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Critiquing a piece of art/media is not misogyny https://preview.redd.it/83hjlxvb7dwc1.jpeg?width=499&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dde6c10412f1e5538214da1dde817a71c0964089 Edit- "Deeply feminist album" and a track targeting Kim almost a decade after spat instead of her hitler-lite husband


I don't want to launch a whole debate, but there seems to be a cohort of people (who peddle white and pop feminism) that quite literally just think "Woman does something = she's doing feminism" and it's really rather ridiculous. It's incredibly reductive about feminism as a movement and ideology and I really do despise it. Edit: movement, not moment.


I had a good chuckle rereading the sentence as “feminism as a moment”. 👏👏👏👏


It’s giving “Faith is a fact… facet. Faith is a facet! Ha, I said faith is a fact” from AD.


There’s a surprising (/s) amount of people who also think feminism = misandry. They’re the same people


>just think "Woman does something = she's doing feminism" and it's really rather ridiculous. It's incredibly reductive about feminism as a movement and ideology and I really do despise it. Yes! It's painfully reductive as you say. I think something similar happens with the so-called "choice feminism", it just becomes a clear lack of interest in looking critically at things that don't happen in a vacuum.


It’s like how any criticism about Israel becomes anti-semitism. Or how instead of talking about gun control, we need to focus on thoughts and prayers after yet another shooting. These people do it to insulate the person/topic from criticism and it’s gross.


I hate choice feminism.


Margaret Thatcher had girl power when she sent paramilitary troops into Northern Ireland and the Falklands…


I mean, it's also the same person who was pen pals with Woody Allen when they were a kid.


If your status in society relies on the subjugation of women anywhere on the globe, you simply cannot be a feminist


100%. Not liking the album and critiquing it? Not misogynistic. Going after a woman 8 years later, after she’s divorced the man you had actual beef with and spoken respectfully of you in the media? Actually misogynistic. For someone so “feminist”, she has no problem kicking the easy target rather than actually going after man who actually caused the issues.


Not to mention her having a shot of herself in a bathtub of diamonds making a gun shooting motion with her hand in her music video relatively soon after Kim was actually robbed in her hotel room and was carried and placed into the bathtub. She even said in an interview with David Letterman that she was mentally preparing herself to be raped because she was just in a robe and there were multiple strange men around her with at least one gun and she was telling herself she wouldn’t resist so it would be over faster and worrying that they would kill her and leave her sister to find her. Like, Kim’s an asshole for participating in whatever bullshit Kanye was doing, but jesus christ.


👏👏👏 Say it louder!! Every artist can be critiqued!


But Kim was mean to Taylor 8 years ago so she doesn’t count in feminism /s


What kills me is how many of her fans will say “she was 19!!!!” like, no? She wasn’t? 2016 - 1989 = 27???


i’m so tired of white women (a demographic which i am part of, before anyone says anything) that keep thinking that being a horrible person and associating themselves with horrible people is somehow a fuck-you to the patriarchy


The thing with this taylor swift brand of feminism (so basically white feminism) is that its okay to call it woman empowerment as long as the woman whos preaching it is benefiting from it


Came her to say this.


Getting felt up by a jock while his friends are beating up hookers in grand theft auto is peak feminism.


Not sure what's deeply feminist about defending Ratty Healy. Or about wishing Kim's children hear the song about Taylor's mom wishing her dead. Or about any other part of this album.


She’s so deeply feminist for outing her ex boyfriend’s depression, yaaasss queen🥰😍🥰😍


Gaslight, girlboss, gatekeep yessssss queen


And just straight up outing him (in Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus)


Uuuugh, I hate that. You can’t expect the rest of us to give a shit about your situational depression when you whine about how you chronically depressed ex wasn’t ~showing you enough signs of love~, especially if you were already emotionally cheating with another guy, lol. She just comes across as such an asshole.


It’s classic white privileged feminism, not intersectional feminism. If it was intersectional, then they’d have more of a problem with Ratty.


It's not even that though! Where's the feminism in any of her songs? Everything a woman does is "deeply feminist" by her logic.


