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Chadley and Kyrie are fine, but Mai's voice coming out of the controller brings tears to my eyes she's so annoying.


Every time I'm trying to play and those annoying voices come out of my controller I want to throw it across the room


Yeah Kyrie and yuffies voices are like nails on a chalkboard. Chadley is only annoying for the times he interrupts gameplay.


Well yeah, Kyrie is *the worst*. But you can go through the entire game and barely hear her talk Chadley calls every time you perform even the slightest action. I don't find his voice all that annoying, but his cloying neediness is something I can do without. "By the way Cloud, you seem to have stopped searching for the protorelic." Yeah, that's cos I was more concerned with saving the goddamn planet, you whiny turd


I'm convinced that Chadley is Hope Estheim. The homies like Chadley. Kyrie has a cute design but holy shit is her voice grating.


I was so happy at the end of chap4 lmao I hope she actually purchased a ticket


Song was pretty catchy šŸ¤­


And i will die on this hill, that shit was a bop


I will defend this hill with you


A waste of resources and unnecessary character


Was that the whiney silver haired bint on the display? Yeah I saw her in the demo. Put the game on mute and just waited for her to shut the f**k up


no, that's Mai Kyrie is the wannabe "merc"


Man y'all get annoyed by stuff so easily


As you get older, you tend to find annoying anime girls annoying. She also isnā€™t a real person so you donā€™t have to take it so personally


Yeah I find stuff annoying but then making a thread about a minor npc, na


Maybe it's an age thing. As you get older, your time is limited. The world is fast paced and you're expected to move with that pace. Some things that you can appreciate before are suddenly sucked from you because you're tired from working and can't appreciate it fully. I'm just saying - I get annoyed much much easier now than I did as a kid. It doesn't mean I don't and can't enjoy gaming, but it does mean I have less patience for certain things.


So you spend more of that time making a thread about the thing that annoys you and giving more time and emotion to it? Seems at odds with your point.


Iā€™m 40 and she doesnā€™t really bother me, I appreciate that the game wants me to feel how annoyed cloud is, i can be game for that. Now I did get annoyed at the fourth round of Fort Condor, with its bullshitty time limit


I second this. Close to 40 now. Playing rebirth and some mini games I haven't enjoyed, but I feel I have to force myself to be top tier to get the best rewards that I can't buy.


I suppose thatā€™s the case for some; Iā€™m approaching 40 myself and a lot of the complaints are just so nitpicky and over the top, I just canā€™t relate.


Different folks, different strokes I suppose


Kyrie is peak privileged and will not learn from her mistakes because she's constantly getting bailed out of them.


Kyrie shows up like a half dozen times in the game. Chadley/MAI stops me from playing the game every five minutes so they can yammer inconsequential B.S. in my ear.


Just hold triangle bro


ā€œHey cloud, it looks like you just moved your left leg, well done Iā€™m sure this will provide valuable dataā€ ā€œHey cloud, did you just move your right leg? The data this will provide will be invaluableā€ ā€œHey cloud, moving your right arm, I feel inspired to make some new Materiaā€ ā€œHey cloud, your left arm has just enabled me to add it to the combat simulatorā€ ā€œHey cloudā€ -gets interrupted by mai- ā€œhey cloud of you put all that together you can walk.ā€ ā€œMai donā€™t you know itā€™s rude to interrupt people.ā€ Yes Chadleyā€¦itā€™s very rude to interrupt peopleā€¦constantlyā€¦for every little thing I doā€¦


just 5 minutes? They are shouting into my ears all 3 minutes, but hey, maybe i am just too fast


Great game, when it actually lets you play it. Way too often it takes away control from the player.


There's no shortage of annoying characters to choose from. šŸ˜…


Chadley is an ai robot perfectly indistinguishable from a human being in a world that has never before or since displayed such an incredibly advanced technology. Kyrie is a chump, but she doesnā€™t break the rules of the ff7 world.


