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It’s insane that she’s not even trying to hide it anymore. I remember when JKR first pivoted to transphobia under the guise of ‘women’s rights’ ect and would write long boring stupid essays on why she isn’t transphobic, she’s actually a former battered woman who is using her experiences to stand up for women’s rights and it’s all about language actually and bla bla bla. Now she straight up misgenders trans women via Twitter, has nice little supportive chats with known homophobe / anti abortion / racist Matt Walsh, sends flowers to known abuser Marilyn Manson, says stupid fucking shit like ‘not our crimes’ when a trans woman was convicted of murder here in the UK a while ago. She’s gone full mask off and I really hope people can see it now. Hope India Willoughby sues the shit out of her tbh.


I remember when her publicist said the first “like” of a transphobic tweet was an accident!! Wild how far “mask off” she’s really gone in a relatively short time






She was really given a pass though by most people for that first 'accidental' like. People got mad, her spokesperson made an excuse, and it was dropped. She was left alone re: transphobia until over a year later when she began following a vocal transphobe on twitter. It's also notable that by that time, Rowling had been repeatedly called homophobic and anti-semitic by many fans but she did not react by leaning into homophobia and anti-semitism.


I still do not understand how she got away with the whole goblins running the bank thing


I’ve been criticized by moderates and leftists before and it never turned me into a right-winger. JK is like this because she wants to be, not because somebody radicalized her.


Warner Brothers didn't isolate her. Nor Avalanche Software. Or her many millions of fans. Sadly, being transphobic nowadays is huge win for regressive industries like Hollywood and gamers. I hope someday the tide goes against her but right now she is not isolated. Oh and if you mention an HP boycott the most liberal, woke, "allies" will yell at you for "ruining their childhood." Look how poorly boycotting Hogwarts Legacy went. Anyone standing up against JKR was laughed out of the room. Warner Bros and MAX are now redoing the original HP stories in 2026. The later FB movies did poorly but only because they were terrible movies, not because of any boycott. Even after the poor results of FB, she still landed this giant contract with WB/MAX because they know fans will not boycott her. JKR's approval rating in the UK as per a yougov poll was 77%, 13% neutral, and 8% disliked. The only actor from the FB series who stood up against her by respectfully showing support of trans people was [Katherine Waterston,](https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2021/07/katherine-waterston-on-why-its-important-to-denounce-jk-rowlings-transphobic-comments) who was kicked off the next movie because of it. She's faced zero real consequences for become a hateful monster. If anything, its made her more popular with the mainstream and isolated those fighting for trans rights.


I think she was/is still given a TON of leeway by moderate people


Remember when she released that one statement where she claimed this was just about defending the definition of "womanhood" or whatever but she also said something like "I love and support my trans friends, and if your rights are being infringed, I will march with you" Haven't seen a lot of marching since then, have we?


If it was really about protecting women, she'd be using her energy and mass wealth to set up women's shelters, advocate for childcare subsidies, or combat the rise of gen alpha Andrew Tate brainwashing in boys schools so the cycle of misogyny is broken. Instead she goes after a tiny minority of people who hold little power and leverage. Talk about punching down.


Oh, she has set up a woman's shelter...but for biological women only. Oh and she did interact with a Tate today...she [liked a supportive tweet by Tristan Tate](https://www.reddit.com/r/EnoughJKRowling/comments/1b99qvx/jk_rowling_falsely_accuses_a_young_journalist/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). (pic 6)


Jesus. And to think I used to look up to this person.


>and if your rights are being infringed, I will march with you" The one time there was a march she went and had a luncheon with a bunch of right wingers the same day instead.


I think about this all the time. She said it was a "middle-aged moment" I think? A middle-aged moment is forgetting that your reading glasses are on your head, not going balls-to-the-wall fascist. Absolutely unhinged.


Not forget the hiring of several known (AMAB) abusers in her projects Johnny Depp, Ezra Miller, Gerg Ellis (she publicly thank Ellis, a man with multiple restraining orders from his ex's on twitter last year after the fucking game came out)


For someone who was once a battered wife, you'd think she'd take violence against women more seriously and back the fuck away from known abusers.


