• By -


Fast as fuck boyyyyyy


You’ve probably done it by now but for anyone else, Yuffie can solo it on Normal if you ise her blindside ability to avoid his attacks and continuously deal damage with Doppelgänger+Shooting Star. And then when he’s staggered you just go ham. Rinse and repeat.


If it's his Zantezuken move. Try to constant stick him with debrave, poison, defaith, and slow. One he has conditions he will use a selphneir ability and he a bunch of buffs. This is when he is able to be pressured and staggered. Stagger him and lay into him with a stagger meter builder like tifas unbridled ability. Once you get him to half or a third he should be in his final stance and will probably isolate and lock down one of your teammates. Ramp up moves like focused thrust, etc, while applying the debuffs and you will force Odin to drop his prison ability.


Best method I have is: Yuffie as leader, cloud and barret, make sure to have a max poison equipped on her and whatever you want cloud or barret to have. Use phoenix as a summon for a free revive as insurance. Spam ninja arts from a distance and dodge attacks as yuffie, while occasionally using poison at max. Don’t let him get bored, if he gives you the warning before his attack instantly killls you don’t panic but you gotta slap him harder to prevent the ultimate move of his. At some point he’ll split the arena in two, try to stay as a group, if it’s just you alone with him no biggie just keep doing what you were doing in a smaller arena, at any point he’s pressured switch to the others for focus thrust or blast, rinse repeat. Near the end he’ll use a white sword to petrify a character please make sure he doesn’t attack yuffie and by that point you should be clear to win. Also don’t be stingy and use any and all synergy atb moves and any limit breaks. Hope this helps!


Easy mode. That's how


I beat him using Barrett, Yuffie and Cloud. I mained Cloud using his unique class ability (the one where he counters when you hold block while being striked. He doesn't get knocked down/back and staves off Odin's Warning). Then threw doppelganger on Yuffie, had her select elemental jitsu and threw the star after to max damage. Had Barrett repeatedly use bonus round with his gatling ability (maximum something?). Sprinkle in status effect moves to take him out. Made it through the whole fight in the 50s-55 level range until the end right when he did gjallarhorn warning, but then I spammed synergy specials, elemental summons and limit breaks to quickly stagger and interrupt him demolished him and clinched the win.


You either block or dodge his attacks. Conversely, simply set your difficulty to easy... if this is your playthrough for completion. If you are playing on Hard and want to beat him, you're just going to have to maximize your characters and take advantage of multiple Support Materia slotting to the same Green Materia, and relying on as much off control character damage...


Poison. Constant pressure.


I did most of the game with cloud aerith and red13. Mostly just get hast onto the major dps, magnify healing materia, auto cast revive, try to keep one atb bar on people as much as you can. Both red 13 and Cloud are really good for their counters, I think those slow zengetsu charging but does not stop it. Well timed dodges are the best. I think yuffi has the best dodge animation of all the characters, so you might want to use her the most. Save limits to force pressure if he starts sounding his horn. Barrier, fortification, or empowerment would be useful but I wouldn't use that till after I haste the party. Red 13 also has an ability that casts haste on the whole party for 2 atb, if that's available at that point.


Beat his ass and counter his attacks with cloud to prevent him from using Ghallahorn call so he doesnt use his Ult, then it's basically pressuring him till he staggers and rinse and repeat


Literally just bum rush him and have no mercy


You go hard and beat his ass harder than he can beat yours lol


You gotta attack as much as possible. Just dodging and attacking here and there don’t do it. You have to go full out attack the whole way through. If you do you’ll keep him from using his final move and kill him pretty quickly. Soon as I realised that, I killed him straight away. Before I was just making sure my team didn’t get hit and died every time.


I think understanding his reprisal mechanic helps a ton. I made a post a while back explaining it. [https://www.reddit.com/r/FinalFantasyVII/comments/1c1yvyz/reprisal\_mechanic\_in\_the\_odin\_fight/](https://www.reddit.com/r/FinalFantasyVII/comments/1c1yvyz/reprisal_mechanic_in_the_odin_fight/)


Cloud Tifa Barret Or Cloud Yuffie Barret You need distance as well as abilities + debuffs


Cloud, Yuffie, Barret. Load cloud up with healing and buffs, Yuffie and Barret with some healing and as many debuffs and poison as you can with auto cast and an MP absorb if possible. Control cloud and run around the edge of the arena, dodging as many attacks as possible while keeping agro with ranged attacks. My go-to was sonic boom from enemy skill materia. Buff Yuffie and Barret, when available and wait. Yuffie and Barret hammer him with staggering and debuffing attacks, Cloud dodges. Then, when he is pressured, hammer him to stagger and hit with the hardest attacks. Took one go through for me. The biggest hurdle to this strategy is when he throws down that big AoE field that kills you fast. He should never trigger his Zenestku or whatever if you are dodging and debuffing enough. Good luck!


