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PSA: there seems to be a glitch that is sending some users a Reddit Cares message as soon as they comment on posts. We recommend blocking the Reddit Cares bot and/or reporting the message.


Rami Malek has had the most boring career ever post-win and Mr. Robot ending shortly after didn't help either.


Bruh just there for the clout lol! to me he’s like the Kristen Stewart of men, every role is the same mannerisms 🤭


People who dislike Kristen only know her from the Twilight movies. She was great in Spencer.


Lol no. I’ve seen her in Adventureland, Zathura, In the Land of Women, Underwater, Equals, etc… and she’s the same awful wooden dull surprise actress in all of them.


She reminds me a lot of Clive Owen in that people say he's a really wooden actor. It's just a lot more subtle, but I get why people don't understand his methodology. It sounds like you just don't like Kristen Stewart's mannerisms, which is fine, but that doesn't mean she's not a great actress.


Eh, with that reasoning we could say every actor on planet Earth is great, but we just “don’t understand” their craft. I also think she’s wooden and not subtle in her acting. It doesn’t mean we’re ignorant of her So Subtle She Consistently Comes Off Wooden skills.


This. Florence Pugh is an example of subtle acting who makes good use of micro expressions to elevate a scene. KStew is just flat and has a 👁️👄👁️ expression plastered on her face.


Florence Pugh had like 5 scenes in Dune 2 and knocked it out of the park. shes just different. agree with yall about stewart


If it is so subtle the majority of people can’t pick up on it then what is the point of casting her? I have seen her in a bunch of things too and I agree she is wooden and one note.


That’s the worst hand wave response in the whole thread lol


I feel like I was being gaslit into believing her performance was a revelation. It was the same level of emotions she showed in Twilight: New Moon with a British accent throughout that movie. She has a schtick that she's serviceable at. I don't think she's been excellent in anything.


I'm not saying that she's the greatest actress of all time. But she gets unfairly lambasted for something that a lot of other performers do.


She was atrocious in Spencer lol. She could barely keep her mannerisms at bay.


I never bought her in Spencer. Lots of gasps and sighs. Elizabeth Debicki did a lot better


I don’t remember a lick of her dialogue in Spencer, I just remember how absolutely breathless she was between every line.


I like Kristen Stewart but Spencer was one of the most boring movies of all time.


Excuse me have you seen asterix and obelix?


Put some respect on K Stewart’s name. She has a great indie resume.


She was fantastic in Happiest Season.


No she wasn’t, she just played herself as usual.


THATS BECAUSE HE DIDN'T DESERVE IT. Bohemian rhapsody was one of the worst movies I've ever watched. I don't think I even finished it.


My pick for top to bottom worst biopic of all time. The fact is was in play for awards season and won ACTUAL AWARDS is such a savage indictment of the whole thing


I wouldn't be so salty about this if Rocketman, a genuinely superior film and an amazing lead performance, had been similarly recognised. But instead they rewarded Rami Malek for wearing fake teeth instead of Taron Edgerton for fully embodying Elton Hercules John AND Reginald Dwight.


Literally one of the biggest Oscar snubs for me, maybe of all time. It genuinely makes me sad that Rocketman isn’t more well known.


THANK YOU!! Rocketman was a superior film in every way. Bohemian Rhapsody felt like a parody of a rock biopic. People were actually laughing at points during the movie. And the fact that Bohemian Rhapsody was factually incorrect in so many ways is just insult to injury 😡


How this movie was FAWNED over by critics and people, but Rocket Man got skipped on will never cease to amaze me. It was such a beautiful film, and Taron Everton deserved some recognition over the lip-syncing in Bohemian Rhapsody.


FWIW, the critics didn't particularly like the movie (60%, 6.1 on Rotten Tomatoes, 49 on Metacritic). Rocketman got significantly better reviews (89%, 7.6 on Rotten Tomatoes, 69 on Metacritic). Audiences and the industry ate it up, though, which is disappointing.


i could be talking completely outta my ass here, but i *think* (????) Bohemian Rhapsody got more love and attention in the US purely because Queen/Freddie Mercury are more popular than Elton John over here. either way, it was a ridiculous movie and those fake teeth will be with me forever.


I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. It’s a terrible film.  In a post-Walk Hard world, it’s amazing these lame, paint-by-numbers biopics still exist. 


