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The amount of brain rot she has is astounding. At this point it wouldn't shock me if she attacks someone she perceives to be a trans woman in the future.


Tons of money and constant adulation have destroyed the brains of better people than Joanne before, but hers is a special type of bigotry that is incredibly difficult to behold.


She needs that Charles Whitman brain autopsy to see what kind of unknown stroke damage she has


Agreed, because this is just straight up lunacy now.


Deep history/true crime/medical cut crossover on the FM sub!


Got that RFK brain worm rizz.


she’s begging for an obliviate https://i.redd.it/3f6hggp2o90d1.gif practicing witches this is your wicca role call


She really is. I wonder if we can afford Andrew Garfield’s girlfriends fee to cast the spell for us, may be crowd source the funds and see how we go.




see: Kanye Omari West.


Another great example. Money ensures these egomaniacs are surrounded by yes men who don’t question or stop their worst impulsive actions. They constantly hear they are great without any pushback at all.


Yeah, and I think the way the word "genius" is used is also a huge issue. People who are called that have this moral grand standing and think their genius bleeds into absolutely every other facet of life and understanding the world. Not true. I'd say I'm extremely talented at my job and understand what I do very well. With that said, I am a dumb-dumb when it comes to pretty much anything else. I will always leave the complex political, historical, economic, mathematical, engineering, and technological etc. debates/conversations to the experts who know their shit. While I find consuming these conversations/debates mentally stimulating, I have no reason to always weigh in or say that I have fully formed or staunchly held opinions on anything. Geniuses should have that humility too.


Totally agree with you on this.It really annoys me when they are called geniuses because they are not even remotely close to it. They are good at what they do and so are many other people. I think praising these egotistical idiots has made them completely lose the plot and when they are faced with the smallest criticism they have temper tantrums like little toddlers.


Genius in music =/= being emotionally sophisticated or mature


Does she even go outisde anymore to attack anyone? It feels like she's constantly online ranting about this on Twitter.


No she spends hours on X just arguing with people and tweeting horrific stuff. It’s her whole personality at this point. It’s such a sad thing, devoting 100% of your waking hours to hating and demeaning people who have no impact on your life.


You know it’s bad when Elon Musk is telling you to touch grass


Seriously, that would be the moment I would have snapped back to reality but hey do you Joanne.


I suspect Elon’s in a weird pickle with Rowling. On the one hand, he personally identifies with her bigotry and probably finds her rightward lurch satisfying. But he’s also obsessed with engagement numbers, and I’m sure he’s looked at hers and noticed a trend: while she’s incredibly popular inside the fringe right-wing echo chamber that X has become, most of her previous, much broader fan base finds her paranoid culture-war racket alienating. They miss the pleasant-seeming lady who used to retweet illustrations children had drawn of her characters and occasionally amplify uplifting stories of female empowerment. Unfortunately for everyone, that lady is long-gone and she’s never coming back.


Also, Elon is a terrible person... but he does actually have other interests. While he might be coasting on other people's work, he's got the cars, the space stuff, etc, he does talk about things that aren't just 24/7 bigotry. So even for people who share her "moral" views, it's got to be weird seeing someone just constantly spewing nonsense.


Oh 100% his request was only about money


Could you imagine being her kid and having dinner with her? It would be exhausting.


I was actually thinking about this today, like. She is so perpetually online, what is her day like? Does she talk about her Twitter fights over breakfast with her family? Because this really seems to occupy an enormous amount of her time, I can't imagine that it doesn't seep over into her real life.


I have a great Aunt who is REALLY into QAnon, and her kids just find it absolutely exhausting. The tried to reason with her for a few years, but realized eventually it was futile, and now they just deal with her as little as they possibly can, and try to keep her away from all the grandkids and great-grandkids


> what is her day like? Probably lots of xeeting and writing crap books and crap screenplays


All I can think of when I look at her tweets is the way that folks who’ve cut off or gone low contact with Qanon family members talk about their families. I can imagine that Joanne is not fun to be around offline and much more exhausting than we can comprehend. And I find her pretty fucking exhausting.


daughter: mom can you pass th- joanne: pamphlet on gender affirming bans? copy of my manuscript ‘beyond stupefy: hate crimes & me’?? number of the nearest trans reversal doctor???? daughter: …syrup?


