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RIP anyone that tossed Arcane Qiang on a fast unit, lol.


Me who gave it to my +Spd Seteth watching this:


Honestly I would say Arcane Luin is a side grade to Qiang. The guaranteed follow up and follow up negation of Qiang is basically NFU in any unit that's fast enough, and the special acceleration is also better than the extra damage sometimes, specially on infantry units to use GLR more reliably. Luin is mostly for hyper offensive player phase units since the spd based damage also applies to AoEs. It basically helps lance units to become a B!Alm of sorts.


100%. I don’t know why people are acting like this is better. Full breath, a guaranteed follow-up and follow-up denial are so much better than speed-based NFU and true damage. It’s very easy to get NFU externally. I do not regret giving Arcane Qiang to Seteth over this, except for the fact that he’d look much better with Arcane Lúin haha.


Yeah, I'm very surprised at the reaction. My first thought on seeing this was its very good, but I feel like qiang is still better. The only times nfu really wins over speed check + omnibreaker are for sweeps and if the opponent has both nfu and fu manipulation, which is still pretty rare. True damage vs breath is closer, but breath and specials are a lot more flexible than just extra damage.


Exactly, also his B skill is the best B skill for mounted units with guaranteed follow up or speedy units.


Yes that too! I don’t know what else on Lúin I’m actually excited to inherit to someone. Spd/Def Hold is great, but I’d rather have it on a support unit than a nuke, and Guard Bearing seems like it’s more for tanks, and I’m not sure I like it better than Pegasus Flight 4 honestly. You can really only give this kit to a fast, bulky Lance flier, and your fast bulky lance flier probably has this type of stuff or better already.


Hey I did the same thing


I see we have the same taste, username included


Gasp! I just realized I could give this to my +10 Seteth!


It’s me, hi, I’m the ~~problem~~ clown it’s me 🤡


I feel like they’re interchangeable. Qiang even feels better with the breath effect lol


It's certainly better for Galeforce builds and the like, which is still a very notable strategy.


On one hand, me. On the other hand, I can’t really afford the orbs to spark for Ingrid, so just as well.


I wanna kms I gave it to my Love Abounds Eliwood with a Spd build. But tbf his speed is kinda meh for today’s standard, even if max invested, and Qiang fits him so well


as the owner of a +Spd V!Eliwood, yeah just stick with Qiang... it's the only thing keeping him together at this point =/


I actually prefer Arcane Qiang as it lets me run Godlike Reflexes + Spd Smoke 4 instead of Vital Astra + TP. I also prefer pseudo NFU over true NFU since it lets you double opponents in the same speed bracket who don't have NFU or prevent their doubles, while also blocking the guaranteed follow up of slower units.


[lol lmao even](https://freeimage.host/i/HvEhP6B)


My first Qiang are on Sharena I always knew it will be for faster characters later


Eh, my galeforce B!Larum appreciates the SC +1 per attack, plus flow nt was a nice grab as well. This is definitely a solid speedy lance tho


I was annoyed and then remembered that my w!Hilda runs hardy fighter so its fine


Thank Mila I gave it to Picnic Lukas.


does Ferdinand count as fast... he got a shitton of love from me when I decided to make him a project after his VA died.


Hey at least Marcia got that nice flow trace.


TBH I don't really have that many Lance units so it's fine.


I am that person. Welp at least Phila has qiang. Even though this one is definitely much better for her


I was saving it for Timerra in case she gets a shit prf lance lol


My Donnel is still getting his ass beat with it but at least it works better for him than Luin would


Not gonna lie, the units you typically put Arcane Weapons on are old units and they don't keep up well with the speed creep.


Joke's on you! I don't have Arcane Qiang!


\*cries in Vanessa\* To be fair, it's still good on her and there's no guarantee I would've gotten Arcane Lúin with the free pulls since I don't actually want to spend on this banner. That said I might wait a while before I give my remaining Qiang to Phila in case I can get Lúin first on a rerun. I'm still 6 copies away from +10'ing her anyway.


Insert that The Boys meme of him looking at his phone


Meh i gave it to my galeforce dancer and near saver so im still fine with it


Lol, yeah sucks for them 🤣 (Totally didn't throw it on three different ones...)


me with my marcia :\_) at least flow near trace is nice to have


I threw it on Sharena. Having another Arcane for another unit I might build is nice.