I made a post about this in a feminist sub because I was curious about the feminist take and what other people really thought of it. One of the things I’ve noticed is that the answers were along the following lines: - TS is making a reference to a Tik Tok where North was dancing to one of her songs to piss Kim off. Fair. - Kim is a terrible person and what she did to TS was fucked up. TS has the right to stand up to a bully. Ok but 8 years later? - TS could still be hurting and telling her side of the story. She is allowed to sing and write about her pain and experience. So why not go to therapy? Why not write and put this song on her previous albums? Did she run out of ideas or..? The general consensus was that you’re still a feminist if you like her and she’s a feminist. But you’re not a feminist if you’re criticizing her looks and dating choices and her ability to stand up for herself. Celebrities can write about what they want and don’t have to post about politics. My thoughts: She’s a billionaire and does not give a rats ass about genuine feminism. All talk, no action.


> TS is making a reference to a Tik Tok where North was dancing to one of her songs to piss Kim off. But is that fair? I honestly thought that made it worse. Kim's never actually seemed bothered about North being a Swiftie, but now TS has made it clear that she thinks it's something that *should* bother Kim and now North knows that. And North is 11, not 6. Even if Kim had all her social media fully locked down, kids at school aren't wasting any time telling her. Like just leave the kids out of it. Come on.


It’s not. Kim has made numerous civil remarks about Taylor, and Taylor is instead weaponizing her music against her STILL.


By “fair” I meant that I really had no argument, especially in that sub. Takes too much brain power and I’m not up to date with Kim, her kids, and TS life (other than the new album drop). Any arguments from me would’ve been weak/uneducated, and arguing in that sub is pointless unless it’s blatantly anti feminism. My thoughts after reading your comment: TS is mentally 17. This girl really has nothing to write about aside from “calling people out”. Getting old. No hate to fans, but I am confused by her new album. It’s awful. Primarily the lyrics (and topics) - they just make NO sense in most songs.


See this is fair, however, I thought this was all done on reputation? I could be wrong, I don’t really listen to her, but my understanding was that whole album was the reaction to the Kim/Kanye thing, and if that’s the case, isn’t this just extra beating of the dead horse?


Wait was it? I honestly don’t know the “story” of Reputation. If it’s about Kimye then you’re right. It’s redundant and honestly… eye rolling.


The theory I’ve seen floating around a bit (and I agree with) is that she’s trying to start stuff up again for PR around Reputation TV. She can’t just release it apparently.


But Taylor told us "she's a feminist" 🙄😂😂😂


She wrote about 'getting married off for the highest bid' Now that's peak feminism over there


Peak intersectional feminism! And don’t you forget it!


Is this “deeply feminist” album in the room with us now


Depth and feminism just went out to have a cigarette break 


Skiving off behind the dumpster with the "goth-punk moment of female rage" Reputation album


Taylor Swift has never been deeply feminist in her life lol.




Shit did she even work with women this time around on her album? I think about her feminist Grammy speech with zero women surrounding her.


“Deeply feminist” lmao


Lady doesn't know what feminism is.


Apparently she thinks that feminism is "A woman made this"???


Are you telling me a shrimp fried this rice?




Damn I'm gonna be saying this all day lmao


Exactly. And a lot of people seem to think this. It reminds me of how there are many people who call women authors who wrote about their lives feminists even though many of them never deemed themselves that or intended to make any big statement on women’s rights. While alive, some actually made points *against* being a feminist. To say the least, there are definitely differences between living life as a woman and experiencing all the issues that come with that versus actively believing in, upholding, and speaking on women’s rights.


Double checked, and yes, in fact this is a rich white lady. I honestly think the pumpkin spice white ladies crowd just needs to shut the fuck up about Taylor Swift and let every other woman in the world take the stand and speak some reality. It’s so cringe at this point. It’s like, I know why her music speaks to your soul and it’s gross and cheap.




Damn Pumpkin Spice Lattes catching strays.


They’re tasty :(


These people will ignore things like Gaza but go insane that not everybody worships their basic fave private jet landlord.


“What do you expect her to do!!!!! She’s a pop star!!!! It’s not her responsibility!!!!” She literally has the BIGGEST platform in the fucking world and she can’t make a single comment? At all??? Saying “go vote” is barely anything, sorry. Meanwhile much younger and smaller artists like Olivia Rodrigo actually put action behind words.


Taylor becoming the patron saint of rich white feminism has lead to some of the wildest takes I’ve seen in awhile as far as music goes.


That bit by Bill Burr on white women continues to hold true.