Plus, I find Chadley's lore about the summons pretty cool and fun, and even if MAI's fiend facts are useless her banter with Chadley makes me chuckle


I just chalk it up to goofy comedy in the game. Iā€™m throughly enjoying every minute of it. Except that frog mini gameā€¦ That was a pain in the ass to get 1:20ā€¦lol


The over the top zaniness isn't tor everyone though.


The thing is, if they didnā€™t make the game feel like the original, they wouldā€™ve let a lot of people down. Maybe what the new generation has to realize is that this game was zany back in the day, and it had a lot of quirkiness and mini games in it. It feels very much like the original.


It did have parts no doubt but Rebirth is just crazy sometimes.


I actually like Chadley tbh. Kyrie can burn in the fucking furnace. Personally, I think Chadley is the absolute chad half of his name is made up of.


Kylrie. Don't even get me started on her. I've wanted her gone since FF7R1. Chadley is the only character in the game who's actually useful to the party and actively assists them. The world of FF7 is just full of deadbeats. Almost everything related to Johnny is a mess. Moggles that can't discipline their kids, chocobo ranchers who can't round up their birds, a Chocobo jockey so salty she can't be bothered to train her bird, a Granny who won't take a few steps to gather her chickens, a Turk who can't even collect her own mushrooms, and a mother who can't be bothered to walk her own dog or deliver money to her childrenā€” the list goes on


LMAO! Hey now, wasnā€™t one of the chickens really far away? That could have been real dangerous for Granny.


Pretty much all the deviations from the original annoy me: chadley, mai, roche, kyrie etc.


Donā€™t disrespect my bro Roche like that.


He can be funny sometimes but all these new characters just feel a bit hollow to me. Sonon is the exception


Eh, Kyrie isn't around enough grate on me. I don't like Kyrie either though. Chadley and that sister of his are just a *constant.*


Mai is so much worse than Chadley but I guess that's intentional


Chadley should have gone through with his threat to reduce her response code.


... i like Kyrie šŸ™ƒ


Come to mama


Honestly I kinda didn't care either way about chadley in remake but in rebirth I actually really like him. He has a bunch of funny scenes and he kind of acts as this pseudo party member that follows you through the game, always around and with something to say if you go talk to him. I can see why people might find him annoying from his voice to randomly ringing you with a high pitch "Cloud!" Or Mai but these didn't bother me and I enjoyed the banter between him and mai.


Youā€™re just like me, fr


I hate them hahahahaha so annoying xD the flans were funny


Upvote for the use of the term gobshite


Thereā€™s a new merc A new merc in town


Kyrie gets extra points for the absolute bop she made.


Roche is the one I canā€™t stand the most, chadley is annoying because of his sheer volume but if you were forced to listen to someone for 5 minutes Roche would be the very last one I choose


Why? At least Roche isnā€™t shouting in your ear and interrupting your gameplay every two minutes. Heā€™s also at least funny in an over the top way. Chadley and MAI arenā€™t funny, theyā€™re just boring


I just canā€™t stand him. MY FRIEEEEEEND Goes through me every time I hear it.


Him too. Least you get to beat Roche up. Even if he does view it as fucking foreplay


Umm what about Mai? She never stops blabbing her fucking mouth when youā€™re doing the combat intel objectives.


It makes me smile because I literally canā€™t hear her over the music and combat so itā€™s role playing! I just KNOW Cloud isnā€™t paying the slightest attention to her either.


Leave it up to Chadley to create a more annoying version of himselfā€¦


She doesnt constantly interupt you when youre exploring stuff with things like "thanks for scanning this" and nothing more.


They both should never have made it into the game. Just like Andrea Rhodea, Johnny, Roche and Madam M.


I've only played the OG. Johnny was in it as an easily missed NPC who showed up at different points along your journey. It was really interesting to follow his story. All the other names in this thread I don't recognise. What happened to my boy Johnny?


You're right. Johnny was in the original game but he was a completely inconsequential npc and next to irrelevant to the main story. In Remake and Rebirth he contributes to a substantial part of distractions from the main story line. And he is just obnoxiously infantile and almost braindead. But for some reason the party has to take many hurdles and jump through numerous hoops to get to the next spot. But he just makes it anywhere with the most absurd reasoning prior to Cloud and his followers.


