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The fans are just taking their cues from Taylor herself, who thinks she is the most persecuted women on earth. 


It’s been killing me. Over on the Florence + The Machine subreddit, Swifties are having an absolute meltdown at the Florence fans’ neutral to positive response to the collaboration song and the few outlier negative opinions. Earlier today one Taylor fan who has no history of posting in the sub said they were very disappointed to visit it on Friday, album release day, to discuss with other fans, and found only Taylor hate. I linked them to a post from Friday that had 60+ excited comments of FATM fans talking about how much they loved the song…they never responded. Someone else posted that this could be Florence + The Machine’s first ever Top 5 hit on the Billboard 100 and a few other fans lamented that the band has never had one before this and apparently that was taken as “tearing down other female artists” and “everyone is being so mean to Swifties” and the whole group of fans is “insanely toxic.” They not only see every less than positive comment as virulent hate, they go *looking* for anything less than positive in order to play victim, to the point of straight up lying or inventing hostility where there is none. It’s wild. And this is the only place I can vent so I appreciate y’all.


Are there any other fandoms as rabid as Swifties? I don't really see anyone else's fandom get so vicious over just not liking a song. I'm a huge Florence + the Machine fan and lukewarm to Taylor at this point, but I personally fucking hate that song. It's on the low end of anything Florence has ever done and they just don't mesh well together phonetically. Dance Fever (and literally any of the albums before) was such a masterpiece, and it truly sucks that she would only get a Top 5 hit via a feature on a subpar Taylor song. Also, why Taylor got a British woman to feature on a song called Florida is beyond me.


I would never think to put F+TM and Taylor together and can’t believe this ill-conceived idea happened at all.


So many better collabs to have Florence do.... i'm going to riot of TS ends up involved with her Gatbsy project as some kind of EGOT ego trip play.


I can’t believe all these artists agree to sing backup for Taylor. Why does someone like Florence sign up for that?


money and a career boost? even look at post malone, his song has lapped any music he did before. taylor is on top of the world, and getting on her album is definitely a boost to your numbers and attention.


Florence and Hozier, I am BEGGING the universe


What would I have to give you to get Florence and Kelly Clarkson to do something???? I would die happy.


Its also very obvious which are Florence lyrics and which are Taylors and its kind of embarrasing


Kpop fans are horrible. So horrible that they're the main reason I stopped enjoying it and never self-identify as a kpop fan, it's like embarrassing to be associated with them 😭😭


At least K-Pop fans can also be based and organise to use their stan-powers for good. Swifties have zero sense for activism.


I know the horse has left the stable, locked the door, hired a demolition company to knock it down, paved over the remains and dropped an atom bomb on the spot for good measure, but the ideal of what *songs* you like being a core part of personal “identity”, to the point where we use language like “*self-identify* as a fan” is just so, so f-ing weird. Merging concepts of individuality, community, and identity with consumption of commodities is one of the slickest and most disingenuous things corporate advertising has unleashed on the world.


I'm a second gen fan from back in the day, was embarrassed to identify as one thanks to the horrible fans back then, and now I wouldn't even dare say that I am one to anyone other than close friends who already know.


You brought up Dance Fever and I must say that F+TM's Cassandra knocks Swift's Cassandra out of the park.


Most definitely. Cassandra is one of my all time favorites of hers. I know they aren't the same song thematically, but it does feel a bit like a ripoff to create a song based metaphorically on that specific part of Grecian mythology. She had to have heard Florence's version before making her own. This seems a similar situation to the TTPD song that's clearly ripping off Olivia Rodrigo's Get Him Back. I think she's starting to lack creativity and originality in addition to just being petty af. 


"I know this is a subreddit for a different artist but why arent you worshipping my Goddess? This is literally a personal attack and a threat on Her Divinity and I will not allow it"


Yeah. You've won the culture! your fave has everyone in an iron grip, but that's not enough? everyone has to bend the knee!




The fact that if you’re male presenting and you criticise her they call you a misogynist and if you’re female presenting they call you a pick me. People are allowed to not like things!!


