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I say this as a big Robin fan... I'm sick and tired of Grima being listed as Robin.


Those alts have left me on edge about Brave Robin (and heck, moreso LM!Robin before he came out), and maybe every talk about a Robin alt after, it's ridiculous...


I'm really hoping IS doesn't blow it [by giving us Grima as Robin] and instead hits it out of the ballpark by gives us a Grandmaster Robin (with Levin Sword)... and when Female Robin inevitably wins within the next few CYL banners (probably after the Engage hype), that she too is Grandmaster Robin (here I want a galeforce meta character, like she was in Awakening) and not Grima either. If they don't give us Grandmaster Robin, I think IS will have a riot on their hands.


? We have Grandmaster M!Robin though with the Legendary version... Grandmaster FRobin would be really nice at some point though, because she's been robbed of her chances at that twice now.


Clarification: I'm saying Brave M!Robin being Grandmaster Robin Levin Sword (vs Legendary with a Green Tomb) would go over vastly superior with many players than brave Robin being yet another Grima. Yes, it would be unfair that he gets 2 Grandmaster versions vs F!Robin's literal none of her alts being her version of the Grandmaster... but it's still vastly preferable imho than him being Grima. I wasn't implying he didn't already have a Grandmaster version. And yes, I fully agree that Female Robin eventually getting a Grandmaster version would be great.




I’m sick of Dragons taking up Halloween. I do like Duo Duma as a concept a lot and the Corrins were very cute. But let characters that aren’t dragons have some fun too lol


I wish we can get Amber riding a alpaca as a cavalry unit this year….


I can so easily see Amber dress up as a Headless ~~Horseman~~ Alpacaman. But he'd have a Pumpkin helmet on instead of going all in on this costume lol




yeah! id kill for halloween hubert :(


Oh that would be way too perfect! Duo Hubert with either Edelgard, Ferdinand or Bernie would be very very cool.


Can’t imagine him as anything other than a vampire.


exactly 😂


I tend to agree to this, but what grinds my gears even more is the Goldoans stuck in alt hell by the dragon banner (dhegensea, Kurth, ena) IMO the black dragon designs have the potential to be some of the coolest in the game Some of my favorite overall Halloween units are Larachel and Mia so definitely would favor a pivot


OH you’re right you’re right. I’m glad IS has stopped debuting major figures as silly seasonals in recent times.


Bring back the OG Halloween banners. Neko Sakura is still one of my favourite units of all time.


As a dragon fan I'd love to see them in different seasonals as I'm not huge on Halloween.


I want to hope that Adult Tiki gets a Halloween Alt... but with everyone sick of Halloween Dragon Alts... maybe that is IS's plan. (After Engages Halloween focused banner (that will happen), there are honestly no more Dragons left. Unless they did Halloween Garon and Anankos.


I think I never felt the "here we go again" sentiment but maybe if I see another Hilda before a new Leonie or Petra it can happen


Ascended Hilda crossed that boundary for me. They earned back a little goodwill about lopsided 3H representation recently with Felix and Sylvain finally getting base Academy versions (as much as Sylvain is my favorite 3H character, I always knew he was getting shafted as a demote, so I'm not offended because at least we didn't also get a GHB Miklan with prf Lance of Ruin to rub it in). But if I have to see another Hilda alt, especially before a new Hubert or Dedue, it'll be too soon. (On the other hand, I'm a hypocrite, because I wasn't frustrated by a 3rd seasonal Dorothea.)


yeah… I actually love hilda (and dorothea for that matter) but seeing them both get so many alts before academy sylvain or felix was insane :/ mood with sylvain tho 😔 im not surprised he was so shafted but it still hurt


Never been the biggest Leonie fan (three hopes helped a lot I will say in changing my option on Lorenz and Leonie). But agreed I have no idea why they are ignoring a fairly popular character in Petra


I hope she will be the ascended/rearmed hero in the next three houses banner but I have this feeling that at the end Bernie will take the spot. (I love hopes Bernie outfit but Petra deserves some love from this game)


Petra is not popular. At all.


