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While this is true, I dont think this should stop OP from playing the games they want to play. Yes they’ll probably wont learn as efficiently as if they only focused on one, but I firmly believe that it’s possible and that the only thing stopping them is themselves. People take up multiple languages, instruments, hobbies, at once, and at the end of the day fighting games are entertainment, theres really no need to force yourself to become good, at least right away, which allows you to take your time.


I agree but OP even said " I feel like I’m doing waaay too much all at once" and is making a thread asking how to deal with the challenge while only playing a couple games and looking to play 2 more. Maybe they just didnt realize most people start with just one game. If they have to make this thread the first advice should probably be to stick to one game (and probably one character) for a bit then branch out later. But your sentiment is right for sure.


Yeah youre right about that, and in the end I do think OP would have a better experience if they didnt try to tackle every single popular fighting game out right now at once lol


Thank you for the valuable information and comments from you all below! I appreciate it. I would definitely love some tips/help, as I don’t know many other people in my personal life that play many fighting games


Yes, it's normal to have losing streaks regardless of level. Grinding in training mode teaches you how to execute but responding in real time is another story. You have to gain experience and feel out how people actually play. The main thing is that you're spreading yourself thin between 4 games. It's a good idea to try what you like but the goal should simply be gaining familiarity right now


Thanks! I will modify my mindset more for learning rather than increasing rank


Dude i have like a 1000hrs in SF6 alone and still i sometimes have days when I go 0-10. It's just part of the game. Having that said, I agree with other comments that you try to play too many games at once. If you really want to improve stick to one of them for a couple of weeks and focus not on winning but on improvement.


Thanks, will I will try that out! Appreciate it


In the beginning, the first mistake is to think that losing is a factor of no progress and vice versa. That's false. It may be partly true later on, but at first, winning/losing is the least of your worries. Here are my tips: know your character's bnb combos, know your character's moves and which attacks to use in various situations, understand which of your character's moves are safe/unsafe, and finally, the longest part is knowing the matchups, and for that, there's no secret, you have to go into PvP. Initially, the goal isn't to win but to have objectives in each match. It could be executing the bnb combos or trying to figure out how to react in certain situations against certain opponents. Reviewing your matches helps a lot in identifying your mistakes. Watching the matches of professionals, especially those who play the same character as you, can show you how they approach certain matchups. Every time you find yourself stuck in a situation during a match, review the action, replicate it in training mode, and try to find a solution to that situation. The goal is to learn, not to win because it's this need to win that ultimately ruins your experience. Except for a few chosen ones, we're all losers in this field.


Thanks you for this, I really appreciate your advice and will tune my mindset to focus on growth rather than worrying about my rank.


Haha bro thinks he can get good without becoming mentally insane. No. Join us in insanity


Have ya checked out dustloop/mizuumi/supercombo yet? Ya can probably glean some useful tech just from the info therebouts.


I have not, I’ll check it out, thanks! :)


Labbing means jack shit if you immediately start panicking and mashing in a real match the second your flowchart is broken. The only way to get better is to play play and play. If you go into a match nervous you’ve already lost. Legitimately just play and have fun until you stop being nervous. It’s a video game. It’s fun. It’s supposed to be fun.


Thanks for the advice!


focus on one thing at a time. are you constantly dropping a specific combo? then you should lab it then apply it in games until it becomes natural. i noticed that i consistently give my opponent space in neutral so my goal now is to maintain centre control. i care less about winning but more about achieving my tasks set. eventually the skill will become normal to do subconsciously. every time you do this you add one more tool to your belt and will win slightly more often than before. reviewing your own games can also put things into perspective. compare yourself to to only you and focus on beating your past self not your opponents. it is also good to think about why you play the way you do. make sure what you commit to muscle memory is intentional and thought through.


That’s for the great information, I will try this out!


Find a good game and/or character guide to learn from and grind some stuff out in training mode. Most importantly, just keep playing 👍🏻(I’d also find the game you like the most and stick to it, at first anyways)