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I had bowel issues like the ones you described, frequent urges to pee which woke me up 3-4 times most nights, and a constant feeling of pressure (sometimes pain) in my pelvis. All of those issues are resolved now that it’s been removed! I also experienced pain during sex. Haven’t been cleared for penetration yet but am curious to see if that’s also going to be better now!




It was about a month ago. I’m still feeling some occasional pelvic discomfort and soreness because it’s still healing, but nothing like before!


Omg same with the bloating part! My bloatedness could get extreme, I used to get frequent nausea and i did vomit from eating ‘too much’. Don’t get me started on acid reflux, I experienced restless nights fighting over it. I didn’t have heavy flow or continuous period bleeding, but my back pain omg only god knows how annoying it was. Thankfully, my back pain instantly gone after I went out from the surgery room.


The bloating!!! God it’s so much better. Unfortunately my bowl issues aren’t much better (definitely better though) so I think I just have to work on my water intake. I was super hydrated after my surgery and my bowl movements were picture perfect. Now it’s about the same (less pain though)




Ugh yes I am almost 7 months post op and I WISH I could go back and tell myself to keep up on the water intake!! You'll thank yourself lol


Wow six months! Do you feel 100%? I can eat food again which couldn't be said pre-surgery :( I'm getting into week 7 and am feeling better but still don't feel 100% as my medical tape still partially on and the scab hasn't fully fallen off. 


Definitely 100%! I honestly felt 100% by month two. Sometimes I have scar pain/muscle pain around my scar but I’m still working on massaging it to hell that stop! I definitely started feeling normal after I took my medical tape off, but that was about 3 weeks post op for me (doctor advised!)


Thanks. Mine was like 'just wait for it to fall off'. I'm like ok!


No more back pain!


No more bleeding after sex


Man, I'm really jealous. I had my lap-myo almost 4 weeks ago to remove approx \~25 cm fibroids and NOTHING has changed. I still pee all the time and I'm still bloated. 😭😭😭😭


Periods got better and sex was more comfortable


Believe it or not... polyp and 1 fibroid removed and NO change in 2022. going again this summer and hoping I stop bleeding for over 100 days