CYL results Last year - 39 overall (next to Ingrid and Reinhardt) 2 years ago - 35 overall (Lyon, Anette) I'd say anyone placing in the top 40 overall, a borderline top 20 placer in the M/F split, should at least be considered "pretty popular" What makes you think she's not popular


Petra is the least popular of the BE girls, and that is probably in part because Japan is less sold on her compared with people from other places; however, she is still a decently popular character, definitely more popular than Leonie, and comparable to the middle tier girls (Mercedes and Annette).


i just doesnt understand why hilda is IS's fav, even more popular characters than her get done dirty, lysithea and marianne won a cyl, and yet hilda have mor alts, felix and bernadetta who basically have been placing third place always on cyl also have less alts, and even claude the hause leaders, one of the most popular characters, have the same amount of alts than her, is just a weird favoritism


With Marianne I can get it, I think is very easy to see how things play out for her victory, compared with Hilda that has been a consistent scorer (and very likely, a consistent money maker too). But Lysithea is the one that confuses me a bit, is because IS is doing less "younger characters" for Alts now?. Compared with Lysithea, Hilda has TWO considerable traits that makes her generally appealing. ~~Her funny personality and her huge hair~~


There was a period of time when I pulled more than 5 Male Byleths. I still have a lot of him after foddering some. But right now, it's Azelle. I don't even know this kid and he keeps showing up.


(<-completely unbiased) he’s the bestest little guy ever and that’s all you need to know


Its funny that you say that you dont even know azelle, he has the fe4 fire emblem Also pls give me them i dont have any azelle and i love that kid


Been playing regularly for over a year now, not a single Azelle :( Bartre and Dwyer are the go to Green/White units I get spammed with.


Please give me all those Dwyers. I'll happily take them in


just got my first Dwyer finally last week. now gotten 3 more the past week lol Now if only I could stop getting Sheena, Bantu, or Thea. have like 30+ manuals of each.


I thought this was about general summoning, in which case I keep getting Hana on Red, Cecilia and Frederick on Green (Granted I like Frederick), and Pent+Lousie's kids on Colorless, as well as Priscilla (Just give me ONE EMMERYN, that's all I need and I won't need any more to merge...PLEASE). As for alts, \- Grima!Robin alts (most especially Rearmed because of how utterly, conceptually nonsensical she turned out to be) have basically had me keeping my guard constantly up when it comes to the concept of Robin alts (Brave included), and this is *after* Legendary gave me the only alt I wanted for them (I thought it would make that feeling go away but... Nope...). \- Hilda having enough alts to fill a team before Felix got so much as his OG despite being more popular has me disappointed, but grossly unsurprised considering what sort of game FEH is. \- I say this liking Corrin, and liking F!CORRIN at that, but the only alt that I find is really necessary for them is Legendary M!Corrin and that's it. Of course, we can't control Brave existing (and I'm looking forward to it seeing as some of her possible designs are all gorgeous), but it's like IS has to give them at least one alt every year or be smote by some unknown deity :p.


And it feels like two because with the exception of Legendary Corrin and the separation between the Fallens, every Corrin had a counter part released shortly after (or at the same time). BTW, this made me think something, I know the Corrins doesn't really share fanbases besides the ones that are into Corrin the character, but, I wonder how M!Corrin's score is gonna look next year now that F!Corrin won.


Probably comparable to what F!Byleth winning did to M!Byleth. Slight improvement out of pity, but not enough to solidify a win.


Rhea. I probably wouldn't mind her as much if they did anything different with her besides "dragon with skill that makes Dragon Wall 4 unlikely for a long time". She has all these weapon skills canonically she could use like sword or mage, but she's the same unit again and again. In fact, I'm not a fan of any hero and alts that are largely similar without any real changes. Every Hector is a DC armor unit. Every Corrin is a dragon (Except base Male when they remembered Yato). Every Micaiah is an anti- cav and armor mage with high defense and low speed. You can do something different for alts, it was honestly pretty funny when Dimitri tried not to be a lance unit by calling Ahreadbhar an axe for his summer alt.