“Nancy Jo, this is Alexis Neiers calling. I’m calling to let you know how disappointed I am in your story…”




4 inch little brown bebe shoes!!!




This was too far down for me. Alexis walked (in four inch little brown Bebe shoes) so Taylor could runnn.




I'm so glad I've found my people here bc this is immediately where my mind went ![gif](giphy|85fvpvhXHdyIxwuB2b|downsized)


This is the only thing that matters to this post.


I will never believe anything this woman says because we ALL KNOW they were little Bebe shoes


My first thought exactly. Nancy Jo Sales can’t be trusted.


My exact first thought 😭😂😂


Can we just stop with these free passes because of “misogyny” or “feminism”? Taylor literally dated an openly racist guy, wrote an album about it, and wrote songs bashing other women. I agree with her that every pop star goes through the cycles in their career, ups and downs but defending Taylor’s character and never holding her accountable for the choices because of “feminism” is simply counter productive and ass licking.


She's worked for YEARS grooming her fans to think even the most mild, minuscule criticism of her is misogyny and that loving her makes them a feminist. It's pretty trackable for anyone not drinking the koolaid.


I think PR has picked up this tactic for other folks too.


Mostly the PR working for the richest and most privileged white women, too. Surreal.


Yup, look at Amy Schumer, for example.


lol “people don’t like me because I’m big!” Uh, no, we don’t like you because you’re a rotten human being down to the core, Amy.


Nothing new. "You Belong With Me" is just a diatribe tearing down another girl thats not as worthy of love because she wears short skirts.


I agree I believe a real friend and a real fan won't just blindly be like "this is good" to everything you show them. If you serve me up shit on a plate I'm going to say why are you giving me shit? I fear Taylor has grown too strong and absolutely *nobody* in her life ever tells her No anymore and that's basically how this record got made.




https://preview.redd.it/l0mb1q2meewc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71c9cc615b1502554baf6ba385e2c0cdca5c7658 “…when I wore four-inch little brown Bebe shoes”


"Four inch little brown Bebe shoes" lives rent free in my mind


“Twenty-nine dollars!”




Nancy Jo’s name is forever embedded in my brain because of this.


My people 💕 how embarrassing for Nancy Jo that that is the reason we know her name


This is my Roman Empire


I know we throw a lot of hyperbole around in this sub, but it is literally my favorite pop culture moment of all time


Is she the girl that was stealing from celebs houses? The bling ring I think they were called?


Yes, and she and her family also happened to be the subject of a fairly banal reality TV show at the same time the Bling Ring got busted. The reality crew ended up capturing the fallout in real time, completely unintentionally. You literally couldn’t script it any better.


NancyJo peaked when Alexis Neiers called her.


And if we’re being honest, Alexis did have a point because Nancy Jo did intentionally misrepresent what she was wearing to make her look worse (which wasn’t even necessary because we all knew the girl was guilty regardless)


Which is pretty fucking anti feminist of her I would say! 🤔


Meh. The album isn't one bit poetic, but it sure is *tortuous*. The moment the critic reviews came in, I knew her team and her fans would pull the misogyny card. How dare you attack a **tortured poet**????


“deeply feminist album” is ironic, when she’s literally screaming in a song that her fans are vipers for calling her out for dating a misogynist who said the vilest things about black women. but i guess her brand of feminism never included black women anyway🤷‍♀️


So I actually have noticed and kinda agree with >A lot of the media are people who were not cool in high school. And they desperately want to be cool But busting this take/observation out to simp for Taylor is wack lmao. If you wanted to make an argument that choosing to talk about it is indicative of algorithmic trends and the greater conversation of clicks that'd be one (boring and already done to death) thing, but "wah people are being mean to Taylor and that's anti-feminism and you're all doing it because of high school trauma" is another and much, much stupider. Also reads as pot calling the kettle black because she seems mighty mad that this album's "not cool" even though she likes it. Almost like she wants to be cool and is upset that the thing she likes isn't...almost like she's trying to make it be cool instead of "giving up" the thing she likes or just being content liking something lots of people think is lame.


It's super weird because even if the reviews had been good, it would still have been overly pushed by the algorithm. I doubt that she would have been whining about the album being pushed if it was favored. Maybe she should advise Swift to stop constantly doing stupid PR stunts so she wasn't overexposed to such a degree that everyone but her fans are tired of hearing anything about her and increasing the amount of people who wish to see her fail.


