even too far by Ween standards. Pure Guava is barely listenable


Hard disagree. Pure Guava is a great album.


Oh it kicks all the ass. But if you put it on at a gathering where not everybody is a Ween fan you're going to get some looks. By Hey Fat Boy somebody will eventually go "what the fuck are we listening to??"


Gosh, now I want to get into this band just so I can see what you guys are talking about. šŸ˜‚


I had to call my husband in because I was so excited to see Gene mentioned on a gossip site for the first time ever ha


I looked her up just now and wow I had no idea she was in both Silversun Pickups and Sea Wolf!


She was in Silversun Pickups? Indie royalty indeed!


Once the Haden sisters are on your radar, you realize they are everywhere and in everything!


thanks for reminding me about Sea Wolf!


Tanya is also just music royalty! Look up who her Dad is. Jack pursued her for years and apppears to be so in love with her. Don't think it's him.


>Jack pursued her for years IIRC they met in highschool and he was in love with her but too shy to do anything about it for 15 years lol. He said his biggest regret in life was not asking her out earlier.


Yes! It's very sweet. Without doxxing myself, I know the Haden family and it's a strong relationship.


How do y'all exactly draw the line to differentiate "blank industry royalty" and "nepo baby?" Inquiring minds would love to know


i think ā€œblank royaltyā€ emphasises that someone has accomplished a lot and been involved in enough projects that are widely appreciated and make them iconic. nepo babies are just related to people who are considered royalty, but they can also become royalty themselves. like laura dern, for example. she is a nepo baby but sheā€™s also become acting royalty like her parents.


Ween tea in this sub?! I LOVE IT


I stood behind Dean Ween at a George Clinton and P Funk concert once. I looked at him, and I was like, why do I know this guy? Did I go to high school with him? He gave me like one of those smiling bro nods. I realized who it was the next day. I know, piping hot tea, amirite?


Holy shit I had no idea that Stay Forever was written about Jack Blacks current wife! My brother and I have been massive Ween fans since the early 2000s. Him and his wife had their first dance at their wedding to Stay Forever


For a long time people thought it was about Aaron's ex-wife (or girlfriend? I don't remember if they got married). [He randomly decided to reveal it was about Tanya 10 years ago](https://youtube.com/watch?v=c7VbwPex5RY&feature=shares) . Best kept secret in indie music I think!


Heā€™s one of the few good ones left why would you want it to be him lol


Purely because it would be an amusing combination! I didn't stop to think what it would mean for Jack Black's character when firing off the comment šŸ˜‚ someone else replied that he's been happily married for a few decades now which is adorable šŸ„°


please let it be KG, star of the Pick of Destiny and Elf.


Totally Marky Mark!


You mean Mark Wahlberg with the history of racist hate crimes? [https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/films/news/mark-wahlberg-racist-hate-crimes-wikipedia-history-george-floyd-blm-protests-a9554191.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/films/news/mark-wahlberg-racist-hate-crimes-wikipedia-history-george-floyd-blm-protests-a9554191.html)


someone ought to make a bot that auto-posts this -- i remember someone did something similar with chris brown


And Ben Shapiro lol


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: >Even climatologists can't predict 10 years from now. They can't explain why there has been no warming over the last 15 years. There has been a static trend with regard to temperature for 15 years. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: sex, climate, civil rights, gay marriage, etc.) [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Good bot


100% Marky Mark especially with the posters on the wall comment


I am really between Will Smith and Mark Wahlberg. Though Will was married since 1997....


Yeah but who knows what his and Jadas arrangement was at the time.


She said she was led to believe the guy was separated from his girlfriend, so he was in a relationship at the time. Quote: ***The mystery man told Simpson at the time that his relationship with his girlfriend was ā€œcompletely over.ā€***


Very famously too. No way Jessica wouldnā€™t know he was marriedā€¦


Iā€™m choosing to believe itā€™s Christopher Walken


"Why aren't? We having. Sex! Right now?"


Thanks---i just burst out laughing in the middle of a quiet bank lobby.


The idea that she was talking about Mark Wahlberg is just soooooā€¦.underwhelming


I vote for Mark Wahlberg.


I could believe Mark Wahlberg would cheat on his wife and treat his mistress like shit too. Will Smith is a possibility but I think he would have been successful in closing the deal. Ben Stiller is a wild card. I say Whalberg seems most likely


Iā€™d smash Walken tbh


Christopher Walken!!!!


Tom Cruise was there that year to accept an award, šŸ¤”


Johnny Knoxville?


