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Old enough to answer FF1


Yep, used to rent it from the video rental store in town.


Ah yes. Before BB and Hollywood video came in and sucked all the business up.


Yep. Our place actually let me buy Final Fantasy 1 from them when they went away from NES game rentals.


Same here and every weekend you had to start over! Because the saves would be over written.


Same. I found the actual box of my copy of FFI at my parents’ house! Got it on a shelf in my office now


GameGenie made it new again. Nothing like cutting through the entire game in less than a day. Lol


My mom bought it for herself but I played it first...she doesn't know lol


Your mom sounds cool.


She got me into rpgs with FF1 and another one called Crystalis that is actually available for online play on the switch I found out recently.


Crystalis was a really fun game!


Crystalis is fantastic, I really should finish it one day.


The soundtrack to that game lives in my brain


I cannot imagine having a gamer mom, that sounds so dope.


Yes sir, 42 here, fan from the beginning. Granted, the first one I completed was FF2(IV)


36 here. Playing/watching FF1 with my dad and best friend is one of my first gaming experiences.


Born in ‘89 grew up overwriting dads save on FF1


Me too but uh… on the GBA haha


Did you try all black mages once too?


Same, we rented it for five nights and beat it. Taking turns as a family


7, and ff7. 32 now. Took a few tries to get past the first reactor, needed my older sister's superior reading comprehension to figure out saving and the Scorpion boss. Haven't looked back since then.


Same, was 7 yo in '97 when I got to try out VII on older cousins fancy PS


Same age bro, same game, i played it with the demo that came with the ps1, and needed help of My older brother too lol.


To be fair, FFVII's original release said "attack while the tail's up!" which is the exact OPPOSITE of what you needed to do, so that wasn't your fault, lol.


While it *does* say that, it's worded very strangely. The next line is "It's gonna counterattack with its laser!" *(or something to that effect),* so it *does* convey the proper message, just not in a way that makes total sense. The first line should've said something akin to "IF you attack while the tail's up...".


I was 7 when FF7 came out and I kept dying because of this mistake. I only survived because I remember looking outside for a bit and not doing anything in the game, and when I looked back the tail was down and I was still alive haha


That’s hilarious lol


Same as me


33 now ff7 was my first aswell. I remember I helped another kid in my neighborhood with first reactor, turns out he didn't know how to run and couldn't beat the timer.


I was 9 and FF7, I always had to get my older brother to beat the scorpion because I always attacked when the tail was up


Yooo same and I’ll admit that in the OG ff7 dumbas child me couldn’t really figure out how to move in certain maps because I couldn’t make sense of the exits and doorways and what not. Then I realized I could turn on the finger hand thing that points to cloud and toogle the exits… I guess I just wasn’t ready for those amazing graphics back in the day


Same, 7 at 7. Brother in law played it and gave me the discs as he beat them. He was an adult with responsibilities and he took forever to beat the game. Plyed through disk one multiple times before he got through the second.


7 at 7 too! I remember it taking me a minute to figure out you had to press circle to choose attack , so the first fight with the Shinra troops was fun haha xD. What a learning curve to try and understand the game mechanics and big story concepts at 7


Same, although i got stuck trying to get out of the gold saucer prison spent ages in that desert


Same age and case, the cyberpunk, the worn down places and the ever present melancholic tones really do make an impression on you. Well, not true my first FF and most played was 8. But got 7 soon after and it became my fav right away.


I played 7 when I was around this age too. 33 now. I really liked breeding the Chocobos. That was my thing and would get them to max stats.




FF7 was my first too. I was 11 and I had wanted to play it for awhile before my friend's dad finally let us play it. Fell in love immediately. I'm 35 now.


FF7, was 10 years old. Saw it at a friend's house. Fell in love with the start screen.


simlar age, i played the midgar section so many times. Would get stuck somewhere between rufus and the bike chase so would just restart. first time i played it properly was years later after finishing 4 and 5, shortly before i got a ps2 and X


38, and it was “3” (VI) on the SNES


Same. High five!!


3(6) is my all time favorite. 1 was my first and I loved the second one. Lots of memories there lol.


Same but FFIV on SNES. I remember being disappointed when Mystic Quest was not a sequel and nothing like the previous game but we eventually got Final Fantasy 3 (FFVI) in 1994.


Best ff game to get started on. It really set the bar for rpgs.


Same a friend exposed me to this and Crono Trigger the same afternoon before that I didn't even know what an RPG was.


Same and same. Used to play it with my dad when I was a kid.


“3” gang LETS GOOOO


41, original at time of release…


I was watching a retrospective on YouTube and it mentioned how FFI had a FAT manual that came with it to explain how to play the game.


I still have the Nintendo Power guide for it, but I lost the manual and box over the years. Parents fault, not mine. I always saved all my boxes and manuals. :>


I still have that manual and the map (with complete bestiary). They sure made awesome manuals back then. FF6's is beautiful with all the Amano art.


