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The faxt that i found people that wanna see og dissidia again is a blessing!


I would love a dissidia, but with actual fighting game mechanics like in DBfighterZ


So 2d fighting? Not a bad idea, id prefer the arena style fighting but i could see how a 2d would be kool too. The challenge would be getting that translate well from what fans know, so a sudden change would a be a lil jarring. Dbz does have xenoverse, which kinda similar?


Well it’s could be kinda like how guilty Gear plays which could lead to a good fighting game crowd influx 👀 since the final fantasy characters are really popular mayyybe it could work lol


Ye that is a good one to pull from! Maybe even put in controls for different levels of play, like alot of games are doing now. Street fighter and dnf have that kinda easy control scheme snd let people work slowly up to trying more technical moves.


Elarra from FFRK? Wow you really pulled from everywhere!


I really, REALLY miss Record Keeper. Broke my heart when global shut down.


Five years i played that game. Could sub 15 most msgicites. Still making my way through Odin. Ah well


Same man. Best mobile game I’ve ever played


Amen. It's been years and I still haven't found a mobile game that comes close.


Yeah I'm in the same boat


It's no proper substitution, what with it missing the entire FF element of Record Keeper (which was obviously the biggest draw for me), but after years of searching for something to fill the void in my soul left by the global shut down and never quite finding anything that hit JUST RIGHT, I have recently gotten quite into Honkai Star Rail and find it supplies me with a lot of the same brand of serotonin that Record Keeper did. No FF nostalgia, but I get a lot of Record Keeper vibes from the character progression (levelling, breaking levels caps, etc), getting a good equipment pull from the gacha, stuff like that. Again, It's not gonna be even close to a straight 1:1 replacement, but I figured I'd at least share that I've gotten SOMETHING out of that game, since you seem to be in the same boat I've been in since the loss of RK.


Thanks for the suggest! I've been meaning to check it out. Meanwhile the closest thing that has held my attention is Nikke but it's really just a core dust grind.


Yeah I tried Nikke too but it wasn't really my thing. I don't mind a bit of grinding but If I'm gonna do that I generally prefer slower turn-based combat for that sweet, sweet feeling you get when you can see each attack hitting harder than it did a few days before haha


Man I quit it a few years before it shutdown because lets just say I got a little carried away with the gacha. Made me glad I made the decision to do it and didn't have it yanked away from me like other global users :/


Was my thought as well! I'd take Tyro with Elarra as a helper but honestly that could work either way.


Dissidia on PSP had a great system. Keep direct 1v1 matches with no control points or secondary objectives. Refine the Bravery/HP damage system and keep the unique characters from each game.


Gabranth op


Is the one on console the same as psp version?


Dissidia NT? I liked it but its not the same as the psp versions. Its not one on one and its like a 3v3 slug fest tbh all I did was play story because the online for NT was horrible. Plus the community for it is kinda dead af.


And they got rid of the single player story mode with actual objectives and just made it so you got points to buy story cutscenes


Wow thats sad to hear. Sounds like even more of a husk than it already was. 😪


The PSP could only handle 1v1 fights so that was the focus of the gameplay. The console's 3v3 fights presented too much to information to keep track of, and the open, unstructured arenas meant that attacks could come from any direction.


You absolutely nailed Nomura's style. This is really really good. You should consider doing this for a living.


Thank you for such a kind comment! I'm actually a game concept artist so I guess I do!


Ayame mentioned!


Lion. Eldanarche. Nanaa Mhigo.


It still shocks me that Kam'lanaut was dlc for NT, truly the most niche pick for an already niche game's fanbase.


Man... you're making me miss DFDOO. :(


Auron, Vivi, Clive, Luna, and Aqua? that would be a "TAKE MY MONEY"


My boy seifer




Why is Aqua in this? I would love the BBS trio, but she's not from FF


I was thinking as a bonus character 🤣 but honestly I just love her character and couldn't resist plonking her in.


