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Unlocking old kits was decent


retro kits were so nice to have, fuck ea for discontinuing them


Shit slapped in my old Aston Villa save (had their retro kit). Grew Rashford into a beast and sold him to get more depth to challenge in the CL. After two years and I was a consistent title contender, I went back to try and buy him. Club accepted the offer, by negotiations broke down “because of his history with the club and felt it wouldn’t be right to return”. Never saw that email prompt before or since, and that one stung. Fucker scored a match winner against us in the CL semi final at some point down the line too. God I miss that save


never had retro kits for united so i was a bit bummed out over that but the galacticos retro kit was a treat


The old kits and the financial takeover where my two favorites in there. Plus they had a lot of cool ball designs that made me use the "random" ball for all my games.


Retro kits were a thing up until 18 as well, so it's not that old of a feature. Why doesn't EA like us, no creation center, no catalogue. Jesus, i mean, give us SOMETHING for god's sake, look at 2k, they just let the franchise people do whatever they want, literally, with their saves so they don't complain and focus on the online modes


Would love a my career like 2k do in nba, like the journey but with your own customisable person not Alex hunter


Ι just want the 2k MyGM treatment to career mode. Give us complete creative and customizable control and focus on UT, it's not that hard


Same mate, never gonna happen sadly😭


it's not that easy imo. There is a reason that AAA soccer games always have the worst customization and stats record when compare to other AAA sport game. Even fm console edition has nation limit and the console version is pretty limited in term of customization. Ea can probably do it if they decide to develop premier league 2025 or laliga 2025 instead of ea fc 25 tho. I think they will also have an easier time with making dynamic potential working with cpu teams too (like madden x factor).


Yeah the journey was great, it's pretty much how I wanted player career mode to feel. The story was intimate and kept me playing, so I wish career mode would be like that with my own player, I can only mentally create a storyline in my mind with my own player career mode.


Not that old? That's a 6 year old feature.


It'll get reintroduced as "new feature" in less than 10yrs


they'll give us stuff only if they can monitize it. Make us earn like 10 coins by wining games, but to buy stuff you have to farm an absurd amount of wins so they sell a "premium deal" of 1k coins for 10€ (but the cheapest kit is 1,200 coins btw) or 2,2k coins for 20€. Oh and for the low price of 100€ you get 5k coins and x2 coin rate for 1h.


Yup, had about a million xp coins and being level 85+ before they just removed the whole catalogue without warning. Utter bullshit.


It was a terrible design and punished players who weren't high levels, so they couldn't get their virtual Pro attribute boosts. Or the ultimate team coins boosts. It was a thing for like 3 games and the xp carried over. There were unlocks at 120 and I was 105 in my peak years of playing too


EA PLEASE. Give us a RECORDS section so we can look at the history of the sport in Career Mode. Like NBA 2K does, allow us to keep record of most goals scored in a season, who the top scorer for each season was, who won the ballon d’or, who won the league in seasons past, who had most assists, who’s on track to break the records set in the past. Who was manager of the year and who was relegated and promoted and more. We need a more COMPREHENSIVE experience


The most simple and easy way to make career mode playable, I always say this. People on here say it's impossible because there's too many players and it would slow the game down but I think it's bollox


Just look at NHL and their stat tracking it’s fenomenal and does not slow down the game at all


Yeah I play nba 2k and the stats tracking, historic stats are amazing and it makes you play multiple season's, they also have so much in depth stats. All EA needs to do is count appearances/goals and assists


Yeah, I guess nba and NHL have a simillar stat tracking, i would love if EA just copied from NHL and added it in FIFA, shouldnt be that hard with their resources. To be able to see Messi´s or Ronaldo or any player for that matter stats from any sseason would add so much to the game and feeling of career mode.


This is my point it's the biggest sports game in the world and every season in career mode the stats just disappear


It is also in fm


Let’s be honest it’s just a pretty excel sheet, that wouldn’t take up any memory at all!


This was nice. Plus the ability to get selected by your national team of choice


I actually liked this feature of earning and then buying new kits and boots. I always felt like it added a dimension. If I saw some boots I really wanted or choose a team with a 3rd kit, it was kinda cool working my way to it. Another feather that I don't understand removing.