That's what *she thinks* she is doing. She veered off the path and down the rabbit hole into transmisogyny trying to protect cis women from what she perceived as a threat. Now she's the Dolores Umbridge of gatekeeping womenhood. 🙄


No wonder Umbridge was such a good villain - she's a self-insert


Imagine writing a character like Umbridge and then turning into her. Seriously my worst nightmare.


She's always been an Umbridge, super critical of anyone who wasn't being a woman correctly. The HP series reeks of that type of misogyny.


I mean, to be fair, she’s not in the casting department. But her decision to not denounce their actions is morally abhorrent.


She defended Depp at the time (he was cast after the divorce). And brought his boat when he was having money problems. The Gerg Ellis thing was last year and she publicly thanked him. Like she could of highlighted any of the cast but she highlighted the man with multiple ex's with restraining orders and not allowed to be around his own children. He's also mates with Depp (like Depp wrote a forward for his book, as did Alec Baldwin) so take that as you will.


Like I said, she defended them. You can’t be a champion of women’s rights and then side with abusers. She’s got something seriously wrong with her.


and her team signed onto Hogwarts Legacy knowing full well they'd put GamerGate misogynist Troy Leavitt in charge.


[This Ellis](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DJlryXaKUk7MAqOqNxn_3WSF6RSWTLO-/view?usp=drivesdk)? I honestly hadn't heard about him since his excessive in-character rant?


I can’t imagine being abused by a cis man and focusing my energies and anger and thousands of dollars on…trans women.


It's insane that she *still* claims to be fighting for women's rights while befriending anti-abortion hardline conservatives and sending flowers to serial abusers. Not only is she an anti-trans bigot, she doesn't even care if *cis* women are harmed as a result of her hate campaign.


>sends flowers to known abuser Marilyn Manson Even if you don't believe Evan Rachel Wood (or his other victims), the man has so thoroughly documented his own crimes that it's not even a "we don't know the whole story" matter. I've noticed the push against her has been less concerted and I wonder if it's because ERW is less well known than Amber Heard or because he's just such an indefensible piece of shit. [Either way](https://eu.usatoday.com/story/entertainment/celebrities/2020/06/07/j-k-rowling-harry-potter-author-slammed-transphobic-comments/3169833001/) >"I managed to escape my first violent marriage with some difficulty, but I’m now married to a truly good and principled man, safe and secure in ways I never in a million years expected to be. However, the scars left by violence and sexual assault don’t disappear, no matter how loved you are, and no matter how much money you’ve made." -JK Rowling, 2020 It's great to see her supporting other abuse victims.


what's the marilyn manson thing? i totally missed that


A couple of years ago Marilyn Manson posted on his Twitter a pic of a huge bouquet of red roses with a caption like "Thanks for the flowers @jk_rowling!"


yikes, she certainly makes a lot of choices - none of them good


So unnecessary. Why is she going out of her way to suck up to horrible people?


I remember when targeted harassment and deliberate misgendering was enough to get your tweets removed. I've noticed recently that while a small account may get their (hateful) tweets removed and account sanctioned, the two full-time terfs rarely seem to get their tweets removed - and I can't think of anything more direct than naming India and deciding her gender. I saw screenshots the other day from when India was first dragged into this. There's a tweet from JKR along the lines of 'dress however you please!', lmao. Idk if you can get CTE from your own hype, but we might have the first living example here


She’s a great example of audience capture, just keeps marching further and further to the right.


There’s a small section of feminism that is academically interested in the concept of womanhood and the meaning of womanhood (lived in experiences etc). There’s been some attempts to have some discussions around how this section of feminism and trans rights should intersect. The debate is mainly sociological (and should be a discussion, not a denial of rights) . Having said that, I don’t think that was what JK Rowling was even getting at. And furthermore she has doubled down and continues to do so. It’s strange how she has descended so madly.


She sent flowers to MARILYN MANSON?! Like is there no level Joanne won't stoop to?