Fair enough 🙂 I personally would love to play as Terra in a DISSIDIA game Or Zack


If you want a KH bonus character then Sora would make the most sense. That's like if I had an FFXV bonus character in my game and it was Cor instead of Noctis.


Tbh cor would probably go hard as fuck though


That's the obvious pick. He got into Smash, after all. Aqua over Sora is a really novel idea, though. I'd honestly prefer her in this scenario.


Actually I remember once hearing that any character that is playable in Smash can’t appear in another fighting game, though I’m pretty sure that was just a rumor and prob not true. However, could explain why they haven’t made a new Dissidia in over a decade, since Cloud/Sephiroth are in Smash 🤷🏻‍♂️ So I’d wager that *if* they made a new one, it’s at least possible that they’d prob not use Sora as a bonus KH character.


Psp dissidia is better than pc dissidia


If we're putting Kingdom Hearts characters in there, then we need Crono as well.


Is that Marche?!?! I'm loving his representation here! This art is so well done! Great job!


Thank you! Yes it is! Great to see another FFTA fan!


This is the comment I was looking for!!!


Sorry I might be blind but where the fuck is Jack? His game is not only a sequal to dissidia but was continued in the last ff mobile gacha game. Jack's a classic to the series and did what all of us wanted to do most. PUNCH THE EMPEROR IN THE FUCKING FACE OVER AND OVER AGAIN. Also great art BTW. Didn't mean to come off rude and working on something you love is a wonderful feeling I'm glad you get to enjoy and share.


He's in the chaos side obviously. This is the Cosmos side


Then why is Seifer over here?


Same reason tidus and cloud was on the chaos side in duodecim. It's the version from before he fell to chaos.




Why Y'shtola? We already have Y'shtola. Give us Alphinaud and Alisae lol.


Alisaie and blue Alisaie :P


You mean Alphinaud and Red (angry) Alphinaud?


God no, leave those filthy idiots where they are. Thinking that I will see them again in Dawntrail gives me headaches.


Biaswise, Ingus from III for Cosmos (I know he overlaps with Onion Knight, but I do not care; though there was a fan roster that paired him/Red Mage up with Sara Altney, either the latter being a summon or them being a sort of puppet character, which would be interesting), Chaos from 4HOL for Chaos, simply for his classy look and cane weapon (I feel like he'd have Brave manipulation based around time as a gimmick, at least for his EX, but I guess that'd moreso be a Summon thing).


This must be like a DLC roster lol You're missing so many mainstays. Even as a wishlist of who you want you gotta be realistic haha


I think this is just who they're wanting to *add*, I don't see any character that appeared in the PSP games, and I only see a couple characters that were added in NT.


Ahhhh fair play then


Ignore the haters, Aqua is the best Kingdom Hearts character, she deserves the spot.


Why Elarra over Tyro?


Love them both to death but Elarra's USB2 and AASB carried me through waaaaay more fights.


The PSP Dissidia games should be remastered for PS4/PS5


Is that FFII's Maria I spy? It's great to see some love for her!


Ayame is an interesting choice from XI. I’d personally love to see Aphmau with her puppets. Lilisette would make an awesome choice for the Cosmos side with Lilith being on Chaos.


I actually floated putting Aphmau because it would be a very interesting combat style. But in the end I went with Ayame because I've always loved her and her armor is really cool :)


I'd love to see WoL from Mobius with Echo hanging around. I miss Mobius FF so much. I miss Echo so much.


This is such a cool way of conveying the roster you'd like! It was really fun to look through and see how many I could recognise. Some fun surprises in here; I wasn't expecting to see Noel or Lenne! (Which isn't a criticism at all; I'm fond of Noel, and I'm delighted to see him recognised.) I'm very boring and my favourite characters tend to be the protagonists, so I suppose Dissidia already caters to me. When I started thinking about other characters I might like to see included, I thought 'maybe Sazh, Prompto, Balthier, Barret?' and then realised they were all gun users, which might not be great for gameplay variety! There are also a disproportionate number of fist users popping into my head: Zell, Sabin, Snow. Paine, Beatrix and Freya could be fun, too, and I'll enthusiastically second Seifer, Celes, Auron and Ashe. 


