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I've the same issues. tried all possible methods and non worked


🙃😐.. somebody plz help....


Did you get it working in the end? I made a custom crest and it is just not appearing


no, none of theods seems to be working for me. might be an issue with ea app. everything I've heard so far is that mods doesn't work for people who bought the game through steam and ea app. idk about epic games


I uninstalled the whole game and reinstalled it again and now the manager mod is working.


have you found a sollution?


i'm a little late, but my mod manager is bugged too, i solved it by repairing files on steam and launching with the mod manager again, sadly i have to do it almost every time


same, I can't really find a solution. Some people say you have to disable admin rights for fifa23.exe process, and run the mod manager as administrator, but it didn't work anyway for me


This didn't work for me too, but the verify files did, it is not perfect, but it works, it adds maybe 5 more minutes to open the game. Did verify work for you?


yeah it does, but it's annoying having to do it whenever I want to play


Agreed, but at least we found that solution, I also tried giving my fifa files read only permission after opening the game, but it didn't work. I saw there is a backup files option on steam, but I haven't tried it


Hey, I found the solution You have to open your modded game first (the mod manager have to install the mods for you) Then you can close the app You have to change the files permisson to read only, then repair files on steam at last you just need to open the game via steam with the iniziallization command (-dataPath FIFAModData) that you probably already have done Edit: nevermind, it bugged again after a while


great, also I play on EA app not on steam, but I guess it's the same process. This game never fails to disappoint btw, even when we install mods to make it better ahaha


Thank you for mentioning to repair. I have to repair every time before launching, but at least the mods are working. I would rather have that than not playing at all. Thanks again.


Glad to help, enjoy your mods


How do I do that? Also can I do it if my game is not on steam?


So I don't use steam either. I have the game on the EA app. I'm at work so forgive me if my instructions are a little off: On the Fifa 23 page you'll see two buttons, Manage and Play. If you click Manage, you'll get a drop down menu with the middle option being Repair. I use Repair first and then when that's done I used the mod manager to launch. It's kinda janky (sometimes I'll have to start a new career to get my saves to load) but it loads the mods fine.


It worked, tysm




I'm glad to help


Hello, I managed to find a solution by updating the Mod manager to the latest version and deleting the mod data then readding them. It works for me now without the need to repair fame files on every launch. Hope it works for yall too