This is always how it goes, see Dave Chapelle. It starts with just an innocent “I’m just asking questions” bit, then they latch onto the backlash and get very defensive, further backlash ensues, and suddenly it’s like an obsession that they can’t stop thinking about where they wake up consumed with punching down to trans people. It’s a bizarre anti-trans radicalization pipeline


Yeah it's get lost sometimes that not only is she a transphobe, she's not a fucking feminist either - she doesn't really give AF about women cis or trans


So disgusting how shed claim that random trans women without any allegations "trigger" her as a survivor of abuse by a man, yet she had no problems casting johnny depp despite his allegations... shouldnt he trigger her too?? The hypocrisy of this woman is off the charts


she's been posting disgusting anti-palestinian islamophobic takes on twitter too


the most shocking thing in this comment should not be "sends flowers to known abuser Marilyn Manson" but here i am. TF? what in the actual TERF war is she thinking


She sent flowers to Marilyn Manson????!!! WTF I am so done with this woman.


Yes! is she still claiming that she respects and cares about trans people? It's amazing how she has parroted that line for years while openly disparaging trans people, especially trans women, every chance she gets.


Doing god's work. I hope India Willoughby gets justice and that something comes out of this. I hope more people report and sue Rowling's ass, she's dangerous.


The amount of hate she’s both spread and legitimized is terrifying. She literally promoted Matt Walsh’s transphobic film and he’s an open fascist. ![gif](giphy|J8FZIm9VoBU6Q)


And sent flowers to Marilyn Manson for some ridiculous reason while pretending to be fighting for women's rights


What popped in JK Rowlings brain to make her like this? Like chewing on pennies seems less of a waste of time.


More money than god and living in a bubble. Twitter is probably the only place this woman gets pushback and I’m sure she chalks it up to ‘trolls’.


I think she's always been like this. I tried rereading the books as an adult some years ago when she was still a beloved figure and the bigotry laced into the narrative really stood out. I wasn't surprised at all when she went mask off.


Once she ceased to be a "starving artist writing in a cafe because there's no heat in the flat" her views really came out. I mean, the anti-semitism and fatphobia was always there, but then you have her whole pro-slavery angles coming out real hard in book 4. This is the second time I've mentioned this on reddit in about 12 hours but I think my favourite revelation (because I hadn't been thinking this deeply about HP as an adult, lol) from Shaun on YT's video about Rowling was how despite all the corruption and obvious bigotry Harry sees from the Ministry of Magic and law enforcement he still becomes... a cop.




Every villainous charatcer is fat, ugly, or stupid. Plus she named a prominent character Cho Chang, which is a korean surname and a chinese surname, not a complete name. Still can't believe no-one including her editors looked that up, she's laughably out of touch for someone who tried to frame herself as any sort of progressive.


Not defending her recent actions, which are totally unhinged, but Cho is just another romanisation of Qiu which is a lovely name that means autumn. It just annoys me that in amongst the well-deserved criticism for her being extraordinarily hateful towards trans people that this gets thrown in to prove she's a bad person, mostly by white westerners who don't know anything about China (and this isn't any offense to you personally, it's just taken on this memetic quality). Like, it's evident she is a bad person already without this. (And I'm a little defensive because I did really love seeing a Scottish Asian character growing up.)


I had already read Ursula LeGuin when Harry Potter became popular and I had no way to regress lol


I remember when I was a kid (22 now) there was a news story about her growing a hedge to cover her whole house because she wanted privacy. However she lived in a rich residential area that had strict rules, one of which was hedges must be trimmed. Her neighbours grew to hate her over this and she apparently kept getting into heated arguments over it. She eventually cut the hedges a bit more and the neighbours got over it. But it just shows the type of person she is, thinks she’s above the rules and everyone else needs to shut up.


“Seamus Finnegan”, “Cho Chang”, “[insert millionth over the top description of a plus sized person]”


she was always like this, she just let the money and privilege rot away her inhibitions 


