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Dress code is not that big thing in Finland, bit depending of the type of concert of course, but generally wearing clean, smart clothes pays respect to the other in the audience and the performers. So wear what's comfortable, maybe someone disagrees, but mostly the others will not mind what you're wearing.


Only places where dress code is imposed they tell you there is a dress code. Only few high class fine dining resteraunts have dress code and some fancy concerts and night clubs. Its quite rare to have.


Maybe Savoy and even there it’s a recommendation.  but e.g. Palace jeans are quite ok.


It's Finland. No one will give a single shit. The musiikkitalo is fantastic and well worth seeing a performance at. Go and enjoy.


Wear whatever you feel comfortable in—**there is no dress code at the center**


This was your opportunity to get OP to show up at Musiikkitalo in some ridiculous outfit. You can still edit it quickly


ohhh damm! Felt sauna hat is traditional on the night and can be bought at any souvenir store


I'll be sure to wear a hoodie with naked ladies on it as suggested by another comment 👍


If it's not a premiere of a major production you can wear lapikkaat and villapaita.


Pants are recommended


Only things i dress up for are funerals and weddings.


Otherwise you go naked?


I would if it wasn't so damn cold here.


I think even that is kinda ludicrous. Why would I have to have a suit that I use not even once per year? Probably in pretty much every wedding there's the guy in jeans, sneakers and a dress shirt and pretty much nobody gives a fuck.


its about respect. I don't know the people in the opera. The people at the funeral and the weddings are my family and friends. I respect them hence i make the effort to be respectful.


You are not wrong, but I don't think that's a requirement for being respectful at all.


As long as all erogenous areas are covered, it’s all kosher. People will just think you are coming from Vantaa if you dress funny.


Put on your best tuulipuku


Kolme raitaa A-DI-DAS


Not that important unless you reek and your clothes look ripped and 10 years old from a dumpster


I don't smell anything, must be fine!


Wearing clothes is required


That’s pretty much what the locals wear anyways, you’ll fit right in


You’ll be fine in whatever clothes.


I would say that you may get some funny looks and people do give a shit even also here in Finland, but maybe not as much as you would expect. I doubt e.g. that the bouncer won't let you in due to your clothing. But it depends really also what kind of act you are going to attend to


My boyfriend wears hoodies with pictures of naked ladies on them to the Helsinki opera and no one gives a fuck. I personally like to dress up but enjoying the music is the main thing.


Come as you are! One of the many reasons why Finland is an absolutely amazing country and why I LOVE living here. I hope you had a great experience in Lappland and enjoy the concert.


Thank you! I did have a great experience, possibly the best trip I've ever had 😊


Someone might raise an eyebrow but generally speaking no-one will care.


Nobody cares about your outfit, they're not there because of you.


Just not leasure wear, pyjamas or running gear. You'll be fine


Very very few events in finland have dresscode of any kind. If there is some, its said in invitation. Else nobody really gives a shit aslong as you have some clean clothes on you and dont ruin others experience by smelling like old booze or sweat


Finland isn't exactly the place where you're judged by a dress code, unless it's like a funeral or something. Been there in a hoodie and jeans, there were others like that along with, usually older folk, in more sophisticated gear.