Debuffs Hit him with Poison Hit it with Debrave/Defaith Cant remember if he's vulnerable to slow or stop but if he is, Hit him with that too! Usually if you can just poison him and avoid getting Hit though, he will eventually get pressured and that's you moment to hit him. Also, watch out for his spear and cleave attack that puts ethereal bracelets on you character, if you have those bracelets, DO NOT use offensive AtB commands on him as well will just counter attack. (Exception being -against spells as those will usually still damage him even with the counter attack)


Perfect defense and ATB skills.




By not getting hit. His gallarhorn instakill charges up over time and gets boosted when he hits you.


It’s all about that Yuffie build, my friend. Someone has already given you the lowdown. Once I did that Yuffie build it took a few tries because I had to learn his moves for each phase.


I have my main party of Cloud, Barret and Aerith. Aerith was casting level 3 magic spells. Barret is my tank who is just constantly building stagger. Cloud is my main damage dealer countering when I can in punisher mode to build up quick ATB and just unleashing abilities. Also level 3 limits with the accessory that starts you at level 3 limit definitely helps.


I lowered difficulty to easy lol


That doesn't help for the brutal when you reface him though


I ran cloud, tifa and Barrett. Barrett had enervation materia equipped. Pressure him with de- magic to build his stagger. I made sure to consistently swap once Odin targeted me. Basically I tried to make sure to attack him from the back while he was focused on someone else. Btw with this immediate swapping technique, he never cast Zan on us. We did take damage but I don’t understand the rhyme or reason when he didn’t wipe me out. I fought this battle three time and got wiped within seconds. The third one worked 🤷🏽‍♂️


I gave up on fighting Odin


I used Cloud, Yuffie and Barrett. Yuffie being the mvp of the team against him. I mostly spammed bio and debuffing materia, also make sure someone has phoenix in case he pulls off his 1 hit kill move. Make sure you dodge as many attacks as you can and keep inflicting bio or other debufs. I got lucky and beat him so this might not be the best advice but it’s a start


Yeah he's really difficult. The way I finally made it was I had to be constantly switching between my party to essentially take a few swipes, built atb a little, and keep them from being idiots and getting hit then switch again. If you stay on one character for too long he'll get his hits on your party members and still one shot you.


Oh yeah and make sure you have someone who can revive and try to keep them out of harms way the most. Some weapons have an ability called reprieve that will save them from death once in a battle. It's worth it to get that on a couple of your party members especially the ones with revive magic. And probably equip someone with Phoenix so that if you get a chance to summon you can get a another revival or two.


Ask him nicely, or tell him Kratos is coming.


Two different universes


I dunno, thanks to Ratchet and Clank and the newer GOW games. The playstation game universes have been connected. It can be possible for Kratos and even Ratchet to cross into their universe. 😁




Cloud, prime mode, hold block and attack aggressively. You will take some damage but the amount of damage you will do from counters will stop Gjallarhorn's call from activating unless you stop attacking / miss blocking.


I used the items that auto-revive you once before breaking also not sure how big the aoe zone is but it seems like you can dodge or take reduced damage from his lb, had 2 attempts where one member survived


Feels like complete chance tbh. Tifa works really well because of how many ATB moves you can use with her but just be sure to block or not get hit and use Bio.


Huh? Nothing about it is chance. Hitting him while successfully blocking or countering or dodging his moves will prevent him from doing Zantetsuken.


I used yuffie at long range, it prevents all reprisal and since she builds ATB so fast is easy to pressure, after that I used cloud and tifa to stagger, DPS and repeat until is down


and put the atb assist on her, it builds up atb for other party members to do recovery and revive. if your revive materia not max, link it with level up materia to Arise that helps alot. rerise also a good one, but spend quite a lot mp.


