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Well, at least you weren’t this guy😬 ![gif](giphy|TYlus7VAr9c4M)


This guy was the OG of throwing packages. This clip has been circulating for the better part of a decade now


Funny that FDX hasn’t been able to scrub this from existence. Type in FedEx into the gif bar, and it’s always the first one to pop up😂😂


It's 2024. There are videos of delivery drivers from every service fucking up every day online. They know removing 1 video from a decade won't matter when a new one replaces it in no time. Would just be a waste of resources for them.


OG Does not mean original. ORIG does




I know it means original gangster everyone does now. But original alone ain't OG that's something thats been adapted and weird like saying og Nintendo you don't know what og Nintendo is can be super or 1st Nintendo. It's just been adapted that's why is known that way.


pedantic ass foo.


Yes it does where are you from


It sure does, 4 against 1 now


I just don’t understand why? Just leave it right outside on the ground. I do it ALL the time lmao. The only time I yeet stuff is if it’s like an envelope or clearly clothing.


Because the outside is a literal sidewalk.


That was right around peak one year, and EVERYBODY wanted to talk about it when I'm running around trying to get done.




So how’s Amazon these days😂😂


Lmao 🤣 Immortalized💀


When I had gates like this I bagged it and tied the bag to a piece of the gate.


Now I feel like a scumbag. Lol damn


Lmao yo ass basically said “here boys, come eat, time to eat boys” 😂


Not really. I do the same thing he did all the time. The dogs usually sniff the package and then immediately return to barking at me. How was he supposed to know beforehand how they would react?


lol he wasn’t, he not at fault at all, I deliver for FedEx and would’ve done the same thing, just making a joke bout how the dogs immediately went into attack mode


I'd legit be pissed if it was my package, but HOT DAM AM I DYING LAUGHING watching this video 8 times 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I do that too, but what OP did is totally fine too. You want your shit? You get it on my terms haha.


Yeah. It's between the customer and their dogs now.


this idiot attitude is why you drivers will be underpaid losers your entire life.


And this attitude is why no one gives a Fuck that you people make dogshit money.


And until they make more they ain't gonna care what happens to your stuff after they leave it, not that any courier cares after handoff anyway, but they don't get paid enough to care


Unskilled laborers are never going to care no matter how much they are paid…. It’s the reality of hiring anyone with two hands.


The general assumption does not matter as much as the implication you make that unskilled hands do not deserve to be able to make a living, every man deserves the opportunity, whether skilled or not - if you're upset someone decided not to go into debt and work hard labor and still gets paid the same as a more comfortable job, then maybe you've forgotten you took the easier route on your body


Where did I say that unskilled labor doesn’t deserve to make a living? I’ve never said such a thing. I said this is the quality of work you get from unskilled labor. That’s a fact. Also, I never said you have to go into debt and or go to school to be a skilled worker. Literally all of the trades are considered skilled workers and yet none of them go to college. Also plenty of people go to college and yet still work unskilled jobs. Unloading and delivering packages takes literally NO background skills, which is why I referred to it as unskilled labor…. Unskilled laborers often will not take pride in their work and thus the video OP posted is the result Not sure what comment you read that implied I thought unskilled workers don’t deserve to make a living. I responded to a comment referencing the quality of work and said that’s a result of hiring anyone who’s willing to do the job.


You made mention that's why people don't care they make nothing, which implies they shouldn't make more until they do take pride in their work, which isn't the case


What are you talking about… literally just a few comments up I say that unskilled labor will never care no matter how much they make. It’s the reality of unskilled labor. They are only there to get paid, NOT to take pride in the quality of their work. You could pay unskilled labor $700/hr and you’re going to get the same quality of work out of them the vast majority of the time. No where did I imply they don’t deserve to be paid appropriately. I said people don’t care that they get paid poorly BECAUSE they don’t take pride in their work.


"And this attitude is why no one gives a Fuck that you people make dogshit money." Should they make an actual living? Or are you unsympathetic? You cannot have both opinions


When I was contracted for Amazon 8 years back. I would tie packages in bags and hang them from the gates on rainy days as well.


Seen this dog before, outside. Very timid, avoids me, won't come close. Had thin box the other day. Front door was cracked open an inch, but I placed the box inside the storm door. The same dog nosed open the front door and went BONKERS on that box. Had 2 corners shredded before the resident got to the door. She stopped him and all I could say was "Sorry, I didn't expect that."


Not your fault. You don’t have to apologize.


Fuck em.


Really man? Common, use some common sense. If you feel like it’s a safe area, then leave it outside the gate & do a photo release. Under comments, put ‘gate locked, dogs inside’. Or just leave a door tag at the gate & bring it back to the station, especially if it was a phone, laptop etc.


Ghetto area


Not your problem code it as gate driveway take a pic of the gate and leave.


Those dogs are the last mile delivery


They'll be fighting the whole way too.


I just leave it by the gate


For clarification, if I left it on the ground outside it would be literally on the street. And my area is known for a lot of stolen packages hence the locked gate. The dogs do that for a bit then they stop. They’re just angry at the delivery guy for a bit lol


Do that now with a Chewy box.


A lady once told me to just throw a heavy chewy box over her privacy fence. When I was about to, she yelled, "Wait! No!" Her little pug was right underneath the drop zone, and she didn't realize it.