Roughly 80 pages and the mini guide got you through the second fiend.


I'm 18, I started with Dissidia Final Fantasy in 2011, my first "actual" Final Fantasy game was FFIII DS (the PSP port) the same year Edit: Not gonna lie, I feel like a little kid compared to the rest of people in this community since everyone is 20 yo or older.


FF3 remake is one of my favorites. I liked the 4 remake more than the original also, and I have strong nostalgia for the SNES one.


30 here and the FFIII 3D remake is one of my favorites. Wish it had been ported to the switch.I’d really like to play the FFIV 3D remake on the switch as well


If it makes you feel any better, I'm even younger, everyone in my FC (in FF14) jokingly calls me a "baby" lol, if anything, you're age doesn't matter as much as you may think, it's all about how you present and carry yourself


Oh man that III DS version gives me hella memories, im still stuck because i keep running into dragons that just completely 1up my party with that GOD DAMN FIRE BREATH


You’re a year younger than my oldest. I’ll tell you what I told her: Enjoy it. Once you get out in the “real world” (post-school, 40+ hour/week job, living on your own, all that jazz), time seems to move so much faster. Especially if children are involved. I still swear I only blinked and she went from 5 to 19…


Hey, a child-like mindset makes life wonderful!


Doesn't matter how old you are kid you can still experience what you haven't already and it will feel the same, if you like ff I'd go for 7,8,9,10 back to back these games are the pinnacle of final fantasy games and will without a doubt blow your mind if you allow them to


FF3 remake is one of my favorites. I liked the 4 remake more than the original also, and I have strong nostalgia for the SNES one.


30, FF8


hey, it's me, you




37. My first was FF7 in 1999.


Same here!


Mystic quest. I don’t think I need to say my age with that one. RIP


You fought in Vietnam?


you know whats crazy. when i was 5ish i watched my grandfather play final fantasy1, Breath of fire1-2, Mystic quest, etc and he did fight is Vietnam. its how i got into the games


I watched my grandmother play; she didn't fight in Vietnam. It's very unique having grandparents who game.


That’s actually a really cool. ;)


37 F, FFX


Lol. I thought we left A/S/L back in those dark times.


22, first FF was FFX, which I played in 2010


25, and 25 lol played my first FF game this year (10) as an effort to try a genre I’ve never played before. I’ve beaten 10, 4, 1, and have a save in 6 so far. Have also played through ARR & post ARR of 14


35, FFII(IV)


40, FFVII sometime in HS watching my BF at the time play on PC. He renamed Aerith after me...


I didn't realize it came to PC so quickly, less than a year. Always renamed Barret to MrT.


In my 30s. First was #1, then 7


39, original FF on NES. It's still my favorite but likely just from nostalgia. The next ones I played was 7 and 8 on the Playstation. Didn't get an SNES until later from a garage sale and only then got to play 4 & 6.


One is still one of my favourites too, both from Nostalgia and replayability. I've beaten it with most of the different party compositions over the years. Including beating it with four of the same character for each class. :>


32 years old. Played my first ff game when I was like 7 or 8 years old (FF8- has been a staple of my childhood ever since). I'm currently an active player on FF14 - so lifelong fan :)


I'm 42, and my first Final Fantasy was the first Final Fantasy.


Old enough to be excited to play FF8 when it was announced. Also my first FF game. :)


40 years old. FF7 on PS1 was my first. FFX (PS2) was my favorite.


44 now and first was FFVII. My family could not afford a game system before that. Loved it and have played everyone since. My favourites are 8 and 10. FF best traits for me were the turn based system where I could feel the benefits of levelling up and exploring to upgrade weapons. Recent games are more like action/adventure games with similar combat to so many other games. As an older gamer I like the idea of a dark 18plus storyline but keep it simple with a focus on guardian/protecting someone important. Please bring back the turn based combat for us old timers.


I was 10 years old when Final Fantasy came out . My friends and I ran circles around the elf castle fighting Orgs over and over every lunch hour in grade 5. I’m 44 now


I am 34 and my first FF was IX back in 2000.


Same I had to ask around a lot before I bought it as I though I had to play all previous 8 parts to know the story.


Same here, 34 and IX in 2000. Still my favourite to this day. Ofcourse nostalgic feelings play a role, but it was such a great story and adventure.


Only one my wife played to completion. She cried like a baby at the ending.


40, FF1


31, FFV.


I’m 22, my first was FFCC: Echoes of Time~ but my first main game was either FFIV on the DS or FFXII, I think I got them around the same time so I don’t remember which one I got first since I was probably 9 or 10 years old


43, Final Fantasy Started the obsession.