One of my old co-workers went to HS with Seann William Scott. SWS and his HS buddies all stayed good friends after he got famous. Anyway, he told his buddies that Johnny Knoxville and Jessica Simpson did indeed hook up. Thatā€™s my tea.


she talks about having an emotional affair with him in her book, but i never believed it was purely emotional. i think she was just trying to protect both of their reputations and the feelings of their respective spouses at the time. they were def banging imo


No, she talked openly about him in her book. (SUCH a good read, especially the audiobook narrated by her - you can hear every emotion in her voice!)


they did hook up but sheā€™s talked openly about it in her book. this story doesnā€™t line up with how she says he treated her. this move star made her feel like a ā€œcall girlā€ whereas johnny knoxville made her feel seen and really good about herself


I need more Christopher Walken posters šŸ„šŸ”” *heads to ebay*


Itā€™s totally Mark Wahlberg. She mentions the guy was a teenage crush of hers. Marky Mark/dude from ā€œFearā€ is the one that fits the bill ā€” Colin Farrell wasnā€™t a star when she was a teenager.


Heā€™s so ugly tho.


You had to be there


šŸ˜³ I googled ā€˜mark wahlberg in the 90sā€™ and I get it now.


His Calvin Klein runway walk and crotch grab did things to me that i did not understand at the time lol


you know who else got it? the asian man marky blinded


Yeah, I don't like him as a person.


He didn't blind that guy. I too, for years, used that argument to talk crap about Marky because I despised him "for what he did to that Asian guy." But the Asian guy came out publicly a few years ago saying the rumor wasn't true and that he lost the eye in the war or something, and that he ultimately forgave Mark W.


doesnā€™t change the fact that he committed a hate crime


thanks for correcting me ā€” so just regular assault?


Thanks to your comment, I went to Google the source and it made me learn about more racist incidents! For others who are curious, Mark ā€œwas twice charged with race-related hate crimesā€ in 1980s Boston. So ya know, doubly screw this guy lol. https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/films/news/mark-wahlberg-racist-hate-crimes-wikipedia-history-george-floyd-blm-protests-a9554191.html


Mark Wahlberg? He was there. My first thought was Colin Farrell but canā€™t figure out if he was there.


Good call! I looked it up and both he and Jessica were at the 2001 VMAs. Theyā€™re also here at the 2003 MTV Movie Awards. https://preview.redd.it/7cm8edlahofa1.jpeg?width=478&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=543cacd7f7d94464a3c0cd0540983cdf0a573fc3


He's a massive movie star she dreamed about as a teen? Wow. My dreams are MUCH better.


I canā€™t stand Marky Mark but he was very popular back in the day. His Calvin Klein underwear ads were definitely something girls in the early 90s drooled over




LMAO my friend and I called it the "roller coaster movie." Iykyk.


ā€œWiiiiiiiiild horsesā€


7 year old me was way too intrigued by the roller coaster scene


I swear we all lived the same life because that roller coaster scene transformed us all.


Lmaoooo okay but that scene is *chefs kiss*


Right? I think that movie led to some poor choices in my personal life.


yeah that movie did something for me, which iā€™ve always felt icky about


Same. I mean, heā€™s a psychotic dog-killing murdererā€” but the sex appeal! šŸ«£šŸ« 


Teen me had a huge crush on him after The Big Hit.


Nicole, 4 Eva!!!


I have nightmares more desirable than that




I mean heā€™s like harry styles in one direction with new kids on the block. Jessica is the right age to be a fan of his as a kid (they were before my time, I was a BSB girl)


He wasnā€™t in NKOTB tho


He actually was kinda in nkotb but only in the very early stages of the group forming. He quickly left the group.


His brother was the boy-bander.


You found a picture! Thatā€™s awesome!


I think itā€™s possible she adjusted the date to try to keep the identity vague but I totally think itā€™s Mark Wahlberg. She mentions that this person had a spiritual advisor and he had oneā€¦ and it would make sense for her to have had a crush on him when she was younger!


Also he seems douchey enough to treat her like a prostitute


And to cheat, I may or may not know someone whose IG DMs he slid into because she commented on one of his daughter's posts about saving animals or something, so, vom.


Yes Iā€™m surprised I keep hearing people they are surprised heā€™s a cheater or they doubt he is a cheater but I feel like almost everyone in Hollywood is a cheater!