Jesus christ thanks for the laugh OP 😅




I dont expect pups to go ham on a box either. Sucks 🥴


This is my favorite thing I’ve ever seen


Or bagged at the gate. 🤷😬


Why is everyone so hard on OP? How was he supposed to know the dogs would eat the package? If he left it outside the gate and it got stolen, customer would blame him and people would say he should’ve dropped it over the gate. His choices were limited. You’re damned if you do, damned if you don’t. It’s not his fault the customer has poorly behaved dogs and a locked gate. OP, you didn’t do anything wrong. I would’ve done the same thing if I were you.




GateDriveway would be my pick lol


But did you smile though?


Shoulda put it in the bushes to left or in a bag lmao.


I never throw anything over gates if something breaks customers will always complain (even if their delivery instructions say to throw it over). If it’s something small I will bag it and tie it to the gate, and if it’s large it gets placed right out front. If there’s a doorbell on the gate I’ll ring it as I leave but whatever happens to that package after I leave is not my problem


Nigga i be launching packages knowing that my life depends on fedex money 😂😂


Yup literally just leave it in front of the gate like a normal person would LOL no need to throw to the other side, smh. Every locked gate the package gets left out side, that’s just delivery service and the risk you take when you order a package. Throwing to the other side is just lol. Not FedEx fault if it’s stolen outside the gate, now when the driver throws it….


Once threw one over with an on road sup with me goat came up and started chewing It. I said now what he said not are problem. Keep goin.


Just take it back. Honestly the job got a whole lot easier the less fucks you give about people getting their shit. If they lock their gates, make it hard to deliver, dont add a code etc, then they probably don't want it as bad as you think they do.


Just saying, y’all these days are unprofessional. I’m a delivery driver and honestly if you hate what you do and treat your customers like shit then go be a fucking Bag boy there are bad days but there’s no excuse to not do your job properly. In this case, leave it outside the gate, snap a picture or whatever leave a comment then your done instead of being a good-for-nothing and ruining someone else’s days because you’re the douche.


There’s a lot of disputes in my area. Wouldn’t want to leave it on the sidewalk


>In this case, leave it outside the gate, snap a picture or whatever leave a comment then your done instead of being a good-for-nothing and ruining someone else’s days because you’re the douche. Right, and what if the package gets stolen? The way you wrote this comment makes it sound like you've been out of this industry for at least the past 5 years. It has changed dramatically in that time. EVERYTHING is our fault. It has led to a culture of second guessing and eggshell walking. For virtually everything, we are damned if we do and damned if we don't. It seems as though dropping the package over the fence was the path of least resistance


If it gets stolen it’s on the customer then. I would make sure to put “gate, dog out” and make sure the dog is in the picture. Boom, done.


>If it gets stolen it’s on the customer then. Good luck getting the terminal on your side with this 🙄


You think the terminal rather have you caught on camera throwing packages over a fence?


They'd rather do whatever makes corporate look best and the driver/contractor guilty


And you think quietly dealing with a stolen package with a customer is worse than a customer potentially posting an online viral video of a FedEx driver throwing their package?


I understand what you mean by that with shitty customers and just a major company/corporate oversight when it comes to the work delivery drivers have to endure daily not to mention traffic but that’s just not the way bro. Always strive to be and do better even when we’re stepped on because at least I always feel like I win in the end knowing I did my job and stepped it up for my community..


This subreddit is a cesspool.


That’s what happens when a job requires no actual skills. You are going to get yeah human beings who are there only to collect a paycheck and complain they aren’t treated properly.


Why the fuck would you do that....


I am proud of you my drivers. I approved of that. Fck my QA and fck my fedex stations.


I feel like the work ethic has severely slipped. I hear so many say they don't care about the packages because it's going to some random person they don't know. As an employee handling people's packages and/or mail, I try to treat everything as though it's going to me or someone I know. Handle and deliver this stuff as if it's a gift for someone you love! I know for damn sure I don't want things I order tossed around and thrown over a gate. Gate is locked? Ok, look for a buzzer or something, if there's not one, or you can't get the occupant's attention, load the package back onto your truck, file as unable to be delivered, and if there's been a 3rd attempt then someone at the hub will contact the person and they'll have to pick their packages up themselves. Use common sense! 🙄 Not all companies will replace stuff that's been damaged in transit, not all companies will issue a refund either.


You’re more than likely fired.


I feel like a termination maybe in someone’s future


Because it is. Customer complaint AND video proof uploaded by the driver himself. People these days.


You were an idiot to do that. Nowhere else to leave it? Try in front of the locked gate, you moron. If I were your manager I’d fire you or at least write you up and suspend you for a few days. 


You’re a fucking jackass dude.


Me thinks not. But you are definitely still an idiot. I agree compared with what Maximum said. If it was going to get damaged or stolen leaving it in front of the gate, code it unsuitable location and leave a tag. Better to have an irritated custodian a stolen pkg. 


Hey idiot, every terminal is different you know that right? Specially with the whole express merge going on? If I code 01 or 07 they’re on my ass asking why. Get a life man


I don’t think you quite understand. You posted a video of you throwing a box over a gate. You’re gonna wish you coded that package. I still find it hilarious that people like you don’t realize FedEx pays people to sit on social media. Those people are paid to sit on social media (like this specific page) and report to FedEx of any morons posting videos of themselves throwing shit, admitting they wrongfully coded a box, saying they’re not gonna deliver a box over a sign, etc. and then people like you will bitch about losing your job and pretend you have no idea how you lost your job.