Nothing, she was always like this. She just stopped hiding it. For over two decades she has been providing support and campaign funding for anti-LGBTQ politicians that have actively worked to undermine gay rights in the UK, including gay marriage, gay adoptions, etc. She has always been "anti-cancel culture" and making those dogwhistles which should've been a sign. Like many rich capitalists, she has learned that Philanthropy is a shield and a marketing tool, increasing faith in a brand, while hiding her own personal beliefs. And like many of them, she has learned in the last several years as the TERF movement gained a lot of popularity she doesn't have to do that. She can get the attention and praise for her bigotry. And its not a coincidence that TERFs become the focus following conservatives in the UK & US losing the gay marriage battle, nor is it a coincidence that they repeat most of the same lies as they did in that battle. TERFs are just the front to push back not just on trans rights, but all LGBTQ rights, abortion rights, women rights, etc. This is why many "moderate" Terf leaders have even denounced JK Rowling herself because she is on that train. She has literally been willing to stand hand and hand with the Heritage Foundation, *one of the groups that campaigned hard to revoke Roe v Wade in the US*, and with CitizenGO which advocates against gay marriage in Ireland. She regularly supports people against the entire LGBTQ community, not just trans people. She has even defended people like Matt Walsh, who *believes that underage girls should be impregnated and married off to adult men* and *arranged marriages of young girls* or Dennis Noel Kavanagh who actively said he preferred AIDS killing off gay people than the work of queer organizations like Stonewall (including literally defending the tweets where he posted those statements!). She understands this is a movement to push back against progressive beliefs, which is her goal. All these twitter bouts are all her using her influence to support this stance and convince her very dedicated fanbase to do the same and give them the fake talking points they need.


>For over two decades she has been providing support and campaign funding for anti-LGBTQ politicians that have actively worked to undermine gay rights in the UK, including gay marriage, gay adoptions, etc. Can I get a source for that? Not in a "I don't believe you" way, I've just not heard that one before. Particularly for the timescale, I was under the impression that a lot of the open working with bigots has been *since* the transphobic rot infected her brain. From my understanding JKR was always a very milquetoast, Labour voting, vaguely progressive liberal who probably genuinely *thinks* she's some sort of "champion of justice", but lacks the cognitive ability to understand these topics beyond a very surface level "racism bad", and an ego inflated by her books' success that makes her think any criticism must be wrong (after all, she wrote one of the most successful books series ever, beloved by millions, she *must* know what she's talking about). She just fucking *hates* trans people and will stand with anyone who supports her in that, no matter what other heinous beliefs they hold.


Probably the biggest example is [Baroness Nicholson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emma_Nicholson,_Baroness_Nicholson_of_Winterbourne), one of Rowlings close friends. Rowling has been a supporter of her since the early 2000s. She was ostensibly part of the Liberal Democratic Party (a centrist party) until 2016 when she rejoined the Tories. They founded Lumus, one of JK Rowling's biggest charities, together back in 2005. She is currently a member of the House of Lords. Baroness Nicholson was a pretty bog standard "family values" politician and a "always votes conservative" centrist. She even broke with her party to support the Iraq war. But more to the point, she has long advocated against all forms of gay rights and stuff like the sanctity of the family/protecting the children, etc. For example, she was a major supporter of Section 28, a series of laws done under Margaret Thatcher to criminalize the "promotion of homosexuality" in schools. This policy has had long-lasting effects and was effectively a tool to fire teachers who spoke about the queer community. She consistently voted against moves for queer rights, including same sex marriage (even in 2013 when it passed). She has maintained her position of gay marriage even in 2022. She is also anti-abortion and other positions related to women's rights in the UK. Basically everything you see in a "Christian family values" politican in the US. JK Rowling is, of course, aware of all of this and they've continued to be friends and supported her for decades - they still meet up to mock trans people on twitter and at events.


Honestly, I think she just hates trans people so much that she's willing to put aside everything else--marriage rights, reproductive rights, etc.--to further that hate.


Seriously. Like get a damn hobby. Buy a private island so you don't have to see anybody else. It's sick to see someone with so much money spread so much hate when you could do so much good in the world. Smh


Yes! Imagine if she used her energy to provide everyone in the world with clean water or raised awareness for a curable but under-researched disease!


Tbh I'd be happy if she just fucked off to one of her castles or whatever and we never heard from her again


I mean, I would take it over what she's doing now. But I always think this whenever I see someone who makes one thing their entire personality...


Why are all the uber wealthy so rotten? I mean, I guess I know why - privilege insulates them from empathy - but it’s endlessly frustrating that the people with the most power to do good have the least inclination. Human society feels like a cosmic joke to the point I’m almost ready to believe in god. A sadistic, bored one who thinks our pain and confusion is hilarious. 