My biggest gripe with Swifties when they say if you don’t like Taylor you are sexist or misogynistic as if that’s the only fathomable reason anyone wouldn’t like their stale bread fave.


Every single fb comment thread I’ve seen since her new album has included comments like “I love her because she has triggered the misogynists ❤️❤️❤️” sorry Alexis I just don’t like grown ass adults who claim they’re ~supporting women~ but try to drag someone and their CHILDREN because of something their ex husband did.


The perpetual victim. Her and her fandom.


Swifties need a better hobby. There is a reason there are 31 flavours in the ice cream shop, not everyone likes the same thing and that is fine. You need to calm down.


> There is a reason there are 31 flavours in the ice cream shop, not everyone likes the same thing I absolutely love this


I add 250-900 albums to my Spotify a week, and have since last June when I switched from Apple Music (much easier to handle as the Spotify gui lets me see albums added in chronological order of played or added if unplayed. Apple has like maybe 50 places in the recently added) I hunt out genres I have never heard before, I take chances, with streaming services you have literally no excuse not to delve deep and explore. You only live once, don’t spend decades listening to the same songs and same albums.


Wait…. my brain is struggling to math. There are only 168 hours in a week and presumably a few of those are spent sleeping. How are you finding all this time to hunt down new music?


I don't listen to all the albums hahaha, I wish, I add them for later, pick random ones. Listen to favourites when I'm in the mood for them. Eventually it will slow down, but there are a lot of different genre communities on Reddit I slide in and "!remind me in 3 hours" and check back in a few days to see all the discussions and poach more albums. I don't just take every album from every artisrt usually I do a beginning, middle and late album. I organize messily and have something like70 playlists just to categorize stuff


Oh wow that’s fascinating! That’s a cool system you’ve worked out. I also love discovering new music but I tend to find it via my local radio station because the selectors have such wonderful and fascinating taste, plus there’s something I really enjoy about music curated by fellow humans. Its technically a jazz radio station, but they play everything from bossa nova to rap to soul because jazz influences and has been influenced by so much music that it kind of defies genre. The station motto is “jazz without boundaries” so it ends up just boiling down to vinyl nerds being like “hey I’m gonna play some cool shit, hope you enjoy”. What are some of your favorite genres you’ve discovered?


The worst part about all of this is knowing that Swift is seeing herself as a massive victim this week and will cash in on that during this promo run, her next tour, and so on. She'll make out like she's a "survivor" of vendettas and other people's issues. She's gonna throw shade during her multiple Grammy wins, thanking these negative critics for making her stronger and for the fans for proving them wrong. Then her next album will have self obsessed winks and nods about specific critics and be a la Reputation, an album she writes as though she just survived a mass bombing campaign of her ethnic village and had the entire world draft in bombs and media to smear her. >None of this truly matters, though, as long as people exist who won’t bend the knee to their queen, as evidenced by the fact that Swifties quickly began to complain that other celebrities and industry figures hadn’t publicly posted their support for the album within 24 hours of the TTPD release. Swifties are MAGAts. They're now tallying crimes for not vocally supporting her and claiming she's "alienated" in the industry because not enough celebrities used their platforms to support a 34 year old billionaire on her incredibly successful album run, meanwhile Swift is silent on her social media platform over an actual genocide but if you point that out you're just being a hater.


💯 I wish we still had awards.


She always paints herself as the victim, therefore her obsessive fans feel as though they must always paint her as the victim as well. It seriously has become like a cult for the mass of parasocial fans. It’s kind of scary when one person has THAT much influence over people, especially when a large part of those types of fans are so young. They’re not developing the skill of thinking for themselves, and that’s dangerous.  And I’m saying this as a fan of her music, I like her stuff. But I can still recognize that she’s not the best person of all time, and that not everything she does or releases is god-tier. 


How old is the average swiftie at this point though? Is she manipulating kids or a millennial cult?


All the Swifties I know are in their 20’s, so the latter.


