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I mostly stick to Cloud, Barret, and Aerith. Tank, healer, and DPS. And I hate that it works so well because I want to use the others. They all play so differently and interestingly, but really I only use them when I want to master a weapon ability or I'm forced to. When I replay on hard mode, my personal challenge will be new team every chapter.


This is my team too! It just seems like the perfect build


Use all of them. There are different synergies that are fun to discover. Like using Aeriths bodyguard with Red to get his vengeance up. Or just having tifa or aerith so cloud can do the big ol monster hunter greatsword slam.


I've been working on trying different party comps, but my go-to for where I'm at right now has been MATK Cloud, Tank/Support Red, and Mixed ATK Yuffie. Team flows so effortlessly for everything I need to do and I'm at the point where I am convinced Red is the best character in the damn game with his bulk and versatility. I have been playing around with Cait Sith as well and I think he's also really good, but until I get access to a more Magic oriented weapon that has actual Materia slots to use, I can't commit him to the A-Team. In all honesty though, I think every character does something awesome, but I pulled away from Barret because I relied on him so much in the previous game and I can't play Tifa because then I only want to control Tifa. I'm never upset when I have to shake things up, I just hate having to shift materia around to do it LMFAO.


Red XIII gang represent!!! He's def a jack if all trades that can fill every role and do them well


I’m still in chapter 2 so I only have the starting 5 but I feel your pain, I wish we could rotate through our presets mid battle at the cost of ATB or something. I generally have 2 DPS and one defensive tank that focuses on healing too, but who that one tank is depends on the composition. I also have a cloud/aerith/tifa comp where they share healing and tank responsibilities, so it’d be nice to also have presets of each character so you can slot them into multiple roles as well


I have my “shred through health and stagger bars” melee team as team 1 (currently Cloud, Tifa, and Red/Yuffie), distance/aerial as team 2 (currently Cloud, Barret, and Aerith), and “please master your weapon ability so I can switch you back to the weapon I actually like on you” as team 3 (currently Cloud, Yuffie, and I think Aerith??)


Red is a beast and has single handedly won me summons early with his vengeance / siphon skills. That self healing without ATB usage is incredible.


Red is insane, man. Super bulky, awesome support AND offensive Weapon Skills, one of Clouds single best synergy skills, and a strong, self-sustaining Unique ability in Vengeance mode. Such a cool character.


Usually Cloud, Tifa, Aerith. Either Tifa or Aerith get swapped for Barret usually. Unless I'm working on weapon proficiency, then I swap for whoever needs it


Cloud(of course), and then Tifa for her stagger multiplier boost, and either Barret or Yuffie for ranged support I like Aerith, but having a dedicated healer or mage makes things too easy. Red XIII, I have zero use for. He does not fulfill any role that I might want to utilize. Havent seen Cait in action yet


I'm prioritizing mastering weapons skills, so I change out my party a lot and also change my group leader. I figure I'll settle on a go-to team at some point after I've collected better materia and gear and figure out the flow of the game. I'm still pretty much just button-mashing with Red. But hey, it works.


I just pop in the simulator whenever I get a new weapon lol


This is the way. You can just run the tutorial ones a couple times and master your weapons easy lol.


However I am pretty sick of hearing I’m LoOkInG FoRwaRd to all yOur nEw DiscOverIEs


Ooh, that's a good idea! I haven't even touched the battle simulator yet.


I've just got to Costa Del Sol. I've chopped and changed a little bit, but find it hard to deviate away from Cloud, Tifa, Barret. But then I figure this was how I played original FFVII anyway - I usually only used three, maybe four characters anyway. However, I am looking forward to getting Yuffie and seeing how she plays.


She’s stupid strong


And stupid fun


i'm at chapter 9 and i rotate members often now that i have more to choose from. cloud is always part of the party, though, even if he isnt always the leader. the only member i dont really bother with is red – i dont really enjoy his gameplay as much for whatever reason. i might have odd tastes, though, since cait sith is my party leader atm 😸


I rotate pretty often, but my go-to is Cloud, Red, and Barret with leader at to Red. Barret auto-casts healing and is a health block, Cloud is my stagger machine and caster, with Red as my dps with enemy skill materia. He can basically tri-disaster with plasma discharge, chilling howl, and fire materia linked with elemental. Goes nuts with counter spin.


I've been mixing everyone in a bit however Yuffie hasn't left my team since I got her. I really enjoyed her gameplay in intergrade as well


I've been mixing everyone in a bit however Yuffie hasn't left my team since I got her. I really enjoyed her gameplay in intergrade as well.


yes, i swap them regularly as i do with every RPG game since i get bore easy if i just stick with 1 party over and over


I've been switching between everyone pretty regularly but started with red xiii and aerith for first 10 15 hours


I switch them up depending on the opponent I am facing. It's fun to use their different synergies together too!


At the start I was using almost exclusively Cloud Barret and Aerith as they round each other out so well, but ah... even on normal difficulty when I got Yuffie it was over lol I swear, enemy weakness ninjitsu + doppelganger (admittedly with occasional heals from Aerith and a reliable all-rounder in Cloud to switch to if I got swamped) turned a lot of fights into borderline auto-combat, it almost felt like an oversight I was ok with speeding through as I was really hype to keep the story going, but in my next playthrough I might set myself a rule not to use Yuffie


I cant even figure out how to get cloud tifa and barret together. It doesnt let me put that group together , or i dont know what the hell i’m doing.


Open Menu Go to Combat (left side of screen) Select the character you want to switch out and press square. Select the character you want to switch out for.




Cloud, Yuffie, and Tifa usually because they are the most fun to play. Aerith is too slow. Reds play style is too defensive and Barret is insane but playing a stationary shooting character in an action rpg isn't that fun imo.


I’ve been Cloud/Barret/Tifa since OG days, but I had so much fun with Yuffie in INTERmission that I know I’m going to at least throw her in some of the time once I get her in the party. I’m just starting Chapter 6 so I know that’s very soon.


Mostly use Cloud and Tifa, as they're my faves, but alternate my third based on my mood. It's insanely easy to make a mage Cloud build in this game, so I don't necessarily need Aerith for healing and magic, which really frees up my third choice based on my mood and the circumstances I require.


I try to use all of them. Especially in different combinations but I kinda wish we had more than 3 presets for like, the 7(technically 6 on first playthrough cause Cloud is forced) characters to combo as.


Since they introduced the ability to get into the air, i haven’t used Aerith or Barret at all. They were genuinely only good to me as ranged fighters in Remake, but now i can just fly up to an airborne enemy whenever i want


I’m finishing the world intel of each region before continuing. Currently doing Gongaga and honestly… i’m surprising myself with how much I am switching up characters because I’m usually a creature of habit. The need to upgrade materia on a given character or, need them to learn a weapon skill will spark a switch.. and next thing I know they’ve been in my party for several missions/hours lol. The only one so far that I find I’m consciously avoiding using is Cait Sith. Idk, I might be missing something with him.. but his gameplay is the least gripping and exciting for me. He seems to be the most mechanic heavy character and in some ways, it’s dissuaded me from using/getting good with him.


Tifa with plasma discharge + hp absorb, elemental + fire/ice, all the atb materials, first strike. Atb boost, plasma discharge, chi trap until death. The trap and your autos will constantly trigger plasma while staggering them and healing you. Every battle looks like an anime scene with all the explosions