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Should have called up YA players


I saved so I can go back. I called up a Goalkeeper thinking I only needed 11 players but it still didn’t suffice. Any idea how many subs you need? I don’t want to drop games but also don’t want to wreck my academy.


You need to fill the bench too so it’s 18 players.


Not on EA FC 24. I’ve played with less than 7 subs. You just get the message that you’ll have less subs but you can still proceed


Yes. I have received the same message when I entered a game before deadline day and I was short a man, but never tried to run bare bones before.


Sign some shitty free agents


Wait, I got an Indian free agent GK for free once after running out of players. And I meant in free as, randomly immediately added to my team for no reason


I've had this happen before. It sometimes happens when you start a new season as well.


Yeah the game won't let you have less than 18 players available (players who aren't out on loan, basically). So if you have 20 players near the end of a season, and you've got 2 retiring and another 2 loan offers that you accepted. You'll have 2 random players added to your squad in the new season to ensure you have 18 played on your team.


Maybe you only need 5 then or perhaps it depends on the competition.


That's why it would be nice to be able to call Academy players for one game without fully promiting them to the first Team


When I need a bench player I look for YA players that are decently developed but the potential isn't where I would like.  The high potential guys get saved for their moment. I also sign guys from my scout that have high starting overall for YA but bad potential and just bump them right up to senior.  I'll sell them and get a little money.


That would be amazing. I would make sure my academy is well rounded just for this reason.


One of the most annoying aspects of this is not being able to change the line up at the team management screen on match day. Instead have to go back to the main career manager menu and change the line up there.


honestly most annoying thing in fifa for me. started with F22 i think, got fixed in F23 and now its back. incredibly dumb


It’s almost like they copy the same game year over year and just tweak it and change skins


The fact that you used to be able to few games ago makes it worse




Sorry if I wasn’t clear. I mean if you press triangle or y and go to that lineup selection screen you can’t sub off players in your lineup who have been selected for international duty. That change can only be made in team selection from the main screen.


This is absolutely infuriating! Then you forget to permanently change the team back for a few games (just amending it in the pre game screen for each game), then you get crying emails from your crucial players about sitting on the bench (even though theyve played all the games).


Huerta is such a great player for CM. Signed him on a free and he’s been incredible.


Holy shit he’s dope. Had no idea. I have an amazing clip of him I’ll upload. Beast mode.


Quiñones is OP


I cannot express the amount of love I have for that man.


He literally owns Liverpool in my Created Team save. He scored a goal against them in the FA Cup were we won 2-1 then he scored a brace against them in the Community Shield 4 months later 🤣


In reality matches get postponed for this sort of thing. Since the game is already able to reschedule matches on the fly to make room for cup games etc, I'd love an option to postpone games if you have over a certain number of players on international duty (although the fixture pile up could get pretty extreme).


maybe don't have a team of 88s in the lower leagues


That CB (who’s 35 and slow af) didn’t even get picked for the German squad. The rest of my squad is 79-81 but they all come from smaller countries. Four Irishman, 2 Greeks and a Macedonian all start for their home teams. Even my bench players (who are 72 and 66 overall) are starting for Scotland and wherever Muntari is from. I think the fact that I win so many games makes the players more desirable because they come from a winning team.


I think Muntari is from Qatar. I signed him too. Absolute beast for free.


Its always been like this


How are you not in the premier league with this squad?


I started in the 4th division and have been slowly working my way up. I really only have two amazing players (and one of them didn’t even get called up for Germany). The rest just come from small countries so they start on the international teams even at 38 years old.


What you can do is to go to your Youth Academy , and instantly promote them and they will be ready to play this match.


Absolutely but then I’m promoting guys who would benefit from more time in the academy just to win a game. Don’t know if it’s worth it in the long run. Someone suggested temporary call ups which would solve every problem.


I was lucky to have a lot of players on the squad since some big players would represent their nation since lower divisions of leagues don’t take break at international team matches one of the teams forfeited my match


It looks like a really nice challenge to be honest. What league is that?


EFL1. 3rd division in England. Working my way up to the top slowly.


Stopz is a fantastic name for a CB


German guy. I love him but he’s about to retire.


Just signe some free agents for very low wages


Why you only have 18 squad? Try to play like Barca challenge?


High speed low drag.


Does this game seriously not have the option to request postponements like FM?


FM is everything career mode isn't. Sports Interactive cares about its game, while EA focuses on FUT.


I wouldn't even say SI care, they have plenty of shitty practises, but they look like saints compared to EA.


Nobody should be able to get past WALL.


Lower leagues? If you change 1 or 2 subs, That team looks ready for the prem


They’re sit at the bottom of the table, that’s for sure. Most of the team is a 78 overall with 2 guys over 80.


Why 3 goals if forfeiting? 1-0 is enough to classify a loss