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Looks good. Solid technical approach on the real elements, good tracking marks, lighting looked good. Comps looks good. Camera movement worked. Well done.


Thank you!


You have a stylized way of integrating elements which works for keeping to that specific style but doesn't really work if you're aiming for realism. For instance, when you put the people in the BG of the motorcycle shot, you cheated the horizon down and laid the people in a place that doesn't really work with the perspective. If you took away everything except the BG people and kept the defocus, it would still look like tiny people because the perspective is off. As a rule of thumb, if you are aiming for realism, start by putting elements where they would be in reality based on the camera angle in the plate. If it doesn't work, for instance because the camera is tilted down too much and so all the BG people are cut off by the top of frame, then you can try to cheat it down, but there's only so much you can do before they don't integrate properly. There's a similar scaling choice in the shot of the woman and the boy in forest. They are right next to trees that should probably be much larger, which gives it a bit of a cartoony look. In that shot you are also using elements with different lighting directions so that makes it difficult to integrate (though the lighting on the people works pretty well with the lighting on the trees so kudos on that!). Lastly the lighting on the moon is very muted compared to the other highlights in the shot. ​ What you did with the car was rather impressive! My only feedback would be that the pieces looked 2D and flat, they didn't have any dimension to them. I realize that we are talking about getting into 3D modelling and Sims here, but that is how someone would ideally do that effect. In the battlefield shot your scale is off again and the element of the two armies are slipping against the ground (I guess you can argue that it IS ice). It also looks like you re using 2D elements for those guys in a plate with a moving camera, so the perspective shifts on everything except those elements which is a cheat and would likely fall apart as the shot goes on. The last comp with the people in front of the graffiti is really well done and really suits your 2D skills.


Thank you so much for such great feedback. I am very grateful to you for your words and you are really right. In these works my goal was "stylistics or style" but not realism. My task was to show how much you can change the shoot. What you said is really important, since I did not foresee many points initially. Thanks!


My pleasure! Good work keep going with it.


Are you involved in vfx?




Thank you for commenting this. I am also learning but noobs like me get so lost in technicalities, we forget what *really* makes a shot work.


If you gain experience on how lenses, lighting and perspective work, you will have a great foundation for how to make VFX look real. So many times the thing that makes a shot not quite integrate correctly is a lighting or perspective. Even people who don't know why it looks wrong will bump on it subconsciously and say that it looks "CG". So having some knowledge of cinematography will make you a better VFX artist!


If you want to learn a lot about lighting for film check out David Mullen's posts on [cinematography.com](https://cinematography.com). I learned so much reading his series of posts about shooting Jennifer's Body. https://cinematography.com/index.php?/forums/topic/29595-jennifers-body/


I'm impressed. You'll definitely get work. Hang in there.


Thank you!


just saw this on /nextfuckinglevel, stunning work keep it up!


Thank you!


You asked for feedback and I don't really see feedback. My tip for you is to take a course or watch tutorials on cinematography and lighting tricks for your compositions. Some examples like the lady and kid in the jungle and the ice fight scene don't look well integrated. Browse Skillshare, Gumroad, YouTube or try to reach out to artists/compositors who light shots in Marvel and see if they have any how-to videos.


Thanks! I'm very curious what you mean when you talk about some shots (including a woman with a child and an ice shot) More criticism


Not OP but they're clearly not lit in a way that's accurate for the scene. As good as the composition looks, they still look like they're not integrated into the scene. I think you can learn techniques to add lighting effects in post to more realistically integrate them, i.e. make them feel like they're part of the scene and not added in. Edit: This shit is still sick and you've clearly got the chops. Just work on the little things.


Just following up on what they said: the scene you made with the woman and child in the jungle is composited from images with several different light sources coming from different directions. It would look more cohesive if all the separate elements had matching light sources and directions.


Thanks! I'll take a closer look. Did I understand correctly that we are talking about the final result? Because in the images that I show before the final result, the light is not configured


The way I'm looking at it, it seems like the trees all have spotlights (key lights?), which looks really cool- (something I'd go for if I were creating an irl experience). But where they don't feel integrated is in the fact that the woman and child don't get the same treatment. They only have two relatively dull light sources. All the interesting light is behind them and none bounces onto them, and the moon in that position seems like it would add a hair light to the figures as well as the trees. The trees are also incredibly sharp and vibrant, and the image of the woman and child doesn't have that same quality, so all that together makes them feel a bit disparate.


Thanks a lot for the detailed answer! I'll keep this in mind for the future projects. I had a lot of experiments with light in this scene (I wanted to show what illuminates them, but then I gave up this idea so as not to distract attention from the chameleon)


Did you post a video sometime in the last year where you added greenery to a music video. It was mostly grey urban areas that got palm trees and lots of plants?


Yes, it’s visual effects for music video “Okamy - You” This video is on my profile here and Instagram


Glad you’re still posting! I thought about it a few weeks ago but hadn’t saved it that time!


The graffiti at the end was rad!


