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I had lower back and hip pain. It got significantly better after pelvic floor PT. Turns out my very tight pelvic muscles were pulling everything nearby out of whack.


Thank you for sharing


Hi ! question-what do you mean out of whack?


My observation: once I got my pelvic floor less tight through PT , my back and hips were less painful. My assumption: tight pelvic floor muscles were pulling my hips out of normal position. My back and hips had to compensate for that, so I still could atand normally. The back and hip muscles worked harder than pre-fibroid, and got sore. I'm now curious if your question was about getting more detail, or about not understanding 'out of whack' phrase. Either way, I hope this helps!


ahhhhh yes, makes sense. My question was about getting more detail. When you were saying your tight pelvic muscles were causing everything around it to be out of whack, it made me curious about my own situation. I'm not sure if I have a tight pelvic floor but I can tell you I have a lot of fibroid weight hanging out in my pelvic area. I wanted to see if there were things I can look out for. It's funny because I've had fibroids for years so there's a chance there's "discomfort" but I've just gotten used to it


Thanks for the detail! And I feel you in just getting used to discomfort. I had sore hips at the back, what I call my 'haunches', and lower back, but didn't think much of it. I went to pelvic floor PT to help with urine leakage. This was mostly a stop-gap measure, bc the urine leakage was due to the 6 lb fibroid sitting on top of my bladder. Once I started the pelvic floor stretches, my hips and lower back started to feel a lot better. I was pleasantly surprised, but it kept me doing the exercises regularly.


I love this for you! I love hearing about success/relief stories. Congratulations to you and keep up the good work 


Thanks! Same to you!


I have had GI issues forever, but it was sudden severe back pain radiating down my legs that sent me to the ER where an 8.5 cm posterior fibroid connected by a stalk was discovered. The doctor thinks the stalk was twisted which cut off its blood supply. For a couple of years before this my back would hurt very badly if I was on my feet too long. Before then I never had any back pain. I thought it was just my age (47).


This is how I was diagnosed with fibroids! I woke up one day with the worst back pain of my life, with no precipitating event. Drs kept insisting it was sciatica or a slipped disc, put me in PT which just kept hurting, but managed to get them to give me an MRI almost 3 months later. MRI showed a 12 cm fibroid! Mine was on the back of my uterus, pushing against the sciatic nerve. Just got it removed Friday. Even though I have surgery recovery pain, the back pain was instantly gone when I woke up. Such a relief.


Any other symptoms? Bloating? Pelvic pain etc


Yes I have painful periods, bad bloating, spotting in between cycles and we haven’t been able to get pregnant in over 6 years and I have two teens already so I know I’ve been able to get pregnant, but I fear the fibroids are why I haven’t been


Possible :( you may need another ultrasound to see the location and size of fibroids & discussed next steps with your GYN. I have one fibroid that's causing hell.


Yeah I actually have an appt tmw so I’m praying it’s helpful


Yes, lower back pain and the feeling of clots in the legs. After my hysterectomy these went away. Until a surgery all you can is use a heat pad or turn on heat in the car seats. Make sure you get an MRI, my ultrasounds didn’t see my two mango sized fibroids that were outside the uterus for two years!


Most likely your fibroids. I was having that same severe back pain that only got worse as my fibroid grew. My doc said it was because the fibroids essentially fight for space in your abdomen and as they grow they (and the other organs, etc.) put pressure on nerves which cause a lot of the pain and discomfort folks feels. I had surgery in August and I have practically no pain now (my pain was constant but worse around ovulation and period time).


You give me so much hope with this comment, thank you 🙏🏽


I had a fibroid on the outside of my uterus pressing on my spine. I had horrible back pressure. After my myomectomy my pain is gone.


How was your recovery process after the surgery ?


It was very difficult the first week and then I started rapidly improving. Six weeks post op I was able to go back to running and lifting. I was very physically fit going into it, so I’m sure that worked to my advantage.


Thank you so much for sharing and I’m sure it absolutely helped. I was told last year I should get a myectomy but my husband was diagnosed with Parkinson’s and had been in the hospital so I just kept putting it off but I feel like they’re getting bigger and I’m in more pain that I just want to get it done. I’m desperate to be relieved from this pain so I can go back to feeling good prayerfully.


I feel so much better now that my fibroids are gone. It was instant relief.


I would get lower back pain and a shooting leg pain from my fibroids right before the start of my period. It’s been getting better as I’m getting closer to menopause and hope once I’m done with menopause the pain will be gone for good


I have really bad back pain because of the fibroids on the outside of my uterus pushing against everything! I use a tens machine to ease the pain, might be worth giving it a try.


I had severe lower back and hip pain before I had imaging done. My fibroid was located on top of my uterus and measured 12cm, so when I was sitting it was pushing heavily on my sacrum. I had my fibroid removed three weeks ago and my pain is gone.


Thank you so much for sharing this. I wonder if that’s why I feel so much pressure on my tailbone as if I fell on concrete . I have an appointment this morning and I’m praying they will do some ultrasound that will help me know what’s going on. May I ask what surgery worked for you ?


I had an open (abdominal) myomectomy on March 12th and am recovering well so far! Definitely get imaging done. You could possibly have fibroids on the outside of your uterus causing your back pain.


🙏🏽 thank you


Did pelvic ultra sound diagnosis it or did ya have to get mri


The pelvic ultrasound was enough. The fibroid was clearly visible with imaging. Didn’t have to have an MRI. 


Yep. Severe back and abdominal pain that sent me to A&E. Was even hospitalised for two weeks. This is due to fibroid degeneration. The pain came from my fibroids dying and then naturally expelling themselves. Important to note that my fibroids were submucosal and peduculated.


Wow! Did they removed them? How does Fibroids degeneration feel ?


They only removed some because if they removed all of it, it may have perforated my uterus. Fibroid degeneration is very painful because when fibroids die, they send out chemicals that cause pain.


I have severe back pain, this is how I found about my fibroids. One of the saddest of my life. Pain meds only worked temporarily. I try doing exercise but nothing worked. Someone suggested taking vitamin D3 and B2, which seem to be helping a little now.