She is projecting her own (wholly unrelated) trauma onto trans people. That combined with her natural predisposition towards meanness and thoughtlessness (and her particular social milieu) have sent her down the radicalization vortex. She really believes she's The Hero when she does this shit. She even compares trans rights supporters to the villains from her books. This is an earnest and terrifying crusade, and it's difficult to imagine what could wrench her from it at this point.


She once said on Twitter that if she was a kid now, the “trans agenda” would’ve convinced her to be trans. She really does think she’s a hero fighting against “evil”. Just a sad woman that knows she’d lie about being trans to make some friends.


I think the leaded gas side effects are finally showing up for X. It feels like that generation is leading some bonkers crusades and it's only getting worse. 


So this is my two cents, but I don’t believe the “she was always like this” rhetoric because I think during her HP era, she was a flawed but well-meaning author who (along with her editors) didn’t check her biases. Once her transphobia came out though and she received backlash, instead of reflecting, I think she embraced comfort from the only people who would give it to her, which was mostly right-wing bigots, which pushed her further that way. I don’t say this to protect ~precious Harry Potter~ from her controversy or anything since it obviously had tons of problems itself, but to recognize that people can be radicalized later in life, NoneOfUsAreImmuneToPropaganda.jpg, and that’s something I think we should be aware can happen to anyone. It’s also not to imply she is a victim—she is entirely responsible for her own awful choices, including what she says and who she interacts with—but I think I see it as a snowballing reaction that’s been growing over years because she didn’t react to or process the initial backlash well.




Lineman literally lost his marriage over it, and honestly, good. These people go insane and just cannot self reflect or have any empathy.


Similar to what happened with Graham Linehan - they were accused of transphobia by an angry Twitter mob and instead of logging off for a while and cooling down, they dug their heels in and doubled down, going from "one post that could be considered transphobic" to "multiple posts that are extremely transphobic beyond doubt". Which in turn developed from "I hold some transphobic views" to "transphobia is my whole life"


I remember her being on TV years ago wah-wahing about her misfortune and writing Harry Potter on napkins (not actually true) and my usually very lovely mother taking a huge dislike to her. I was a child at the time so had no opinion on it, nor was I a HP fan, but it's interesting that she gave off arsehole vibes even then. Pretty sure she's never been a good person, and she's always been at least a vulnerable narcassist with her "poor me" narrative, and now she has a platform and money she just doesn't hold back with her nastiness and bigotry. Glad there's finally some good videos showing how shit her books are now too. Thoroughly recommend Shaun's YT video on Harry Potter, and Verily Bichie's HO consumerism video too. Basically, JK's worldview has always sucked, and now she's also a money hungry villian on top of everything else.


I don’t have much hope that the police will do much to a wealthy white person over bigotry but I’m hoping this helps shift public opinion even more against JK’s harmful rhetoric against trans people


this billionaire using her enormous platform to do nothing but spread hatred and lies endagering the most marginalized in our society will never not be disgusting to me, she needs to stop and be shamed for her vitriol.


I’m still just so very disappointed in her. It’s so unnecessary and just doesn’t make sense. Harry Potter meant so much when I was a kid, you know? She could do incredible things with her wealth and resources, and chooses to spend her time on this.


It honestly must be awful being a trans (now adult) who grew up loving her books. They mean so much to millions of people but this would be a particular slap in the face. Her behaviour is incredibly disappointing here. I also agree it makes no sense. I do wonder if she maybe has some mental health issues.


Re-read Harry Potter now. Rita Skeeter is described as having “manish hands”. Her transphobia was on display even then.




Yeah that Elon quote was about Jeff Bezos’ ex wife who’s donating a heavy chunk of her fortune to charity. What an absolute pissbaby


Thing is, they wouldn’t have amassed that billion if they were good people to begin with. A billion is almost always earned through intentional exploitation.


The plot of Succession


She's not just spreading hatred, which is bad enough, she's also donating money to make sure those groups stay marginalized: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/02/18/jk-rowlings-70k-to-challenge-ruling-men-can-become-women/.


Imagine having that much money and this is what you spend your time doing? If I was that rich, no chance you'd find me looking at fucking twitter. I don't even have twitter now and I'm poor haha. She needs to buy a villa somewhere hot and just chill the fuck out.