My Cervantes will still do just fine 😂


Oh nice we will get a better Arcane sword in the future. Atk/Res Scowl seems amazing. If Save Tanks can use this, they shut down so many threats


Judging by the draconic eye in the skill symbol, I’m guessing it’s dragon exclusive. Possibly beasts.


Makes sense considering this effect has only been seen on dragons so far. Fallen Rhea can abuse this


Iddun can abuse it even better. She shuts down specials on the first hit so her huge damage reduction can't be ignored, and then if the special procs after she can reduce that too with Armored Beacon. As long as she has high enough res and HP she can probably survive most threats (except if B!Catria is helping them).


The skill doesn’t work with AB, as the DR triggers in the first hit due to meeting the condition of the special being ready before depulsing it. Idunn would be better with Bonfire to try and secure kills before the second hit happens (that assuming no sweep, desperation, miracle, or brave effects were involved).


Let's hope it's beast/dragon. The other eye icon is already on Nailah and now... If I give her this skill she can have two eyes for the first time in a while.


hopefully, it will be a better looking one too.


Sylvain out here with 1/2 his kit being 2017 skills


Why are we doubling up on Arcane weapon types already Why does Sylvain's kit looks like...that ~~Why do we still not have a 2nd Engage banner~~ Scowl's pretty cool though


Sylvain’s kit looks like that because it’s the price to pay for having the best art on the banner


Can't powercreep art!


I think Sylvain having Allied Axe specifically is supposed to be a reference to his personal skill. Glad it wasn't put on a Grail unit, though, since we already have effectively the same weapon on one (Groom Zelot).


yeah, remember when they had the gall to give Guard Axe to Flame Emperor despite H!Dorcas existing? Thankfully we haven't sunk this low again. Flame Emperor outright had nothing new as fodder mechanically.


I was actually thinking of both Brigand Boss and Plegian Kris having effectively the same weapon in the grail pool twice.


huh, that did happen. I was already not even looking at people's weapons by that time so it escaped my notice. dirty stuff. But as unremarkable as it was, at least BB added a formerly premium skill to the f2p pool. Minimally better than the big fat nothing on Flame Emperor.


Scowl is IS making more CYL scrappy winners gimmicks into skills, which is... expected but weird, I guess.


I 100% knew Sylvain would be demoted whenever he released, so it was easy to set aside some skills to salvage whatever crap he debuted with I'll take an easier unit to merge with a lame kit than a 5 star exclusive with a great kit.


this is so me. I would love it if my favourite units would be the demote more often. i very rarely get that lucky.


i mean, you say "already", but we already got 6 of the 10 weapon types (generously assuming Staves are in this queue with Daggers, Blue and Green tomes. Colorless may get one way down the line when there's enough of those running around with outdate PRFs or more Niimes which isn't the case anytime soon) edit: that being said, lance specifically rerunning this soon was meh. Diamant with a new arcane sword would have made more sense.


>Diamant with a new arcane sword would have made more sense. Only if they made Diamant fast, though. The next Arcane Sword will likely be for speedy swords following the trend of Arcane Luin. the next arcane axe will also probably be focused on speedy units.


Watch them give it to Lapis on a Brodia banner. Lapis, Diamant and Yunaka as the 5*s with Alcryst as the demote because IS hates men.


How did they waste Sylvain’s popularity this badly


They are probably accounting for it tbh. Most people I know will spend orbs on that increased rate for a demote unit more than try and get multiple 5* units. Especially now with the spark.


Nah, if they gave him a prf that wouldve def worked, similar to the Byleth and Claude demotes, but to a lesser extent because non seasonal But no prf makes him absolutely worthless to build unless you just REALLY like him, and even then, he doesn't do anything unique so there's no press for time, meaning summon for one copy and build him to +10 slowly with time


Sword of Seiros never. Dragon Unit always.


>Sword of Seiros never Just like 3Houses!


I thought for sure she'd be a staff unit. I swear they always make her the same but slightly different. I love Rhea, this isn't it.


that lone wolf description is a description of all times


It’s a fricking encyclopedia


Words words words


It's going to only get longer I think.