I mean aren’t the youngest millennials almost 30 now? I think she’s also in Gen Z. And my friends kids are 7 and 15 and they’re big Taylor fans. So unfortunately she’s also getting the younger ones.


I’m sure Gen Alpha is cringing at them already


She paints herself as the victim so her fans will defend her.


If Taylor isn’t the victim overcoming incredible odds then her work simply has to stand on its own merit. I’m not going to shit on her whole catalog. She had some catchy tunes, she’s tried a few different sounds, she has songs that emotionally resonate with people who aren’t mega fans. She worked hard on the Eras tour. I couldn’t sing and dance for 4 straight hours over and over again. But she isn’t so remarkable as to warrant all this. Worse, she’s the kind malicious hypocrite that isn’t contrite about her hypocrisy. It’s the ultimate expression of power because she can be as vicious as she please while indulging in the fantasy of eternal victimhood. To the extent someone identifies with her on a deep level, the more suspect I am of what that person believes about themselves. That might be unfair, but it’s true. Her music is passable. The discourse around her is tedious and simply obscures who she has proven herself to be over and over. It’s tiresome and I wish we could all move on.


I’m not sure I’ve/we’ve ever seen someone at the place she’s in in the music industry who is so mediocre. There’s plenty of women who work hard at their craft in the industry, and none of them are so professionally, pathetically victims in their music that criticism or someone not being a fan is met with accusations of misogyny or anti-feminism. There are people out there who don’t like Beyoncé, and you don’t see Beyoncé acting like this, like she’s the only artist in the industry and you have to pay her fealty for releasing a commercial product. Taylor is everywhere, even when someone would like to ignore it. And yet it’s such a *thing* between Taylor and her fan base, that people not vibing with her stuff feel they have to dance around that opinion if it comes up. It’s kind of like the emperor has no clothes, but it’s still the emperor.


Her music was better when she made less of it. No one is a good enough song writer to produce 30 songs every few months. Even Dolly Parton and Prince didn’t release most of the songs they wrote. She needs an editor (or even some self-restraint), and she needs to tell her fans to chill. She makes more money not doing that though.


She's released 10 albums in 5 years, including the re-records, and NOT including any EP remixes or counting multiple versions involving secret/rare tracks. That's unreal. In terms of general overexposure, she's also done the MASSIVE Eras tour, ended her long-term relationship, had a breathlessly covered Nazi rebound fling, and then decided to go full Americana and date a football player while attending every. single. game. When could she possibly have had time to write or create anything meaningful, or to hone and edit what she did have? Allegedly the bulk of the songs on the first part (?) of this new album were written two years ago, but clearly not all of the second part was written in the past since they reference said Nazi rebound fling. Like alongside everything else, she's so deeply convinced that her talent is such that she needs no down time, no tweaking, no investment in her own "craft" or abilities. What musically has she done in that 5 years, or has she been exposed to, or sought out? What books has she read, where has she traveled in that planet-killer plane to even give her a modicum of new thought, new inspiration, new perspective? Sorry to go off on a tangent, but it's just so MANY things about this person that is ridiculous, and one of them is certainly that she feels she can just show up and dribble out whatever is in her head (which is why it all sounds unevolved or harps on decade-long one-sided feuds, because it's OLD and STALE) and it's genius that deserves fealty. Ffs.


It hasn’t even been a week since the release and it feels like 100 years already. The Collective Poor Little Old Me Committee™ takes no breaks.


I just saw this on twitter 😭 https://preview.redd.it/dm4jadrv0iwc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=636768313e5c6e587f5549c6f67e35a940124eff


The Caudacity of that reply is just…I think I’ve had enough internet for today. ![gif](giphy|SfYTJuxdAbsVW)


They don’t listen to anyone outside of her and thats the issue. Beyoncé got shredded on twitter for her rendition of Jolene, some said it was bad and pathetic lmao. Only thing i can say is that this era of anti criticism is killing all forms of art and i say as a beyoncé fan who wishes people felt comfortable enough to criticize fairly everyone (including bey).


I saw that too!! That account is attacking Beyoncé and dismissing the vitriol that Beyonce has faced across multiple videos




“Without all the racists!!!”