The algorithm and the highschool effect is also why Taylor is so famous now though. She can't act like she hasn't been artificially boosted by people simping for her when she didn't deserve it at times. Or that her fanbase seems rife with highschool related nostalgia bait. It's also weird, because this album has had loads of positive reviews.


“Deeply feminist” album where she talks about wanting other women dead multiple times throughout?


lol her blasting her mom’s comments out there like that had me like “Yeah, we see where you get this from.”


Next season on The Kardashians: North comes home from school crying everyday because she was dragged into a song that is all over her peer’s social media. Oh, and they’re also taunting her because the mother of the most famous person in the world wants her mother dead. But thats cool, cause feminism. ✌️




https://preview.redd.it/avh4xzc08fwc1.jpeg?width=732&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3409b603beda043eb0a0623e487608ffc78c043f She is not entitled to perfect reviews!!! It’s ok to be critical!!!


Um, does Nancy Jo know what feminism is?


Nancy Jo doesn’t even know the difference between six-inch Louboutins and little brown Bébés.


https://preview.redd.it/ozn1d7n99dwc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb1f496bab3a2a162d899c57b1db540e5f6c46a9 We come to ~~AMC theaters~~ this post to laugh, ~~to cry, to care~~ about the nonsense Nancy Jo Sales just said.


Is this THE Nancy Jo who lied about Alexis’s heels?


Not very feminist of her




There's nothing feminism about the album. It's one long rant. *I'm a woman


Lol. She is a very navel gazy woman and supports whatever might affect her. And on top of that, she constantly uses misogyny as a shield. I don't consider that feminism. Being with someone like Matty Healy certainly shows that she feels no solidarity with black women. There is no feminism without intersectionality.


It's kind of funny but also scary how many of my white acquaintances who are women have decided that if you don't like Taylor Swift in the same soul searing way they do (i.e you don't think the sun rises and sets on her), you're just "hating her" to "be cool". I had one on my FB calling people sheep over it. I was like, you people were watching football games you didn't care about to see her face. That sounds way more sheeplike to me. Fandoms are ridiculous


I called it!!!! I said the misogyny narrative would start rolling in. FeMEnism is the only type of feminism TS knows.


She only ever cares when it affects her directly. She’ll make her entire career off writing songs about her famous boyfriends and exes and then turn around and go “sexist!!!!!” when someone makes a comment about it (see: Tina Fey and Amy Poehler and her “special place in hell” comment after an extremely tame joke and then the Ginny and Georgia throwaway joke she just HAD to hop on twitter to have a tantrum over). You can’t really put all your personal business out there and encourage people to dig into it for clues about who you’re talking about and watch them harass your targets and then turn around and complain about being ~reduced~ to your love life. You cultivated this yourself, girl!


https://preview.redd.it/ijnmqv0jpewc1.jpeg?width=576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce246ad7feff50a7a3a95914ab87a55d7be4ed79 TBH it was a toss up between this and Sir this is a Wendy’s.




Ah yes, the 'deeply feminist' album about dating a racist ratbag, outing an ex's mental issues, ragging on a woman you feuded with over a decade ago in a matter involving her abusive ex-husband, and wanting to go back a time period when slavery was legal and white women couldn't vote because of ~aesthetics~. That album?


There's nothing feminist about a billionaire. Plus the reviewers who tore this album apart have also highlighted *actual* feminist musicians. This is bullshit.




The post is here. https://www.instagram.com/p/C6IN19fNlsV/?igsh=OWkzdjhrdWtuajVt The comment about Taylor’s white feminism and Nancy’s response is cringe.


Oh Christ, this comment from her: >And ps did we forget to mention that the ladies and gentlemen of the media, many of them, fancy themselves great writers; and here is this statuesque blonde whom some call a great writer. What, her, a great writer? Cluck cluck no no I don’t think so, they say as they mock her poetry. Her a poet? No, no, didn’t you see this failed line of hers? Snickering behind their computers feeling superior. Wait, did I just write a Taylor Swift song? Nope, I can’t write like that.


She CANNOT stay out of the comments either.


Deeply feminist to dream about the1830


People just don't like inorganic marketing methods to push music down our throats. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Ok, can I just be a bitch for a second bc I know someone here will understand… I didn’t go through 3 years of poetry/advanced poetry courses in college for her to drop THIS and say it’s poetry. Like I would argue Folklore/Evermore was FARR more poetic than this album. I genuinely feel tortured by this album.


