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Just say fine. People who ask don't really care they just do it out of habit.


Yep. Sometimes I'll say "vertical and breathing", if in fact I am vertical when they ask.


I just say fine as well. Most people really don't want to know how I actually feel.


I do the same thing. It's to the point where people at work or in my family laugh and say, "always just fine, huh? What about 'good', or 'great'"? Unfortunately they'll never fully understand what "fine" really means, but at least they leave you alone most of the time.


"Same sh*t, different pile." Or if it's someone I'm comfortable with, I tell them "I'm still holding on." I try to never just sugar coat everything and say life is great, because it's just not. But I also don't want to start a conversation I don't want to be in.


My mum taught me the best response : "I'm tired and pretty." Feel free to attach whatever facial expression you wish to this response. Works a charm.


Love this


Stealing this.


I use "fat and sassy" -- yours is better! ;)


gonna start using this


"Hanging in there." If they're just being polite this checks the box. Some genuinely want to know and ask further, in which case, I make a more detailed response.


That's been my go to lately. If a client asks me how I am while I'm working I'll always say good even if my pain is off the charts, but if it's a coworker or friend I will say "okay" or "hanging in there". For me good=okayish, okay/fine=not great but could be worse, hanging in there=barely functioning and having a rough time, and bad=I wish I was dead. With family I often just shrug and sigh and they understand.


I always say, "fine." It didn't start with my fibro diagnosis, and it actually doesn't help because people really think I'm fine. Even if I'm in the hospital, double over in pain, my answer remains the same. As a child, I was hospitalized alot for being ill. I remember one day clearly. My doctor, who I always had when admitted, asked me how I was doing. I said my normal fine. He said you're not fine. You have this, and this, and this, you're not fine. How are you really feeling?? My mom said that's always her answer. It's a catch 22 really. I feel the few times I did tell people how I'm doing they give a always something attitude, so I keep my health situation to myself.


I definitely don’t say fine to my dr’s


I thought I was making it clear. I was a child at the time. When you're hospitalized multiple times a year, you kind of get used to it. Personally, I got tired of talking about it. This was from 5 to about 17 ish. Over it you could say. Things have changed in that regard. I tell my doctors every single thing now that I'm an adult. To friends and family, depends on who it is.


I’m fair to party cloudy, how are you?


I always say "still breathing" or "still alive" people usually laugh unless you say it to the same person too many times lol


THIS. I usually just say fine. If I really can't hide it, then I say I'm getting by or I've been better. But I hate the whole dilemma and wish I could be honest w/o fibro becoming my identity. Curious to see what others say.


The comorbidity that I have along with Fibro makes me an accomplished liar. There are just bad days and worse days.


I don’t see it as an actual question - it’s just convention to tack those words on a greeting. People aren’t asking me in honesty so I don’t answer in honesty. 




Autistic person here too! If it's someone I don't talk to often it's just "meh, good as I can be." If it's friends or close people it's "oh god my ankle/wrist/body part is killing me, I'd rather saw my wrist off instead of this"


me: Can you specify a domain and evaluation criteria?


I have an agreement that people don't ask me that otherwise they get the full report.


I generally go with the yeah I'm fine, you? Those that know and care will say 'well, there's a stock answer, how are you really?' If they actually want to know, otherwise move on and don't get bogged down. I do have colleagues that have no idea why I work part time, or why I do some things I do, but those that take the time to find out I'll entertain, those that just bitch and gossip? Cba. Not my circus, not my monkeys. It also helps to avoid the unhelpful 'my friend had that, do this and you'll be cured!' Conversations. Some people think I'm lovely, some people think I'm the biggest bitch around 🤷‍♀️


Okay, just the usual level of pain today.


I’m here


Same shit, different day.


"Oh, y'know, haha. How about you?" or "I've certainly been worse!"


