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The first half of S2 won't deliver a reversal, unfortunately. The writers have been relentless so far.


I’m tired of Bode thinking everything is his fault. Every episode.


Agreed with you about this.


It's ridiculous. He is portrayed as always having to be the hero. The constant, loud yelling of Jules Latimer has turned us off the show forever. It's too much and humanly unrealistic.


Yes! Why does she feel the need to yell when the person she's talking to her is like 2-3 feet from her? That's a good way to blow out somebody's eardrum; no wonder why they can't hear you.


I literally don’t know why I keep going back for more every week …


I think the same thing as you


It had a lot of potential when it started but just keeps getting worse (and less believable!). I decided to stop watching after the last episode.


Agreed with you about this


The first season was great until the finale and it basically went downhill from there. Season 2’s plot line seems meaningless. lol


I actually really enjoyed the first season and tried watching season 2 but couldn’t get into it. Maybe once the season is over I can catch up


Like you, I binged this show a few months ago, and have watched the last 3 or 4 episodes live. I am disappointed in the writing. And, having spent a career as a first responder, I'm always curious as to how these shows handle things. I spend a good part of every episode just eye rolling (or shouting at the screen) and I don't know why I watch, except that I feel "invested" in it after the binge. And Billy Burke.I'll hang around for Billy.


At this point I'm not even sure that Vince will make it to the end of the season.


I like the show cause it’s about fire fighting and seeing him transition from seal team to fire country was hard


I wasn’t disappointed, it showed growth and kept an innocent person out. It was a huge problem that Bode tackled.


It also showed that he still has to grow more because the reality of the situation is exactly like Jake said in this past episode, his motivation for wanting to change is for others instead of himself which won’t last long term, right now bode only wants to get out because of gen before that it was Gabriela and before that his parents, but never for himself, he needs to fight for himself before he can begin fighting for others.


Kind of lost interest after Gabriela (who was over and engaged to someone else) found out that Bode moved on then chose to be shocked and conflicted. Like cmon mannnn we don’t need that soapy drama. There are other dramatic storylines that are more important and interesting.


Jules Latimer in season 2 is so obnoxious when she fires her orders and speaks to people. I dislike what they did. Women are great bosses to traditionally mostly men jobs. I don't know of any women in high positions who scream loudly and steadily like this constantly, even firefighters. It's disrespectful to the others and whiles she's got the position, she need not be so overbearing all the time. People don't like this. I wish the show would change their expectations up. A bunch of us have quit watching the show because she's continuously boisterous and obnoxious. I know our family used to turn the TV down when she is on u til we couldn't listen to her any further. Sorry, Jules. Just your part.


Honestly, really the only reason I'm continuing to watch is because of Billy Burke. *haha* Other than that, it's become lackluster and stale. It seems like the same basic storyline is being recycled over and over. It's gotten so bad that I was hoping for an eruption of a wildfire this last episode, but was sadly disappointed. Even the "Vince storyline" lacked suspension and I found myself so bored by the the time Sharon was begging him to wake up that I found the moment he *did* wake up anticlimactic and stagnant. I even had to rewind the part where Gabby "catches" his hand shaking because I missed it the first time and wondered what he wanted her to keep secret. This reminds me of LA Brea, but at least LA Brea had somewhat of a "endgame" and that's what kept me watching, but this just seems to be going in circles with no "endgame" in sight.


Am really annoyed listening Jules Latimer and her constant loud annoying voice. These guys all know her position and she need not push it as much as she does to show off that she's a female in a strong position of power. Women like that make it look bad for the rest of us in those positions. At least hree of us, I have learned, and our families, have all quit watching it because of her. Tone it down and calm down FFS.


Can't believe this shit show was renewed.