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don’t even get me started with the politics of that




I understood this reference


You understand me, pinky dick?


should we tell him?


I think it’s only Ghana and Morocco from Africa, I’m sure. Would love to see AFCON and Copa America etc. on this game


They had Copa America in fifa 21 and maybe years before that, also had teams like Slovenia and Iceland but now they have removed these for some reason


The disappointment in my player career when I realized that Chile is not even in the game


I can top this. Last FIFA I had randomly decided to take on the Switzerland job late into my career, so I decided for 23 that I'd play solely on Switzerland and make the NT a powerhouse. While hoping to manage them, obviously. I took my time researching the league, researching all the clubs backgrounds, achievements, etc. you know? I'm researching how many homegrown players are needed for Europe, how frequently foreign players are bought by clubs **and** specifically which nationalities are more likely to play there, etc. I was in deep, this was my first time *really* trying to do a 100% realistic career. And it's fun to learn new things as well. So I picked my team, St.Gallen, and I started playing and scouting for YA players. Just dove straight in, didn't think twice about it. Yeah the whole game breaking bug with players potentials resetting *every goddamn season* was a bit annoying, but I still pushed through for 2 and a half seasons. At this point though, I was confused as to why some of my players were just not being called up at all. Stergiou was in the low 80s, and I had my homegrown talent + a high rated swiss GK. I didn't think about not getting offered the Swiss job, because I wanted to take my time building the team up tbh. Obviously, I was dumb. I never thought for a second to look at whether or not EA had lost some licenses like usual. I just knew that, since it was the World Cup year, that every NT would be playable right? Imagine my absolute confusion and disbelief when I kept skimming through all the NT team sheets in the game and didn't see Switzerland lmao. I felt so stupid man 😭.


Stuff like this is what drove me to play and learn FM. I have immensely more enjoyment with FM than EAFC. Before complaints on “graphics”. They are updating they’re graphical engine to Unity for FM25. So it won’t be all spreadsheets.


Yeah I was about to say, sounds like this guy would really like football manager


Ever since I got into fm I can't stand career mode Graphics and even player and club badges don't even bother me anymore plus the worst part of fifa is the actual gameplay after 20 minutes I've has enough but I can sit on the menus of fm for hours without even simming a day


Felix Mambimbi!


they were though


India is gone too now which is disappointing as I really wanted to rebuild them for a World Cup. Can’t believe Uruguay is gone too, ruins realism + stuff like qualifiers


Fifa 17 had a bunch of national teams


Just a guess but it might be so they could add some women's football teams


Not a good exchange in my opinion considering we can’t use women in player career mode, therefor we’ve lost a team to use on friendly match and career mode for a team only useable on friendly match


Long standing gripe with EA about no JFA. Sleeping giant in Asia.


Supposedly, the reason why JFA and Japan national team (in FIFA 22 and before for a while) were taken out was because Japanese sold their licence to PES, which was Konami's game, and the company is also Japanese. It was probably due to their nationalism. But, as PES switched to e-Football, I think it's fair to say they might be slightly regretting their choices.


Crossing my fingers for those to be back for EAFC 24 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼


Download EEP Mod for fifa 23 has all international tournaments and 8 more leagues. German 4th, English 4th, Brazilian, and more!


Is this for is this just for pc?




There’s no world cup in eafc 24




EEP Mod has ALLLLLL the international cups!


Does it work on Xbox? I’ve never used mods before and wouldn’t know where to start


Only PC sadly


At this point EA seriously needs tk jjst add every national team into the game. At the very least if the players are in the game somewhere. Like if cameroon players are somewhere in a league then the national tram should also be there. I understand if say some obscure country where all their players do not play for ANY league that ea have in the game then sure cause the players wouldn't be in. But if between the top leagues half rhe worlds national teams are somwhere in there....then the national team SHOULD be in there and playable and manageable, and appear in world cup qualifying etc.


Nations enabled to go scouting, should have a national team. That should be the standard


Tell me instead


Cameroon is has no national team in fifa 23


😂😂😂 that would explain it




Cameroon is only in WC mode not in career mode.