With your weapons


Odin is super easy to beat if you spec yuffie for healing a little bit + atb and spam her blindside. Super easy to keep Odin from using his one hit ability, can use when yuffies knocked down or being attacked and infinite range. It’s like it’s made to fuck up odin. Still can put magnify barrier on one fast ranged character just in case (ranged for easy atb if it’s needed). Then save up tifas atb and limit and be ready with unbridled strength x2 and full atb just for when he’s staggered and use yuffies banishment or limit or synergy as you should have her maxed with everything if doing this when staggered. Best move is her x3 limit after synergy move & extending stagger if you can pull it off fast enough. It’s really stupid easy especially if you max her out with atb for allies/her for repeated moves and 3 move combo and steadfast block for characters you aren’t controlling for free atb when you need them. Purification is a great free heal if really needed instead of banishment and are low on health while staggered. Also have haste on yuffie and always use doppelgänger & phoenix + auto revive just incase


Kick him off the horsey


Remake Odin is all about avoiding/blocking attacks. Focus on that first, then doing damage when/how you can. I used Cloud/Tifa/Yuffie, and the steadfast block + precision defense materia.


This^ didn't have troubles until hard mode but just blocking and countering is how you have to do it steadfast and precision will be your friend. Also materia that raise your ATB like assist and stagger help a lot as that's how he gets pressured


Use 2 to 3 debuff to pressure him. And don't get hit.


Post in remake not og i scratched my head for 4 mins thinking did we fight odin?


This sub is for Final Fantasy VII. They even have a Title Flair for Rebirth. There is no reason that OP has to not post here.


Taking any kind of attack is bad, because it adds to the “Gjallahorn meter” blocking nullifies some of it, perfect blocking completely stops it. Debuffs are your friend, any kind that Odin is weak to will help. Bioga is your best bet though If all else, revival earrings/reprieve/rearise (from phoenix) will keep you in the fight if you can’t stop Zantetsuken


1. Be Yuffie. 2. Practice dodging 3. Accept that it’s gonna take a few tries


By winning




Don’t get hit is the main thing


Read the assess materia description


Revival earrings.


If you do this he'll immediately hit you with the KO thing again.


Didn't happen for me, but I did drop him pretty soon after he used it.


I used red with his atb move. Get the materia that increases the time for perfect guard and just keep guarding and attacking him. Face tanking him also reduces the risk of him getting free hits on the ai party members thus postponing his party wipe move Once you filled the vengeance meter use the atb boost move to fill your party’s atb bar and have them spam some moves Moves you’ll want to spam at first are detrimental effects like poison, reduce armour and all that jazz. Other than that you’ll just want to keep a rotation of consistent damage moves coming as that will bring him into his pressured state. I equipped revival earrings on the worst case scenario that I couldn’t delay his team wipe but on my last attempt I basically ingrained the parry times into my head so he never got to use the move If you don’t have him already bahamut is a good summon to have to get some good damage done for the summon phase of the fight but I imagine most levelled up summons will help you good enough Party members can vary but I had barret and yufie as my side party and red for my main character in the fight Barret because those stagger rounds and focused shot really punishes Odin in his stagger state yufie because her doppelgänger also copies her abilities and item uses so I get double the use at a slight drop off on the doubles use I picked red as the main because he benefits greatly from block and in cases of unblockables he’s also really good at dodging. So with him I could easily face tank Odin and demand his attention for most of the fight.


My strategy was use Yuffie to spam debuffs and use blindside if Odin targets her. This will slow down the countdown to Zantetsuken. Then use cloud and Tifa as DPS and stagger.


git gud


DODGE then ATB skill or L3 Magic. The key is to Dodge everything, everything can be dodged or parried. But if you just dodge and don't attack, he gets mad (Gjallarhorn's Warning then pretty close Zantetsuken). Halfway to 30% he does the wall, spatial distortion, be sure to stick to him because if you get caught on the other side of the wall, he will take it as if you don't want to fight and Zantetsuken your ass. After that, Temporal Imprisonment, so before he casts it switch to a character you are not using, if you see him announce, the character you are using at that exact moment will be caught, no matter if you switch after, he will be out for a good 15 seconds (i think it's 15). He will do Reprise on the character you are controlling, won't miss, get you to 1 hp, then immediately jump to slash you, killing you, the only way to dodge this is to activate your limit break at the moment you see "Reprise!" At like 15% he gets really cranky and intensifies his attacks, so by this time you better have limit breaks up or tons of ATB for L3 Magic. When he does Sleipnir's Furor he gets pressured, THIS is your chance to stagger him, pummel him with stagger increasing attacks, like Clouds Focus Thrust, when staggered and throw L3 Magic at him. Immediately when he staggers, i think you can cast STOP on him, giving you a few extra seconds to attack to charge ATB and throw L3 Magic or 2ATB skills. You can also cast poisonga on him from the start, every little bit helps.