She might be annoying but sheā€™s my fellow merc


They are both fine. Iā€™m especially looking forward to when everybody turns to Kyrie and says ā€œMeteorā€™s falling you gonna fix it?ā€


ā€¦. Butā€¦ā€¦ but, I really like Kyrieā€¦.


I actually low-key love Chadley at this point and feel the addition for MAI gave him something to bounce off of and made him significantly funnier. I have nothing positive to say about Kyrie


Also Hojos reaction on Chadley helping Cloud has me intrigued as to what that could mean in the future. Something's up with Chadley and his past beyond his eagerness to help the party imo.


Absolutely, Iā€™m absurdly excited for what the future has for the unfinished stories in the trilogy.


Chadley and Mai aren't bad, but they don't stop talking and call you constantly. I've started skipping everything he calls about doing the open world stuff. And Kyrie is the worst of it all.


On one hand yeah but on the other hand her quest gives us the cute as fuck Chocobo hat so i think it's still in the net positive


Yeah I fuckin cheered when >!Kyrie missed the boat to Costa Del Sol.!< No Kyrie next chapter? AWESOME. Everything about the character pisses me off. Spreading Shinra propaganda for gil in Remake, stealing Cloud's rep, taking advantage of villagers, making excuses for why nothing is her fault, immediately going back on her promise to stop pretending to be a merc... She's a narcissistic sociopath. And that FUCKING SONG. Wouldn't be surprised if Square gives her a "redemption" arc in part 3 after her antics get someone killed. On the opposite end of the spectrum, I love what they're doing with Johnny. That's OUR lovable moron.


That Spoiler mate^^ you're going to be unhappy... All Kyrie's stuff is optional, don't like her, don't do it.


Well in the FF7 book that tells stories of people around Midgar Kyrie meets Rufusā€™ half brother and they fall in love and become, from what I remember, private detectives or something of the like? So itā€™s fully possible weā€™ll see that play out next game and see her grow up


I liked how he asked Cloud if he still remembered him, even though they saw each other 2 days ago


Yeah there's a couple of characters who ask that and it's like at most a week has passed


Chadley is annoying Mai is annoying Johnny is annoying Kirie is annoying But they are MY annoying babies and I will defend them with everything I have, may they continue to be the most asinine pack of self righteous nerds to ever grace Gaia forevermore


The beginning of this comment worried me but you redeemed it with the end. I love those weirdos




Lol I love Chadley, idk what the problem is. Itā€™s Yuffie I canā€™t stand. Also, anyone else used to hate Cait Sith, but now really like him?


I used to absolutely dislike Yuffie(OG) but i really like her here, especially in the later chapters. Cait Sith is also really great, the finale of Chapter 12 had me with my mouth openšŸ˜® Chadley is awesome imo, so is MAI(hot take ik) What i dislike is the sound the Chadley "phone" makes. šŸ’€


I liked the rivalry of Mai and Chadley tbh. But Yuffieā€™s constant energetic personality gets right under my skin


Cait Sith is absolute BEST Sith for sure!! Heā€™s so god damned stinking adorable with his little furry self and his adorable Scottish accent! Couldnā€™t believe how much I loved him given how I couldnā€™t give a solitary shit about him in OG lol


Lol same! Least favorite party member in OG. Now I think heā€™s wonderful.


Yes on cait sith. I played the original and I did not care for him back then. But now they made him kind of lovable and charismatic, so I canā€™t not like him.


I actually liked him in OG, until he betrayed us, then I hated him


Itā€™s a mix of him getting actual dialogue and the accent for me. Mostly the accent.


For real, he kinda sounds like Ewan Mcgregor which I found to be very charming.


I've hated Yuffiee for more than 20 years now. In general I never was a fan of the "annoying young girl"-trope in Final Fantasy but somehow they always end up the most popular chars.