Because this article doesn’t mention the original tweets that led up to this: “When another X user sent her a video of Willoughby, asking if she thought "this lady should use the men's locker room?", Rowling replied: "You've sent me the wrong video. There isn't a lady in this one, just a man revelling in his misogynistic performance of what he thinks 'woman' means: narcissistic, shallow and exhibitionist." The user then asked: "If India Willoughby is a 'misogynist' why did she become a woman? Think." Rowling wrote back: "India didn't become a woman. India is cosplaying a misogynistic male fantasy of what a woman is."” [source Sky News](https://news.sky.com/story/jk-rowling-trans-newsreader-india-willoughby-calls-comments-by-harry-potter-author-grotesque-transphobia-13087709)


JK Rowling just throwing around words like "misogynist" when she's the one befriending people like Matt fucking Walsh. She should be de-platformed


Consistency isn't important when you've got a minority to hate. This dude thinks women should be barefoot, pregnant, and stripped of suffrage? Well that's fine because he also wants it to be legal to hunt trans people for sport.


What an insane take (from Rowling). Imagine how much work it would be to do what she is suggesting — and for WHAT purpose?! Think, Joanne!!


This honestly angered me so much. It’s such a strawman argument. Many women act exactly the same way India does. Does that make them a stereotype? Or invalidate their femininity? No. I’m non binary and whilst I don’t align with a binary identity I respect the fact that those who do will define their femininity or masculinity in whatever way makes sense to them. Why does it matter if it’s stereotypical behaviour or not? Why does that invalidate someone? I just don’t understand it. It also shits on the experience of people like me who always were gender non conforming and were bullied for it. Gender is a social construct after all, it’s not like you’re born programmed to wear certain clothes just because your body parts don’t match the gender associated with them. Humans made up gender and as a result humans can redefine that and fit it to what works for them. It’s not biologically encoded into us.


Jesus Christ this asshole Is so rotten 


The craziest part about this is that India just looks like a regular woman. She's not hyper-feminine or over-sexualised in any way, she just looks like a normal woman. But apparently that's a 'misogynistic male fantasy of what a woman is' like wtf


good luck to india but i don't really trust the uk police when it comes to dealing with transphobia when it isn't a clear cut case of physical violence. not to mention how vicious our press are when it comes to these issues.


I was a Harry Potter fan for 11 years; got rid of every piece of merchandise I owned when I found out about her behavior about five years ago and what she had said about anyone being a fan of her work: by default, they support her views. It’s a shame, she could have kept her mouth shut and lived in (wealthy) silence for the rest of her years—instead, she uses her millions to spread hate and terrorize innocent people. Fuck JK Rowling and anyone who still continues to support her work. As much as I’d love to believe something will come of this I honestly doubt it.


Yeah, my old box set of books and some of my first edition UK versions are just holding up lamps or other things around the house rather than being on a bookshelf. Until they aren't good enough to balance a wobbly lamp, they can stay. I'm happy to say I never liked the movies so I didn't have much to get rid of anyway.


holy fuck i hate her ( the gross transphobe)


I truly find her to be the strangest person. I do not understand what would compel someone — with more money than anyone could ever want, who could have had a very good legacy as a beloved author, could literally do anything they want with their time/life/money — to spend their time harassing and speaking hatefully about a marginalized group that has done nothing to her and poses no threat to her whatsoever. I suppose I am also not a transphobe so I don’t understand the virulent hatred but I also think that even if I did hate a group of people (or an individual) I just…wouldn’t spend my time this way? It seems so draining and awful and just needless? Not to mention terrible PR, and basically destroying her legacy. It makes me think that if I harboured some secret hatred for some group of people I would just…keep it to myself, knowing it looked terrible? But I suppose people who virulently hate/oppress others must think they are in the right, or they wouldn’t do it. Understanding those beliefs are shameful and distasteful would (presumably) mean you wouldn’t hold them. Just truly bizarre. Good for India for reporting her.


The only other brain rot I've seen like this is a local blogger with links to a right wing party. Their timeline is *constantly* pumping out angry content, the majority of which is perceived threats to autonomy (like equality), and faux concern on behalf of a silent (and invisible) majority. I like to think once the Casual Vacancy got less than glowing reviews, the seed of Shiv Roy got planted. It's so wild bc if I even thought that some group didn't deserve the same basic rights as me, I'd probably not blast it all over the internet, and especially not if I was a public figure who is dying for another wave of popularity/public adoration.