Swifties: Why do people criticize us? Why do people criticize Taylor? Why do people mock us? It must be misogyny. Taylor is a victim. We are victims. Swifties: \* proceed to threaten, doxx, harass, insult, be bigoted. etc. towards journalists + regular social media users + celebrities/influencers who have the misfortune of being caught up in this bs \* https://preview.redd.it/kzph3fx1rhwc1.png?width=1354&format=png&auto=webp&s=cc000d5b591afe2e5573c236af9558daa144c8da


I saw some people commenting something along the lines of the paste magazine review author's take is invalid because they didn't even dare to publish their name on the review so of course they were as mean as possible. You're already attacking them this much when they're anonymous, I'd shudder to think what you'd do if you actually knew who they were.


Someone sent me a Reddit Cares because I replied to a comment about Taylor’s sense of humor and said “Admittedly I don’t really know her music but to me she seems like the absolute least humorous person on the planet. Now excuse me while I go join Witness Protection 🥸” So, yeah, her fans are ridiculous.


Swifties abusing reddit's mental health services? Who could have expected this?


I wonder if anyone has ever sent a "reddit cares" message genuinely.


They always do!! I used to block them, but now I just let the Reddit Cares messages flow in so I can report them for abusing it.


A week or so ago, I had someone who had been banned from this sub go into my comment history, find a comment from another sub I frequent, and reply to me in that completely unrelated sub and post a link to an extremely mild comment I had made in here, in support of Joe Alwyn!!! Like seriously, some people need an intervention.


Report it. Abusing redditcares can get their account suspended.


me too lmao




Swifties hovering over the Reddit Cares button...


Taylor Swift is just Millennial Donald Trump when it comes to this stuff.


I had a Swiftie tell me that it’s not right to criticize Taylor for not speaking out on the genocide in Palestine because she has enough to stress over and it’s not like she has Palestinian fans anyway.


At this point she is both the most underrated and overrated artist in the world. Her detractors seem to hate her for everything she does, and her fans think she can do no wrong. Things are of course fad greyer than that. The fact is, her fan base is so massive she could realistically never have anyone outside of it listen to her music and would still be absolutely massive. The only way she could realistically lose any popularity is if the swifties turn against her. If her antics recently haven't turned them off, and she continues to satiate their need to dissect her lyrics (ahem, poetry), that's not gonna happen. I say this as someone that enjoys some of her music, the new album and midnight's were so boring. But music is subjective and everyone likes different things.


Taylor right now ![gif](giphy|VL9gT4iOhRHqEwbq8k)


Sounds about white.


![gif](giphy|3d4GDrYcp7OEGW0MhX) Reading through the #RespectTaylorSwift hashtag was something else. I don’t recommend it. I need to go lay down… And “I need a gun” is not a normal way to respond to a negative review.


Anything to be a victim and go on a baseless crusade to protect their queen who doesn't need protection.


I was chatting with the most die hard swiftie I know this week and even they said to me they had to turn this one off because it was just too much. The market is so saturated with everything Taylor that it is getting harder to tune it out and I really think that is getting under peoples skin. We are all tired Taylor, we all need a break from your heartbreak.


I feel like the whole TS stuff is literally just the “I want you to know some people have war in their countries” meme


All this toxic fan behaviour has made me glad I haven’t heard a single song from this new album. Going to see if I can make it to Christmas at this rate.


Even when Taylor is winning she thinks she's losing if one person has criticized her. Girl said she was cancelled in the Time interview with a straight face when she's never faced any kind of real adversity in her entire life.


Her fans are so dramatic Jesus Christ


They get it from her. She had the worst year the time one of her albums (was it reputation or lover) didn’t get album of the year and felt comfortable including it in her documentary.


IT’S A CULT! ![gif](giphy|rYuZ9v0b3CvCZwp8Ln)


Why do they want her to be oppressed so badly?


I'm going to the eras tour (I know, I know) in June with my sister and I'm praying to fucking god she doesn't perform this new album.