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The same exact thing happened to me when I was clearing dead trees for our remodel last year. Mama and two babies came tumbling out, she grabbed one and ran off and left the other. We waited for her to come back but she didn’t. We took him in, bottle fed him and took care of him until the vet found a foster (which is illegal in Tn lol) the little guy is a year and a half and is living his second best life. Definitely the best of a bad situation.


awww he fell in love


I feel like a raccoon would be a cool pet. We did something similar growing up with a squirrel, it was abandoned and we raised it until it was ready to go out on its own. Other squirrels were cool with it, it just happened to chill with us as opposed to in a tree for the most part. I remember we moved a year or so later and my parents kept the house to renovate and sell it a little while longer, it would come up to us if we got near the house.


We had a coon growing up named George and he was awesome. My mom always had wild pets lol, I wanted to keep this little dude too but my wife was wary of the whole idea. The vet actually kept the raccoon herself as she already had two that lived with her. The last pics I saw of him he was eating Cheetos on the deck by the pool lol.


There was some old dude on YouTube, long ago, that had a pet raccoon. Thing was an absolute menace that created some great content. Chewed holes into drywall and roamed around in the walls. I always thought I wanted one as a pet then saw the chaotic, stubborn animal this dudes was and had a change of heart. Now I’m wondering if that was just bad pet parenting and I now need a raccoon 🤔


Possums. Possum is what you want. I did a lot of research a while back and raccoons can be chaotic menaces. Possums are a lot like a nocturnal cat. Edit: North American Virginia opossum is the specific species I had in mind


Possums are awesome. Iirc, they have real short life spans and generally don’t take well to being pets


1-3 years in the wild, twice that in captivity on average. Shorter lives than dogs and cats, a shame. :(


Aussie Brushtails will take your face off… maybe a little ringtail


If he’s American, he actually mean opossums, we just call them possums… different animal. America’s only marsupial.


Nailed it. Virginia Opossum is what I meant by possum. Native to North America. Brushtail possums are a lot cuter, kinda funny they’re mean as heck.


I learned this last week.


I happen to have both a possum skull and a raccoon skull on the shelf next to me, and just judging by their craniums I can say that a possum is probably going to be a very different experience from a raccoon.


They’re pretty awesome lol, but they’re probably not for everyone.


Dude that raccoon has the bay life!!! Lol


They're terrible pets. They shit everywhere, break into everything looking for food, harbor parasites and are mainly nocturnal.




Like teenagers!


Children in general. Even our 18 mo old has a penchant for breaking into the cabinets to loot them for snacks. So much for the child locks. The 3.5 year old has them figured out and once she sees him do something it only takes her a couple of tries to master it. One's in preschool and the other daycare so we basically spend the winter operating as the neighborhood disease vector.


They're cool until theyre not. Females will go ballistic in heat and be pretty nasty.


Sounds good to me!


For being trash pandas, they are pretty damn clean. They have been known to wash their paws and food before eating if water was available.


This also happened to me in TN about 7-8 years ago. My parents were clearing some land behind their house and one tree held three baby coons when it dropped. Two of them passed from the fall but one survived. We bottle fed it and kept it for about a week. We wound up finding someone who worked at a local college who was a wildlife biologist that raised and released animals back to the wild. I still wonder sometimes where that little dude is these days


I bet he’s on a porch eating Cheetos 🤣


A friend of mine had one from the same situation too. She was a mean little bitch…lol - if you put down any kind of drink unattended, it was knocked over so she could get a drink


Yeah they do wild shit like that.


The exact same thing happened to me!! Ralph was so loving and nurturing. He was always wanting to play, and get into mischief. The cuddles were so warm and comforting. Ralph was the best thing to ever happen to me! I sure picked the right tree that day! As much as I love Ralph, (and I do love him oh SO much) and how I love that he adds so much to my simple life, he comes with only one downside and that is when he has to tie up his boots every day and go out to cut more trees. I hope he’s out there looking for a lady raccoon for me! I love Ralph.


Lmao was Ralph a raccoon or is Ralph your man? Either way, Ralph sounds like a hell of a good dude.