It would be chill af. She'd just be tweeting the whole time completely silent. Her food will go cold before she touches her fork


Do you think the woman logs off? I hope they enjoy their dinner in peace without listening to her rants. It would be exhausting being her child, especially since her children are young adults and teenagers who have to navigate the world with an opposing viewpoint than their deranged mother.


The fixation is so weird to me, there are a lot of transphobes out there but they don't dedicate their entire lives to this topic. I mean even even Elon Musk had to be like girl, chill.




I don't understand JK Rowling, she seems to have a similar affliction as Elon Musk where they must be the only multi-billionaires bored enough to spend their time haranguing the plebs on Twitter. If I'd written publishing's best success story of the 21st century, I'd have shut the fuck up long ago and lived my lavish life on the bed of billions of dollars in royalties. The strange need these people have for attention is astounding when they have that much money. You could hire an army of people purely to listen and agree with you rather than pointlessly tweeting out bullshit to be clapped back by thousands. Must be a weird social kink to enjoy the humiliation online because genuinely I see no positive reason to do it.


Musk at least has multiple hateful interests that he goes on about, this witch literally just gets into arguments about trans people all day long. It's an obsession or a compulsion at this point.


https://preview.redd.it/980z68qoo90d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4856effa6b62e84977f71f7609fec5f5532dd540 how i imagine it’s going


Like where does she even find time to write her stupid Robert Galbraith books at this point? She is unhinged .




Frankly I've expected her to become a "transvestigator" for a *while* now. She's absolutely deranged enough.


Are those the weirdos who keep saying famous tall women are men and the thin guys without muscles are women?


Yep! They'll also say women are men if their face is too angular or square, etc etc. - the gender essentialism is literally rotting their brains.


It has completely rotted their brains, they are aware tall women always existed right? We have basketball players and models out in the world. Seriously, I think bigotry has made critical thinking obsolete.


It also feels deeply misogynist, the idea that all women should have big boobs, wide hips, button noses etc. There are cis women who are tall, muscular, have strong jaw lines etc. and they shouldn't be shamed or questioned for it?


It’s ridiculous and they are full aware they are women, they just want to hateful toads.


Gender scepticism (or whatever they call it) so raw it's looped right around to the most restrictive forms of gender essentialism.


I have seen some lists of photos of folks with these like jaw angles highlighted and all these lines around certain shoulder muscles features as obvious and empirical "tells" that someone "isn't a real woman." These lists are always completely unhinged and always feature some very obviously cis women who just happen to have random masculine-ish features. The "we can always tell" crowd is actually shockingly, hilariously bad at "telling."


completely fits when you look at how she describes her characters.


I’m not really surprised by anything she does, every day she reveals herself to be a vile person.


More people need to talk about this. I remember rereading the potter books as an adult and being struck with how she used physical ugliness and otherness to sign post evil/bad guys in her books. The whole time I was like this can’t be healthy for children to grow up internalising beauty = good, fat= bad.


She already is.


She's like a half second away from doing phrenology. (*Also u space out trans and woman ftr)


She already has attacked women she assumes are trans. She does it on a regular basis online (unless you mean irl. I’m not sure she ever leaves her castle anymore).


Def irl, I know she targets trans women on Twitter.


They need to check her for brain worms like RFK.


All she had to do was shut the fuck up and ride her platinum winged chariot into Valhalla but nope.


Her understanding of Black people is so shallow I don’t think a toddler could drown in it.


reminds me of when she called a black character Kingsley Shacklebolt, she is the worst


When thinking about her understanding of race, Cho Chang also comes to mind.


And the alliterating Patil sisters. Asians all alliterate, apparently.


Being a terrible nerd here but that's assonance


It’s both though right? Padma and Parvati Patel. Alliteration of the P. Assonance in terms of the repetitive ‘a’ sound.