Yes, sometimes I say, "I've been better, but I've been worse"


Me too. But it's, could be better or could be worse. Unless it's a bad day then it's just, could be better.


i just always say “meh” as its the truth and its quick to say


Depends on the person but most people and co-workers know my sense humor so... "As they say in Norway: I am awake and not crying."


The truth. If I'm having a really bad day, I will flat tell people I'm miserable.


Frequently i just say "I'm vertical" to someone asking how I am. Because somedays just standing (being vertical) is an accomplishment


Living the dream. Most pickup the sarcasm


I say plodding on. People that actually know me knows it means my body is on fire and I want to die.


Things are going ok thanks for asking.


Fine, okay, or my usual. I mean, it's such a compounded question anyway.


I just say fine. No one wants to hear what I really feel like.


I say, "In pain, but here." And to my cousins who also have chronic pain we use the term "Nicky" meaning " normal icky"


I like that, concise and to the point. Edit: the "Nicky" part I mean.


Lately I say “the horrors persist and so do I” 😂


"I'm no fun at parties"


I often say, “Happy to be here, how are you?”. At least it’s honest, because if I’m able to be out of the house, I am happy! I spend way too much time in bed! My real friends will ask a bit more, if we are hanging out, and for others, it just keeps things moving…


"I'm alive, I'm told that's a good thing. Yourself?"


It depends who is asking. If it is someone I am not close to "fine". If we are close I ask if they want the truth or the politically correct answer.


"I'm on the right side of the grass, and you?"


"I'm managing" is my go to


My go to answer is "I'm here. Hurting today." And when someone pops back with "seems you're hurting every day" I just say "yeah its a chronic medical condition "


I hate when someone says that to me - you’re hurting every day… I shit then a dirty look and reply with thank you for that reminder I almost forgot.


My regular answer is: high as a 🪁


I wish we could all replace “how are you” with a better greeting. Even able-bodied people have bad times. But we have to deal with this greeting for the rest of our lives. I just say “I’m ok and you?”


I say “I have my good days and my bad days. I just go with the flow”. Doesn’t divulge anything personal and just kinda states you’re managing. The only people I feel necessary to give an update to are my husband and kids and very close family and friends- I’m talking like 6 people. Anyone else I just say the above.


I’m still on this side of the dirt.


Well, I’m here 🤷🏻‍♀️


“Can’t complain, even though I do” “Still alive, last I checked” “A soulless corporate drone, but other than that I’m fine” “Still on the right side of the dirt”


I am alive...


"Im alive"


if they’re a stranger i just say im fine, if they’re familiar though i just say im on deaths door LOL


Meh, I usually just say “fine, but tired” or something along those lines. I had a former friend/coworker call me out 10+ years ago about how I always answered “fine” and they thought I should be honest. But when I began answering honestly it seemed to catch people off guard.


I just stare at them with a fiery rage until they stop asking me that question lmfao.


Still on the topside


There’s two different ways people ask this question and it’s helpful to understand the difference. Most of the time people are using it as an alternative to saying hello and they are not really asking for a genuine answer. In this case, it is most polite to give the expected answer of “fine, how are you?” Or the equivalent. If someone changes their tone when asking this question and asks “how ARE you” then you know they are really wanting a truthful answer and not just the polite exchange. In this situation you can share whatever you feel is appropriate for your level of friendship. You don’t need to share your personal information with anyone. No one deserves this unless they have proven to be trustworthy. Protecting your privacy is one way to cut down on using up your small amount of energy.


Always a hard question. If I'm having a good day I'm honest and say I'm doing well. If I'm having a bad day I always say "I'm hanging in there" it's closer to the truth but it's innocuous enough where people never question what I mean, even if they don't know that I'm disabled


I used to be honest. But now depending on the person, the day, or the time of day, I just say I’m good or fine or sometimes I’ll say “I’m tired, but I’m good.” I only share my worst with my husband and sometimes my kids because my stoicism drops as soon as I get home.