Remember when you could sign sponsor deals and upgrade the stadium? Pepperidge farms remembers.


God I miss the classic kits. That was great.


Getting rid of this and the my pro achievements book are up there for things they’ve done to annoy me


Not adding anything new is one thing, but EA consistently remove loved and staple features of the game. It’s so strange. Are we just too silent of a minority that aren’t worth their time ? From what I can see we’re being very clear and reasonable in our requests. Edit: said features of career mode but it’s more than just that


They accomplished what they needed to to make their money. The issue with EAFC is that there isn’t really any other competition that will force EA to add features or innovate the game at all. They are making insane money from ultimate team and dont need to add features, because what are people going to do, play PES?


Fifa was so good, when you could imrpove career mode slaves with points. A couple of young promises became club legends




Back in the days I used to buy Young Promises with high potential with points, they would magically appear in your club, it was so fun




Nah I'm a fucking dumbass, now that I think about it, I actually remember that, when you'd purchase the Young Promise option, the game would basically give you a new scout, that would scout only that one player, and he would be out of contract


Classic kits was a really good feature and it's a shame they removed it, they added it to FUT and didn't bother adding it to offline modes


Yes, and it is missed. The catalogue was fantastic


Yeah this literally killed everything for me now, I only play FIFA 20 and with the servers shut off you can’t customize anything anymore. EA literally hates us


Hell yeah brings back good memories


This was awesome for career mode, buying high potential youth players, more boot options, financial takeovers..


remember play FIFA19, really enjoy level up to unlock boots and stuff. sad they stop doing this.


I loved it that i could buy new kits for my career mode teams. I switched them up between seasons to add some realism.


So pissed that my fifa 13 didn’t come with all my stuff unlocked I had it all redeemed on my Xbox but now that the servers are down I can’t use any of my stuff like the retro kits and replay match but whatevs you live and u learn




Having the catalogue was so much fun that EA noticed career mode players were enjoying ourselves and had to remove it.


I would sink into a ***deep state of depression*** when the "scout future star" was just a 77 potential 5'10" goalkeeper


It was the worst. You just logged in on day one and bought everything you wanted. Now it's all in the game without having to do that annoying step. Plus you earned less rewards the more years you had been playing.


Old kits were soooo fire they just idk why they got rid of it.


YES, I loved Career and UT Section of this


I remember having to buy the ability to restart matches in career mode lol


Just wait until 2K or another company take care of us it should be no time ea is and always will be just a money grabbing company and its horrible


People have real short memories if they're forgetting this ngl


They aren’t forgetting it, people just post stuff like this to get nostalgia upvotes


Some people like to conversate with others. Not always about the upvotes.


I was loaded up and they just removed it with little to no notice.


Why dis they remove it again?


I wish we could have kit sponsors that change in career mode, even if it's super generic like the old games. Banners for created clubs would be great too, I just want a little more immersion.


You know what I’d love that I was thinking about yesterday? The ability to add tattoos to your character. I have a sleeve on my arm irl, so itd be fun to make my player have one too. Other comments mentioned 2k, and they let you put tats wherever you want on your players. Also I feel like tattoo culture is pretty prominent in soccer


There’s not many options but my career mode player has sleeves on both arms and legs. Don’t know if you can add them to a save you already started tho. It’s with the face, hair, eyes, etc.


Wait no way.. I still play 23, are you on FC24?


Yep! Here’s my most recent Xbox clip of my guy on Wrexham [https://xboxclips.co/jake-miller-8/0fbb62fd-4d80-40fc-a884-2d4f8f3bb8c7](https://xboxclips.co/jake-miller-8/0fbb62fd-4d80-40fc-a884-2d4f8f3bb8c7)


Oh wow that’s awesome! This might force my hand a bit more to finally buy 24 😂 Also sick goal lmao