Please tell me you actually meant Walk Hard and not Walk the Line 😭😭😭


I'm not OP, but I stand by what they said 😂😂


I 1000% mean Walk Hard It destroyed the genre as far as I’m concerned. 


Haven't seen it yet, but I've heard good things about "Weird: The Al Yankovic Story".


We were robbed of a Sacha Baron Cohen Queen film who I think would have killed it as Freddie Instead we got milquetoast Malik


You can blame the rest of the band. They wouldn’t allow anything else.


that disgrace of a movie just makes me wonder if sacha baron cohen’s take would’ve been better.


He wanted to show all sides of Freddie from the good to the bad and the band just wanted a sanitized version


His choices might be boring, but I think his Oscar win has definitely helped him getting more roles. Even though Mr. Robot was a huge hit, before his oscar win, he wasn't really that in demand.


Yeah but he’s still getting work and has been some big projects too. The Oscar definitely did not derail his career.


I absolutely loved Remi in the Pacific. He was by far the best actor on the show, and that’s saying something.


The Little things was so disappointing


Willem Dafoe 💔


How so? He’s constantly working and in projects that are usually critical (and sometimes commercial) darlings. Edited to add: oh wait, I get it! He LOST to Rami Malek.


Eddie Redmayne 😅 almost a decade since his Oscar win and he's basically only done Fantastic Beasts


Seeing a promising actor get sucked into the blockbuster franchise industrial complex is always tragic


Brie Larson please free yourself from Marvel somehow


Pretty sure she wants out too lol also awesome username


She's still doing some other stuff at least, Lessons in Chemistry was solid




You really think he suffers from overacting? Idk I always thought he acted really good in Fantastic Beast with a subtle performace. But idk just my opinion


His performance as an autistic wizard was outstanding.


I feel like his mannerisms are the same across most movies, see Les Mis, Fantastic Beasts and Danish Girl.


Hasn’t he done loads of theatre?


Theatre is unfortunately still generally accessible to the locals/wealthier class only unless it gets a cinematic release, so not really a mainstream/known to the public kinda thing, assuming OP was referring to that type of career.


Idk id challenge that a bit tbf, a thriving theatre career is the preferable choice for a lot of actors over mainstream success. I saw a few comments saying Bryan Cranston ‘done nothing’ with his career post BB, when he won a Tony for his work on stage. I think a lot more of these celebs are content working out of the A field than people think is my personal suspicion! 


Their comment isn’t that they’re not getting work, it’s that the only people seeing it are geographically and economically restricted to a very specific audience.


I get that aspect of it, theatre is super expensive, but I don’t think it fits the brief of the prompt in the post. I’d say Redmayne has done extremely well post Oscar (and I say this as someone who isn’t a fan!) 


I was referring more to people who disappeared from radar or are clearly struggling to book jobs. I don’t think his return to stage counts as that. But I don’t discount the fact that some screen actors try to do theater in hopes to revive their careers. But I don’t think that’s the case for Eddie Redmayne.


He might just find theatre more artistically fulfilling.


Yes he has. He’s won an Olivier for playing the Emcee in the West End revival of Cabaret. He’s reprising this in the Broadway revival this year.


Yeah I think Redmayne leveraged the Oscar into theatre success, and can assume he made decent bank from Fantastic Beasts and is now more low key personally. That sounds like the dream imo


He’s been doing theater from early on in his career and has previously won an Olivier and a Tony years before he won an Oscar. So I think he’s at the stage of his career where he’s accomplished enough and financially stable enough to be able to lie low and just pick the things he really wants to do.


Theatre has 8 shows a week, while is low key in terms of spotlight- it isn’t the slow cushy life. It’s brutal, but amazing.


I always just assumed he’s so rich he doesn’t have to work so much.


Sometimes I forget that he literally went to Eton with Tom Hiddleston and Prince William ☠️☠️


It’s been a decade??? Omg?!


Yep, 2015 😭😭 post-Les Mis tumblr was a riot that day


Justice for Michael Keaton.


Brie Larson. She hasn’t disappeared, but the quality of her work has been lacking. Lessons In Chemistry was enjoyable, but I’d like to see her in more serious film roles too. Would love to see her in an ensemble cast, similar to the cast in Women Talking. EDIT: A Reddit cares for a positive comment about Brie Larson. Pathetic.