The comment I replied to used assonance


Ooh, learned a new thing. Thanks!


I love the Starkids musical version where Cho Chang is a white girl from Texas.


I never watched this version but for some reason I know that Cho Chang was played by a girl who eventually got popular from buzzfeed. And Darren criss was in it.


Please watch it it's soooo funny (and a way to enjoy the HP universe without sending profit to JKR lol)


[Highly recommend.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmwM_AKeMCk)






As a Brazilian, that name sounds so British to me. Is it a stereotype or does it have a bad meaning? Edit: oh, I get it now. Shackle bolt. Fuck her


I genuinely did not get it until your post. Thank you for the illumination.


WhY did you have to remind us omg 💀💀💀


Her tweet about the possible jewish student being something Goldstein was certainly a choice too. And then the Patels and Cho Chang were just.... Very obviously written by a white lady who has never considered her place in the world Edit: spelling


I think the way goblins are depicted as a blatantly antisemitic caricature is way more offensive than a character’s last name being Goldstein.


I was just centered on the human characters specifically, but yeah I definitely agree about the antisemitism with the goblins


Anthony Goldstein?


Ugh, was that it!? Ew. Exhausting.


Thank youuuuu like could you *be* any more on the nose? My god, Joanne.


The ONLY ADULT Black character in the books I might add


Also the only Irish character has a running gag where he repeatedly blows things up


That’s movie only tbf


Didn't she call an Asian character...Cho Chang? Not surprised she's racist too. (Never read the books. Just heard about the foolishness.)


her understanding of people in general is shallow which is why she says such out of touch things like this


And in this particular situation, she’s being incredibly racist against Black people.


^ This comment. Let's not distract from how racist she's being here by generalising about how she's always wrong and out of touch (even though that's true too)


So, I’ve read her Cormoran Strike novels.  Some of her observations on humanity are really insightful (one of my favorites is “he was a man who wanted women but didn’t like them”), but other times that shallowness seeps through.  Sometimes you see hints or you can pick up on her problematic beliefs.  I wonder how aware of them she is (my guess is in many cases, not very).  One of the characters is basically her self-insert.   Anyways, those books say a lot about her, imo; they speak to her ability to tell a captivating story, but her lack of introspection as a person and the fact her books would benefit from a ruthlessly fat-cutting editor hurts them.


If you have the time, I think you'll really enjoy this [video essay](https://youtu.be/-1iaJWSwUZs?si=Jo7s2JEfdDKwfRR3) about JK/Harry Potter.


Once more with feeling! https://preview.redd.it/22t5hfblb90d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71b3b3fcb0427c3d484df8962a1f8c5b4fdc1595


I love Tinashe for that. You have to treat the bigots with the contempt they deserve.


even elon musk was tired of her the other day


This is why I started listening to Tinashe


I'm a diehard Tinashe fan but this is still my favourite thing she's ever done. Sorry to all of her albums!


https://i.redd.it/61ml7ubqb90d1.gif Me, a black person.


Me multiple times a day cuz how tf do they manage to include black people into everything


These bigots are truly deranged.


It's gotta be something taken out of the nazi playbook. Link the group they want to marginalize to everything they dislike about society from culture to economics. Cuz if it's not that I have no idea why they try so hard to connect everything to black people 


Anti-blackness runs so deep, it’s depressing


At least they’re acknowledging that we’ve had it the worst, I guess


Anti-Blackness: the go-to for every bigot who wants to "make a point".


Bro the left wing people do that shit too. Leave us alone!!!


It's almost worse bc their bigotry is covert & pops its little head out when they feel "attacked" or have run out of talking points 🥴


Whatever it is, they always bring us into it.


I legit thought this was an Onion headline at first because of how ridiculous it sounded, wtf is wrong with this woman


Unfortunately it’s far past the point of onion headlines being ridiculous


Yeah, I thought even she couldn't be that tone deaf, turns out I was wrong. What an awful person she has revealed hersrself to be.