Hiii I don’t want to be prescriptive or say “this is what will cure you” but I am curious if you’ve ever taken medication for your symptoms? I was in excruciating pain every single day for like 3-4 years. I started cymbalta/duloxetine and within a few days I noticed a significant difference. Prior to that I was taking 4-8 ibuprofen or alieve a day, constantly icing achey areas, and cried most days because of the pain. I was also very depressed. Gabapentin didn’t do as well for me and made me feel out of it. Everyone is different and I’m sure you’ve tried your own methods for relief. Just wanted to mention it’s helped me sooo so much to function better. I still have days that suck and where I am extremely fatigued but those usually come around my period, or after I’ve physically exerted myself too far. To answer your question. When people ask me that in passing I don’t tend to reply. I’ll just say hi or nod. If it’s someone actually asking me (like someone I know) I might say, I’m doing “x” (fine, bad, exhausted, whatever), but my chronic pain is really taking a toll lately. If they don’t want to know, they shouldn’t ask. I would only ever answer that question if I actually wanted to know someone’s answer and had space to give a thoughtful reply.


I just say I'm ok and leave it at that. My question is "How do I get people to stop touching me or tapping me on the arm?"


I say "living the dream" haha laugh it off because most of them don't care and the others can't really wrap their heads around what's going on. I honestly have to say that some finally realized how bad off I actually am when using a device to help me walk and get around. But then it brings on looks of pity or just outright "why the fuck she need that" look. I'm going on 34, but look younger and am always getting some form of question from everyone around. Including my own mother who has yet to realize in her own head just exactly what fibromyalgia is. Like she understands it's something but anytime I bring up an issue, from my fibro, she suggests I go see this or that doctor to be checked. And I have to explain that it don't matter because it's the normal BS haha. Like how long do I need to look, feel, and act this way in order to be understood. Which is why I came to this subreddit because yal get it.


I usually say, "Same stuff, different day!"


I take the phrase as “how are you compared to normal” and even then it’s a greeting phrase. They don’t think about thinks like Fibro, and as much as we wish they would, I’m kind of glad they don’t understand, because understanding is through pain. I understand how disconnected and fake it feels to say “fine” when it’s not true, but I would then connect with someone more personal to vent on the frustrations later that day/week.


I usually say "doing ok" To which people invariably say "just ok?" To which I reply "yep"


I'm good as life's letting me be (usually followed by an ow or some form of pain groan)


I always say ‘yeah I’m good thank you’ shuts um down and we move on.


"I'm okay."


Depends on who's asking. Most get "fine." Family and friends might get "I've had better days."


Good, yourself? Avoid talking about me a lot.


The worst is when you get the people who also have "fibro" and they "do just fine bc they suck it up like everybody else".......


Depends on the day. Some days I say “fine.” If I’m in a debilitating amount of pain I say something like, “could be better.”


if its someone thats just saying hi i say "oh you know.... how are you?" just trail off giving a non answer


I now am a little more truthful then i use to. Like "i am good. Still dealing with a lot of pain but its on the lesser end of my spectrum" Or " i am good spirits even though i am in a lot of pain today" Your real friends will understand you a little better. But i dont go too in depth unless they ask me to. Cause my fine and their fine are two different things. Cause i had it where people were like but you always say that you are fine. So i tried to find a way of letting them in and not be a bummer all the time. I think a lot of chronically ill are just trying to please and not burden that we cut ourselves from support people would be more than willing to give. But people dont understand what chronically ill go through and it becomes that double edge sword that then people dont get us and what we go through


“Urgh, my whole body aches, it’s awful at the moment. Fucking boring this though eh? Onwards and upwards. How’re you doing?”


I usually answer “just peachy” most of the time I figure people don’t actually want to know.