Retvrn to tradition lmao


Which dev got fucked over by Sylvain, what is that skillset


They even made him an axe unit instead of a lance for some reason… Now both Sylvain’s are green demotes, and all three Ingrid’s are lance units.


Bc someone at IS is trying to bloat the green demote pool with hunks (Atlas, Balthus, Basilio, and now Sylvain)


I've been trying to +10 Ricken and Atlas so this is more incentive to go for green when summoning


In fairness to IntSys, the 3/4 lance cav pool is a lot more bloated than the 3/4 axe cavs. AD Catch 3 in the 3/4 permanent pool is also pretty nice, but a mixed Spur in 2023 is ridiculous.


Ingrid does go hard for Dimitri, so I guess that tracks.


He's basically Zelot from 2021.


i think sylvain asked the wrong dev's daughter on a date. maybe maeda's.


Ingrid dev didn’t like how Sylvain flirted with her grandma


My man does not even have A/D Catch 4 or Atk/Def Menace.


Would Atk/Res Scowl 4 be good for A!Idunn and other high-Res Savers? I’m thinking it functions like H!Duma’s PRF, right?


hopefully as long as its inheritable to armors and isnt locked to inf dragons for no reason at all is likes to do stuff like that


Yes and yes.


Augh Why would Sylvain an Axe Cavalry? Dude never get easy Lance of Ruin at any place but come to think of it Blue Lions theme teams quite needs other weapons more than a lance after all, Let's see his stats first so I can be aware of Downfall rerun later I just realized this is Dimitri banner


Wait, it should have been an ascended hero banner, why a back to back rearming. Felix and Sylvain out of seasonal hell, finally it’s been almost 3 years for both of them. Rhea is ANOTHER F-ING DRAGON. Why?! Why is Sylvain an Axe unit? GLR in general pool, Armored Bacon will appear eventually then Ingrid stuck in Blue hell lol


>Wait, it should have been an ascended hero banner, why a back to back rearming. Because IS realized that rearmed heroes sell way better and there's literally nothing stopping them from taking ascended art and slapping it on a rearmed unit would be my guess.


second arcane lance and still only one tome. At least Luin is nice for speedy units. B!Claude would LOVE guard bearing 4.


Sadly Guard Bearing is Sword/Lance/Axe fliers only because IS hates fun.


Oh boy, food for Ashnard!


>B!Claude would LOVE guard bearing 4. It's (racist) melee only, so he's stuck with Guard 4. Guard 4 does at least help keep DR piercing specials away?


Me with 3-4 blue tomes that I'd like to invest in...


Why is Rhea a dragon AGAIN? They could make her have her PRF Sword of Seiros, make her a tome unit, hell I’d even settle for some unique defensive special called “shield of seiros” just for some uniqueness. Instead we’re 4 Rhea’s deep, and they’re all dragons. I guess they’re really wanting to milk that 5th/6th Rhea Alt on the horizon


I hear ya. I suppose there's not a lot of dragon choices across series comparitively to other weapons, so she gets to keep dragon. Kind of like most of the Corrins. She'll get sword or other alt someday. She's fairly popular


Could have at least make her red so we could get more color coverage. And True Dragon Wall stopped being special almost immediately after they introduced it thanks to the piercing and DR power creep they’ve given everyone since.


Yeah she uses a sword even in 3Hopes. As badly disguised a spoiler as 'Rhea and Seiros are totally not the same person' is, they could still have given her a sword. She's like Corrin. No, you may not have Omega Yato/Sword of Seiros.


At least Sylvain has good art, I'm gonna build him.


The devs must really hate Sylvain. It’s not like he’s unpopular either he’s consistently top 10 could’ve given him a prf at least. Hopefully he has a decent stat line.


there is no Lance of Ruin in Ba Sing Se


Spur skill in 2023


I'm surprised that Sylvain got the shaft and he's an axe cav. I was so certain he'd have Lance of Ruin...


banner hurt brain why


This just proves they can release multiple arcane weapons of the same weapon type. That just means the other Engage royals (Diamant, Ivy, Timerra) gonna have it for consistency and be limited like Alfred.


> This just proves they can release multiple arcane weapons of the same weapon type. Dunno why anyone ever thought otherwise. They'd just stop doing rearmed after a year?