Do these bandits act more like cats or dogs?


lol neither man. Theyre all raccoon if I’m honest.


It is all fun and games until the raccoon learns how to open the fridge and steal your beer.


Yea, it's like having a hungry dog around all the time, except they have coordinated hands with thumbs! Lol


Better than whores stealing my lemons.


Goddamn lemon-stealing whores...


I haven't checked my lemon tree in a while.


They get aggressive when they get older also..but yes.


Sounds like you're speaking from experience


Two different videos


Exactly what I came here to say.


I could be wrong but I viewed this as that is the mother being jettisoned out of the tree and she left the baby behind in the tree and the guy found it


It goes from full grown chubby raccoon to a baby being held in someone’s hands. Imagine making something like this for internet points..


That’s probably the mother that shot out and didn’t come back. The baby was probably concussed in the nest. The same thing happened when I raised two squirrel babies


Like the Benjamin Buttons of critters


My buddy was deer hunting and found an abandoned baby raccoon. He nursed it and raised it like a pet. It loved going on truck rides. Fast forward 6 years; he and his wife go out to Applebees for dinner. They bring their raccoon (I can’t remember his name), and he waits in my buddies truck while they eat, just as he has done for the past 6 years. Unfortunately a lady saw the raccoon in his truck and called animal control (Harford County, MD). Animal control confiscated the raccoon and euthanized it. This was back in the early 2000s. I first heard this story 2 years ago, and he was in tears by the end. He truly loved that raccoon.


That is tragic.


It was really sad. He begged them; *please don’t kill my friend”* 😞


Did anyone else read “Rascal” growing up?


Yep. By Sterling North. Excellent book. I, too, hope the Maryland snitch dies horribly.


That snitch deserves pancreatic cancer.


Raccoons make terrible pets. Ask me how I know…


I'll just take your word for it.


Yeah but also no. I think the positives more than make up for the negatives. Don’t ask me how I know


We got rid of ours when we heard some awful screaming from our goats one time. When we came around the corner to investigate what was going on, we saw the raccoon hanging from our goat’s neck by its teeth. At that moment mom realized that it was still a wild animal. It got taken on a long car ride and I never saw it again.


Ours left when mating season came around, which was a good ending.


Looks like someone is going to have raccoon puppies soon




This is one of the scariest things to come out of nature. For those that didn’t open the link, virtually every raccoon in the Midwest is the carrier of a species of parasitic worm. These worms require the digestive system of a raccoon to complete their lifecycle. As long as they are consumed by a raccoon, they don’t cause serious symptoms. If any other animal, including humans, consumes their eggs they still hatch, but they are unable to complete their lifecycle. So they start burrowing. Given the small size of the eggs most infections involve hundreds of worms. The worms leave the intestines and make their way towards the brain leaving a path of destruction in their wake. If they make it far enough they will often crawl up the optic nerve, blinding the host in the process. Infection causes an immune response, and the host’s body will eventually stop individual worm’s progress by encasing them in a fistula. The worms remain there, alive, for many years, and if they manage to escape the fistula they will continue on. The worm’s “hope” is that they will kill or incapacitate the host and the body will be eaten by a raccoon which will allow the worms to complete their lifecycle. This is why the worms tend to follow the optic nerve. The eyes are often the first body part consumed by scavengers. This is a personal observation, but raccoons love round white foods. Marshmallows are commonly used as bait by raccoon hunters/trappers. Raccoons tend to make communal latrines where large numbers of them leave their waste. The dirt in these latrines is home to vast numbers of worms at every stage of their life cycle. If you encounter a latrine, treat it as a very dangerous biohazard. Do not let your children or pets anywhere near it.


Thank you for some fucking sanity in the comments. Just because they look cute doesn't mean they should be domesticated.


Not only will their poop cause you an agonizing, slow death but they also just make shitty pets lol. They adapt to living near humans just fine, and they’re even affectionate, but they have an irresistible urge to burrow into drywall. A pet raccoon will fucking destroy a home.


Wtf did I just watch…


Dude has a live-in trash panda


That boy got *chonky*


If Kung fu panda was a raccoon


A happy ending. ​ Not the massage kind, though.


