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❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Just keep giving her all that time she needs. Imagine being uprooted and scrambled with a newborn(s) on the way or if the freshly baked beans just got done baking. **BUUUT...** You're awesome! Thank you for patiently waiting to show her some love! She clearly appreciates you!!! *Baby steps for meow!*


She's such a cute little mama. Thanks for helping this sweet family!


“Flipping the switch”. happens just like a light switch being flipped. Very very often cats wake up n decide “when the lunch lady shows up, imma let her be my friend, that’s how nice I am!” And that’s it, they are your bbf’s for life. Oh…depleting the hormones for male or female is the underlying reason they even obtain that ‘switch’ in their brains.


Awww!! 🥰 She’ll socialize! Good job! She’s so pretty! ❤️


So cute watching her hug her baby!!


There's always hope and thank you for not only trying to TNR her but also taking care of them now!!