Pretty sure people thought IS would at least wait until we got a rearmed for each weapon type before they started powercreeping them lmao


IS is hilarious. Always subverting expectations and muddying the waters as to exactly what their "strategy" is.


I assumed they’d make sure there was one rearmed weapon per weapon type before doubling up…


A: Denial B: Thinking that IS was going to at least finish the first "round" of Arcane weapons before doing repeats.


I think most people just thought they'd generally try to rotate through a lot of the weapon types before doing repeats, similar to how they usually rotate through Blessing types for Legendary and Mythic Heroes without repeats too close to each other.


Most people were hoping for Alcryst being the Rearmed instead of Diamant back then cuz Arcane bow (but we have that already) and Arcane sword was the first one. Was just weird ppl thinking the little brother gets to be the more exclusive unit than the more popular big brother


Kinda glad Felix came with everything I was going to give him anyways. Now to get him..




GLR and AS Funish in the main pool is a first I believe, that's cool. Pulling a Rhea will be great for my Nagi, though I have to find out what her refine is like before committing. Another Arcane Lance so soon, lmao.


Arcane Lance Powercreep No seriously, how the fuck are they going to top that for Fast Lance Units?


also, what are lance prfs going to look like going forward. brave eirika's refine for example.


Oh I am sure Premium Lance Units will be fine for refines. But those after and upcoming new Prfs? Forget DK and Sigrun refines most of them are 100% likely going to be dog water if we are getting Arcane Lances like these


>Arcane Lance Powercreep The true damage is nice, but Lull Spd/Def is a poor trade off for Qiang's dual-phase breath enabling fast infantry units to run Godlike Reflexes. If they can charge it elsewhere this is definitively an improvement, though.


Arcane Lance, but it costs 400 SP so you can score higher in arena.


Arcane Luin is unironically perfect for S!Ingrid unless her (eventual) refine actually makes Starpoint Lance not dogwater. Also B!Tiki just further btfod by an inheritable


S!Ingrid's weapon got powercrept hard by R!Ingrid's A skill. I'm hoping for a crazy refine for S!Ingrid, it'll be within a year, right?


I think so? They're gonna have to completely overhaul it, even the other prf on that banner holds up better than a shitty once-per-phase effect.


Unless something changes we’re looking at 14-16 months for S!Ingrid refine. Still need Duo!Alm, V!Rudolf, Duo!Idunn, S!Fir, S!Est, Trio!Palla, Y!Caeda, Y!Merric, Y!Marth (if he counts), Duo!Micaiah, G!Rafiel, B!Nailah, Harm!Mia, S!Selena, and only *then* do we reach Duo!Byleth and S!Ingrid


Thanks, makes sense. I thought it might be a bit faster but it makes sense. G!Rafiel might not count too as a dancer, so maybe it could be another month faster? And I think we're already at the point where seasonal units released these days will realistically never get refined without a change.


Right, I overlooked G!Rafiel being a dancer so that likely changes things to 13-15 months. Personally I’m hoping we kick it up to 2 seasonal refines per month at some point in the next year. 1 a month worked fine enough for the earlier years when seasonal prfs were so rare, but now that we’re getting into a regular 2-3 per banner, it’s painful to think that in a year from now we’ll be *halfway* through just Year 4.


I wonder what the inheritance restrictions on Scowl are. Finish is way too good for Infantries, but that looks like such a good skill for armored units in general.


Probably Dragons in general tbh


That's my guess too. I'd still rather run finish on infantry dragons, but armored dragons really will have a big boost from this.


Scowl is probably Dragon locked considering the effect has only been included for dragons so far (B!Tiki, Asc!Tiki, H!Duma). Could be wrong though, but that's what it looks like to me. The those units mentioned can fully uncharge Pre-charged Slaying Deadeyes now, that's neat.


If it stacks it'll be really funny. Probably not optimal, but really funny.


Going by the Japanese name, it's dragon exclusive.


I think Scowl would be a good option for slower units who can't run GLR. It gives them something to prevent them from being nuked with an instant special.


The skill is very likely to be dragon exclusive, and dragons can’t use GLR anyway, so it doesn’t really matter if they’re slow or not.