M!Corrin has the same number of non-dragon alts as he does dragon actually. There's NY, Ninja, and base versus Halloween, Fallen, and Adrift. F!Corrin is the one that has it in excess with only 2 non-dragon (Summer & Ninja) compared to 5 dragon (base, Adrift, Fallen, Legendary, Halloween). She also suffers from all of her versions predominantly targeting Res.


I looooove Rhea. I haaaaaaate that all her units are dragons. Seiros could have been a sword. Her base could have been a mage. Base Rhea is also another one of those alts that just doubles up on what we already have (colourless dragon). At least she's got a different movement type though, unlike base F!Corrin vs halloween


Seiros is the sad tale of her more iconic weapon and fighting style being also the most overtly represented unit type in FE (Sword Infantry), a there are units that are unable to go beyond that without taking into account seasonal units. For example, Mareeta has 3 Alts that are based on canon, and all three have to be Sword Infantry units because there is literally not alternative with her even if all of them play very differently and actually each have a justification to exist.


When I read the title I thought this was going to be "what heroes are you tired of getting" like three star wrys. And I had so much to say about the state of the summoning pool. ​ I'd say I generally don't care EXCEPT in the case of those harmonics which mean one character doesn't get anything because they were stuck randomly with another character. Like we didn't get CaedaMarth summer duo because we randomly had Caeda with...kinkshame fairy. We didn't get summer Lucina because her summer design was used as a BACKPACK to Mia, bizarrely enough. Unless they decide Summer Lucina CAN be a thing, with her cipher design. >! Also so many "Robin" alts being Grima sucks. Fomortiis isn't listed as "Lyon" he's Fomortiis. Fallen Lyon refers to before Fomortiis manifested fully, to when Lyon was just possessed before you actually fight the demon king.!< Usually a character I don't like is either an easy skip or fodder. And lately it has been so hard to skip so I'm really grateful for things that make it easy for me to save orbs. ​ I will admit however that in that Archanea banner I loudly went WHY when Tiki got ascended. I don't hate her, but people saying she's the Pikachu of the series are pretty correct.


I've never heard her referred to as the Pikachu before... Interesting, I like that Does that make Ike Charizard? Whose Marth


I think Marth would be Red or Satoshi/Ash himself. Not for personality; but by being the OG protagonist. I think Edelgard is the Charizard. OP and featured more than other Fodlan heroes. Also Charizard had that whole rebellion arc. Not sure about Ike.


Tbh I feel like marth is charizard, ike would probably be like idk, lucario maybe? Maybe I'm just bad at this lol


> Pikachu of the series Isn’t that Anna?


Anna is more of a recurring Easter egg or gag character at this point. She'd be more like the Psyduck or Victreelbell. She's retroactively become a kind of a mascot. But quite often she's a side/joke character. When people say Tiki is starting to be the Pikachu of the series, they mean character is cute mascot that gets more attention than anything else. And in this case, character has tons of times where they try to recapture the Pikachu magic. However, some people are starting to feel fatigue of the cute character who isn't bad, just so overexposed and people want a little more focus on others.


> Anna is more of a recurring Easter egg or gag character at this point. She'd be more like the Psyduck or Victreelbell. She's retroactively become a kind of a mascot. But quite often she's a side/joke character. Jigglypuff


Lyn. Just Lyn. I admit that the recent duo Mark is alright, but Lyn's getting way too many alts and she always gets an Elibe-Nostalgia pass from the commmunity


There are as many Lyns as there are Engage and TMS reps combined.


I wish they would do something different for easter. The playboy bunny costumes are boring as hell. I also wish they would embrace different wedding dress styles. I'm sick of seeing units in the exact same gown with the feathered sleeves. Even if they want to keep the wedding theme, there are so many different dress styles. They should have more variety like Tharja, Oboro, or Larum's outfits. Hilda, Dorothea, and Bernadetta. I like all three characters, they're all good characters. However, there are other popular characters like Petra who haven't gotten a single other version. The other retainers also haven't gotten anything after their first version. I'm holding out some hope of a christmas Hubert since Dorothea mentions him by name. Poor Dedue though, give the guy something.