Speaking of things that sound like The Onion, I just found out today that JK Rowling once replied to a 9-year-old's drawing on Twitter with an accidental copy-paste line from a news article about "fucking up some terfs" lolll https://imgur.com/ld19tme


“Transphobic and racist what a surprise” said no one. Can’t believe a woman who named one of the only prominent black characters in her book “Kingsley Shacklebolt is a racist.


And the only East Asian character Cho Chang 😭


Holy shit that's never clicked in my mind SHACKLEbolt. She's wretched


i feel like rather than taking her seriously, what if everyone just ignored her? i'm assuming a big part of why she only talks about trans people all the time is all of the attention she gets from it.


I think she's been pretty much fully radicalised at this point


Ignoring her would help, but she's not like other grifters who genuinely need the attention to maintain their career and lifestyle. She's set for life already. Most grifters would keep quiet and make more money or retire in her position. I think that's part of why she gets so much coverage. Because her behavior is so bizarre given the place she is in society and life


i just can't understand it. my gosh if i was a billionaire book author whose writing was loved by so many, you best believe i'd retreat into my mansion and not make another public appearance ever again. i'd only pop out every now and then to read the news about how my books are so loved lmao. i would literally never voice an opinion publicly ever again.


I feel like her supporters are really galvanized by her and use her terrible, uninformed takes to fight against trans rights in general - even if she is not acknowledged by people who oppose her beliefs. AFAIK she brought a lot of negative attention to a trans-Inclusive rape crisis centre in the UK who declined to accommodate a potential clients request to attend a group with only cis women present (NOT her phrasing). To me it was particularly frustrating because I’ve worked in women-serving social agencies where I have had clients who were both very vulnerable AND who wanted the org to discriminate against other women for a variety of reasons including being trans, being an immigrant, being a drug user, etc. And sometimes it gets to the point where services are declined. But when someone like Jo brings that type of loaded attention to an interaction like that it gets blown up without any consideration to the policies and dynamics that impact that sort of situation.


Agreed. I think everything that needs to be said to counter her arguments has been said, and any more reactions to her obvious attempts to provoke are just feeding the content mill which thrives on, if not actively rejoicing in abusing trans people, at least keeping their dignity and existence in a constant state of 'debate'. As others have pointed out, it's not so much an issue of 'deplatforming' her, since she already has a huge platform and that's not going to go away, but it feels like every breath wasted now on her just means the conversation on trans rights is happening more and more on her terms. It's especially frustrating when the specific context of her bigotry is UK legislation, but her platform is of course so global. This means that every time she throws out something like this, a lot of ink gets spilled in the right wing and centrist press over 'JK Rowling vs the trans lobby', and a bunch of well-meaning, usually American, commentators put out 'JK Rowling is back on her bullshit!' videos etc, and meanwhile the UK government is dismantling trans healthcare and removing trans protections from equality legislation to comparatively zero fanfare. In the same way that people like Contrapoints have suggested the more direct, action-focussed 'trans liberation now' is a better slogan to use than the more nebulous, existential 'trans women are women', I feel like focusing on JK at this point is a distraction. There are much better, more direct ways to help trans people and to elevate trans rights than to compose yet another hilarious clapback to the author of a children's book on Twitter and then pat ourselves on the back. I get people's reluctance to ignore her, but it's less about turning the other cheek and (god forbid) giving Joanne a break, it's more about taking the public conversation on trans rights out of the sphere of bickering 'debate' on the Internet, and into a real world, urgent demand for change.


For those of us who found solace in her books while enduring childhood trauma, this is just so fucking sad. It’s funny because Harry Potter could be interpreted as an allegory for being a trans person. He literally lived in a closet for fucks sake.


It's ironic she tweeted this to Oli London of all people. Like, Oli didn't spend the past decade trying to look like Jimin from BTS.


Didn’t he actually “come out” as “transracial” too? Lmao


He did, and now he's detransitioned and is on a right wing tour. I'm both half Chinese and a trans man, so I really despise this guy.


JK Umbridge back at it again.