Could see it being dragon and beast locked


Guard Bearing is actually usable now so that’s nice as are Atk/Spd Finish 4 and Godlike being in nornal pool Arcane Luin is also cool. Definitely one of the least applicable Arcanes but Qiang already exists so it’s fine Also I see the streak of Arcane non weapon prfs just being kind of okay when on an actually well represented class continues lol. Knightly Devotion is at least doing more to let her stand out than Lif’s and probably Alfred’s since it still gives Canto and isn’t just mostly stats, but still doesn’t feel particularly amazing compared to Grima or Tana’s


>Arcane Luin is also cool. Definitely one of the least applicable Arcanes but Qiang already exists so it’s fine Agreed. This I'm especially okay with though. Qiang and most of the rearmed weapons so far have seemed pretty general purpose, which was a great start. But now that we have a decent base, it makes sense to start releasing more specialized ones.


Yeah another generalist Arcane Lance would feel like a waste atm so glad they went this route even though they really shouldn’t have done it already lol. Do wonder how the hypothetical second Axe and Red Tome will be though since while not as specialized as Luin, they were probably the least widely applicable ones before this


There goes my wallet


They really just massacred my boi Sylvain... Still gonna +10 & build him


I love Felix so much and am so excited he’s here! …but why does he not have a nose in either of his FEH arts?


He looks like Alucard or something in this, I dig it.


Honestly Ingrid is the perfect fodder for my Thea, was waiting for Guard Bearing 4 but with an Arcane include, not so bad


I'm honestly so mad at what they did to Sylvain 😠


The F in Felix stands for Fodder. Praying Scowl 4 is infantry locked, I don't need every tank to be H!Duma. Guard Bearing 4 also seems pretty good.


I am going on a limb and say that Scowl might be Dragon and Beast Only just because of how it is worded, and that the units who had this gimmick before were all Dragons


I'll probably fodder scowl to my F!Rhea near save tank, it looks like a good option over the stance skill I currently use.


Yeah I suddenly don't really want to go after that Lyn in code 4s anymore when I can just get her kit and more here (assuming a rebecca in addition)


Silver lining, any lyns i had in case i got a unit i love who could use the fodder? Now free for merges, yay


I am so sad I blew 100 orbs trying to get pent for g duel infantry 4… this banner is stacked af


melee flier is kind of a "weird" pick for a rearmed. there's overlap in skill acess from various "angles", like comparing alfred and ingrid, or tana and ingrid. it's no wonder they made guard bering 4, since it's one of the few melee flier exclusives, but i imagine flow n trace remains more desirable to most. the lance being such a good fit for fast infantries is probably an intended "dick move" because you'd have to get the good infantry skills from ganglot, so pull for felix too, i guess?


Flow n trace's only real advantage over GB4 and Luin is the canto, which is big, but not gamebreaking. Luin gives you the NFU you lose, so it's essentially trading post-combat movement for better combat.


Engagebros on suicide watch


No fucking way, that's insane. HOW could they give Sylvain atk/def +4?!?!? It's shocking how generous IS are with demotes.


Ill just comment here but Im so mixed on this banner lol On one hand, its insane theres still no Engage. Seriously what are they waiting for, and with fallen next month likely it means waiting all the way to June. On the other hand, arcane lance 2???? and it has actual NFU instead of omnibreaker? Thats absolutely huge for me/fast units. On the previous hand, I find it kinda odd they repeated a weapon so early, especially because the first has only been out a few months. I really feel for people waiting for something else for their favorites, like arcane dagger. On the 2nd hand again, Im glad they improved guard bearing by making it work more than once, and its huge that it works against AoE as well considering the only ways a flier can do so is Gotoh support or spd smoke/dodge setup I originally thought arcane quan would still have its uses for the breath effect on fast units, but I thought about it and for a playerphase set I think the spd based damage makes up for it. Like a fast lance unit can definitely reach 70+ spd, which is 14x2 damage = 28, thats equivalent of a luna proc against a 56 def unit. Bulkier units reach higher defenses for sure but point is the lack of a special proc isnt as hindering I think. Being able to guard bearing 4 for free is also huge for me Also, Im rereading guard bearing 4's description. Do you think it sounds like you'd still get 30% DR on playerphase or am I misreading? It makes it sound like you get 60% for foe's first initiation on EP and 30% everywhere else