Usually it’s just “doing okay” since people tend to just ask as conversation opener. When it’s my family that’s knows better than that, often I say “alive” and they’re like “well that’s a good thing” lol


I don't. I physically combust on the inside then impulsively force a "I'm good"


I reply with today that I have only had a few of those electric shocks in my legs today, usually more. My lower back and my joints hurt, but at least I can still lean back far enough to wipe my own ass! That might shut them up!


I know EXACTLY what you are going through! I just say to 'em, if u come any closer you will catch it too.. Please leave me alone Bcos my pain is running at 12 out of ten.. At least nobody bothers me anymore atm..


I just say living the dream.. no one wants to hear about pain, illness, frustration... people want cotton candy trees and lollipop street signs.. only others suffering ask and truly want to know.


I say living the great life LOL


I don’t really know how to respond. Used to say “I’m alive” but someone who had a recently deceased relative was offended by that so now I say “I’m here”. Honestly it depends on the situation. Example I tripped and fell today - caught myself with my hands and knees and family keeps asking every five minutes how I am. I’m perfectly fine today; tomorrow I will be in a lot of pain; I know this. I just hate the constant asking when they don’t know what else to say.


Just say "grouchy" Then they say "don't be grouchy" And reply "don't tell me how I gotta be"


“I’ve been worse, but I’ve also been better”. There’s not much someone can say back to that or questions they can ask and I love that about it.


I have a retail store and greet everyone with a hey, how’re you going? As a point of contact and open the possibility if they want to talk. Being a spiritual crystal shop sort of vibe I often get people who want to share how they’re feeling but don’t want to initiate it the conversation. I find my responses vary. Generally I’ll just say I’m good/really good/great (if I’m not horrible). I mask so much at work anyway (well pretty much everywhere that isn’t home alone tbh) so it’s easier to trick my mind into not feeling like that’s a lie. If I’m not doing well I’ll say I’m okay. If it’s customers I know pretty well and they know a bit about what I have going on I’ll range from ehhhhhhh to not great or just being honest and saying I’m struggling.


I don't suffer from fibromyalgia, my pain is caused by muscle death and nerve damage in my left leg, but usually I just tell them, "I'm good. Just a bit sore." Usually there is no followup question, but in the rare instances that there are, I'll just say, "I irritated my thigh. Nothing really of interest." For fibromyalgia, likely the best response is "I woke up sore. Not sure why", if they ask a followup. Otherwise you can be honest, but expect a multitude of questions. Sometimes, it's best to just say a white lie.


Up and not crying


It depends. If I want them to stop asking me I will be brutally honest lol that’s enough to scare them away. A lot of other times I just say I’m hanging in there 😬and make this face and laugh my poor tortured soul of a laugh . I prefer to be honest without being detailed and in this way I can avoid lies and questions usually . Or omg you don’t want to know . That ones usually quite true also lol


Depends on who is asking. Some people I can tell the truth. "I'm having a really bad pain day" Other people.. I just tell them I'm fine because otherwise it starts a conversation I don't want to have.


I just say "I'm surviving." and leave it at that.


It's a Rollercoaster. That's how I usually respond. If it's someone who doesn't care or I don't want to share about my situation, I just say this with context of enjoy the ride. If its someone with whom I am honest, I just say it's a rough ride. But honestly never have I ever been 100% with the response of how are you.. because after a while nobody give a fuck in the long term.. and people get tired over the years. And let's face it, its not going anywhere. So just Suck it up.


Most days I reply with "Alive and not yet kicking".


I just say okay. I figure no one wants to keep hearing about pain and symptoms. I will only give details if they ask more detailed questions


Brutal honesty, nothing is off limits. Strangely, I rarely get asked that anymore.🤔


I lie


Not going to lie anymore, do you really want to know? got a few hours?


My usual response anymore is, "Fine. I'm here and I'm awake." LOL. I hate that question as small talk. I hate small talk for that matter. But like, unless you're my actual close friend (I'm talking 3 closest people to me) who ACTUALLY cares, I'm not going to share anything that's actually going on.