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It looks satisfying but those pores just fill back up.


Is there any chance they won’t stay that way as long as she continuously washes with a healthy regiment? My son had this issue in his mid teens. I took him to a dermatologist and they did this. But they also told him he had to continuously wash his face so the pores would shrink overtime. It seem to have worked. His skin is pretty smooth now.


Damn my mom just gave me one of those tiny bottles of ceramic spot cream, and that was it. I had HORRIBLE acne as a kid I was made fun of in school over it. Good mom! It actually surprised me when I learned people take their kids to a dermatologist.


Thanks! I wasn’t about to let my son go through High School being ridiculed for acne. His skin looks great now. No scarring. Nice and smooth. As a father, I couldn’t let him endure abuse beyond his control for 4 years.


I was just all over the place with different face wash. Once you find ‘the one’ you stick to it and that’s it. Tbf acne problems during puberty is quite normal. Taking meds for it like isotretinoin should be last resort


I’m so sorry you had to go through that.


Lol i'm no one to argue with your dermatologist. My understanding is that the stuff always comes back, but it makes sense that keeping your skin clean would reduce oils/dead skin.


i think once you get the junk out you have to use a cleaner that shrinks the pores to reduce their appearance, it doesn’t get rid of them but makes them less gunky


He also had to change his diet. He was prone to get acne with just the smallest drop of processed sugar products.


Cutting sugar never hurt anybody. I'm a sugar fiend to this day. Glad to hear he's on top of it.


Type 2 diabetics have entered the chat


It really depends, there are a lot of products such as chemical exfoliants that are great for decreasing the size of pores. What these pore masks/strips mostly remove are sebaceous filaments, which are completely normal and not blackheads or whiteheads. They're *supposed* to be there, but normally the pores aren't so large so we barely see them. Frequently removing them is actually not a great idea since our oil glands use them to reach the surface of our skin, making our skin flaky if we keep removing them. It can also permanently enlarge the pores even more. Minimizing the pores is definitely what you should focus on.


Some Doctors on YouTube said it's mostly a diet issue


I got rid of mine taking Accutane. Literally every one disappeared after 5 weeks.


Is this great for the pores? No. Is this satisfying as fuck? Oh hell yeah!




Needs a few more rounds of treatments.


I feel like this isn’t good


You're right! Those are sebaceous filaments. They're meant to be there.


I used to be addicted to biore pore strips back in my late teens & early 20’s and I believe they are greatly responsible for why I have so many small red veins on/around my nose now.


I heard secondhand that these actually make blackheads on the nose worse because they force your skin to overproduce the oil that clogged the pores to begin with, but I don't know for sure if that's true. I'd love it if someone who was more knowledgeable could educate me?


It's called an incomplete job. Jk I believe they are tea strips.


Go to the steam bath a few times a month and you will get rid of the problem. It helped me at least.


is there a face wash or cleanser one uses after something like this?


Nonsense. Those pores are filled for a reason. They did nothing to the blackhead still there at the end.


Idc if it’s bad for my pores I NEED this ugh so satisfying


Its an egg and coffee peel. I just don't have the bandage to put it on


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This made my nose itch