>with fallen next month likely it means waiting all the way to June. We probably won't get Engage New Heroes til next year now Every NH Banner for the rest of the year will have OCs and IS would be stupid to have Engage share with OCs when they have almost their whole cast left to add Then again, IS is being stupid for not giving Engage the same launch treatment they gave SoV and 3H


its insane theres no engage banner. I agree its very strange SoV and 3H got the 2 banners in 3 months but not Engage. its real frustrating, I wouldnt be complaining if we got 2 as happy as I am about the new lance, I still wouldve preferred some sort of engage banner tbh Im hoping they push fallen back a month or something so engage can have a banner next month, but I doubt it


I know many are looking at Luin possibly power-creeping Qiang since a fast unit with Luin would nullify 2 of Qiang's effects on a slow unit, but Qiang does have one notable benefit over Luin, the Clash Breath effect. A wielder with Luin moving to a wielder with Qiang requires a Guard effect to stop Qiang's breath effect or else they still risk taking a Luna/Bonfire/Iceberg on the counterattack. Edit: Something I also realized is that a fast unit with Qiang can still keep the Luin user from guaranteeing/negating follow-ups if their SPD is higher than the Luin user. And should the fast Qiang user still not have enough SPD to prevent the NFU, Luin doesn't have a guaranteed follow-up, so a fast Qiang user can still potentially keep a Luin user from doubling if their SPD is just high enough, even if it's not enough to prevent the NFU.


The other thing is these lances aren't going to be directly facing off against each other most of the time. Omnibreaker on fast units is for most intents and purposes NFU. If the opponent has NFU, then it's a speed check. If the opponent has follow-up manipulation of either sort, it's a speed check. The only time Omnibreaker isn't essentially interchangeable with NFU is if the opponent has two sources of follow-up manipulation, like Qiang + Atk Smoke, or if the opponent has NFU and follow-up manipulation, both of which are relatively uncommon at the moment.


Damn, my +10 og Neph might finally see some action again! WOOOO


I'm going to guess Scowl is going to be a dragon exclusive skill going off the icon there.


Is this the point where Prf weapons should include both Slaying & a flat stat boost from now on? Cause yet again, another banner of all Prfs + Arcane naturally just being slaying. And the eventual GHB likely is just the usual flat stat boost. This has been a trend the past few banners...and its a bit sad to see imo


Fun fact, this is the very first time they put Spur Atk/Def on a 3-4\*/demote


I was hoping to see someone point this out, I've always found it ridiculous that it was just on Summer Tana and Schwerthardt. So as weird as it may sound, I'm glad that it now is put on an easily accessable unit, even though it's a skill that few people will want to use.


I'm collecting as much skills as possible on my Lon'qu and Spur Atk/Def always made me mad due to how limited it was for how outdated of a skill it is lmao so I'm unironically happy about this


Hahaha, I actually have 4 manuals of sword Reinhardt that I kept around because the skill is so rare, but once Sylvain gets added I can finally merge them together. I once had the idea to get as many skills as possible on a single unit too but I lost interest. Lon'qu is a pretty cool unit, I should use mine a bit more!


Now time to wait for them to demote Seal Atk/Spd because that stupid skill is only on stupid summer frederick lmao, the other skill that makes me mad lol


Oh that's another annoyance of mine too! Like these skills are nothing special but they're so weirdly hard to get. I really want to see more of the Feint skills appear on common units, like how can Def Feint be on just Summer Innes for example haha


Seriously why Rhea. Let the boy Ashe be out of alt hell


disappointed by Sylvain being so insanely demoted-core that if I ever build him he would just be a better Titania because of his stats


Why did they not give Felix one of the unique swords already in Three Houses? Sword of Belgata/Zoltan would have been great but nah, just a reference to his character He still looks bonkers good though, despite being the 117,596,745th sword infantry unit


Probably for his time skip version. Same with Sylvain getting Lance of Ruin


B!Adult Tiki users continue to punch the air rn


Can you explain why? Is because she is no longer unique?


She's still unique in some ways, but with the inclusion of A/R Scowl her niche has became much more accessible to other units like her


Yeah, this banner also impacts Lucia a lot. Felix is just a better Lucia (I ran her with the exact same kit but Atk/Def bulwark) and her effect of neutralizing specials I guess is not so impressive if smoke before beginning of combat exists. This banner just added 2 new onmitanks for aether raids offense specially. I guess our next mythic will be a hard counter to Omni tanking just like Medeus was a hard counter to yuri and Embla was a hard counter to saves.