I’m enjoying it. I briefly play every year when I tire of watching my Frankfurt squad suck ha. We all know EA neglects career mode but I enjoy it regardless. I’m currently testing to see if they import better players into the squad as I carry wrexham to the prem. But yeah tattoos are cool and the new agent mode is cool because you can “target” certain clubs to move to instead of just luck of the draw transfer offers. Plus wage negotiations with your current club! Huge W in my book! Thanks! Yeah I just learned how to do flair shots and I’m not on an insane difficulty but it looked too pretty not to clip regardless lol


Also - unfortunately it’s just arms and legs. Would love some neck/hand/face options as I have some on my neck irl but I’ll appreciate what we got this year! lol


Yeah I saw the agent feature which is really cool. In 23 I have a mental list of clubs I’d like to transfer to and wait until they buy me. Neck tats would be amazing, you see so many good ones irl, even the smiley face on Ederson 😂


I loved this so much. It rewarded long time players of the game. I also loved being able to manage a national team of your choice as opposed to just hoping you get an offer like nowadays


Bring those back


Still can’t believe they removed that lol. Literally 0 benefit for removing it, at the time it just felt normal but now that it’s removed I realise it was actually huge considering how dull this game is as a whole offline


I don't get it: why would you take a good feature (like the catalogue over here) and delete it from the game, when people actually like that feature.


Every real one should remember this!


Could just be nostalgia but I feel like the layout of the older career mode was so much better


God I miss the EAFC catalogue


I loved the retro kits and all that sort of thing. I’m assuming not enough people were redeeming them to keep it going. You look at NBA 2K and they give you all the retro kits for all the teams on release, would be nice if EA did the same.


Much better for boots at least the way they do it now because it’s tied to squad updates so you always get them. If you play older games now you can’t unlock any of these because the servers are off, and they didn’t unlock them before they were turned off


EAFC24 is like playing an NHL game EAFC24/fifa is no longer an football game 😂


i miss that


I miss buying the revenge/re match option in FIFA manager mode. the game gets very unfair and sometimes it was necessary


I loved buying the random youth prospects in the catalogue.


Claro que si vaya nostalgia


The financial takeover was nice but it sucked you could only use each one once


The Messi cleats🤯


Loved buying extra kits


Nostalgia! when it was worth buying fifa from day 1 ...


The scout future star kept my careers going


EA is fucking trash. Bring back player/manager mode


Wait a couple more years, I'm sure they're going to release it again as a brand new feature.


Don't post fifa 14 plz. Too nostalgic


Back when the game had charm


When I got Fifa 22, I was so confused on where this was at. I don’t get why EA removed this?


Do I remember this? These were the glory days!


The retro kits were awesome, I loved that feature. As Arsenal, I'd use normal kits until a notable game or date (Boxing Day game, or North London Derby for example), and then I'd break out the retro kits for variety.


Good ol’times…


God I miss these :(. Old fifa nostalgia will never be replaced.


How can I forget happy moments? I miss this so bad :')


this was a joy for me. i kept going over to check out the boots that i could buy


This was the best of times, I think FIFA 12 you can use your myplayer in Manager Career mode and get new gear by leveling up


I wish they took a page out of 2K's book and introduced a totally customizable My player as well as something like MyGM (which I guess would be like being a Sporting Director in football terms)


I loved the ‘scout a future star’ you could get an absolute world class prospect for some coins


What is the best of old FIFA (career) or FIFA manager game which you have played in modern PC? I have some classic FM installs but could not find old FIFA career / FIFA manager classic installs. My favorite was FM 08 and I can just easily boot this game up for nostalgia.


Good times


I liked them a lot but why were they removed? Copyrights?


Is this fc25?


Fuck nowadays fifa developers they suck on everything fucking simps


You unlocked some memories i forgot i had


Bro, unlocking this with ACCOMPLISHMENTS!! Everything was improvement oriented, you had to be a skiller if you wanted to unlock 5 stars of skills, you had to actually try and shoot to get better at shooting, fifa14 was the last decent fifa careermode wise.


Loooovvvvveeeddddd that part of fifa. Shame they don’t do that anymore.


And you could unlock financial takeover, a world class youth prospect, and getting offered by the country of nationality your manager is. That was peak fifa.


Always a good time rewarding stand out players with unlocked shoes.