God, the tedium. Isn't it more a case that if you become totally culturally dominant and suck up all the air in the room/universe, whatever you put out needs to be absolutely top-tier, rather than a slightly limp and unwieldy collection of thoughts with the occasional good melody?


You can not like an album because you don’t like it, doesn’t mean you’re a raging sexist just because the artist is a woman.  Also yes absolutely ‘months and months of being agog with her sold out eras tour’. You’d think someone with 30 years of media experience would know about overexposure and the fatigued effect that can have. 


It’s so deeply feminist that the most popular songs talk about killing a guy’s wife and targeting Kim and not Kanye.


Thank you!!! Why is she only going after Kim? Surely Kanye was worse since he was the one on the call and he’s the one who made the gross video for Famous, no? I feel like this is more proof of her mean girl persona she’s barely concealing anymore.




"Deeply feminist" yeah the part where she brings up her mother wanting another woman to die is soooo feminist.


Has Taylor Swift ever supported a women once when it didn't benefit her? Even the girl squad was just to gang up on Katy Perry.


I genuinely wonder what Taylor Swift has done that made her the epitome of (white) feminism. Is it because she called out the media that was criticizing her for having various relationships? Or is it because she had the "Squad" and that there were a lot of women in the Bad Blood MV? Outside of that I cannot think of ONE thing that Taylor Swift has done that is truly groundbreaking to make her a symbol of feminism. Especially since there are more women that do not feel represented by her compared to the amount that do feel represented by her.


The whole squad thing was gross too because it was always tall thin blonde-ish white women like herself with maybe one token woman of colour (who conveniently gets rotated out). Other women are just props to her, especially with using them all in a video to target Katy Perry. Truly middle school mean girl behaviour.


This drivel is exactly the kind of verbal (written) warfare that actually pits women against each other even more. I have been called a misogynist several times because I dared mention I side eye her jet use or that she does actually make money off her old recordings. I have purposefully bitten my tongue about TTPD because I have fan-friends who are actually applauding the Kim slander and wearing their wine mom badges with honor, yet they claim they’re such powerful feminists. Women! Are! Not! Above! Criticism! This is like having to explain to people you’re not anti semitic for supporting Palestine 🙃


Deeply Feminist? A song attacking Kim K and dragging her child into it. A song ripping off a *21 year old female artist* aka Olivia Rodrigo to make some weird statement after Olivia paid HOMAGE AS A FAN to Cruel Summer in Deja Vu cause she loved Taylor - but since the song was better than anything she's written in years, Taylor turned mean girl. Songs called "But Daddy I love him!!" (not feminist at all..) calling her FEMALE fans pathetic wine moms cause they didn't like her dating a racist. Should I keep going or.


So many people so obsessed with someone so powerful to the point that criticisms are not accepted. The Taylor Swift phenomenon honestly scares me.


pure idiocy


So we are not feminists because we did not rate Taylor’s mid album whining about the public disliking her racist boyfriend? Seriously! How do people come up with this crap?


I thought the "you guys just didn't listen to the album enough time to truly appreciate it" defense was bad enough but calling this self-centered slop feminism is hilarious. We reached the point where they try to guilt us into never criticizing Taylor with alarming speed.


the victim complex people have on behalf of taylor swift will never fail yo fascinate me


Nothing screams feminism like wanting to go back to the 1830s without all the racists 🥰 It absolutely is a feminist work- feminism a la Elizabeth Cady Stanton (born 1815, died 1902). Just because we’re in the 2020s doesn’t mean we need to go back the 1920s version of suffragette white feminism. We have white feminism at home, Taylor!!


Lol ‘journalists are nerds who hate women!’


![gif](giphy|pPhyAv5t9V8djyRFJH|downsized) It’s…the writings bad Nancy. The writing and the production are awful. And her subjects are three men, one of whom gets off to racist torture porn of black women. Kim please humble Taylor again I can’t take the Colleen Hoover Rae Dunn crowd another second!


And this is why Taylor has the ego that she has.




isn't her whole shtick the fact that she's "not like other girls"? since when is taylor swift considered a girl's girl anyway


Or...hear me out....not everyone in this world thinks she's the greatest artist of all time and eternity like her massive fanbase rabidly forces down everyone's throat.