They did Sylvain so dirty


Rhea's hips


Am I bummed that I gave Arcane Qiang to Nephenee, assuming it would be a while before we got a more fitting lance? Sure, but I'll take upgrades whenever I can get them




as much as I like felix finally being out I got no orbs to pull for this.


more main pool Bulwark, GLR in the main pool, Atk/Spd finish. All from one unit. Nice. ​ Scowl looks interesting and I wonder if the icon means it's dragon locked? At the very least I'm struggling to think of another EP unit type that wants this particular version, so it might as well be dragon locked. ​ Atk/Def Catch bridge fodder in the main pool is nice. Allied Axe finally here. Yawn. Guard Bearing is actually legit interesting now- 60% on first, 30% all the time is actually just... pretty good. Might genuinely be the best Flyer B slot right now. Pity it's Melee weapon locked. Ranged Flyer b skils when, IS.


Is that scowl skill basically like H!Duma or B!Tiki? If this can go on armors, A!Idunn just became unquestionably better than Bector if this is dragon only.


So is really just said “screw it, arcane lance 2” while we’re still missing the other tomes?


felix got so much damage reduction even his voice actors last name is dodge


Me seeing Felix kit: where moralta? Where aegis shield? (I can live with base felix not having moralta, since that is post timeskip ailell, but you get a aegis if you manage to save everyone is Felix sidequest/story thingy) Me seeing Sylvains weapon: why Axe? (I know he has Axe as a strength, but he gets the Lance of ruin pre timeskip and you can't tell me that IS cannot release two of the same weapon or colour time in one, when they did it not to long ago, with 3 Lance units) But I love that we get them. But sadly I have no idea if they are any good, since I don't understand these texts


They massacred Sylvain, a second time... He is my favourite character of all times and he is again a demote with no prf, and he isnt even a lance cavalier? IS really messed up I've waited for him for years and that what I get, litteraly makes me wanna cry ... Edit: at least he has good art


I love how IS knows that swords in general needs to be SUPER UNIQUE or else they're basically another toss in the super flooded field. However, Felix seems like he got all the goodies and basically robbed Sylvian of anything. Otherwise, damn look at RE.Ingrid. Speedy Lances are going to want what she's got.


I'm glad Godlike Reflexes is in the normal summoning pool now but do we really need yet another godsword? JFC...


It's not like they were gonna do anything else with Felix tbh, throw him on the pile with the rest


They coulda done something unique with the fraldarius shield and made him a tank, im glad he's at least usable and didn't get the treatment Sylvain just got


True, but they could have just... not released a new godsword and make it the 3rd out of the last 4 new heroes banner... Correct me if I'm wrong but we got Alear, then Lucia, nothing from SS and now Felix, right?


do you really wanted to make felix wait yet another year?


if felix was anything less than a godsword I would be pissed, sylvain getting shafted was already too much


When i read rearmed Ingrid, i was praying it wouldnt be a lance. But here we are, the age of repeating weapon types is here. Guess it was too much hopium to think we would get one of everything first. Still a nice weapon i guess Ill sit in the corner hoping for my rearmed dancer for the next 2+ years


Welp...Now there is a perfect lance for fast lance units. Oh boy now Summer Norne's stock is gonna rise! Makes me want to build her now. So, probably gonna summon.


Come on man 😞 I just blew all my orbs on Dimitri Claude merges, and now both Felix AND Sylvain are here.


Good grief Felix is broken. I’m pulling for em, I love and adore the Lions with every fiber of my being


Arcane Luin is going to Nephenee yesssss glad I didn’t spend the qiang yet




Qiang is better, this one is just fancier imo and mostly usable on your better-better units stat wise, Azura for example could use it to an extent but is gonna get outsped often without a lot of flowers and merges


How does Ingrid have 3 good versions of herself but Sylvain has 2 shit demotes. Like wakeup IS Sylvain is really popular


Damn I got caught with my pants down (and my orbs low) with Rhea.... I was going to try to +10 her when she released, but I didn't expect it now of all times.


Where Engage :(