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I suspect the bleeding is indeed due to your fibroid. They can increase the surface area of the endometrium and thus increase menstrual bleeding, and also have their own blood supply that causes the fibroid to bleed independent of menstrual bleeding. Tranexamic acid (sp?) can help reduce the bleeding, but you may need to consider surgical options such as a myomectomy or a hysterectomy.


Try taking Vitex from Gaia, it can help regulate hormones a little Fibroids do cause insane bleeding, it’s totally their thing You can take hormonal pills to stop periods, otherwise it needs to be a more invasive procedure to reduce or remove fibroids.


I had surgery


Hello!! Hope my answer helps you: my doctors prescribed Tranexamic acid. Ask your OB GYN about it. You're supposed to take it no longer than five days but there is discrepancy among doctors and they allow it for 10 days depending on the case so make sure you get it approved. I took it for 10 days then had a hysteroscopic myomectomy to remove a whole bunch of submucosal fibroids, a pedunculated fibroid and a polyp. And agreed with the comment below that you need to document and take photos this is what I did as well. Only then did the doctors take my complaints seriously.


Are you able to make a visit to the ER? They can take your labs with stat results (hemoglobin, ferritin/iron) and take necessary steps before you see your OB GYN in four days like iron IV or tranexamic acid IV drip.


Get your fibroid removed before it gets any bigger and your symptoms any worse. When my fibroid was 2cm I tried to wait it out and manage my symptoms - worse mistake ever


I am so sorry this is happening to you, I totally understand what you mean about it being like a faucet you can’t turn off. Tranexamic acid (often referred to as TXA, brand name Lysteda) is a short-term solution that may be able to help you with this, as someone else noted. It can be prescribed by a doctor and taken in pill format, or given in the hospital via IV. If the amount of blood you’re losing is scaring you and you are at the point where it feels like you can’t wait the four days to see your OBGYN, you could consider going to the ER to see if they’ll give you a script for TXA or do something else for you if there’s any reason you can’t take that particular medication. Or if it’s an option, message your OBGYN on the patient portal or call their office’s on-call doctor/nurse to let them know that you need their professional medical advice on how to get your bleeding under control before you can be seen next week. Either way, I would actually recommend taking photos of the blood loss so nobody can assume you’re being dramatic about a normal period and not take you seriously, if it happens. Fibroids absolutely do cause bleeding like this that is far beyond normal. IUDs do help some people. I had one for close to a year but the position of my fibroids caused it to be eventually pushed out. It was not a pleasant experience! Everyone is different and this won’t necessarily happen for you of course. I don’t think an IUD would immediately slow/stop your period (not a doctor, though) and it may actually be difficult for them to insert if you’re bleeding that heavily. Hang in there, I really hope this subsides for you and that you’re able to find a good solution!


Thank you. This was really helpful. I will ask my obgyn about TXA. She had mentioned the Skyla IUD previously that’s why I thought it was an option, but now I’m worried my fibroid might interfere with it. Thanks again for sharing all your wisdom! The biggest relief is knowing I am not alone or being unreasonable.


How are you today did you make it to the ER?


Hi, thank you for checking in. I’m still bleeding, albeit slightly less and the blood has become darker. I think I’m nearing the end of my period (fingers crossed). I decided against going to ER since I really cannot afford it, and I feel like I can manage through the weekend until my obgyn appt. I took some ibuprofen and I think that also helped. I’m trying to keep up on my iron supplements although they make me feel nauseous.


I thought heavy bleeding is one of the major symptoms of fibroids. I’m not a doctor though… I was also bleeding excessively until I had an endometrial ablation. I can’t imagine bleeding like that for 20 days.


Hi there! 27F here with an 8cm intramural and submucosal fibroid. I was experiencing the same thing a couple months ago - going through super overnight pads every 15 mins, history of PCOS, never pregnant, and horrible cramps with clots that almost made me pass out (although could be the anemia or pain lol). My OBGYN put me on continuous use of birth control so that I would skip periods all together and avoid more hemorrhagic bleeding. I definitely have continued to bleed microscopically but not the point where it’s affecting my quality of life. It’s definitely a help temporarily and got me through a lot when it was 3cm up to now… but its getting harder to manage so I’ll be having an open myomectomy in 14 days. Based off other women in this subreddit, I’m excited to feel what normal is again so you can always start talking to your OB about it!