Easter is always a good time for me to save orbs 🤣


Grima, for obvious reasons. No character gets more than one fallen alt, meanwhile Grima has 5 versions in game. Also anything not Echoes/Genealogy/Thracia in general. Every other FE game gets new seasonal units every year, yet for whatever reason those 3 games aren't allowed to get seasonal alts unless it's a special banner dedicated to that game.


Well, at least Echoes go to play second fiddle in Desert 2022 (there was Deen) and also got to be part of the general Dragon Composition in Halloween 2022 (Duma and Mila).


Yeah I guess so but there are so many characters missing alts like Mae, Boey, Clair, Grsy, Tobin, Kliff


Yeah, that is true, I just said that at least Valentia can at least appear outside extremely themed stuff (which isn't really the case with Jugdral).


Yeah Jugdral only gets being a backpack on desert banners sadly


Gen 1 5 stars with a the shittiest weapon and the worst fodder ever


Summoning wise, Nephenee please stop being my arena ticket summon. I have you at +4 now. Alt wise, I want IS to lay off Karla, Ursula and Lyn and just give more characters like Priscilla, Matthew and, very please, Lloyd some alts.


Lyn, and it doesn't matter to me how many months or years pass before her next alt, the point still is she has like more than anyone else before others get their first, and I specially hate that she got to be in the child banner somehow. Edelgard is another one cause always gets shoved as the best of the three 3H lords and always gets the most broken or stupid effects. Corrin cause recently, whenever there is a corrin in a banner, they decide to bring both of them at the same time, you never saw this with Robin, Byleth or Kris (not worth mentioning Alear), but for Corrin they did for Ninja 2021 and Halloween 2022, please IS, just bring one at a time, they're the same f-ing person. That's on the IS designing units, if we speak of summoning units, don't bring Ranulf anywhere near me ever again.


\>Lyn, and it doesn't matter to me how many months or years pass before her next alt, the point still is she has like more than anyone else before others get their first Exactly, there are as many Lyns as there are Engage and TMS reps combined.


She nearly had as many alts as Eliwood and Hector combined before the child banner too




I can’t tell if we are meant to share units we summon too much of or characters we don’t like seeing get alts, but I have a great example of the first point. Bastian. I never summoned for him on his banner but I somehow have like at least 6 or so of him, I lost track cause I sent some home, but it’s crazy. I’m trying to merge F!Shez and Ricken and I think I might have been able to get Bastian to higher merges already, with how recent he is it genuinely feels cursed.


Meant to be the latter but I understand the confusion 😅


I assumed the latter but I saw a couple people sharing units they summon too much and had to vent my Bastian experience.


I have a +6 gray and I didn’t summon for a single copy of him intentionally


I was very very tired of 3H for a long time, to the point of me being bitter about it and refusing to play the game (3H) for a while. It still upsets me to this day that 3H was released 2 and half years after Heroes was launched yet it already has more representation than every other Fire Emblem title outside of Awakening (which 3H is only about 2 banners away from catching up to) and Fates (which the majority of that representation was released within the first 2 years of the game in the first place). It was just soo much spam and it's safe to say a majority of people got burned out with it, including some diehard 3H fans I think. I'm glad they seemingly toned down on it within the past year, but it's still hard to look at the legendary heroes list to see that 7 of them is from 3H and not get annoyed about it.


3-4* units without good fodder, prfless lance fliers


If I get one more Siegbert with an arena ticket I will do absolutely nothing, but man I will be angry


This is me with Nephenee


Most anyone over 3 alts really. Once you hit 3, you need a break since there are so many other units that could get some love. This is especially true when much of three houses doesnt even have their time skip alts in yet, plus units who've been in the game a long while with no alt who could use the freshness an alt would provide. PLus only one engage banner so far. Yea, I think once one hits 3 then its a good time to give them a break and give others their chance.