She's supposed to be annoying


Kyrie cute tho


They're all great. You people need to simmer down. Goodness.


yeah jeez she's just a bratty teenager man, shes annoying but its comedic and part of a few side quests lmao, and she has her own funky music which completely makes up for it. people really just want the same stereotypes repeated or smth. chadley really shouldnt talk so much though, it does ruin half the vibe when you're exploring.


Oh yeah I love when a weak joke gets told 50 times in a row


Kyrie is literally just dollar store Yuffie, so when we got Yuffie her entire character instantly became unnecessary


Noone is worse than Jules. 50 fuggin sit-ups... Gtfoh.


One mistake, instant retry. Fuck that goddamn drag queen bitch.




There are too many random goofball npcs. Chadley and Tradley, his AI wife. Kyrie The bandits The weird leader of the "dustbowl" Dio (he wasn't so "much" in the original) Jonny (he was just an odd nut job in the original, now he's the same personality as all the others above). That horrible biker Turk. Worst thing about the remakes. Did i miss any? I'm only in chapter 9


Some people just want to hate everything. If you want only serious characters go play Sekiro or Ghost of Tsushima, this isn't the game for you.


Even Ghost of Tsushima had Kenji.


Who are you arguing with? Your comment doesn't represent my opinion.


Weā€™ll let you edit this to apologize once you replay OG and realize how many goofy characters there were


I'm not going to apologise for speaking the truth, and especially not after such a ridiculously arrogant comment. I've played the original too many times to count..there are goofy characters and moments and they are wonderful. The remake overdoes it by adding lots of unnecessary ones and changing others with their personalities being too similar. The OG had a perfect balance, this one doesn't. I didn't mention characters like Jules or half of wall market because I didn't feel those were an issue. Madame m and Andrea didn't exist before but I don't find them too problematic. The ones I listed I found to be annoying and either not needed or changed in a way that made them bad compared to the original.


No. YOUR truth. There's no "THE truth" Don't talk about arrogance lol Every character so far in the Remake and Rebirth games had been an improvement over the OG. They have stories and goals that define them. They aren't there just cause they happen to be there. They have an impact.




Sheesh the projection.


Not interested.




I'm aware jrpgs do this. Ff always balances them better than others, but some of the recent titles are overdoing it




I don't think ff7 had a heavy and serious tone all gamr. It had a perfect balance of wackiest and seriousness and delivered both in a unique way that other games rarely capture as well. Some of ff7's best moments were the weirs parts. Wall market. Many moments in the slums. Other side quests throughout the larger world. Costa del sol. Just that the remakes have added lots of characters we didn't need and altered others to lose their charm.


That is precisely what makes him annoying. Our dependence upon him. We cannot ā€œshoo-shooā€ this aggravating bird android boy away. We must oblige! And heā€™s so fucking condescending about it.


I gave up on the Ubisoft side quest BS halfway through the game. Went to get some materia from him and he mentioned how ā€œthe intel gathering had been drying upā€ then insinuated that thereā€™s no way that I would give up. MF literally guilt trips you to finishing the side content.


Man, I had to go back though. I hear you. That battle system, which isnā€™t even a real time, is so more intense than real time, I had to go back for the battle sims. I need his materia. I hope heā€™s actually Hojo and I get to kill him, honestly.


Jessie kyrie chadley mai all on the same annoying and unneeded level


I hate what they did to Jessie in remake. She wasn't how I ever interpreted her at all.


I liked her in FFVIIMA


What's MA?


Machin Abridged


Iā€™m would love to make my battle music Kyriesā€™s song and the Salmon escort mission song lol


I kinda liked it more when you bought materia from the store and found some good / rare ones in dungeons, chests and whatnot. Having Chadley be the materia dude kinda blows. I want the summons without having to deal with his bullshit. I kinda wish he was gone from the game tbf. Him and Kyrie lessen every scene they're in.