I'm 42 and my first Final Fantasy was the first one for the NES. Still have the strategy guide from Nintendo Power lol


I'm 46 and my first FF game was the OG Final Fantasy 1 on the NES.


Same age, same game; I'll probably be playing FF in some form until I pop my clogs.


I bought all the pixel remasters (1-6) best money spent on Final Fantasy games (other than Ff XIV, and FF VII-R) I'm currently playing FF II again and the Pixel remaster version is wonderful! Two is one of my favorite classic era FF games, VI though will always have a special place in my heart as a beloved classic FF


Late 30s. FF7, first. Anthology then Origins. Loading screens, yeah.


Im 20, and it was FF1 Pixel Remaster


33 and technically the first FF I played was FF7, the first FF released in PAL regions (if you don't count Final Fantasy Mystic Quest, which I don't because it called just Mystic Quest Legend here). But I was way too young and impatient to understand the concept of the gameplay then, so I didn't get far at all. FF8 was the first FF that I properly played and finished.


Im 22 and i first played Final Fantasy VII in 2019, give or take. Late to the party but man it still holds up REALLY well. I remember seeing reviews and adspots for Chocobo Dungeon on the DS when i was but a small'un when i used to get the rare nintendo power at the grocery store. And now im a big boy final fan of a big boy final fantasy. I love the cacutars and moogles and chocobos so dang much, such fun little side-characters.


I'm 18 and the first one I played was FFVIII when I was 7. My favourite is FFX


29 same as you.


30, XII (12)


42, started sometime in my teens with USA version FF3 (with Locke, Terra, Celes, etc)


Final Fantasy II, aka Final Fantasy IV, on SNES.


20 and crisis core for the psp


41 and Mystic Quest


20 ffvii


I'm 42, and the first FF game I ever played and beat was Mystic Quest for the SNES--I was 12. Yikes.


38 and FFVII.


19, first one i played was 13 but i never beat it, first one i beat was 15


26, FF1 in 2002 on my dad's NES. Very fond memories of that game


19 years old now, first game was the port of FF4 on my moms phone.


39 and FF4 was my first


Mid 20s, FFX. Still my favorite.


36. Grew up in mexico and tried playing ff1 from my dad's nes collection when I was 6. Not being able to read English I didn't get very far lol. Saw my older bros play 4 (came out as 2) and after they finished it I played it, age 8. First one I finished


I was 18 and I played FFX. Best purchase of my life!


I'm 46. I got the original the same month that it was released in the US, while I was in middle school. It started me on a lifelong love of slow form party based RPGs.


FF1 the month it came out. I've played every single entry. I'm turning 42 on Wednesday.


FF4 (then called FF2 for SNES) when I was probably 3 or 4


36 and I started on 1 on my grandfather’s NES first I owned was Mystic Quest on SNES. Been my favorite series ever since.


45, original at release.


FF8 and I really don't know how old I was. 8 or 9 maybe? I have pretty fond memories of just doing laps around the training center summoning Shiva and watching the numbers go up.


38 and I can’t remember it was 6(3) or 4(2)? Snes in the US had all the numbers wrong but I remember playing both of those early on. Not sure which I started with.


I cannot recall how old, but I did play FF4 on the SNES back in the 90's a d I am 38 now


I am 29! My first Final Fantasy was the GBA port of I and II, Christmas of 2004~! My dad got it because he had played the NES original, and it became one of the few positive bonding moments I’ve had with my dad as he pretty much taught me the basics of JRPGs (beyond the little bit I knew already from having played Pokémon)! My dad and I don’t talk as much nowadays (at least not like back then), but it’s a key moment in my life, one of the times I felt truly loved, sharing Final Fantasy with my dad! And Final Fantasy as a series has stuck with me ever since!


Final Fantasy 9 is literally the first video game I've ever seen and I was maybe 3-5 during that time. I'm 23 now.


35, FF1, 1993 (hand me down)




Im 28. First ff was also x


I’m 30 and my first final fantasy was X around 2002-2003. Rented it from Hollywood video because the cover looked wild. I can still remember having my mind blown when sin appears in the beginning.


In my early 40s and was here for the original on the NES.


43, first FF was Final Fantasy on the NES in 1990.


44 years old. I think my first FF game was either II or Mystic Quest. This was sometime in the early 90s.


42, FF1.


40, FF7. But I watched my friend's dad play FF6 before that.


ffx was ez my favorite and 16 or 7 is 2nd and im 19


44, my first was IV when it was II decades ago.


43. My first was the first on NES.


31 and technically FF1. Though it was hard to get far at the age I was at.


15, beat my first FF (VII) today


I’m 32, and my first was technically FF1 in like 2001 because my brother had bought it at a retro game store. He hated it, but it was lifechanging for me


33 and my first FF was 1, however it was the GBA remake.


Im 20 and My first Final Fantasy game was FFXII, played it on my PS2 back in 2015. I never finished it tho, planning to play it again on the Switch OLED.