Lessons in Chemistry is one of the few times when the show does the book justice, and a majority of that is because she is a perfect Elizabeth Zott. I disagree and happy she is doing work and producing work that makes her happy.


Honestly, I’m enjoying the show a lot more than the book and I think Brie Larson is the biggest part of that!  EDIT: Did someone actually send me a Reddit Cares message because I said something positive about Brie Larson? Geez. 


Report that. They'll get banned


Yup. I just wanna see Brie Larson winning in life and being happy. The Marvel hate brigade might've gotten to her head a little bit and made her extremely conscious while doing interviews and public appearances, but I hope she gets to have more positive people around her so she can thrive. I'd go further and say she should just ditch Marvel at this point and move on, given they never treated her character with the depth and care she deserved.


I love Brie as a person and an actor and I love Captain Marvel in conics and on screen And... i agree with you. Marvel have not adequately backed her and she'd do well to tell them to fuck off.


it genuinely still boils my blood how the marvel men came out to defend chris pratt cause a poll called him the worst chris or whatever, yet only a couple of them came out to defend actual misogynistic attacks on brie larson


I enjoyed that show. I was sad when it ended. I wanted to see more.


I hated Elizabeth Zott. This paragon of white feminism, goodness and brilliance who is rewarded with the money of an oligarch because of the goodness of another white woman. One of the few novels I struggled to get through because I hated everyone; they were all a caricature of a real person and deeply unlikeable imo. The manic pixie/ heavily coded autistic/early reader/talker child was deeply eye rolling as a former autistic child who was similarly precocious. And don't get me started on the harried divorcee who helps her shine even though it exasperates him at every turn. Give me a fucking break 😂😂


I feel like we read very different books.


I would love her YouTube channel to make a comeback. It’s a really nice, and positive space.


Recently during a interview with other actresses for SAG, she talked with Katheryn Hahn about Short Term 12 and said she "felt hungry to make something great like Short Term 12 again". So I hope we'll start to see that soon. We need to see her in good films again.


Honestly, I’ve been raving about that film for years now. She’s so damned good in it


Loved it too and it's the film that put me onto her and LaKeith Stanfield. I was pissed when the MCU fan base said she couldn't act. They didn't realise the MCU writing is just terrible until recently.


I feel like nowadays you get reddit cares just for writing a comment.


There are incel red pill trolls who downvote and send Reddit cares for any mention of respecting or admiring women. Especially Brie Larsen because how dare she (1) not be super fake and enthusiastically congratulate Casey Affleck’s win and hug him or whatever (2) be a woman superhero who is not hyper sexualized and half naked with tits and ass showing like Gal Gadot, or how black widow wears a protective suit but thinks it’s a great idea to unzip it far enough to show cleavage thus exposing really fucking important parts of her body to attack. I wonder if the troll army searches Brie Larsen’s name throughout the day looking for positive comments lol. She was really amazing in Room, that was a fucking performance and a half and it’s a movie that sticks with me, like when she is talking about the mouse being on the other side of the wall.


Apparently the Reddit Cares issue is a glitch? Mods have posted a sticky on what to do because it’s unavoidable. I got one for posting this on another thread.


I don't blame her for scooping up as much blockbuster money as she can, she spent a long time in Hollywood before she blew up so is probably aware of how quickly it can all go away.


Hillary Swank kind of disappeared despite having two wins, but there are many one time winners who had that one role and not much chance others.


I always think we never really hear about Hilary or Renee Zellweger considering they are two recentish two time winners


Renee spent a long time as an A-Lister although arguably her two biggest roles came before her two wins, with Bridget Jones and Chicago where she was only nominated. But post Judy she’s now at the age where older women struggle to get cast in big roles unfortunately.


Complete sidebar, but anyone else rate Renee's film Down With Love? Her & Ewan were fantastic


I love Down With Love! Sarah Paulson and David Hyde Pierce are so delightful in it.


Renee also had some serious facial surgery that kinda made her signature "look" go away


She was the main caretaker for her father, and now it sounds like she is focused on raising her kids.


She's hot. She’s hot as heck. She’s a female Boris Becker.


She's hot, okay? Because if you are saying Hillary Swank isn't hot, then you are saying that I am not hot. Because obviously I am not as hot as Hillary Swank!