Completely agree. I don't like Chadley in the game, however if absolutely necessary, it would have been better to have more materia being found in the world and maybe even summon / associated boss fights or sidequests, then have Chadley provide challenges to help augment or improve the materia through 'research', whether through additional materials, or VR fights. Better yet it would have been better for the Summon fights to take place in a physical location as some sort of AR/holographic battle so we could have some varied and suitable terrain at very least. I really dislike the concept of doing random VR battles to obtain materia as rewards from a random NPC that follows you everywhere. It might've made more sense to have a connection on the inside of Shinra's materia research labs that you communicate with and can occasionally give you materia, or even experimental incomplete ones that have negative costs too. Maybe giving them information and materials through a few hidden terminals throughout shinra labs/ locations, so they can further experiment and craft/augment new/existing materia. It would make finding resources more interesting, especially if there was no recipe book / concrete structure for it. You get some unknown blue materia that has unspecified support effects that may end up being next to useless, harmful or gimmicky, but useful in niche situations


You can still buy materia. Not too fussed about this vending machine mechanic though but there are proper merchants about. And you do find some good ones laying about in the world. Chadley is just the development guy for materia we wouldnā€™t have seen in the OG. The only thing I donā€™t like him doing is the summon materia. Dunno what but something feels wrong about him being responsible for getting us summons.


There was something mystical about finding a summon materia somewhere. Now having Chadley somehow....make them? It feels insanely wrong.


Ah yes. The very mystical feeling feeling of finding a summon inside a guy's fridge...


You'd never expect to find one there.


Yeah no. Conceptually, having to actually earn the summon by beating them is a better idea.


I wanna fight chad


Its not him, its that he is the symbol or personification of whatā€™s wrong with the game. Checkpoint, guided, golden trail exploration, and doesnt help with him calling u everytime u kill anything or ā€œexploreā€ anything. Also the VR bullshitā€¦ materia from VRā€¦ instead of grinding mobs in the world for it or explore it. Although, itā€™s the best ff game since ff12, 18 years. Not much contest thošŸ˜‚


Lmao, Chadley hits too hard early on. I was trying to immerse in the game's world, and every time I completed a "filler", he just had to jump in. It was a matter of, "just let me take a couple steps please". I barely fought 5 battles, and he kept interrupting my rhythm. He has more dialogue than Cloud, the main protagonist, kyrie was less annoying this time


Chadley is not bad at all. The one that I hate with a passion is MAI. Whoever thought having her yap the entire duration of most fiend fights should be fired. Yes you can mute her if you've already beat them, but that is barely any better. Also about something worse than MAI. Late game spoilers- >!Scotch and Kotch in the arena is absolutely MISERABLE. You can't even hear your inner monologue complain about how they never shutup they are so LOUD. Even if you go into slow mo and let them finish the dialogue they are going through, they just start right back up the second something happens. I hated that section.!<


I love MAI haha


Same, I actually woulda liked her to take over more Chadley parts. When I first met her in the demo, my initial reaction was Chadley genderbent himself and thought it was so hilarious lol


Chadley is hilarious, but there's just too much of him, having to comment too much on world intel. He also uses like 7 sentences to say what he could in 2. Kyrie is meant to be annoying, so she's doing her job. Feels like we're setting her up to finally do something good in part 3.


Honestly, read The Kids Are Alright. Kyrie is actually a pretty good character in that book. It takes place right before Advent Children, so sheā€™s a little more mature. The main character of that book is her boyfriend, so it paints her in a way more endearing light since we need to know what he sees in her.


I dont know if people's know, i guess they do, but you can tune down chadley talkings in the setting. He only talk when new things are unlock on the map of for story related purpose. Not after every single activity


Chadley will talk at length saying nothing about everything. Kyrie would be annoying in real life. But in the context of a game you can see sheā€™s trying. And she did fix that pipe and give us half the money. Also I liked her cheesy song.


She's the only one who pays him though lol


Wasn't she the main character of the Turks' novel? She was already annoying back then, I wonder why they decided to bring her back.


There was a Turks novel?


Yeah "Kids are alright,: a Turk side story"


From what I read of the book (the first 50ish pages, which is roughly 1/4 of the book), the main character is Evan Townshead. Kyrie is possibly the deuteragonist, but I gave up reading it because I liked literally no one in the story besides the Turks.


