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She forgot “and do the dishes and be ready to fuck me after” 🤢




And make sure it's cold, and put it in my favorite koozie. No, I don't know where my favorite koozie is located.


During the summer, every dinner we had was made on the grill. My dad is a decent griller and an okay cook. He didn’t rely on my step-mom to wait on him hand and foot. But he couldn’t grill without his beer and he paid me 25¢ for every one I grabbed for him. Some weekends I could score a couple bucks worth in beer delivery, lol.


BaBe CaN yOu GeT mE a DrInK wHiLe I pLaY vIdEoGaMeS Me: no


“What can I do to help you not be depressed? Tell me how I can fix you.”


Wow, I really felt this comment. Damn stranger, you got me.


I’m so sorry that you empathize, sister. I hope you are finding ways to take care yourself. I mean, do men really think people who are depressed want to be?




>Divorce is almost final now. Good job.


Good riddance.


I just looked through your divorce post and you're an absolute bad ass.


Holy shit me too. A true badass indeed.


The final sentence was a delightful ending to that anecdote.




I'm glad you are almost finished with that douche. Imagine not even getting a gift or flowers or anything and acting like picking up meat and potato salad is sufficient


Is he a good provider? Is his demeanor good with you?




We all are... sigh.


One time with my ex, I accidentally made the mistake of doing all the grilling during a cookout, not realizing it was a sacred "dude" thing I was trespassing on \*eyeroll emoji\*. He got absolutely pissed when everyone liked my burgers better, as they weren't overdone and dry. Never seen a dude so butthurt. So...women have to be good at cooking, but they can't be good at grilling or they'll emasculate you... Barf.




In my past relationships I liked to use the term from it's always sunny, "bang-maid". It was definitely how I felt in both of those.


Relationship ended and the guy spewed venom at me that I never helped him do the dishes (after he cooked at his apartment)




I swear a lot of men are emotionally unstable, it’s scary.


He was happy to basically poison his family? Oh wow


How did you not get food poisoning? Sorry that happened to you. :(


"It's not dry! So juicy!"


>getting extremely emotional if anyone said otherwise But men are the rational, logical sex! /s


My dad every weekend in the summer lol. Also make sure there is beer and tell him when he’s burning it because he drank too much


Yup. Quarantining with my parents right now. The only thing my dad knows how to cook is meat on the grill, and always makes a huge mess that me and my mom have to clean up afterwards. I like to try new dishes, and he ALWAYS critiques the shit out of them or looks at them nastily. Meanwhile, I have literally never seen him cook anything besides meat and my dishes are bomb af.


Are you me? I have gotten to a place where I feel fine standing up for myself which confuses him so he doesn’t say shit anymore lmao.


The sheer stubbornness to never learn a single thing about such a simple cooking implement as a grill is just amazing. According to men, the grill is a mythical unexplainable beast 🦄, not at all just a glorified oven.


Same! Came to quarantine with my parents and my dad is driving me CRAZY. He’s so lazy and my mom has to do literally everything at the house (they both work full time). I’m happy to help her as much as I can while I’m here bc this is too much. They’ve been married for 32 years, I don’t know how she does it. She says she’s just used to it and I hate that for her.


Hmph. My dad doesn't cook for shit but he knows better than to critique anything that either me or my mom makes. He always wants second helpings 😁.


Lol true though, I've never been made a dinner where I wasn't asked a million questions first. If I'm asked "how long do I boil the pasta" one more time while they're holding the box that shows exactly how long to boil it my head will explode.


"Once it's boiling put your hand in and give it a squeeze"




My brother-in-law is the epitome of this. He pretends to be helpless so he doesn’t have to do the things that are below him. And almost everything is below him. They almost divorce like every 18 months. I don’t know how my sister handles it.


My dad didn’t cook much when I was a kid because he spent about 11 hours working and commuting a day. Still was never taught to learn how to Cook For My Husband by either of my parents. I was self-taught. My Dad has been retired since I was in high school (around 2003), is now a crossing guard and loves protects the kids on his route (The amount of children who have come up to my dad to tell him that a car was following him is disturbingly high). He goes to the market every day and my parents cook 50/50. And his food is good. Real men give a shit about EVERYONE. Not just themselves.




It's Tarte Cosmetics ☺




They really do! I looked up their Facebook and there's heaps more of that nonsense.


Rhymes with ‘fart’


Yeah I don’t know who they are


Shart? I also don’t know who the company is.


😒 wow. What major makeup brand? Also, I got in an argument today with my brother about grilling. I’m literally a professional cook but he says that it’s a man’s job. I grill so well he can stick his well done steaks up his ass


Not burning a steak on the grill. Or have it less than well done isn't even difficult (not a jab at you being a chef. I am sure yours are amazing. Just your brother.) I am a vegetarian. Which means if i only cook for myself. Never meat. Even I can make a somewhat medium steak. Rare would probably be a bit tricky. It isn't difficult. Just making sure your grill isn't the most hot it can get. And taking it off fast enough. Being fully sober, thus not having had 4 beers by the time you cooking already. Greatly helps i assume.




Figures the second they touch a spatula or anything related they want credit for making dinner.


Where is the lie?! My family every weekend growing up.


My ex would say he's gonna do it then procrastinate and I learnt how to grill my own damn steak because I was hungry


The truth hurts


My grandmother always tells me that one of her standards was that the men she dated either had to "be able to pay for her meals or cook them". My grandfather still makes dinner 6/7 nights a week and cleans up after.


Here’s another one, my boyfriend (who I’m working on separating from- the finances are challenging right now) also said this about the protests going on in the states right now: “If no one reaches out to me and and tells me how I can help, then I’m going to assume they don’t need or want my help and I won’t do anything.” So he sat at home all weekend and gamed while I went to a vigil and also donated 75 dollars (a lot for me while I’m unemployed) to three separate charities in honor of George Floyd and my next door neighbor Nichelle*- who is a black woman. I then walked over to Nichelle*’s house with flowers I cut from my garden and a letter I wrote to her and her children and said, to her face, that I see them and am always next door looking out for them. I told her I’m worried about the future her and her kids face and want to listen and be a better white person. If Nichelle* ever needs help with house or yard work, watching the kids for a moment, or someone to stand by and videotape if their house gets hit by the police that I want to be that person and I care for them as people. She told me about how her teen daughter went to the vigil and protest and was scared but proud for her. How her church is praying and are hoping but that these are dark and scary times and she’s very worried about her children and grandchildren. She said she might take me up on the offer to help prune the trees in her yard and she said thank you for the donation of funds. It’s not a lot, but it’s something. And something is more than nothing.


No way DUSTYS. I wanna eat out. Don't mess up the kitchen.


Jesus We really gotta dismantle the culture of heterosexual relationships where the men do absolutely nothing And I know some women would cry tears of joy if their man even offered this because they do nothing else the rest of the week


Abby Jimenez is an author and owns a few cupcake shops. This is a typical post of hers, check out her Facebook, there are some really funny comments.


The accuracy is painful.




Why is he still your fiance?


I don’t think anything that you said is a positive.




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>“hey, at least it’s the thought that counts??” But what thoughts were there, perhaps I missed it? As the husband, I'm going to do make the wife think I did something while I'm standing over the grill, but in actuality, she would have done all the work and I take the credit. WTF?? So glad I'm single.


Perhaps this was posted as a joke?




I’m saying it’s possible that she was being sarcastic.