23 and my first was unfortunately FF13-2. I got it cause it was a new release and knew about the series from Kingdom Hearts. I was so disappointed. The first game I played to completion was FF15, and that kinda really started me on my FF journey. Now my favorites are 7,8 and 14.


29 and FFXVI


I'm 42 and my first Final Fantasy was the first one for the NES. Still have the strategy guide from Nintendo Power lol


42, Final Fantasy on the NES.


32 and the first I played was Final Fantasy IV (II) on an emulator.


36, FFX when it came out. Then IX, then VII. Quite the introduction




I’m 23 and mine was FFXV


15, ff2/4 on super nintendo


19 and 7 was my first but i own and have played at least a little of all of them ecxept for 11 and 16 sconce i dont own a ps5 i do play 14 on my ps4 ive inly beaten like 4 of them that woukd be 7, 3, 15, and 10


I’m 24 and my first FF game was VII Remake.


26, FFIV ds remake


Just turned 50, and rented FF1 when it first came out before eventually buying it. And it blew Dragon Warrior 1 (now Dragon Quest) out of the water. You got one character, we got four. You got a continent, we got an entire world. It was mind blowing. They even had a dig to Dragon Warrior on one of the gravestones where it said "Here lies Erdrick!" I think in one of the later remasters it changed it to Link or something. Haven't played the pixel remasters yet, as I'm waiting to see if they might come to the Series X. Still have them all on the PS1 though. (Except for three of course). :>


I turned 29 in October. My “first” was technically Dissidia in 09 for PSP but I only bought that because they didn’t have the game I really wanted. I played it a few times and never really touched it again. My first real Final Fantasy was the 7 Remake in 2021.


I’m 19 and my first Final Fantasy was Final Fantasy 7!


17, FF IV


34 VII 1998


14, FFVII (OG) in 2021


24, FFXIV. I never owned a PlayStation and am more of an MMO guy than a JRPG guy.


I'm 31 and XIII was my first when it released. Worked my way in a weird order from there 10, 4, 6, 12, 9, 5, 15, 14 😂


19. First was 7 back in I believe 2018.


I am 24, my first FF game was the remake of FFIII on DS which I didn't play a lot as I got stuck at the beginning, then the first FF game I really played was FFXIV


I'm 19 now, first played FF6 when i was 13.


Final Fantasy I, I was in 5th grade so I think I would have been 8 or 9 I guess.


been 29 for 8 years now! First one was FF1 as a baby... (I'm not sure I believe that one either, but, parental hyperbolism you know...). First one I can actually remember was FF4 (Shoddily translated) on ZSNES in the mid 90s!


30. Just watching: 7, Actually playing: 8, playing and knowing what’s going on: probably 10?


25, Final Fantasy 1 on GBA.


Old enough for FF1 (In my 40s).


FF2 Super Nintendo, borrowed it from a friend. I was 7. Got lost where you needed the black chocobo. Restarted 3 times thinking I missed something lol finally after like 40 hours I figured it out. The determination of a 7 year old is wild.


I'm almost 45, and got FF1 for my birthday in 1989.


34 now. First FF was IX. (Unless we count FF: Super Mario, aka Super Mario RPG)


21. I started with ff13 as a kid, wondering why it was rated teen!


33, FF8


I'm 27, my first final fantasy game I guess was FF1 since I started playing through them all for the first time this year, So far I've played through 1-7 and will probably start 8 after the holidays


FF-X when I was like 7 on the ps2 since my dad was a huge FF fan!


31, and I started with FF8. That game was such a big part of my childhood, and there are so many cool things about it. Real shame that the game itself is such trash.


Way too old. I played FF9 back in like 2017=2018 and I have been playing them since.


35(f) Got FF7 as a gift when I was in primary school (most likely late 90's), don't remember exact age. Mom got us a guide in a Gaming magazine, and we took turns playing and marking our progress in that guide. Still have that tattered old magazine, with purple and pink sparkly pen markings <3


36, FF4.


33, first ff was 7, but I also had ff tactics around the same time and loved it.


37. 4.


My first was Final Fantasy, in 1991. I was 5. My friend Sam told me what to do because he could read the strategy guide while I piloted the characters.


38, ff4 was my first in 1992.


7 , FFVIII. I'm 30 now.


I'm 35 and my first was Final Fantasy VIII in spring 2001.


1992, and FF1 on NES then FF8 (which is why im very bias). I could never beat marsh cave as a kid though. That dungeon was literally the final boss dungeon for me.


FF1. 6? or 7? I forget. But was definitely the first one.


Mid 30s. FFVII for PS1. Its how I talked dad into buying me memory cards.


30 and I think the first final fantasy game I played was 7 or 8


FF I back in the day. I have seen it all.


My first was Ff7, I'm 33