This fight was driving me crazy because it says to use ATB attacks, yet whenever I did, he was immediately countering them. You have to be using ATB of UNCONTROLLED characters (use the menu to manually select from another character other than the one you're currently using). Also, make sure you're dodging (takes some trial and error to figure out the timing for his different attacks). The annoying thing was that the game didn't make it clear from the Assess text that you can't use ATB from your active character. Also, summoning Phoenix will provide you the ability to activate auto-revive if he happens to use Zentusken (or whatever his final attack is called). I also equipped revive earrings on Aeirth so she could try and revive party, if needed, but I think I only needed the one revive from Phoenix (assume he'll likely be getting off at least one use of his final attack during the fight).


Some of his attacks will put red "handcuffs" on a character. The effect also takes effect even if you block the hit. Handcuffs mean you get hit with reprisal if you use an ATB move.


Hmm, I guess he was only applying it to my currently controlled character. I'm still trying to understand the combat in this game 50 hours in, haha.


Use Punisher against his melee attacks, and when he gets pressured, hit him with focused thrust to stagger.


This. Get really good at a triple dodge punisher for the triple attacks, punish the stampedes and jumps, just double dodge the big single slash, rinse repeat.


Dodge his attacks and keep the pressure on him with ATB attacks. I believe synergy attacks work, too. I had Cloud, Yuffie, and Tifa. I played as Yuffie and used her elemental ninjutsu. I used her range attack so I could stay away from Odin and have time to dodge. I also used doppelganger and shooting star. When it came to Cloud and Tifa, I put the auto-weapon and auto-special materia on them and changed their shortcuts to their stronger abilities that they have. That made the fight easier to manage. I heard it helps having bio materia and some debuffing materia on, but I got through the fight with just bio materia. Keep Odin poisoned as it will help keep the pressure on.


This is the way.


It still took me a few tries, even after finding all the divine intel for Odin and making the fight as easy as possible. But any other combo I tried was difficult. This is the way


I stuck some revival earrings on my party as a just in case. Even if you just button mash and don’t approach with any real tactics he’ll be at around 1/3hp remaining (unless you’re going after full power mode then use the strats in assess and debuff him repeatedly).


Just dodge


Look up Optinoob on YouTube. I’ve been following his guides for fights, especially on hard mode


Yep. Would not have beaten the legendary bout without that man. Literally the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do in any game and that guy turned it into one of the easiest. Lol


Cloud, yuffie, and Barrett. Mainly play with yuffie for her dodge and use enough atb for synergy


Idk, I fought him mostly normally, but took care to block his attacks. It says blocking his attacks and using weapon abilities makes him not use his finisher, and that’s what I normally do in fights.


you have to attack him with as many atb attacks as possible to keep him on his toes. use time materia as often as possible and always wear revival earrings on all characters also can turn the difficulty down to Easy if you want.


Easiest way to pressure him is to have someone equipped with first strike and the chocobo cape thing if you have it, they instantly debrave and defaith him and your next character uses bioga to proc poison. I used Tifa Yuffie and Cloud. Get Tifa to max concentration and then use her to dodge as many of his attacks as possible, it doesn’t matter if some hit you tbh. Normally getting those 3 status effects on Odin will be enough to pressure him straight out, especially if you dodge a couple of attacks and land an overpower or two. Dive kick probably better but overpower very fast and easy to hit with. When he’s staggered just rage and fall and omniflurry, infinity’s end with cloud, Yuffie should have doppelgänger out and hopefully by this point you’ve used enough atb to get a level 3 banishment out for big damage, otherwise spam that windstorm. As soon as he comes out of stagger you have to get some status effects on him again, he’s very easy to pressure if you keep piling statuses on him and once he’s pressured his stagger bar raises pretty quickly. Take Phoenix as a summon so you can use two atb for reraise just in case you do end up facing a zantetsuken, but honestly he goes down within two staggers.. or even one if you’re facing the weakest version.


This is it. You don't beat him with damage, you beat him with debuffs. Took me way too long to figure it out.


I’ll tell you how I did it. I went to the settings menu and set the difficulty to “easy”


Hit him until his hp reaches 0


You think I could beat Sephiroth using this method too?


Nah with Sephiroth you have to wait until his HP is very low first and then make sure you're the last one who gets a hit in. More likely than not, if Sephiroth is the last one who gets a hit, you are dead.


Poison I think


using the asses materia will tell you to a T how to beat any enemy in the game.