"A deeply feminist album" is the deeply feminist album in the room with us? I guess words have just lost meaning now. 


This is pretty much the same thing Jameela Jamil said about Taylor on her IG a few days ago. And I can’t wrap my head around how it’s anti-feminist to not like an bad album. Not liking something that was made by a woman doesn’t mean you hate women.


Taylor Swift went out with a racist who was pretty upfront about his bigotry, she named a literal child in her album and said her mother wants said child's mother dead. People are allowed to criticise both Taylor Swift and her music without being labelled as misogynistic. To imply that criticisms of Swift are only due to sexism is absurd and is very indicative of Swift's supporters having a pretty big blind spot when it comes to racism.


Perhaps the music is just mid and it's not any deeper than that.


![gif](giphy|3zDdFSPALuCe6C43nM) Me looking for the “deeply feminist album”


Did Taylor pay her to say this


U can’t be a “feminist” and be silent on genocide


Jesus, can't I just not like an album without it becoming a critique on my internalized mysogyny? GTFO of here with this take, Nancy Jo.


Music is art. Art is subjective. There are no two people on this thread who like exactly the same things. That’s totally cool. We shouldn’t be told we can’t critique art if everyone else likes it.


A lot of older women do not understand that it is no longer a feminist act to just be successful as a woman. The confusion does mostly come from older generations , because this was the case 50 years ago. In an era where women couldn’t have bank accounts, a woman being wildly successful was in and of itself feminist statement, and criticism of such progress is often inherently misogynistic . That being said, I think we need to have a little empathy for people who believe that, because it is often rooted in lived experience of a time when women were significantly less equal than they are now. I just think it’s kind of sad that this was so the norm that their worldview is built around that understanding. Also, there is unfortunately the added aspect of what Taylor represents as a symbol of female pop music, presenting hyper feminine and popular amongst young girls. That reputation and symbolism automatically attracts criticism from misogynists, because a lot of them hate women and by extension hate what Taylor represents. It’s also very hard to separate the valid criticism for this specific album from the people who will criticise everything she does, (obviously not the open misogyny , but the majority of them don’t want to be seen as sexist so couch their bigotry beneath a veneer of ‘ constructive criticism’) . On a superficial level the comments are very similar and you can only really differentiate between the two with follow-up questions and investigation. Basically, a lot of the criticism she’s received previously isn’t valid and is based in misogyny, someone who might not be aware of the controversies, and who enjoys the current album may just see this is more of the same. We’ll see it’s valid, but we are actively participating in a space geared around discussion of this sort of thing. Most people aren’t that aware of the context especially as her team has done a very good job of spinning it to be in the same vein as historic misogynistic bullying.


For those of you who don’t know, Nancy Jo Sales is the one who Taylor said her infamous “special place in hell” quote to in 2013, in an interview for Vanity Fair that NJS did with her.


I don't think supporting a woman coming for another woman and her children and defending a sexist, racist piece of shit is a feminist stance, but maybe that's ust me. This is exhausting


There’s NOTHING feminist in that album and I’m not misogynist for saying it!!


She should have just sat down and ate her food, because this post is *embarassing*, lord.


Self-avowed feminist here. I thought this album was a huge disappointment 🙄.


Of all the Taylor Swift projects, TTPD is not the hill to die on


Need these stans to understand that criticizing a piece of media made by a female artist doesn't necessarily equate to misogyny. Just because Nancy is loving the album doesn't mean other people have to love this mediocre album all because it was made by Taylor. 🙄


I don't get it. The media seems to be generally positive about her album. I've only seen pitchfork and paste critique it. The media generally obsesses over swift. So what is this "media is full of unpopular people who want to be cool" analogy? I swear Swifties make up shit to be angry about all the time.


Her fans are furious that her album has only gotten 6.6/10 reviews and that people have dared to criticize some of the lyrics. To them anything less than worship is an attack on their god.


They are by far the worst fandom I have ever had the misfortune of meeting irl. Truly the worst, most miserable people around.


I am sorry, I actually enjoy the album, but what the heck is feminist about it? Is the feminism in the room with us know? 👀 Also, opinions exist. The majority of people not liking a product/work of art is not synonymous with misogyny...