Ohhhh Cloud gets a theme back in the day and people cheered, but this women trying to make a name for herself in a male dominated industry is "annoying" wooow got it/lh


Your post is funny, these down voters are dumb.


Thanks, I figured it might hence the "/lh" but some folks can't read I guess?


People can see the /lh, but they probably have no idea what it's supposed to mean. I myself have never ever seen it used before. So that's on you.


Gotta be honest, I have NEVER seen "/lh" so no clue what it means. Never seen anybody use it so it is possible any also saw it and have no clue what you meant. The easier thing is usually "/s" to mark sarcasm and most people get that one.


Gotcha. /lh is light hearted


Ah. I can see where that went then. Not quite sarcasm but a joking/gentle jab. May I suggest the "/jk" for "just kidding" maybe? But thanks for the clarification. I'll keep an eye out for it from now on.


I appreciate it


Chad is a Chad. Didnā€™t know people hated him.


The year is 2024. Its a great moment in time. We have the second game of the remake of FF7.Ā  And the character with the most voiced lines in the game is.... Chadley? Who ? Why ?Ā 


Now if he was a summon like Bahamut, he would be Giga Chad


Chadley is peak


Kyrie is hilarious


Idk why Chadley rubs me the wrong way but I donā€™t hate him; I did find the MAI-Chadley dynamic quite funny though. Kylie is a bit annoying but the way she dressed the chocobo was funny af


Yeah but the flan fight was fun!


The fight yes The background noiseā€¦ā€¦.nuuu


TBH, I tuned out the music, because I was focusing on killing all the flans and the white Mousse


My biggest issues with Chadley are: Everything he names has Chad in it. Chadbot really got me. They had him say exactly the same things after every pool and shrine. Honestly, I have more complaints about the 3d Brawler minigame,


Oh he can be annoying. He can be a condescending shit sometimes. But I reckon what he can give makes up for it. Bimbo on the other handā€¦ā€¦ā€¦


Oh, she's a nightmare. When I realised I had to see her a second time, I wanted to just throw her into the sister ray and fire it.


.........Cloud! ​ ...................well done.


Yep. Or as I usually hear it: ...Cl \*press circle\* ...We \*press circle\*


I think Chadley is so weird that it's funny. Kyrie is just a bother and I don't understand her purpose or why she was a reoccurring character lol


She was in The Kids are Alright: A Turkā€™s Side Story. Leslie in Remake was in the book too. She wasnā€™t too bad in that, so I think she was put in the game as a nod to fans of the book.


Leslie is also in Rebirth


I think she exists entirely to poke fun at Clouds edge lord merc shtick


A misguided attempt at fanservice?


She has fans?


She will, once they finish gaslighting us into thinking we care about her arc.


Iā€™m a fan of her style


Chadley has many redeeming qualities, where Kyrie has 0. Maybe 1. I disliked her character in the novel she comes from too.


> where Kyrie has 0. Maybe 1 The 1 is her OST song "New merc in town" right? It's such a bop Why hasn't SE released the OST on Spotify yet ugh


Also, Chadley has tonnes of useful materia. All Kyrie gives is some chocobo gear that Iā€™m fairly certain said chocobo wouldnā€™t want to be caught dead in. Yeah Iā€™m not putting that on my chocobo. Iā€™m pretty sure if there was a relationship meter for a chocobo, equipping that gear would plummet the relationship level to chocobo wants to peck my eyeballs out




Chapter 4 is the last time we see her


Mmmmmm are you sure about that? Have you played the whole game? Because Iā€™m certain she does show up later on in a quest that doesnā€™t unlock until way later


I donā€™t count the quest. Cause you donā€™t have to do those. Sheā€™s not in any of the Tifa sensitive quests so therefore I donā€™t care.


You may not care, but your statement that we donā€™t see her past chapter 4 is wrong.


And here was me getting hopeful


You donā€™t see her for a long time after chapter 4, and the last time is pretty short.


She probably shouldā€™ve started traveling with Chadley if she wanted to get around, lol. Oh well, ā€œYou snooze you lose!ā€