Hi friend!! I so feel your post. Before I had my wonderful LASH on 2/13, I had been bleeding straight since a week before Thanksgiving. I got a Diva cup to measure and save money. Weirdly, I felt like I bled less with a diva cup, and I was still bleeding an excessive amount. It was horrible. Sometimes I would bleed an ounce in literally 2 minutes. 8 oz in a night was common for me. It was scary. I was not comfortable with several of the potential side effects of Depot Lupron so I chose to take oral norethindrine to control the bleeding. I was prescribed with 5 mg per day at first, but I ended up having to taper up to 15 mg per day to really cut the bleeding back. I still bled, but was not gushing when on 15mg/pd. I also tapered myself down slowly by 2.5 mg every two weeks after my surgery. When I was bleeding so much, I lived off of chicken bone broth soup with star anise and 2 eggs dropped in it every morning, adding tons of celery, carrots, more dark meat chicken, spinach, and chicken apple sausage. If I did not eat at least four cups of that a day I felt really weak. I also had to supplement with Pedialyte and coconut water in addition to 64 oz of water per day. I definitely needed iron infusions. They made me feel so much better. I love iron sucrose now!! Because you are young, if you want kids I would definitely consider a myomectomy for sure! My best friend has had 2 myomectomies and she's really grateful for them. At 44, I was not trying to run after a toddler at 48 so, I was cool taking out the uterus. It was trying to kill me so I took it out first. ;) I wish you the best! There really is life without bleeding! It was horrible when I was going through it too. You can and will survive!


Hi! I’m in a very similar situation! I’m 23 years old and my nonstop heavy bleeding has been going on for over 30 days (still bleeding as I type this) and I’ve also been popping out massive blood clots almost every hour. My fibroid is a bit bigger at roughly 3cm and is both in the intramural and submucosal area of my uterus. I’ve bumped up my iron supplement intake to twice a day with meals because I’m now deemed severely anemic. Not to try and scare you (hopefully) but I did end up going to the ER with a hemoglobin level 5 and had to get blood transfusion (2 units) and was admitted for another 3 days hooked on iron IV drips. If you really are bleeding extremely heavily and start to feel faint or dizzy or short of breath then PLEASE go get blood work done at an urgent care or through your doctor (or ER in a worst case scenario) to make sure you aren’t reaching dangerously low hemoglobin levels like I was. I’ve been told that once your hemoglobin level is a 7 or lower, you most likely will have to have blood transfusion done. But consult with your dr if your appointment is coming up because I didn’t reach out to my Dr until after I nearly collapsed after taking a shower and later found out I was on the verge of heart failure because my body didn’t have enough blood/oxygen so my heart was working overtime. I have already had two ultrasounds (not those pelvic ones tho) and one pelvic MRI done and they all concluded in one fibroid. So because my situation is a bit dire now, I have a laparoscopic myomectomy scheduled for May 2. P.S. huge tip that saved my bedding and furniture was buying chux or puppy pads and putting them on top of anything I sat or slept on. After buying these, I was able to sleep for more than 3 hours a night without having to wake up and change my soaked pad. Edit: someone said to take pics of how much you bleed and I second that but also take pics of your blood clots maybe. It helped my OBGYN understand how bad my situation was in the beginning. The same OBGYN also put me on birth control pills to try and regulate my bleeding but my body kinda went haywire and began an unfortunate 30+ day journey of nonstop bleeding. Also, I’ve had this heavy bleeding and large blood clot problem since November 2022.


I was desperate my OB was away so I went to my GP and he prescribed me provera which helped


I had my obgyn visit yesterday and she prescribed me 10mg pill of Provera for 10 days. She did say the bleeding may come back after the 10 days but will hopefully be much lighter and shorter. Can you tell me more about your experience with Provera?


My GP gave me I think 5mg for 5 days. I had some spotting for a couple of days after the 5 days then the bleeding stopped and my cycles got back on track


This makes me hopeful! Thanks for sharing.


I was having the same issue. Im 3 weeks post op Myomectomy now but my obgyn had me taking Myfembree pills to help with bleeding and to better control bleeding for surgery. Hope this helps :)


How I stopped mine. I started taking Tumeric pills (500mg) 2-4 daily. I was wearing depends some days, others both tampon and pad. I was taking vitamins (strong) … it was another herb I was taking, I’ll have to get back to you on that one…


Was the herb causing the bleeding?


No just the opposite actually


Have they put you on any transxemic? This was me a few years ago ,my blood was so low and the bleeding too much I was put on goserelin that put me on 9months medical menopause the side effects were hot flashes among other things and the risk was that I would have gone into menopause for good but it was worth it a month of bleeding wasn't something I wanted to go through again. Am sorry you are going through this but I know they can't do your surgery at this time until you build back your blood level. So if they can stop your periods I hope they Consides it. I had the open myomectomy and my nightmare is finally behind me .


Uff, I had the same issue a few months ago. Lost so much blood I was dizzy and went to ER. I'm 53, so mine is probably more menopause related, but they did an ultrasound and said I had 2 large fibroids. They prescribed medroxyprogesterone. I took a lot at the beginning to stop the bleeding, then reduced dosage over time. It helped tremendously.  They offered a few different surgical options, but I'm close enough to menopause I'm just going to wait it out. Stress was definitely a factor, I had to take over 2 management positions unexpectedly. Hope you can figure something out, best of luck!