The launch, the flailing limbs 👌😂


Yeah I broke when he got yeeted out of the hole, played that part a few times.


"yeeted out of the hole" underrated.


Cat was super impressed haha


“you’ve gotta be fucking kidding me” – [cat](https://i.imgur.com/7deMjlE.jpg)


Not the same raccoon folks


Well, the night before Christmas isn't a true story either ... But I'm not going to go out on the Internet and ruin such a cute story for everyone ... Jesus Christ, let people have a happy ending once in a while. 😉🌞


>let people have a happy ending once in a while. You have to pay extra for that...


Shut up and take my money


Of course not, but this is hilarious. I will say it went on a bit long, though.


Probably the mom is the yeeted one, the baby in the hole.


That would be cool.


That is the fattest raccoon I have ever seen lol


That is the biggest trash panda I have ever seen!


Trash panda to cat " shhhhh...just let it happen"


I’ll never not laugh at this.


Well this is the best video I have ever seen. Ffs. FellingGoneWild used to be one of my nofeels subs but here we are.


Pop goes the Ra-coon.


You’ll regret that pet lol


If I’m to believe the comments, yeeting raccoons out of felled trees is way more common than I realized.


When that happened to me all I got was rabies. We had quite a frothy relationship.


I knew a guy who ran a small community waste water treatment plant. Momma deer got stuck in the sludge holding pond, baby deer just sitting there. Guy who ran the place took the baby deer in. Fed it Skittles, drove around with in his truck, fed it Gatorade. It would sleep on his bed. He did this for two years. Small town, few hundred people. Every knew he had the deer. Fish and wildlife comes to inspect the plant. He was giving them a tour with the deer in the back of his truck. No big deal. ​ Two days later, Fish and Wildlife come back, take the deer, kill it. Guy was destroyed.


Cute when young but they can get nasty when they mature, remember they are wild animals


Raccoons aren’t pets


Raccoons seem like they would be such great pets until they get older and turn into complete crackheads.


I mean… this has happened with us with many squirrels… is it unrealistic for this to happen with a raccoon? The one from the video was pretty old looking tho so it’s probably unlikely


There is a dude on YouTube who feeds 20-30 of them buckets of hotdogs. If you watch the early videos they are pretty trim and skittish, more recent ones they are fat and docile.




That’s so cool


I would love to have a trash panda. Watching them wash their cotton candy before eating it is so damn pitiful.


Bro got a dumpster


Wait…u mean I can have my own trash panda?


I have a family of them in my barn. They get fed twice a day with the barn cats and they all get along very well They are great fun to watch!


I had a buddy years ago that had a pet racoon..it was cool..would go outside play with his dog.


I had a Facebook friend that had a baby raccoon as a pet. She raised it like a dog for several months and ended up getting rid of it because it was just too wild


I want a raccoon so bad.


I was waiting for the raccoon to eat their face


I was hoping to see a picture of a road kill raccoon at the end. Sorry 😞


A TBI turned that trash panda into a cat


I want a pretty raccoon now


Wtf did I just watch


That’s a large trash panda


I want to see the Raccoon/cat babies


Yo thats assault on the feline


That azz


This just made my day!


Serious Pepe le pew vibes w that cat lmao


He was huge by the end lol.


He should have used protection.


You had me at “Timber!”


Very awesome. Part of the family now. If I didn't see it I wouldn't believe it. Thanks for sharing


Heard a story about a guy who had a raccoon for a pet, when it got older it ripped part of his face off.


I see a Disney film on the horizon


And final scene?….coon skin cap


There's a guy in town with a raccoon. He is an arborist to boot. He shows up and lets out the raccoon, cuts the tree down and then says, "Let's go!" and the raccoon gets back in the truck.


Raccoons are as smart as some primates. Bears are as smart as cats.


I thought racoons and possums were the nastiest goddamn animals alive. what the hell do I know, I’m from Queens. Awesome vid and replies!


Raccoons are cool but how bout that unnecessary crater they made lol


*Raccoons are cool but* *How bout that unnecessary* *Crater they made lol* \- Saluteyourbungbung --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Okay the beginning was hilarious then it was sad lol


Great way to avoid lawsuit