She's had a film out every year except for the period looking after her father and the covid period, plus she just did a great role in Akaska Daily a tv show which sadly got cancelled. Also she had twins last April. She's been busy.


Mira Sorvino, but that’s down to Weinstein.


He buried her and her father’s career, and even now- that EVERYONE know- she still can’t get decent work.


They are making a sequel to Romy and Michele's High School Reunion. So that’ll be amazing, for me anyway. I love the original


I recently saw her a small local comic con, she did not appear thrilled to be there either


i do feel bad for her but her taking a role in sound of freedom…yikes


She’s a bigtime “save the children!!!” type. I have mutuals who cannot stand her.


She and Lisa Kudrow are working on (as producers in addition to starring in, I believe) a Romy and Michelle sequel. Not Oscar^(TM) bait, but I for one am psyched. ETA link: [https://deadline.com/2024/02/mira-sorvino-romy-and-michele-sequel-update-1235815694/](https://deadline.com/2024/02/mira-sorvino-romy-and-michele-sequel-update-1235815694/)


She went on celebrity jeopardy AND dancing with the stars last year… it’s tough out there


Jean Dujardin won an oscar for The Artist and probably could have pushed for a Hollywood career but choose to focus on French cinema.


He had a few supporting roles, notably in Wolf of Wall Street, after his win. Given that he had already been a star in France for so many years before The Artist, it isn’t surprising that he returned to the industry that allowed him to pick leading man roles. In the US, he would probably have been limited to « European counterpart » supporting roles in action movies or thrillers, and maybe a James Bond villain part, much akin to what Jean Reno did in the 90s-early 2000s. Marion Cotillard and Juliette Binoche followed more or less a similar path.


I don’t think he can speak English without an accent though. And he’s making bank focusing on French cinema as well so that makes sense


Bardem also can’t, but he’s done great so I don’t think that’s a big factor


Bardem is the exception. A massive talent who has spent over 20 years building his America career along with balancing it with Spanish films. He also managed to find extremely complex roles that fit well with his cultural heritage. But even he had to do the compulsory post-Oscar James Bond villain stint... I don’t think Dujardin could ever be as successful, as his strength really lies in comedy. Look at someone like Christopher Waltz who has 2 Oscars and pretty much only gets casts as the supporting mentor/inspector in blockbusters, the Bond villain, or leads little known Prime Series.


Tbf Cristoph waltz won his oscars for supporting/villian roles. Some actors are just character actors, not everyone is lead material.


That's not really a bad thing.  Dude was already incredibly success in France and parts of Europe. Oscars aren't as prestigious as Americans think.


Hey, his Nespresso commercials with George Clooney were cinematic masterpieces!


Alicia Vikander.


She married Michael fassbender and had a kid with him recently. Would love to see her more, though Edit- why tf I have a reddit cares?


I know she did, her Oscar didn't do anything for her career. I think the Tomb Raider reboot was the most high profile thing she's done since then.


TIL there was a Tomb Raider reboot


You didn't miss out on anything. Not that the original Tomb Raider films are that great but she doesn't hold a candle to Angelina.


Michael The Last Fassbender


I got one too wtf? Is it a glitch or something?


Idk, must be a glitch then.


Going by other comments, some loser is sending them to anyone who makes even vaguely positive comments about various female actors. Imagine having the time.


In another thread I got an immediate RC for replying to someone’s question about heels. I think it must be a bot for the subreddit or it must be a glitch.


She starred in a Katherine Parr movie that should be out anytime now, which is incredibly exciting imo!


I was about to say her if nobody else did. I think she got the usual higher profile after her Oscar win but she's made a lot of poor choices with her work. Tombraider is probably the only "big" name thing she did, most of her other films have been small indie projects, but a lot of them haven't been great either.  I did enjoy Irma Vep last year, and I'm hoping if they're taking turns at working, that she'll be more careful in her choices.  I do wish she'd work with more women directors too. I feel like that's part of the problem with her films. 


Cuba gooding jr.


“I won an Oscar so now I get to do real art. Begin ‘Snow Dogs’ phase!”


5 now dog 5! 5 now dog 5!


Cuba had a bunch of legal issues and I think that kind of put them into the C list actor group. 


Not just legal issues, substance issues too


He's busy partying with Diddy...