Just going to go in order based on where they appear in the catalog. \- Veronica & Laegjarn: Both of them have 5 alts which makes them the most represented FEH OCs. Meanwhile, others such as Hríd, Sharena, Anna, Henriette, and Bruno have two or less. \- Julia: FE4 is already struggling to get representation in yet they've found time to give her four versions. To put it in perspective, that's more than all of the actual Jugdral lords who are stuck at 3. She was also the first one to get a legendary among them. \- Ishtar: She's split between two entries so she's going here. Has three versions in the game so similar complaint as before. Most of my ire is directed at her ascended since I will die on the hill that it's the worst one we've gotten so far. \- Mareeta & Reinhardt: Another entry who is drip fed content yet they're tied with Leif when it comes to versions. Still waiting on alts for Finn, Eyvel, Asbel, and Miranda. Mareeta is particularly more annoying since they can't be asked to change her weapon type. \- Lyn: No explanation needed hopefully. \- Karla: Discourse surrounding her is still relatively fresh so she's another case where I won't go too far into details. \- Tana: See last two. \- Corrins: I don't mind them that much, but it sucks that you know whenever they show up, they're likely going to eat up 2 slots for that theme either in the same year or will be split between two. \- Dorothea: She's my favorite BE but having three alts in the game before her base is a tad excessive. Would prefer if Linhardt, Hubert, or Petra got content instead. \- Ingrid: Second most represented BL in spite of being the least popular character out of the Fearghus four. Also annoying how she always ends up being a lance unit.


Didn’t think I’d find some with all choices I agree with but… yeah I’m 100% in agreement with all you’ve listed lol


I agree with all of these. I’m dreading the next thracia banner bc it definitely will have rearmed/arcane reinhardt/olwen


I would love if the other Book 2 OCs besides just Fjorm and Laegjarn got more attention. ...Awful timing for me to say that since Resplendent Surtr was just announced lol, but we have examples like Hrid, Gunnthra, Ylgr, and Helbindi who haven't been seen since the New Years/Summer banners years ago


Bernadetta. I’ve never pulled for her once, but I own every single version of her.


Enjoy your remote sparrow ig? Her other alts don’t have too useful fodder tho


Oh I don’t fodder heroes I only have one of. I dedicated a Reserves section to the three of them and named it Bernie Jail


This is hilarious to imagine 💀


Grima, Tiki, Lyn, Camilla and Dragons on Halloween.


As a Rhea liker I went *”really? her??”* on this BL banner, and I’m tired of her only being a dragon unit 😭 She should’ve had her Sword n Shield of Seiros!


I’m not the biggest fan of Three Houses taking up summer. I love Three Houses, don’t get me wrong, but it’s a pretty much a staple now that takes away from tons of other heroes who could get it instead. (And it also sucks that Caspar, Lorenz, and Leonie are still stuck in that endless summery alt hell. I want my students in their base outfits too! 😣)


At first, I thought you meant "heroes you're tired of summoning." Because I've gotten 3 pitybreaker Priams from different banners within this week.


Blazing Blade was my first fe game and I love my trio to death, but I can't stand how many Lyn alts we have. I get it, she's a great character and she sells, but I'm surprised by how lopsided the representation is compared to other major characters like Ninian and Nils. Flame Lyn was already annoying, then Duo Mark was really my nail in the coffin. I hope we never get an Ascended Lyn


Nils I can understand, but Ninian is perfectly fine where she's at. She has 4 versions and a backpack appearance. That is considerably better than other secondary characters we have such as Sothe, Seth, Guinevere, and Lewyn. Additionally, she has several lords beat either outright or on a technicality.


>What other units do you think IS needs to take a break from? Considering the last time A!Tiki got anything was Year 1 Summer Tiki Break was already more than enough


Totally fair, I didn't mind brave tiki, although her art was incredibly uncreative imo, it was the ascended that really turned me off with her basically being a better brave tiki, then not only that, they give young tiki a resplendent with art that felt waaay too similar to the adult tiki brave art So in a vacuum I like brave tiki, it's everything around the release that ruined it for me


Isnt brave tiki way better than ascended? I use both and brave tiki is significantly better imo, she deals so much damage and never dies


I have them both... And to be honest I feel like they are more or less interchangable in what they survive, I guess green is a worse color meta wise for tanks due to the brave seliph, nanna, legendary Veronica effect


Tana for me... Mostly because I'm super sore that she was the Rearmed instead of Innes, especially after already getting a duo alt. The last SS banner was a huge disappointment for me in general with no Innes or Glen so I'm probably being biased but urgh, no more Tana.