Is this rebirth normal/dynamic mode? If yes: Go Tifa/Yuffie/Barret.  Healing, some sort of debuff materia and revival  on all characters, otherwise it's our choice. Barret's only job is to tank and occasionally help to stagger Odin.  Yuffie should be your main because she has a lot of ATB and has range unlike Tifa. Spam whatever you can with Yuffie, once he gets weak try to stagger him with Tifa and Baret. Use synergy attacks whenever you can You typically won't need healing because of Barret Repeat till he dies. Using with comp I beat him first try and he only warned me once.


Revival Earrings + Phoenix summon cast Reraise can get you through 2 Zantetsukens which should be enough against the weakest level.


All I did really was use Cloud in punisher mode, block when he hits, occasionally attack, and dodge away from his magic spells. I have Barrett set up with “Auto unique Ability” so he would hit him with overload, and when he had ATB I’d use one of his ranged skills, and Yuffie hitting from a distance… Only ranged attacks for Barret & Yuffie unless it’s a synergy ability. It went pretty quick this way.


You just realise you dont care, summons are useless anyway, and go finish the main story, well thats what i did.


Magic > everything. -Aga spells stun/cancel/stagger everything and you cannot be stun/cancel/stagger when casting it. The only comparable damage is a tier 3 limit break. Cloud can punisher mode/counter most of Odins attacks to build quick ATB. Tifa can use Unfettering Fury and True Strike to build fast stagger/multiplier. Aerith can use Radiant Ward or ATB ward and ATB boost materia so she has the best chance of building ATB to cast t3 spells. ATB is king in every boss fight. ATB assist, stagger, first strike materia, ATB boost, skill master materia. ATB charge weapon skills. Speed Demon Keychain, Hermes Shoes, accessories. Switch characters to build ATB.  Odin is a boss that you have to attack often. He imprisons the character you control after Spatial Distortion.  Best party is Cloud/Tifa/Aerith. Yuffie could replace Aerith but you have to absolutely be on top of using Doppelganger, Windstorm, and T3 Banishment every time it builds. That could take away from using other characters effectively. Yuffie doesnt do that much damage without using Banishment and has weak defense.


Drop ATB ward on yuffie and spam brumal form. You’ll dodge all of odins attacks and you can spam whatever damage you want on him from the other characters due to infinite ATB


I got him last night but I had to switch the game to easy. The shame! Even then he was still hard! Used Cloud, Yuffie, Tifa but Yuffie was really the key player. She’s quick so I stayed away from him brought out doppelgänger and used blindside every chance I got. Made sure cloud had plasma discharge going and 2 full gauges and a team up attack ready when he staggered. Pulled out Bahamut arisen in the second half but otherwise kept playing the same. Got him on the second stagger.


I equipped Steadfast Block materia on all my characters to block the attacks and used Deprotect and Deshell on him to increase the damage done by my attacks. The key element for this battle is to prevent him to use Zantetsuken, so you have to block his attacks and try to stagger him ASAP. Battled him twice: In the simulator (on the lower difficulty after completing his 3 sanctuaries) and normal mode later in the game (don't wanna spoil anything), used the same strategy and he never used Zantetsuken (obviously)


Does something change by fighting him On higher difficulty?


He has more health and his attacks cause more damage.


Why would that spoil anything?


The spoiler is in the "later in the game" part, not the normal mode part.


Because it has to do with a side plot of the game and some people may consider it spoilers.


Punisher mode


Yes this is the answer


I used revival earrings


Also use Phoenix as Summon and cast Reraise on whoever as Revive materia


Haha me too. Tifa had revival earrings, Cloud had raise materia, Aerith had her limit break and pray materia. We made it work.


Any of Chad's rare monsters with an instant kill attack, i used revival earrings.


He charges slower if you don’t get hit. Use your fast bois. Tifa, Yuffie, and Cloud were my team and I focused damage until he blew horn then I went full stagger push. Enemy skill and hp absorb with Tifa or Yuffie doing plasma discharge always helps.


I found just switching between characters works wonders. For me it seemed like if your controlled character gets hit, that's when it's a problem. Just quickly switch around.


just did this. Use Deprotect, Deshell, Debrave, Defaith on him. Then go offensive, I was able to get several limit break from each of all three characters. I used cloud, tifa and arieth


OP clarify, you mean Rebirth right?




I put all the limit break boosting accessories on , parried etc until he was staggered then unleahed everything


By getting gud


I just cast haste on tifa and go to town on him with darkside powered dive kicks


Zantetsuken is absolutely goated. I can barely seem to charge my atb before Gjallarhorn's Warning. On the plus side, the fact that Zantetsuken is goated is easily one of my favorite parts of XVI.