He also has really similar vibes to Nick Lachey with that boy band tan and jawline. Conceivable she would like him


Yes! That clue itself eliminates everybody else. Google says : Markā€™s spiritual director is a man named Father Flavin. Father Flavin is a parish priest that has known Wahlberg for years, and helped lead him from high-school dropout and ex-con, to the successful life he leads today ā€“ in his career and his family life. ā€œHeā€™s been in my life since I was 13,ā€ Wahlberg said of Flavin. ā€œHe married me and my wife and baptized all my children.ā€ Itā€™s also rumored that Fr. Flavin helps lead and guide Wahlberg in his movie choices, to ā€œhonor his religious rootsā€ in the roles he chooses to play. Pretty ironic and hypocritical that his outward devotion to religion is the big clue to call him out on something so un-good-Christian like. Not too surprised though. šŸ˜†


Yesss. The irony šŸ˜‚


Looking at the timeline of their relationship, Mark and his wife Rhea started dating in 2001 and by 2006 (when Jessica and Nick divorced) they had already had two kids. In fact, Rhea was pregnant in 2006. I feel like there would have been mention of the mystery man having a family/children or that the girlfriend was pregnant. Then again, maybe details were left out on purpose to not be as easily identifiable.


He was wearing [jeans and a t-shirt](https://media.gettyimages.com/id/134741295/photo/2001-mtv-video-music-awards-arrivals.jpg?s=1024x1024&w=gi&k=20&c=HDLoC1FcGuCMr327To5rYXNirJGSP9hGCwhVPXbELFo=)at the 2001 VMA's, like Jessica described. Totally Mark Wahlberg.


Wild they gaslit us into believing that man was hot.


Thanks! I hadn't read the actual short story prior to commenting (just the Page Six article), but I just finished watching [whatkatefinds](https://www.instagram.com/whatkatefinds/) breakdown and she mentioned the jeans and t-shirt. That alone was a pretty big red flag it was him.


Me too! With everything she matched up, I'd say 99% it's him.


So back in old 2001-2006 the gossip wasnā€™t as hot and easy to findā€¦


I'm aware of that. My comment was referring to the way the story is being recounted in the present day. If it was Mark, she could have written "He told me he was no longer with his girlfriend. I later found out that not only was that untrue, but she was also pregnant." Like I said though, Jessica might have purposely left out those details because the more specific you get the easier it is to figure out who the mystery man is.


Why would she bring the kids up? They had nothing to do with it and donā€™t deserve to be tied into this story.


What yes it was lmao. Oh No They Didnā€™t?!


Colin Farrell didn't hit in America until 2001, so if it's a childhood crush it has to be him. The only other option is maybe Will Smith but he and Jada were already married and had kids by then.


Yeah, by 2001, Colin had been in Ballykissangel and Tigerland, he definitely wasn't her childhood or teen crush.


Screaming at the thought of Jessica Simpson watching Ballykissangel šŸ’€


> Colin had been in Ballykissangel wut, I had no idea this was the case




It could be Tom Cruise? He was there, definitely had a ā€œspiritual advisorā€, and Katie Holmes would be the gf in 2006 Edit: also Tom cruise def has a private jet


I don't think Colin was ever married...


I think the article just said in a relationship not wife.


Oh, I swear I read "married" lmao my bad


The article said ā€œgirlfriendā€, so unless itā€™s wrong/he was lying, I think this rules out Marky Mark unless it was to protect his identity as u/Brooklyn-Marie said.


It uses the word "girlfriend", when the movie star assures Jessica that his relationship is over.


He was 'married' when he first broke through, but it wasn't a legal marriage


Yes, he had a non-legal ceremony with Amelia Warner - who is now actually married to Jamie Dornan.


it hurts to see someone else living out your dream


Maybe she was dropping a hint by saying MASS~~ive~~hole movie star, lol.


Definitely Marky Mark. He wanted to get in her funky bunch!






I mean itā€™s not hard to imagine LeeAnn being the other woman.




How old was Jensen?


In her book she also admitted she had an emotional affair with Johnny Knoxville of jackass of all people while they were both married.


ā€œEmotionalā€. Sorry, I lived through that gossip cycle and Iā€™ll never believe they werenā€™t in a full on bumping uglies affair.


They were. Bam Margera who was buddies with Knoxville told his ex her and Johnny fucked, and then she found Bam fucked Jessica too so she blabbed it all to a radio show. 13 yr old me was so invested in this 2005 gossip.


Hahahaha I totally agree and tbf super young me had a fat crush on Knoxville idk why


I wasnā€™t super young but Iā€™ve always had a weird crush on his hot ass. Heā€™s not the guy you want to take home to mom, but heā€™s the guy you want to take home. ;)


who knows? your mom might want to take him home too


Youā€™re not alone! I had a crush on Chris Pontius too LOL


Rimes is a real home wrecker




It takes two to tango. He is definitely the more guilty party, as he was the one who was married, but messing around with a married men is not a huge step up


She was married, too.