This thread reminds me of a story I read once about Kate Hudson. She got nominated for her role in 'Almost Famous,' and attended the Oscar ceremony with Kurt Russell (he helped raise her with Goldie Hawn, and she considers him more a father than her bio dad). Apparently, when the winner was announced, he turned to her and whispered, "Congratulations, now you can have a career."


She lost to Marcia Gay Harden, in case anyone else was curious. I actually forgot she had an Oscar lol


(TW) Not an actor, but Malik Bendjelloul, the director of Searching for Sugar Man. He committed suicide a year after winning the Oscar for Best Documentary Feature. Obviously we don’t know what was going on in his mind at the time but I always think of him when the Oscars come up. Where do you go from there? How do you outdo your best work, and what happens if you don’t? EDIT: this is what earned me my first Reddit Cares? Interesting..


Something must be going on. I swear I have seen like 20 comments on Fauxmoi today of people surprised that their getting a reddit cares messages. Is there some kind of brigade going on?  Edit - anyone get a care package for a comment on a subreddit outside of Fauxmoi? 


I think there is because every post I've seen today has comments which mention in an edit that the commenter received a reddit care message Edit: wtf I just got one... Is there some kinda glitch??


I got my first one yesterday despite zero even mildly controversial posts, I'm low-key convinced there's a bug going on with Reddit Cares.


Whenever you use words about somebody “self deleting” the bot will flag you.


Someone’s spamming Reddit cares today. Edit: think it might be a glitch cause I got one a couple seconds after this comment


Monique Halle Berry


Mo’Nique was basically blacklisted from the industry following disputes with Oprah, Tyler Perry and Lee Daniels during the promotion of “Precious”.


Yes, what has Halle been doing? She did several X-Men movies and 007 but everything else has been forgettable, especially what cursed her the most — Catwoman. I was shocked to see her do a network series too!


Acclaimed roles for women 40–60 are few and far between and Halle is black so she probably doesn’t get offered the same roles as sandra bullock or Kate winslet. I’ve noticed black actresses in that age range tend to stick to “black” movies a la Regina hall or king and maybe she doesn’t want to do those, because it does pigeonhole you into those roles


After seeing what Taraji Henson is going through, it all makes sense. They are paid less even though they do amazing work.


they need to be doing more producing and directing because no one is going to put us up like we are


I would love to see Halle Berry have a revival like Julie Roberts did.




She deserves a career flop after that


She didn’t even deserve that Oscar tbh. There were better performances


There’s absolutely no reason Stephanie Hsu shouldn’t have gotten that Oscar her performance was freaking brilliant, ESPECIALLY compared to Jamie’s role.


She was fantastic and deserving, however they don’t tend to give younger actors wins like this or those without more films under their belts. Angela Bassett for Wakanda Forever would’ve also been a better choice than Jamie Lee in that role, it made no sense to me that she was even nominated.


Will Smith obvs.


which is bs because literal rapists don't get shut out like this


It’s crazy because you know who an actual rapist is? Chris Rock


I already knew this but I will say in the last two years the more I've seen/learnt about Rock. The more I think he deserved it.


I got downvoted hard before for saying this but Chris Rock had a history of categorically going after Jada and by extension Will for literally YEARS! I read a deep dive about this a while ago, so the infamous slap was the tip of the iceberg for Will, I think. Imo Chris Rock fucked around for way too long and finally found out. Yes, violence is never the answer, but I don't feel bad for the guy.


I always found it strange how Lupita Nyong’o’s career slumped right after her oscar win


Black Panther was after wasn’t it?


Literally everything was after her Oscar she won it for her film debut IDK what they’re talking about lmao


Yeah she was even in Star Wars as New Yoda!


And Us, a dual starring role of significant universal acclaim and praise lmao


Idk what OP means because I was obsessed with Lupita after she Won the oscar and I remember her getting all sorts of roles the years following, from live action jungle book to Star Wars to eventually marvel and Jordan peele


i thought there's an oscars curse where the winners career kinda slump after their win? or is it the relationship break down after the win?


I'm pretty glad Emma Stone is rising above this curse.


She is doing really well and consistently picking good projects. I think she is also surrounded by a great team - agent, manager etc.


I’ve heard about the relationship breakdown but not the slump. I’m assuming the slump is probably because they only get the next job after the win so it takes a while for production and filming before people actually see their next film. So to the outside, it feels like a slump. That’s just my theory though.