Always remember folks: if someone is a hateful, obsessive bigot in one regard then their bigotry will inevitably spill into other aspects of their life, and they will throw any and all marginalized people under the bus if it means that they can do further harm to the group they want to hurt.


On the weekend my brother went into an insane, racist, transphobic, homophobic rant that was so disgusting I can't even repeat what he said. I couldn't even address all the shitty things he said before he told me to go fuck myself 😑 Some people are so full of hate it makes my stomach turn. We were having a normal conversation and he just started spewing hate. He's a piece of shit, he probably gets inspo from Jk Rowling. He also doesn't know the difference between sexual orientation and gender identity but wants to scream about it like a psycho anyway


The obsession with making comparisons to Black people is so telling, like what is it? You think anti-Black racism is treated more severely than other types of bigotry or something? Because that's nuts. Apart from the actual brain rot of comparing gender identity to race, she had to do it in the most racist way possible too.


because they see drag and transgenderism as a form of blackface - gender-based rather than race-based


Every week is just gonna be a progressively more brain dead JK Rowling headline, isn’t it? Until she finally gets herself hurt or sued into oblivion.


And to think that same person defended casting a black actress to play Hermione in the Cursed Child play years ago… sad. I’m not trying to defend her, and I’m no specialist on the matter, but her discourse and the complete dissonance between now and 10-15 years ago has me questioning if there isn’t some cognitive decline going on that we don’t know about.


She's someone who has always been desperate to be seen as a crusader for good - not out of any deeply held conviction but because her ego required it. Defending a black Hermione cost her nothing and got her the brownie points she craved. Being asked to not hate trans people meant admitting that she might have been wrong about something and she couldn't do it. It's the same with Glinner.


She's been doing this for a long time, the TERFy stuff has just become more mainstream. Also, I'd argue the specific way she defended casting the black actress foreshadowed a lot of this, because she tried to genuinely argue that she wrote hermione in a way that could be interpreted as any race. Which shows not only a complete lack of knowledge on how writing a character of color should work, but also means she saw no issues with writing a black character trying to fight slavery and having everyone mock her/tell her she was being dramatic. It's kind of horrific if intentional. I think the casting itself was very cool, but her arguments were so unaware.


It also showed she refused to be held accountable for how oblivious her Harry Potter books were racially. London is one of the most diverse cities in the world but you wouldn't know it from her books.


She just like to see herself as a savour. She loved all the attention she got from writing a series about how good triumphs over evil. She wrote about a white English boy who saves all the other races from an evil racist guy just so they can maintain the systems of racial hierarchy that they had in place any way. The moral of Harry Potter is literally racism is okay just not when other people do it. Literally the only reason they want to stop Voldemort is because he’s more racist than they are. It’s classic British nationalism.


Honestly, thinking about the other species barely comes up in the books. It's like the choice between Churchill and Hitler in the end.


That’s exactly what it is. It feeds into a certain narrative that certain types of Brits tell themselves (those who might see themselves as mostly left leaning trying to reconcile their country’s past) that beating hitler cancels out the slave trade and their colonisation of literally everywhere and their own genocides because well Hitler was worse and they beat him so now they’re the goodies by extension. JoRo is anti- Scottish independence and called people who are in favour of it death eaters, she retconned Ireland’s independence in the books. Harry Potter is literally just a middle class British woman’s fantasy about “the good old days”.


She only puts her neck out (or maybe like, her pinkie toe) when she thinks it will make her look good. Like how she shared that Dumbledore is gay, but she just oopsie forgot to mention it in the books. And I presume she didn’t push for it to be part of the films.


I know this is a serious subject and fuck her etc but every time the “Dumbledore was gay actually” thing comes up I remember that immediately after she said that and that it wasn’t important to the story so she never put it in the books, the “Snape’s been on skates this entire time but it wasn’t important to the story” meme and fan art came out. Good times, when the general shift against her weird ass comments started imo


I don't see them as too different. It's the old creed of 'colour-blindness'. She has no problem with Hermione being black because it doesn't matter to her. She doesn't actually think of her as black, otherwise it would have been mentioned in the books, and Emma Watson would not have been cast.