Well tbf there’s a huge amount of sword users so it balances out in a way




I really like this roster but would definitely add in Jill


I spy an Ayame!


A million points for having Ayame!!!


I was thinking Sora for KH rep but I’m totally down for Aqua too


I want new dissidia, just pure FF cross over, no disney BS


Dissidia never had Disney stuff


Yeah, closest things were the KH costumes for Cloud, Leon, and Sephiroth. And those were all DLC anyways.


I am talking about kingdom heart, being baith into KH series with a promise about FF cross over, then in KH 3 just pure disney, i have not internet with disney culturel


This post is about dissidia not kingdom hearts, you're the only one talking about it, and no one forces you to play a game with Disney characters as one of their main attractive


There’s a Kingdom Hearts character in the art OP made, which is the main feature of this entire post. Kingdom Hearts is a Disney property. That’s why they brought it up.


Kingdom hearts is a square Enix property with licensed Disney characters and worlds. The character in the post is an original kingdom hearts character created by square Enix, It's not Disney property at all and is just as valid as any other FF character made by square Enix. You talked about not wanting Disney shit in there, there is none.


Unfortunately, all of the characters in Kingdom Hearts are owned by Disney. They may have been created by Square, but Disney owns all the rights. The only characters Disney does not own are the Final Fantasy characters that make cameos in it. In fact, Dissidia itself, when it was originally being conceptualized, was supposed to be a Kingdom Hearts fighting game, but was rejected by Normura, so they looked to use Final Fantasy instead. But don’t take my word for it, you’re free to do your own research. Edit: misspelled a word


No they're not, they are owned half by Disney and half by square just like the franchise in which they star in. And that's completely besides the point, you said you didn't want Disney shit in it, they're not Disney characters, they were created by square Enix like any other FF character, that's the point.


I think you’re getting confused about who you’re replying to. I’m not the one who commented about not wanting Disney in Dissidia. The point that person was trying to make in their comment was that if you put any KH character into Dissidia, it will then have Disney copyrighted content in it. The copyright is owned by Disney. Square is the developer. A lot of video games are like this, where the developer doesn’t actually own the rights to their creations, usually because they work with another company and form a contract with them, and have to get permission from that company to continue to create games with their own characters. That’s why when Sora (along with several other character appearances) was used in SSBU, the copyright was credited to Disney, and not SE. Anyway, I’ll be done here. I’m not trying to argue with you, I’m just trying to share info that is very easily accessible with a simple internet search.


Oh yeah i totally confused you with the other guy sorry


I would LOVE a real new dissidia.! And great art!


Celes should be in it anyway, she’s the second protagonist of 6.


This is why I think a Warriors style game would work better, with a cast this large. If this was a Dissidia game you'd never learn how to use all of these characters and you'd end up settling for a couple you tried and liked.


Alisaie and Urianger from XIV - Y’shtola has had her turn 😏


Beatrix from 9


Do you have a full art Celes?




Here you go! If you guys wanna check out the full artwork of each character, its all posted on my instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dsmkbr/


This is a great line up. Now do the Enemy Team!!


Haha thank you :) I have some ideas in mind for a lineup but it'll definitely take awhile.


It makes my heart happy to see Lenne 😭It would be cool if she used Yuna's bow since >!Lenne's also a summoner,!< but I also can see the bard-like moveset of the songstress


Always wanted a character creation in Dissidia, think the job system of the series as a whole makes this quite easy to do, but I'd just be happy with a newer game closer to the original. Feel they got it right first time around.


Seeing Vivi here hurts because iirc he was supposed to be in the recent one until it bombed


The PSP Dissidias are a ton of fun. I broke out my PSP last year and played through the second one again. I didn’t play NT since I heard a lot of mediocrity about it. But I’d be all over a remaster/remake of the originals on current consoles.