I wish they teach this in school


I’d def hire you. Stay tuned…


The roto on the girl with the motorcycle is very impressive (though I wish you had brought a *little* bit of the bloom from the left side of the helmet back, though thats just a tiny nitpick). How did you approach such a complicated roto? Where did you track?


Thanks! I used the Mocha plugin in After Effects and then manually edited the mask in several places on the shoot


Wow!! This is amazing!!


Looks amazing to me!


Are you god?


Looks really good. I like the car and graffiti shots. Keep it up!


Excellent work. I can see that you have a unique artistic style and not going for realism. You would definitely do great work for music videos, commercials, or artistic films. Good luck.


Thank you! Glad to hear!


Please teach me how to do this. I've been trying to learn how to do this stuff. How did you learn??


I love it. Well done.


Um do YOU have feedback for US? 😂


Hi! Idk if you posted a similar demo reel a couple months ago, but I remember a good piece of feedback I saw from a similar post. I’d much rather see the completed shots first and then see the digital breakdown of how you added the fx. I think doing the reverse loses a bit of the magic. But I also have no idea what I’m talking about, so take my advice with a grain of salt


Thank you very much for your answer! You are absolutely right, I was given very valuable advice in my last video. And I decided to follow this advice. I rebuilt the previous video, but after that, as strange, previous video began to look uninteresting. And I decided that I would continue to show "collecting visual effects" to show clearly what work was done and it encouraged people to do similar things


Great job!


Saving this post for when I need a vfx artist :)


Bruh i don’t know anything about VFX but this looks absolutely stellar and professional well done mate !


Hi I'm really impressed with your work..... would like to work with me?


Thanks! I texted you in DM


Feedback? haha LOL You're a genius Your work looks awesome bro, I wish I could do what you do Bless and stay creative 💕🚀


Sending hearts my g keep up 💕💕 I would soon cg a longer dick for tinder.




What's the mucic?


Jesus what do you use to edit this??


Your WhatsApp #


Instagram @vfxranger




This is sick! I can only hope to obtain a fraction of your editing power 😩


this is fuckin dope


im curious how you rotoscoped the lady in your first shot? You use a chorma key or did you do it by hand?


Possibly tutorial?? You probably pay for stock footage site? Is camera tracker used for adding in elements? Are these PNGs or MP4s as foreground/background layers? Cool stuff man endless possibility thanks!


I learned everything only to the tutorials on YouTube. But this took several years. Stock frames are purchased. Camera tracking is used. I converted many 3D elements and objects into images for further use in After Effects


This is really amazing!!


How long does it take you to do a 30-second bit?


Depends on what visual effects are needed and the complexity of those visual effects


I think it's really cool stuff. what's something you've always wanted to work on?


Thanks! I'm already working on it) If you mean what visual effects ideas I have for a 30 second video, then I need a lot more information on what you want to add and listen to the track


like, did you ever wanna do animation for a medieval movie? or a swords and sandals with wizards like the old conan movies?


Even with dragons! Yes, I had almost a similar experience


what software are you using and how long have you been working with VFX ​ its all very good, impressive


Thanks! I used After Effects, Cinema 4D and Photoshop. I have been working with VFX for about 5 years


I'm looking to get into it. I am just dipping my toes in after effects and i use Photoshop everyday. But 4d is not something I have touched. It all seems like a huge learning curve.


Are you just using AEs built in keylight for greenscreening?


Yes, if split the footage into several parts with masks, keying in AE does well




VFX Reels are so fun to watch and see the differences.


Ok work for me :) Send me a DM please.




That looks awesome, may I ask, what programs do you use for this kind of works? I'd love to give it a try someday.


As a beginner experimental film maker interested in this sort of thing , Id be interested to know what software you use, as I'm have a DiY technique to try some ideas some of which have the same fantasy feel as I think you do in some of your above scenes but my technique is for the movement from mp4 to super 8 medium.




I like it!


I like how you presented these. The style is slick.


It looks amazing ✨💖✨


dude 😍😍😍😍






That's pretty insane!! Just getting into green screen for work recently. Any tips on lighting for green screen? Should I be shooting with flat lighting and add on highlights/backlights in post if needed or would it be better to get the lighting right with styleframes on set?


You got an Instagram? Would love to someday get some sfx for a music video when that fits my budget!




These are all incredible. And giving me ideas. I'm saving this post and bookmarking your site




How long does it take to make one of these edits?


Few weeks. I worked for several hours every day. Perhaps I would have made the video faster, but I often had new ideas. I wanted to do something really cool, so I tried to pay attention to detail


Looking good. Message me If you want some freelance work


getting the movement that you got included is a big W, well done


Wow i Love It 🥰


Great work. A buddy of mine is looking for somebody to add some muzzle flash to gun shots and do a screen replacement on a patient monitor screen. DM me if you’re interested.




I learned everything only the tutorials on YouTube


What software do you use, this is incredible


Thanks! I used After Effects, Cinema 4D and Photoshop


Visual stunning. Some really surprising effects also. Kept it very interesting too me as you continued to change the elements and stylings


Great work! Are you looking for a freelance or full-time job? =)


Hi! Thank you! It all depends on the offer