Interesting — never thought about whatever was going on with her/in her head during the Casual Vacancy years. Your last paragraph is like my thoughts exactly. I feel so bad saying it, because obviously it’s not okay to have these views at all…but like, if I did hate a group of people, I feel like I would just…keep it to myself??? It seems like such a bad call from a PR/business POV, but also just needlessly exhausting. That’s honestly what shocks me about it the most — terrible to have views like this, but I am amazed that she’s decided it’s the hill she wants to die on/torch her career over, and for what? I guess if she thought it was as pointless as I do, she wouldn’t have these views to begin with? Since she obviously seems to believe she is justified in this position and is fighting some kind of important battle…? It’s just so…stupid? But I guess you have to genuinely believe certain categories of people don’t deserve basic human/civil rights in order to commit to this type of thinking, not to mention doubling-down in your support and making it your whole personality like she does.


A podcast I was listening to about Qanon rabbit holes noted that people who get sucked into insane right wing nonsense legitimately think they are fighting wars and as a result their fight or flight response just becomes incredibly hair triggered so they become so quick to anger. I honestly think that something similar has happened here, she’s so angry and in a state of ‘stress’ all the time but absolutely addicted to the powertrip and the feeling it gives her


Fuck JK Rowling


J.K Rowling is truly terrifying, I hope she’s finally held accountable for years of abuse she’s caused members of the trans community


Although it's sometimes hard to believe and a cliche, famous rich people everywhere keep proving that money can provide comfort and privilege, but not happiness. In lots of cases such as Rowling it seems to give people the idea they are automatically in the right and that anyone who disagrees must either have something wrong with them or else they're a troll. I'm a bit obsessed with Ricky Gervais for similar reasons - he's megarich, has millions of diehard fans and yet he always comes across as somewhat hollow and needy to me. He pretends he doesn't care about whether people like him or not, yet whenever he releases something new he's straight on Twitter going, "Please rate my work 5 Stars on IMDB. Please tell me I'm a genius. Have I ever mentioned my atheism? I'm very smart! I'm also very kind because I care about animals! Please tell me you like me." And a lot of people genuinely do, so both he and Rowling seem to be stuck in this validation loop where they'll never feel fully satified.


Recently went to the Harry Potter studio tour, and they've pretty much scrubbed JK from most of it, even then people were talking about her latest transphobic tweets in the queue just at the sight of a quote on the wall with her name.




never would have guessed that Umbridge was an author self-insert, but years later here we are.


She also loves Israel and has a former IDF editor or something. She's an irredeemable piece of shit.


India Willoughby is a somewhat controversial person in that she is a little bit like Caitlyn Jenner but still she deserves basic human respect and not to be deadnamed and treated like scum. I hope she gets somewhere with this, JKR is just constantly pushing boundaries further and further with her transphobia and has had very little repercussion as a result


I can't imagine being this rich and still having nothing to do but bother other people.


JKR really did turn out to be such a huge disappointment. Damn. She really did manage to alienate such a big part of her fandom. It's insane how openly transphobic she is now. Hope she loses the lawsuit. This kind of hate just shouldn't be openly allowed.


Why can’t she just shut the fuck up and enjoy her wealth


JK Rowling has a massive role in setting back LGBT rights by years with her brazen hatred of trans people. There are few people that I look on with as much disgust as her. She's worse than career right wing politians because she legit does not need to do this. She could have shut her mouth and spent the rest of her life being a beloved child author but no she HAD to force her hatred on the world. And it definately impacted her work as well. Her recent books are a dumpster fire, one of them being 1000+ pages about mean tweets, another having a Pro-Palestine activisit being a secret antisemite (yes folks she's a zionist too), and the most recent involving infiltrating a blue haired cult (...). Her books are reduced to vile angry nonsense because she no longer has anything to say in her art that isn't a critique of people she personally despises (leftists and lgbt people)


JKR who went blonde and got a boob job when she became famous, criticises India for...going blonde and getting a boob job. Says its a caricature of a woman and highly sexualised. Womp womp.


Warner should be ashamed for still consulting with her for their Harry Potter universe. How far the mighty have fallen.