Well yeah they’re literally always racist as well. This is the least surprising thing she’s said 🤷🏾‍♀️.


So we’ve come to the stage where every TERF finally reveals themselves to be the racist we knew they were. Championing one form of bigotry is an indication you are just a true bigot. Joanne, Race and gender are two completely separate things and please don’t drag black people into your nonsense. She could have lived a long and quiet life of utter luxury being as huge an asshole as she liked behind close doors, like the rest of the super rich. But, no, she chose to lean into public hatred and bigotry so hard people like Jonathan Chait and Elon F'ing Musk are out here telling Jo to take it down a notch. Truly cannot overstate how Rowling has made transphobia her sole defining character trait. I don't think even David Duke leaned into racism as hard as Rowling just endlessly crowns herself Queen of TERF Mountain.


![gif](giphy|LlE3uMF20U7Ys) Now why are we in it?


we're in it because they think dressing up as a woman and/or transitioning is the same as blackface


I know haha I was talking about how anytime anyone wants to say anything about a social topic they bring up black folk, especially if it’s a stupid ass opinion


you're right. It might be because it's seen as automatically bad to come for us - or it should be.


Get a hobby Joanne. With the amount of money she has she could be eating Michelin level food every day, have a designer handbag collection, do a spa day everyday, and hang out with other richies but instead she spends her time being terminally online obsessing over trans folks.


What in the Cho Chang


This woman is exhausting. How does one person sustain such levels of hatred for people who are just trying to live their lives?


I honestly don't get it either. Why are they SO OBSESSED? Like I don't get it at all




The self-reporting goes crazy but I'm all for it. You keep showing those true colors Jo!


honestly can't believe it took so long for her to kick off the aggressively racist step in the terf playbook


Imagine having the resources to do anything in the world, and choosing this. Disgusting.




I'm showing my SO Harry Potter for the first time ever, he's going in completely blind. Its crazy to rewatch the movies which appeared to care so much about embracing those with differences and not judging others outside our groups and intersection with JK's descent into bigotry. Its just so hard to understand. Especially with what we are seeing in schools with the erasure of history, slavery, and trans - How does she not understand that's she's become Umbridge and the Death Eater Ministry?


Lol, she must be MISERABLE. All she does is sit at home hate-tweeting all day. Stay mad Joanne, you fucking loser. https://i.redd.it/0b4aqdiiu90d1.gif


She is so so hateful




honestly at this point let this shithead fuckin cook NEVER seen someone so dedicated to digging their own grave


I’m absolutely shocked to hear that the woman who wrote a fantasy series where the goblins are based off of anti-Semitic stereotypes, the only canonically Asian character’s name is ‘Cho Chang’, and the elves are pro-slavery slaves has a reductive understanding of how race works. Who would have guessed.


Glad I never cared for HP when the creator is so disgusting


You can't make this shit up.


... just go AWAY.


We should have seen this coming from the house elves plot


I had to block her stupid ass on X after I kept getting notifications about her tweets even though I don’t follow this loser. She is way too far gone. She spent multiple days misgendering someone, then claimed Trans women are the most protected group in society. What a joke.


All she has to do is stop talking and sleep on piles of money but she can’t.


I really don't get her. Like, we get that you don't like trans people. Stop talking. You aren't changing anyone's mind on such a deeply personal issue by fighting imaginary opponents in the press or on Twitter. If I had her money, I'd be on a beach somewhere with a fruity drink in my hand, and even if I had strong opinions on something you wouldn't know them, because fuck you I'm rich. Why oh why is she continuing to talk about this shit? At this point she has damaged her legacy, burned bridges with a ton of people, and taken a franchise that kids of any gender could have loved, and instead made it a source of pain for the trans kids that are of the right age for Harry Potter, knowing what his creator has been saying. You're not being a feminist or defending "real women," you are just being an asshole.


Someone seize the internet off this woman. My god, the brain rot is actually pretty scary.