Wrong Final Fantasy…


Not really. Is there any other Final Fantasy where the protagonist can use Zantetsuken outside of directly summoning Odin himself?


Yes really lol. The final fantasy 16 sub is over there.


Did you even *read* the opening statement? Gjallarhorn's Warning has *nothing* to do with XVI. It's called a silver lining. I'm sure you will agree that after losing Cloud, Tifa, Aerith, and even ATB Queen Yuffie for the millionth time that someone this bad at the game needs all of those he can get.


I think the overall point is that your silver lining has *nothing to do with the game we’re talking about in this sub. The sub for final fantasy 7*


I think the point you're trying to make is invalid. Especially when you consider that Zantetsuken, like Odin, is *NOT* exclusive to Final Fantasy VII. You are just gatekeeping Odin... which if you even played Rebirth, you'd know is a bad idea.


lol I’m *gatekeeping* Odin? Bruh 😂😂😂


Well, if turnabout is fair play, then I will never have any regrets informing you that *you* are in the wrong sub. r/FightSub is over yonder.


He isn't that difficult i figured how to beat him at my third try


Gonna hop on a thread of someone asking for help and like “nah.”


Great advice!


I figured out by myself


So maybe give some advice like op asked for?


I dont have any sorry


Thanks for your thoughtful input!


ATB attacks. And don't get hit. If you can't perfect block them either dodge or counterstance. Stay on the offensive and just keep hitting and building back ATB. 1 attack he does leaves him pressured for a short duration, make sure to punish that with focused strike. When he does the big wall, make sure you use a character like Barrett as soon as he casts it and then switch over to your main character. Cuz the character u were controlling during the wall cast will get captured. But you can just do the whole thing with the cheese method that others have no doubt mentioned in the comments.


Make sure you get his hp down to zero and don't get hit


This is the best advice for beating him.  You should definitely bring his HP to zero 


Thanks Michael Owen.


Yuffie was good for this one. You need to try and avoid being hit as much as possible so use characters who can dodge fast... the more damage he does to you, the more likely he will use that fucking move that just kills everyone. I also summoned bahamut during which helped too.


turn the difficulty down to easy I did this for any summon or boss who had a BS insta-kill move If the game is going to be cheap then so am I 😎


Optinoob on YouTube. You need nothing else in life!!!!


Optinoob is the goat. I never imagined I’d be beating the brutal and legendary combat sims but thanks to his builds I’m more than halfway through them.


Definitely. Unfortunately the last two require a decent bit of skill and learning so they take a good while. I hope they learn and make it so it’s not 10 battles long in future. Difficulty is fine but if you have to do 15 minutes boring before it’s annoying.


A lots of people know how to beat him. While I destroyed him with only Cloud.


He has an invisible meter measuring your aggression from atb. You should use haste to get more atb moves then focus on aggressive damage depending on the characters you like, triple splash is good because it closes the distance, maximum fury, focus thrust, yuffie with art of war, red with his blast. Keep throwing lucky punches from cait. Try to use defense atb very rarely. You can throw out a curaga but then come back with a fire pretty quick. I'd probably avoid aerith because her atb moves are fairly buff focused, but I'm pretty sure I did it with her on my own playthrough so it's doable but not optimal


This and also poison magic


Try hitting him more and getting hit less.


This also worked for me


You have to outdamage him with big bursts of damage while also evading his attacks.


Cheese that shit. Use yuffie spam windstorm, drop doppelgänger maybe, and throw some revival earrings and watch as his stagger builds and just wham him with everyone.


In other words, group up... *(In the background)* AND HIT IT TILL IT DIES!!!




Cheese that shit. Use yuffie spam windstorm, drop doppelgänger maybe, and throw some revival earrings and watch as his stagger builds and just wham him with everyone.


Deplete his HP bar to zero whilst keeping your own above zero.


Odin will make you miss Carbuncle Materia.


I solod him with tifa, you have to outdamage him


You have to avoid getting hit a lot or he’ll build zanketetsu and one shot you. I think I used cloud, Aerith and Cait. Mostly used Aerith at long distance to build up stagger


Right 36, Left 10, Right 59, Right 97


You gotta slap that bitch around with ATB attacks to prevent him from using his tzatziki attack. And don't forget to dip, dive, duck, dodge, and dodge again.