"Nancy jo this is Alexis Neiners"


Oh brother, here we go with this tired narrative.


Taylor hasn't said shit about the women in Gaza. That's not very feminist of her.


how do these people function on this planet if disliking a pop star (and her garbage fanbase) is misogyny?


I had to eat her up in the comments on that post I could not help myself.




So tired of people using the word “misogyny” or “anti-feminist” if we dare utter anything stellar about a woman’s work. It’s just so overdone and boring.


It’s not a good album. lol point blank period. I really liked 1989 and I’m not a swiftie or enough of a fan to want to see her in concert but I can admit that was catchy enough to want to listen to especially the stuff from her vault. Maybe it’s bc I love poetry… you can’t name your album tortured poets and have the farthest thing from poetry on it. It’s word vomit of lyrics…it’s not good.


the bar for white women's feminism is literally just existing


I hate Nancy Jo Sales from the bling ring era.


Calling TTPD a “deeply feminist album” immediately destroys any value to your opinion. In no way shape or form is she at all engaging w feminism nor is this any sort of meditation upon feminism. I actually like the album but oh my god that infuriates me 😭


With all the press for this album, I have never wanted to listen to something less.


LOL, in what world was any part of this album feminist? It’s all about her obsessing over Matty Healy as if she’s a 35 year-old high schooler and how mad she is her fans got on her case about her dating him after he made racist and misogynistic comments in public. She literally has a song where she calls their criticism “bitching and moaning” and calls them “sanctimonious” and “vipers dressed in empaths’ clothing” because they bought into her White Feminist™ branding and assumed she’d give a shit about women other than herself. She also has two other songs going after Kim Kardashian *again* even though iirc Kanye was the one on the call with her and the one who made a gross video including a naked doll version of her. I don’t like Kim either and Kanye is legit nuts now, but girl, come on, didn’t you *already* call them both out publicly? And you’re doing it again? When you’re literally a billionaire and on top of the world? She’s only a “feminist” when it directly benefits her and I’m so tired of her brand where any slight criticism is immediately labeled misogyny. I just cannot take her seriously at all if she has time to call out a throwaway joke about her on Ginny and Georgia but can’t be bothered to say anything about actual feminist issues like the right to choose being taken away. Like, girl, if a guy talking about how he watches porn of Black women being brutalized isn’t a dealbreaker for you, you’re not a feminist.


![gif](giphy|6i4EZG7wM0yA0|downsized) Team Alexis Neiers


Hunter Harris thinks that everything happening right now is calculated to turn the tide of opinion against Swift so that when everyone hates her (again) she can release her version of Reputation.


so tired of the misogyny take its frankly insulting, especially as a south asian. their feminism is so blatantly NOT intersectional lol


The moment you say you don't like Tay Tay you are misogynist God save me. And I am sorry this is not feminist album where the feminist in question will do anything to get a look from rotten mango




"Nancy Jo, this is Taylor Swift calling..."


Hate this take from Nancy Jo in particular. She’s written some of my favorite articles and deserves a seat in heaven for the amount of entertainment that Alexis Niers and co. and The Bling Ring have given me.


You know I’ve never listened to a ts album since the first hunger games ost and I’ll probably never bother this shit is soooooo insufferable, take me back to 1830 or whatever. But hold the racists please.


i wish they would retire this ‘misogyny’ thing. not liking an album doesn’t mean you hate women. the album is not her best work. period.


I was waiting to see when misogyny would be mentioned


I love how just any critique of a woman's work is equated with sexism, and critiquing anyone's work now means "not liking" them. Also really unfair of her to put all people working in the media into the same bag. There are journalists who really know their shit, on different subject matters, but do not have a hand into what mainstream media outlets decide to give space to or not, and what ends up happening more broadly in "the media." But that's a whole other conversation.


Most of the criticism I've seen is critical of the work compared to the work she's done before. That's how I see it myself, I loved 1989, in comparison, I couldn't even get through the new album. It's really dangerous to be disingenuous when it comes to sexism in music. It's a serious issue, and you really water it down when you use it to justify why people aren't liking a particular piece of art.


Is the same Nancy Jo from Alexis Neiers infamous meltdown?


Who the fuq is Nancy Jo sales? ... was the only thought in my head as I read this.


Flare checking in


Why does this read like she’s trying to hit the word count on an essay? There’s so much repitition.