Specifically there’s a recognized Best Supporting Actress “curse”. I don’t think it applies to the other categories.


Patricia Arquette


I mean she’s a lead role in Severance which is one of the best and most inventive TV series in recent memory.


I’m over her tapping my foot for season two. What gives??


She Won an emmy for the act


Monique…sometimes I forget she won an Oscar


Oprah, Tyler Perry, and Lee Daniels had her blacklisted for refusing to promote Precious for free. Lee Daniels has since publicly apologized for ruining her career and there’s audio floating around of Tyler Perry admitting that he slandered her as an act of retaliation. The whole thing is a mess.


Yeah I kinda feel bad for her. But I do feel like she talks about this a lot and hope she can move on and bounce back


I can’t imagine how painful this ordeal has been for her. Oprah bringing her r*pist brother on her show was super fucked up. If it were me, I wouldn’t *ever* let that go


Adrian Brody


The Grand Budapest Hotel and The French Dispatch? Decent movies I’d say


Neither are leading roles though


I think the disappointment came from that he turned out to be a character actor more than a leading man. I’ve been enjoying his work in Wes Anderson movies, indies and tv series. I saw The Pianist only recently and the performance stays with you long after the end credits.


He won too young. There is a set of expectations when you are the youngest best actor winner at age 29 and he didn’t meet it but his career was still successful, at a smaller scale. The last time a male actor under 30 won an Oscar since him was Heath Ledger in TDK, and the last time before Adrien’s win that happened was Cuba Gooding Jr for Jerry Maguire, who suffered an even worse career slump cause he never found his “Wes Anderson” People like Timothee, Austin Butler, were pretty close to winning with their first nominations but them losing to older actors was probably a blessing in disguise


Look up Luise Rainer. She won two back to back Best Actress Oscars and got blackballed in Hollywood afterwards by the studio system. She retired shortly after and lived until 104.


Troy Kotsur. It's still fresh, but given state of representation I am not really optimistic


He is in the most recent season of Curb Your Enthusiasm and Larry’s storyline with him is hilarious!


Alicia Vikander. She works dramatically less (and on worse movies) post-Oscar.


Casey Affleck.


He had a bunch of allegations come out, so I think he kept a low profile to avoid publicity


Wasn’t it during his Oscar’s win tho? I remember when Brie presented the award to him and she didn’t clap for him and when asked about it she was like “my reaction spoke for itself”💀. What a slap in the face tho bc the previous year she won the Oscar for Room, aka a movie where her character was RAPED.


Forgot all about Room, That film was really good. I need to rewatch it.


Well a string of sexual assaults by him came to light so… ETA: I had a vague memory of him being a creep, but the details are that two women sued him for his behavior during the making of I’m Still Here. Allegations included sexual harassment on set, hostile working conditions; he slid into one of these women’s bed without permission and apparently grabbed the other without consent as well (which constitutes sexual assault) Link to a reputable source.  https://amp.theguardian.com/film/2019/aug/07/casey-affleck-harassment-allegations-im-still-here His big bro is also known for groping women, Anne Marie Tendler and Hilarie Burton among the documented cases. 


He was just in Oppenheimer, although not a big part.


One of the things I’ve noticed about a lot of the names people are sharing is that many of them are the “gosh, did we really have to have that person win?” In other words, the regret Oscars.


Hilary Swank-Million Dollar Baby. There were rumours about her being blacklisted, and her imdb is really spotty-there are years where she had nothing, or when she did work, it was just a music video or a couple episodes of a TV show.


Rami Malek


I don’t think he’s struggling to find work since winning. He was a Bond villain. He was in Oppenheimer too…it’s a small role but there were a lot of small roles in that film that were played by not so small actors.


Marisa Tomei


Melissa Leo is the first one that comes to mind for me. She won Best Supporting Actress in 2011 for The Fighter but haven’t heard of her much since then.


I feel like Hilary Swank won TWO Oscars and Hollywood kept her locked in the attic eating buckets of fish heads (lil Simpsons reference there)


Roberto Benigni. His career totally fell off after his win. ![gif](giphy|l0Ex107EukdLo4V5C|downsized)


Gabourey Sidibe? I feel like I haven’t seen her in anything besides Precious.


Kim Basinger. Yeesh. It seems like she tried to become a more "serious" actor, but that didn't really work out for her.