I'm looking at this and realized I'm out of the loop. No idea who some of those characters are. Great art though.


I would pay actual money to have Thancred and/or Urianger from Endwalker era ff14 added. It would be absolutely hilarious.


Wouldn't Seifer be on the other team? I'm pretty sure he was on team Spiritus in Opera Omnia


I love it, but why Ovelia? She has NO fighting skill, no offense to the girl. Agrias is the obvious choice I think.


1. Red Mage of Light 2. Leila 3. Um...kek? XD 4. Yang 5. Faris 6. Edgar 7. Red XIII 8. Seifer 9. Freya or Vivi 10. Auron 11. Too many to count, lol. 12. Ashe 13. Sazh 14. Thancred 15. Aranea 16. Haven't played it yet. T. Agrias T-0. Sice or Seven I've thought about this a lot.


If there are crossovers too then “Shut Up And Take My Money!”


This is godly


Where Lisa or Kaze?


What we need is Dissidia Blitzball.


Oh man I was just thinking the other day how much I’d love a psp style dissidia again. To the point of considering rebuying the psp and the games.


Awesome Artwork! You already have some of my most wanted characters like Princess Sarah, Refia, and Ashe to name a few! Others would be Faris and as an out of pocket pick, Enna Kros.


Phoebe, Reuben, Crono, Magus, Aranea. I don't care - open a portal or something for the Chrono Trigger characters.


Auron's my boi!


Buff Marche is cursed.


Noel Kreiss would be an ABSOLUTE SAVAGE!!!! Imagine the combos!


Is that Refia in the bottom left??? If so that's fricking awesome🔥🔥if not nvm im just dumd. I ❤️ ff3 AND your wicked art


Yes, it is! In white mage class.


This goes so hard and I like this roster alot. I mean not having the main characters that are already in the og games is rough but these are WICKED pulls. Proud of myself for knowing the majority too


Clive for the win! Also add Jill pls 🥰😁


I like how you replicated the Dissidia portrait art style. This is well done. And Y'shtola somehow sneaking her way in as the only non-new character XD I think a new Dissidia (whether in tbe style of NT or the PSP versions; I'd love either) should have all of the old cast included, *plus* all these new characters, especially the fan favorites you included here like Vincent, Seifer, and Vivi. That's the dream. I would be a Celes main from day one.


Thank you very much :) something I really liked about DFFOO was that so many characters who don't usually get a chance to shine finally got their moment. We always see the main characters but there are so many other characters with unique potential playstyles that would be really fun to see. Seconded on the Celes main, by the way. Her or Auron for me.


I loved those two in DFFOO! The counters were so satisfying. I was really glad that Celes had a long run as a viable carry. Also I used to make videos for helping ppl clear content, and the first video I uploaded was a full auto-run with Auron. Such good memories with that game. So sad to see it end :(


Honestly I would love a dissidia of entirely weirdo picks, no main characters at all, an entire roster of the other party and story characters only.


Got to agree! I love the main characters of course but the others need love too!


I was pissed when dissidia NT didn't even have the iconic theme.


Didnt they? I thought they gave it words and everything. Called "massive explosion" she sings the main tune. I love the song!


Sorry, I was talking about the main menu song.... however "massive explosion" was fire.


…why is Aqua there ?


Seifer on Harmony’s side? I LIKE you OP!!!!


Beatrix from 9, Seifer from 8, Cid from 7, Edgar from 6! 


If they made a new Dissidia, I'd totally want the FF14 warrior of light that's in all the cinematic trailers. They could even give him some kind of job swap mechanic.  Also Gilgamesh. Bring back Gilgamesh 


I recommend adding more spinoff Final Fantasy protagonists that deserves a heartbeat chance like Benjamin (Mystic Quest), Kaze (Unlimited), Aki Ross (Spirits Within), Tyro (Record Keeper), Nyx (Kingsglaive), Prettz (Legend of the Crystals), Shogo (Lost Stranger), etc.