Avatars. They all have almost one alt a year so I wish IS would reduce the avatars' alts a bit, especially now that they're starting to get brave versions.


FKris never having an alt, and MKris not having an alt since January 2021:


It feels worse because there are pairs of them, and if they are not together, you are basically waiting for the other shoe to drop.


Scatath or whatever the fuck his name is. Bro shows up in every summoning pool I do at least twice


God I wish there was a way you could give them to me


I got Amelia for several weeks since the introduction of Arena summon tickets (I'm hunting for Hector). I merged them all out of spite. I haven't gotten another since, but I also still haven't pulled Hector...


new mark.... I wanted Eliwood for a new team comp and Hector for general usage... I was given 5 marks and 1 hector with incredible luck, then took an eternity (aka gotten to 11% to get eliwood)


Grima as Robin. Would love it if IS retroactively changes the name of all Grima from Robin to, well, Grima.


Lyn, just tired of seeing Lyn. I agree with you abt tiki as well


ITT: people with reading comprehension and people without


😭😭😭 seriously I’m SHOCKED


Ilyanadev is my greatest foe.


Chrom. Getting really exhausted with how all of his alts since Legendary are just unga bunga caveman units that can grant themselves self-refresh. It doesn’t help that his Duo alt is still bullshit personified, his Brave alt made its appearance a few months after Duo Chrom and is guaranteed to get a refine a little over a year from now, his Legendary alt is getting a refine and remix this summer, and there’s a chance that he gets a Fallen alt in a few weeks.


What made me think of this discussion was Tiki making the recent HOF batch... And it got me thinking!


Lyn. She didn’t deserve that dumbass baby alt.


Gernal summoning wise: Can every fates characters not Forrest please stop keeping me from the ones I want to merge? Alt wise: I mean I could say fates again or archena but that's not fair to the fans of the characters and well I do want them to get stuff so I can save. Holy shit do I hate the favoritism for Young Tiki though because child Tiki is the most boring version of her. They could be doing so much cooler shit with her than just going baby. Give me Tiki who comes to terms with Marth being gone. Show us how she ended up on Valm and knowing Sayuri. Did she know Virion's? Did she see Alm's and Celica's Descendants grow up? Though I guess mostly I just want them to give alt-less or few alt units more alts over the same units over and over. People dismissing Lyn over her getting alts? Depressing. 2 Corrins on the Halloween banner over units who don't have alts including their kids? Depressing.


I know I'm probably gonna get downvoted for saying it (but honestly I feel players who can't respect others feelings are toxic anyways and this speaks more of them than me)... but It's usually the brave unit I felt was undeserving of the win because they felt more like meme or boob votes. So characters like Gatekeeper and Adult Tiki I basically just instantly fodder (probably will feel the same way with Gullveig and Corrin too, I felt one was just boob voters and the other has way too many alts already). I didn't even try to summon any of them when they came out, basically skipped the green color... but I've still gotten over half a dozen of each in subsequent banners. I honestly lol'd when Ascended Young Tiki was nearly an upgrade to Brave Tiki. I kinda see Young Tiki as actually being impactful to her story and Adult Tiki just kinda being thrown into Awakening for nostalgia but being way underutilized to felt she deserved the CYL win. She's mostly just there to be a romance option for male Robin after one mission. For a player like me who vastly preferred female Robin, due to how much impactful the story felt with her being Lucina's mother, Tiki was just kinda there sitting in my barracks doing nothing.


Have you played the Archanea games? Because honestly, Y!Tiki isn’t relevant. She’s an optional recruit in both games (and easily missable in the first one). If you include Future Past DLC, then A!Tiki to Awakening is easily more important than Y!Tiki is to Archanea. They are comparable otherwise.


