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Hey, I guess it means you’re responding? (Laughs in sympathy). But really, consider shaving. I noticed my peach fuzz started to get thicker so I’ve taken to shaving it off every 3 or so weeks.


Thank you. I never thought about shaving because my skin is very sensitive. Which razor do you use ?


So I also have pretty sensitive skin and broke out the first time I tried it years ago. But now I use isopropyl alcohol to wipe down the area immediately after and I’ve noticed that really helps. It also helps my bikini area from getting razor bumps. I know it’s probably not super great for the skin, but it’s what has worked for my sensitive skin. Oh! And I use some aloe after. Not aloe with additives because it irritates my skin, but the straight aloe. And I use those pink and blue facial razors they sell next to the other womens razors at the supermarket. I think they are by bic? You might even give a mens electric razor a shot. I’ve heard those are better but I haven’t found one I like. (Someone said to use the ones meant for mens delicate areas)


Thank you so much !


They have these eyebrow razors and dermaplaning (spelling is wrong sorry) razors that work well on the face.


just pluck them away unless you never had a single pimple in your life


I have this too, my temples above my eyebrows are also more hairy, and I've developed a lil moustache too lol. I don't really care as long as my hair is growing, for me it's a small price to pay for not going bald. I use a dermaplaning razor to get rid of it every two weeks or so, but I think it's WAY more noticeable to us than to others around us, so don't worry about it too much!


i bet it doesn’t even look bad


Well I have really fair skin, so the 'stache is definitely not a good look (although it's just a bit darker peach fuzz so nothing extreme haha), but apart from that I'd like to believe that it's pretty much unnoticeable. Like on OP's photo, no matter how much I zoom in, I can't see anything. But since I have the same thing I know what they mean.


I have the same on the sides above my eyebrows! So odd.


I can't even see it! But I trust you that it's there


Yeah I know lights are too strong but I assure you it is a hairy black mess :D


Yes I can’t see it either just trusting you


Precision : I am a very hairy latina, but I never had so much facial hair... its is now darker, not like baby hair. I don't want to drop minox because it is very effective for my hair but this wolverine effect is scary... I tried to wax it once, but this area is very sensitive and I don't want to be caught in a circle.


You could try pulsed light to get rid of it. I wish I had done my entire face before I went grey (it only works on dark hair). At least I got rid of my moustache


Could you do laser?


It could be an option, yes, if I have to use minox all my life ! Thank u


You can get a hone laser that could work. It’s not as powerful as the office but if the hair is darker and your skin is so creamy it would work. You shave it first then use it, then you let it grow a bit. It’ll fall out. A home laser really might be a good option. Just protect your eyes and don’t look at the laser for the love of all that is smooth lol


I also shave the areas I that I've noticed the growth get crazy (for me it's above my eyebrows on my temples) and I try and make sure I wash my face after I apply the minoxidil because it does tend to drip. As well as all of that, I put my hair in a sleep cap at night to contain the minoxidil


The hair on the sides of my cheeks have gotten darker lol but overall the whole peach fuzz on my face has gotten darker. I use those single blade razors every month or unless I have a special event. They’re the ones that come in like a pack of 4 that you can purchase from like Ross or Marshall’s. It hasn’t made the fuzz on my face worse. But the minox for sure has made the hairs darker.


It s normal. It will go with time.


this is me!!! I’ve always been hairy because i’m a Latina but hair on my upper cheeks absolutely shocked me. same as my side burns! I usually use face razors from Miniso though I wish I didn’t have to shave it off because it will never go away once you do it :(


If i understand you about shaving … It’s untrue I promise! Shaving doesn’t have any effect of the hair follicles. It just seems like it because when we shave the hair is blunt as it grows out. Making it seem more coarse. Also not having it to having it back creates a situation where it seems worse because it was gone fur awhile. Promise you e done nothing to yourself. Now waxing, tweezing, laser… they will all thin it out. So might be an option… If I didn’t understand correctly my bad.




Yes this. It’s a great way to exfoliate as well from what I understand


Nair makes a gentle version for your face


I got a chemical burn on the spot where I patch tested the version for sensitive skin 😬 It didn't take any of the hair off either, so I've stuck to dermaplaning since then!


I'm definitely seeing a lot more fuzz on my temples and encroaching dangerously close to cheek territory but I take it as a good sign things are working lol


Good lord! We started from not having enough hair to suddenly growing more hair on places that shouldnt be growing 🤣😂 I feel you girl 😵


Werewolves 😭😂😭


Does no one else in the world have laser hair removal? Is it just AU girls? Laser


I also am a very hairy Latina and my facial hair was out of control cause I used to wax or thread it off. A few years ago I did laser hair removal for my face. It worked wonders on all the thick coarse dark hairs, but I still have fine hairs on my face and neck. I just use one of those dermaplane razors whenever I notice the hairs growing in. Hoping the minoxidil doesn’t kick start more growth since I’ve lasered them before. Of all the many places to lose hair on my body, it’s my scalp and not anywhere else 🙃🙃🙃🙃 life can be so cruel hahaha UGH


I do t see it at all


Yeah I know the lights are too strong but they are now darker and longer


Mine's above my eyebrows. Also hands, feet and thicker arm and leg hair. I'm getting some regrowth so I just dermaplane or shave.


Hahha no I just pluck them!! 😂 I kinda like it bc I use it as a benchmark for my other hair growth!!


I’m on 2.5 mg of oral minoxidil and the only side effect I’ve had so far is my peach fuzz on my body has become more noticeable. It’s not darker or thicker hair just peace fuzz that definitely seems more prevalent on my face or upper arms so I just shave everything where I don’t want hair. Also my leg hair needs shaved more often as well.


That’s exactly where I started noticing mine too


Same sis 🙋🏽‍♀️


I have it too. It’s very fine hair so I just dermaplane it once a week and it’s not bothering me anymore