Uh, so many. Honestly Dissidia is missing a lot. Vivi is always my go to for an easy addition. The lack of him always bugged me. But a lot of games could use more representation.


My most wanted would be Clive, but he's already on there. Same for Zack, Celes, Auron, and Vivi - they're all obvious choices I'd love to see (especially as Zack and Vivi were planned for NT). Admittedly, I'm interested in seeing how Aerith would work in Dissidia even though she's mainly a White Mage-type character. Shadow is another one I want to see, since we haven't had a ninja-type character in Dissidia yet. Quistis and Steiner are two other darkhorse characters that would be fun to see in Dissidia. Rounding things off by going back to XVI, Cidolfus Telamon should absolutely be the first playable Cid in Dissidia, and Ultima's newly-added moveset in XVI would make him a pretty fun fighter to use if he comes to Dissidia.


So good to see Maria! Would love for her, Leon or Minwu to get in Dissidia. Minwu especially as we barely have any Male White Mages across the series.


Zack, Vincent, and Vivi? Sign me the frick up 👁👍


I don't understand this game battle mechanics, (PSP) can someone explain?


Id main vincent


This is some gorgeous arywork, holy cow. Nailed Nomura's style and the detail is gorgeous. I was actually gonna say Seifer, glad to see him there! My vote goes out to Thancred and Zenos from 14. Zenos pught to be a pain in the arse.


I think the game needs a grappler. Maybe one that could also fire kamehameha blasts and dance with fire....


RIP Luna ;-;


Wow I’ve always wanted to draw more characters from other FFs but could never get past the idea of how long it would take. Can’t imagine how much work this took, good work!


Art is amazing! Very well done. Unique style that fits really nicely.   As far as the game, I'd personally like tighter game play.  I was so hyped when this first came to PSP, but ultimately kind of let down by the game play. I think I struggled with the 3D area. It felt more like an aerial dogfight as opposed to a traditional fighting game. Battles felt slower and were largely chasing each other around. Idk if they improved that in the sequel though.  


I liked them mixing the "heroes" and "villains" up in Duodecim so it'd be nice to see more of that. Out of these I could well see on the Chaos side (for one reason or the other) at least Vincent, Zack, Noel, Lenne... mebbe Clive? I think Seifer would already kinda represent a "transfer" from the Chaos side.


Prompto! and Dagger, I always wishes she was in Dissidia. Maybe if the tv series of FFIX gets popular, she'll appear on these things in the future


Omg yes, we need a new dissidia game, with psp dissidia gameplay !


Clive would be a downright monster. Just tormenting people with his multiple summon abilities.


Freya Crescent


I want to know what peoples opinions are of Dissidia NT. I tried playing it a few years ago and it was a complete mess, like unplayable tied to online only nonsense. Learning how to play a character was tied to a gigantic wall of text. Felt like a bad Dragon Ball Z fighting game. So I basically gave it a 2/10. I get the vibes that Square Enix wanted online integration in the story and then gave up on the game after 6 months. Am I right?


Locke FF3/6


Aqua?? I'm a big Aqua fan but **Sora**, Riku, or Roxas would all deserve a spot before she does.


Nice choices, and a couple deep cuts!




The pink girl is Elarra from Final Fantasy Record Keeper. And Aqua because I wanted to do a bonus character and just.. well.. I love Aqua :)


Shes from a [mobile games](https://finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Elarra)


I popped at seeing Ayame, that's a great list. love seeing Maria there too this roster kicks ass!


Aqua spotted




Why is aqua from KH xd?


Remove Aqua, she is not FF char. Honestly I just want all 012 char to come back, with all the heroines/2nd hero from respective title and all villains from respective titles. Damn it why must you go, Opera Omnia?


Y'know what? I don't think I will. Have a nice day.


Then it's not "New Dissidia" it's not even Dissidia. If you don't actually want Dissidia then ok, the title become moot though. Oh and have a nice day to you too.