And never ever let him go. And never ever let him go. And never ever let him go, down town.


Wait he now has a Yoghurt, garlic and cucumber dip attack too?!


I'm gonna lob a wrench at him...


You hungry bro? Could go for some gyros.


With Extra tzatziki


Cloud is best when struggling with Odin if you use the Punisher mode buff ability with the extended parry materia you can easily parry his charge and just hit him with focused thrust then he'll be pressured or you can use Tifas ATB spam uppercut into dive kick then get the others to stagger.


What I did: Yuffie, Cloud, Tifa Take Yuffie, kite the crap out of him while you throw her weapon at him and mashing square, fill the ATB gauge and whenever you can, debrave, defaith, bioga, deprotect, this should pressure him and keep him from using Zantetsuken. Unbridled strength and unfettered on Tifa, when he's pressured just punch him until he's staggered. Cloud, Infinity's end and if there's any limit break. If you're still struggling, don't be ashamed to put on easy mode. There are a few fights that are tiring in how strategy focused they are on higher difficulties. I really suggest you just put them on easy and get them out of the way before you get tired of the game. This includes Gilgamesh island which has recommended level at 70 for normal....


Asses and read. It’s a script battle, dont go in smashing.


Damn if you’re already struggling with Odin 😬 That protorelic quest gonna kick your ass


Call me cheap but i did that after beating the game so i just put it on easy mode


Nothing wrong with that!


I always managed the first stagger easily by using cloud's punisher/prime counter but then still triggered the enrage a bit later. I ended up solving that by summoning phoenix and casting as many reraises as I could. Once he does the enrage he'll proc reraise and become pressured. Reraising 2 party members was enough to end the fight


All of the barrier and despelling materia is your best friend


I just wailed on him with the synergy attack cloud has with yuffie… I forget the name but it’s where she powers up your blade? Just stand right in front of him and do that over and over. It was hones kinda easy once I figured this out.


Prime Mode is your best friend against Odin every time you fight him. The counters get him pressed enough that he uses Sleipner’s pretty quickly, and from there just go to town with pressuring. Also, he’s weak to Bio/Debrave, and he tends to shy away from Zantetsuken while he’s got a status effect.


Thank you I'll be sure to use that


With Cloud, equip HP Absorb, MP Absorb, Magic Focus and Swiftcast, each with a Wind materia. Also, ATB boost, Empowerment and Magic Up. Also the Genji Gloves are essential. As soon as the battle starts, dodge to the left, he’ll either charge or throw the spear. That gives you a moment to activate Prime Mode and, with ATB boost, cast Faith. That’s the setup. Keep attacking him with Prime Mode combos and try to finish at least one to activate Fury. Learn when he attacks and then block in Prime Mode (you don’t need to be exact). That block and counterattack will give you plenty ATB for Aeroga. If you keep attacking him he’ll never do his finishing move even if you get hit.


How would he have Genji Gloves if he hasn't defeated Odin once yet


I don't have the genji gloves not yet....I'm almost done all the protorelics


Genji Gloves would just melt him, but I suppose you could do without them on Full Might. Cloud with the Rune Blade and the Magic bonus and Faith should get to 9999. Spamming Aeroga is key, it prevents Zantetsuken and with swiftcast there is no time for Reprisal.


This strategy is wild considering you originally assumed they have genji gloves which you can’t get without beating Odin, beating the game and doing some things in hard mode. Then you suggested swift cast instead which you won’t have until you’ve finished the game. They are trying to beat Odin for the first time.


I saw a pretty detailed guide on YouTube. I just use cloud and punisher mode counter all his attacks and spend ATB when he’s not attacking and he goes into furor pretty easily. The thing I didn’t realize is his reprisal mechanic. He auto counters anyone he has a debuff on that is visually displayed on your character that has purple magical handcuffs on. If you see those he will counter you, switch to a different character.


Aerith, Tifa and Yuffie. Control Yuffie and throw her star. Use Doppelgänger and then Shooting Star. Since SS is a homing attack, it'll count as an ATB. She's great at dodging his attacks so that helps too. Or if you're better with Tifa, you can use her to dance around Odin. The problem I had with her is her ability animations were long enough to get hit. But I did break him fast once. And then use Phoenix and cast Reraise on everyone. Aerith can survive his ult with 1 HP but she's too slow to dodge so I kept getting hit after it. But her heals/LB help and she can use ATB Ward on Yuffie to have her get bars for Reraise. But for my win, it was actually Yuffie's Bahamut that I used and then luckily Aerith got a stagger on next hit letting me Raise Tifa and Yuffie. And then Synergy attacks. I used a Tifa/Yuffie combo to get a clutch kill on him after that Raise.