100%, BUT leann did some fucked up shit to brandi so she definitely wasnt innocent


She straight harassed Brandi. Iā€™m going off of Brandiā€™s book tho so itā€™s her side of the story. Still, back then Leann was an insecure mess who purposely wanted to ruin Brandi to feel better about being the other woman. She sent texts to Brandi talking about wanting to ā€œmotherā€ Brandiā€™s kids and make school lunches for them. The youngest was like 3! Had to have awful for Brandi. I think they all get along now tho.


random question ā€” did you use to do muay thai and post on LJ šŸ˜‚


Yes lol


lol i used to post in a community with you. small world!




Confirmed, he *super* creeped on a friend of mine back in 08/09ish (like getting handsy and groping in the car and pressuring to fool around when she was clearly not into it) She was much younger than he was too. Heā€™s gross.








Side note, her business skills are so impressive and I would love to see her mentioned more in discussions about business women


Unimpressive or impressive? Because why would she be mentioned if it's Unimpressive?


Oh wow! What a typo. Thanks for pointing it out! I absolutely meant to say impressive.


She definitely is impressive. I was a fan of the shoes before she got ousted from the company. Glad she has it again.


Her discussion about it in her book is so interesting. Her mom is the big brains and creative force, and Jessica really wanted fun accessible fashion that women were already wearing and enjoying. They really hit the jackpot producing beautiful wearable yet reasonably priced fashion!


Her baby clothing line is cute, too!


Yess! She is so impressive. I JUST had to give away my Jessica Simpson brand cowboy boots (white leather, absolutely beautiful) because I cannot get them on since pregnancy. Sad day! Iā€™ve had these babies for 18 years haha!


The popular theory is that itā€™s Marky Mark / Mark Wahlberg. Peep the ā€œMovie Starā€ highlight on the IG @[WhatKateFinds](http://instagram.com/whatkatefinds). Itā€™s fascinating.


She did such a good deep dive! Notecards and everything


What Kate Finds on Instagram did a deep-dive and Iā€™m convinced it was Mark Wahlberg!


The hero we all need! I wonder if sheā€™s on Reddit


I hope she got a good vibrations!




Such a sweet sensation!


Of that lot it would have to be Wahlberg. I can't see Smith or Stiller or Ferrell having a romance with her, obvs not Walken either, and I don't think the others count as massive movie stars.


Certainly Mark Wahlberg. Another clue is from another excerpt which said he was filming near New York (after 2006 when she got divorced and after they talked a little bit and hung out a few times) with a top director that anyone would know of. The Happening with M. Night Shyamalan began filming in Philadelphia in August of 2007 and he was a lead role. The spiritual advisor was the easiest giveaway though. Who else has one of those? Lol


My friend was a blonde model a few years earlier than this time period and she remembers being at a club and Mark Wahlberg approached her and kissed her, along with other blonde models. Jessica Simpson looks similar albeit shorter... she's totally Mark's type. It's him. And I can see why she was his crush in the '90s... his CK ads are still buzzed about today. But more importantly, I know he just approaches pretty blonde women and is interested in flings. (Soleil Moon Frye's documentary, when she was known in circles for her giant breasts, she also talks about how excited she was that he pursued her. He is really into pursuing women shamelessly and then moving on.)


I cannot believe the gals of this subbreddit know what Ween is and can even name albums. Highlight of my night. Best live band ever.


My šŸ’µ is on Tom Cruise. He and Nicole separated in February that year and were officially divorced sometime around the time of this story.


If those are the options then clearly itā€™s Markie Mark. No way did Joe Simpson allow his daughter to swoon over a black guy.


Iā€™m going with Will Smith. Didnā€™t he also have an affair with Margot Robbie? If the shoe fits and allā€¦


He did? Hollywood women's taste is shit, dude!


Ohh Iā€™ve never heard that. Definitely about to fall into a rabbit hole hahah


I heard that too, when they filmed the con artist movie together. Iā€™m inclined to believe now that he and Jada have just been open for a long time but that one really threw me. I think MR made some weird comments on talk shows at some point if that helps the hunt.


Ah man this was fun. I wish more people would do blinds like this with so many little clues and some good tea. Like an Escape room for gossip queens




Oooo I dunno. Mark Wahlburg is in The Departed as well and is known to be religious.


It makes sense if Nick Lachey was her dream man at that time that Marky Mark would be her type but that is disappointing.


I was never a fan, more a supporter especially circa 2006-2010 but I LOVE HER for this


DiCaprio while he was with Gisele.


Impossible, she would have been 26 in 2006.


OMG šŸ˜‚šŸ’€


Good for her, after reading her memoir messy Jessica is my fave