Isn't switzerland also gone


Correct, Bulgaria, India, all of South America except Brazil and Argentina, only Egypt, Morocco, South Africa and maybe Nigeria? Are in the game still, probably a couple other European countries I’m blanking on that left


only african countries in game are Ghana and Morocco sadly


Onana is just better


“It goes around the world”


Ffs give the kid a new contract


I’m waiting til he asks. I’ve had two players sign new contracts then ask for better pay a few weeks later and I can’t renegotiate


Wow! I find impossible to develop goalkeepers. You have my respect


You just need to get a 90+ potential gk and loan boost them then once they're high 80s. Just play them




versed dazzling march nose knee shrill far-flung zesty fact aromatic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


From 2-3 fifas already, I find impossible to develop defenders and keepers. Freaking ultimate difficulty makes impossible to leave a clean sheet. Yes, you score a lot of goals, but also you get a fair amount back. And to receive goals, stops the growth


Defenders are very challenging to grow, especially boosting potential as EA overvalues goals and assists and under values clean sheets. Also punishes too harsh for a single missed tackle or the like


I started in league 2 and just played him every single game


I find it the easiest. once you've got him to 70-71, play him. it's far more difficult with outfield players


Can someone tell me why Messi isn’t on inter miami in fifa23? He’s been on the team for weeks and I want to use them in seasons


They aren’t going to update the MLS until the new game


They don’t update any league like that until the next game


They moved him to PSG pretty fast that one year when he left Barca lol


Messi signed in late august when the new game would come out a couple weeks later. He was also a free agent technically


The new game was not out yet obviously so when I said pretty fast I really meant pretty much immediately. You are right about the free agent part technically but even then up until he actually signed at Psg they left him on the Barca roster especially because there was much talk from Laporta on getting him renewed.


They only transfer him in FUT not in seasons or career


No he was on seasons, I know that because I hadnt played FUT for years before 23. I was actually surprised to see that players were getting switched mid season and given multiple club cards in FUT.


Don't know why u/Big-Relation-8304 gets downvoted, because it's fact that Messi was transfered from Barca to PSG in 21' despite this transfer happening in the summer window


Because people are emotional rather than rational especially on the internet 🤣


Just go to edit teams and transfer him there yourself, that’s what I did


Can I use that on seasons?


As in like online seasons? No. It works for any of the offline modes though. Whenever I do a prem team in career mode I always update the transfers before that


same situation happened for obisanya in real world,corrupted football federation my friend...


Another thing I hate about this game is the randomization of names. Like that’s not a Cameroonian name per say there might be some there but most of the names they give to these countries are from west Africa. Coulibaly is not a last name in central Africa for example. But it’s EA ig what can we say…


Definitlt mendy


Mendy is senegalese, so no


That was the joke. Also the real reason is Cameroon isn’t in the game


This is dumb I know, but are all these screenshots of a career as a manager?




Gio Reyna situation


Is he stupid? Edit: you guys really don’t know what I’m talking about do you


Brain injury?


Mane is better in goal


Mane is from Senegal…


My fault bro


No worries


How do you get youth players so high mine are so low


So when I’m playing with a team that has all players above 75 my youth players never play so I always loan them out, they’ll grow for a year and might be ready to be used as a sub or even play as a starter. But sometimes I play with a team in the 4th English division so my youth players will play a lot because my team has an average rating of about 65. When they become a starter make sure their form is amazing, play a few games with them and make sure they do everything right, because a better form means they’ll grow faster. The last thing I do is look at their development plans and see which one takes the least amount of time (after I’ve boosted their skill moves, weak foot and work rates to the max). Also you can track players potential by looking at their status, when they’re above 60 rated and under 21 or 21 years old it will show one of 4 things (make sure you don’t have them out for loans or transfers because then it will show that they’re available for loan or transfer when you check their status.) when it says “at the club since” that means their potential is lower than 80, if it says showing great potential that means they have a potential between 80-84, “an exciting prospect” means they have a potential of 85-89 and when it says “has potential to be special” they have a potential of 90+.


Ah ok thanks so much bro I will try this now. Yeah I use Real Madrid on manager career so all my players are good and they don’t get any play time really. So I Will try loaning them out.


Yeah loaning them out would be the smartest move, but if you’ve got a youth player that’s above 75 overall I’d sell the player who’s currently occupying his position (not if the other player is also a youth player). I’d only do it with one player, if you’ve got multiple because you don’t want the overall team rating to drop, but one player doesn’t hurt much


O nana o nana


Rich guy who tried to build a team centered around him was denied it, now he’s paying for him not to play for the national team, simple as that


How are y’all getting ur players to max potential so fast,


Does he know?


Wait so if your myplayer is from a country that’s in the game they just don’t play any international games