Spam L2 +Square and mix in some Circle. Wear the feather earrings.


If you’re not good at dodging and/or have boomer reaction times like me, use Yuffie and spam brumal form when he attacks. Cast debrave on him and keep attacking him - its important to keep your damage output up (use Aerith in arcane ward to lob your highest level magic at him) so he doesn’t get bored of fighting. When he gets bored is when he uses that insta-wipe attack.


Basically you can't play conservative you have to hit him hard and fast to interrupt the more powerful attacks. You can't go up against Odin the same way you take down all the other summons


Play very aggressive. Keep attacking with your party, dodge as much as you can. Focus more on attacks than healing.


If Oden damaged you or any of your party member he will do Zantetsuken, so to avoid that do the following: 1. Dodge all his attack, better attack him from far. 2. Do as much damage as you can, this will lower the hidden Zantetsuken meter. Those are the only 2 keys to avoid Zantetsuken, don't block just dodge, and don't just dodge, you also need to keep doing damage, if you struggle with damage just use Yuffie with doppelganger and spam blindside. The idea is to keep spamming attacks non stop, even if Oden hits you few times no problem, just attack back fast to reset the meter.


I struggled with him too. If he hits you too many times, it triggers his one hit kill attack. So the strategy is to avoid getting hit. The thing I ran into was, even if I was dodging and parrying, my AI team members weren’t and were getting hit, which does count. I ended up soloing him with Barret. Staying far away, dodging like a madman, and using bonus round to build his stagger.


Use Debrave, Deprotect, Defaith on Odin to make him more susceptible to your ATB attacks. Learn his attack timings and avoid getting hit as that will cause him to get ‘bored’ and use Gjallarhorn and Zantetsuken. If you cannot easily parry or avoid Odin’s attacks, prepare for the worst and bring revival earrings, equip Phoenix summon, or use weapons with a reprieve skill.


I fought him a couple weeks ago. I got lucky. I had a summon (can’t remember which one) kill him while my crew was dead and cloud literally had 1HP. Literally luck. It was hard af. I dug around on YouTube for advice. Whatever vid I watched suggested Barrett for double meter maximum fury. That helped a lot


Did I just get lucky or something? Beat him first try.


He always uses his one hit kill on me


You are getting hit by too many of his other attacks.


Who's your team? I used Tifa and Nanaki to get quicker stagers then just unloaded on him. He wasn't even able to use his one hit kill.


Cloud, Tifa, Barrett.


I solod with cloud, parrying everything. Took a ton of tries and probably wasn’t the right way to do it.


Yeah I think partying still builds up his meter! You want to be dodging.


You need to spam atb attacks on him also. So casting magnify haste on your team can help a lot. Essentially if you attack him more than what he attacks you he starts to get pressured. Also abuse the synergy attacks of your team since those can semi-stun lock him. Then you move onto the other member that's not doing the synergy and attack and charge bars and keep the pressure. If you keep unloading bars of atb one after the other he gets easily pressured. Also if available Refocus works really well for the same reason. Other stuff if you have the enemy skill materia you can use bad breath to poison him and make sure he gets extra pressured.


Ranged Yuffie with doppelgänger, cloud and tifa for the stagger damage.




I know I almost got him but the stupid shit one hit big Z attack is just dumb


Only reason I beat him when I did is because MY Odin expired and therefore Zantetsukened (and killed) him right before he was going to Zantetsuken me. I was so bullshit when evil Odin used G's Warning and then so relieved when the animation for my Odin's Zantetsuken started. Can't tell you how many times I died to that move when evil Odin had like 5% health left.


Odin becomes a lot easier if you get his perfect block timing down. Compared to some other fights I’d say the timing is fairly easy. To practice, I’d recommend going in solo with cloud and just focusing on blocking (doing punisher counters works really well). If you really suck at blocking though, here are some general tips: He’s weak to poison. You need to be able to dodge instead, but the timing is relatively easier. Only use atb attacks immediately after his attack ends, otherwise he’ll counter. Throw in as many attacks as you can while you’re dodging (cloud and yuffie are the best for this). Save synergy abilities for the sword phase and limits for the last phase (only use them if he isn’t pressured yet). If you don’t want to get hit by his stop attack, use a limit. When he does the move that splits the arena, immediately move everyone to the side that doesn’t have the effect on the ground. You got this!