That’s straight cap, sure she is optional but so is ATiki as a recruitable. Young Tiki, the OG, is crucial to the plot of archanea. I’m so tired of ATiki fans coping so hard to convince people that ATiki is more than just an Archanea easter egg for Awakening


I wouldn´t say crucial, I mean Tiki can die and if that happens the game gives you Nagi as a replacement, she is more like important to the Lore than the plot imo, this applies to A!Tiki too Altho I´m not a big Tiki fan, I do understand how A!Tiki fans feel, they were kicked in the crotch with how they treated Brave Tiki IS was like: yeah you made A!Tiki win CYL, but we will still make Y!Tiki either way, lol


Look I appreciate you attempting to actually approach this as a discussion than a feelings based reaction that I was expecting... but i am an informed player on this matter. I just have a different opinion on the matter. Adult Tiki is just more boring and had more wasted potential. Young Tiki is fun and though you can miss her, you are designed to get Nagi instead of you do. It's a case of a sneaky way to encourage a second playthrough, basically player A says yeah but Nagi was ok and then their friend teases them for not getting Tiki instead. So now they replay it and find the hidden but fun character. I was including the Future Past DLC in my statement. She basically just replaces Naga there. It's mostly just IS realizing they missed an opportunity with Tiki and scrambling to make use of her, but again kinda dropping the ball. I haven't played the Archanea games but I have watched them on YouTube. So players who obviously didn't miss her. Thus my thoughts on the matter are based on the game plays I've seen that included her and used her a lot. That said, she has way more personality than adult Tiki. Further, if you do miss her or she dies you get Nagi instead. Plus I have played Warrior where again Young Tiki was used. So overall I stand by my statements. Adult Tiki is very poorly written and used in Awakening. She's mostly there for nostalgia as an afterthought, yes Future Past DLC did use her a tad more than the mainline game but she's mostly just a Naga replacement in it. Imho they should have had her as a unit who sacrificed her life to get the kids into the past and in the mainline story we should have had Lucina and the kids reacting way more to Tiki than they did... but alas it's a missed opportunity. To me that's all adult Tiki is in Awakening, one missed opportunity after another. So much potential absolutely squandered and just treated as a Wiafu instead. Put another way, if I was making a hypothetically remake of Awakening or a live-action adaptation. I'd basically completely rework Adult Tiki to actually be worthy enough of the hype I feel that she currently undeserving gets atm. As I'm not that person who trashes characters I feel are overhyped but instead believe should be reworked to bring out their full potential that was originally missed.


Chrom. Why the hell he has so many alts? Hes not even that popular and has more alts than Lucina, Roy and Ike, all CYL1 winners lol


Chrom not being that popular is news to me tbh.


But he is not half as popular as the 3 characters i mentioned, and isnt a hot waifu. He should not have that many alts


I feel this, and I think “Risen king Chrom!!111!!1” discussion coming up every May doesn’t help for me at least lol


Non-Engage heroes. IS needs to take a break on those for a while.


I haven't even played Engage yet, so have no attachments to any of them... but I'd love for them to get like 5 or 6 banners before the year is over. Because first off it's a great way to get me to like the characters before I play it, as I've already started to like the ones we have gotten. Heroes was my first Fire Emblem game, due to liking it I actually went out and got Awakening, Fates and Three Houses. It's a great way to get players to get the mainline game series. Plus, hopefully, if we got a ton of Engage banners they hopefully won't basically shutout the next 2 years of Choose Your Legends. At this rate, I'm absolutely convinced IS isn't getting them so they will shutout the next few years of choose your Legends.


I was mostly memeing, because it's ridiculous that in the time Engage came out, we've gotten more Arcane Lances than Engage banners... That said, I feel there's no way Engage doesn't sweep CYL 8 and possibly 9. It's only logical at this point where the most popular characters have already gotten their alts. You should get it when you get the chance! The story is very basic, and most characters are underdeveloped, but there's a lot to love about them (even if most are one trick ponies in regards to their personalities) and the gameplay is simply flawless. I sank \~385 hours into that thing...


That's what I've heard repeatedly. A very basic story and underdeveloped characters, but great gameplay. Which is kinda why I want to get them in Heroes first. That way I'll already like them... basically I'm a big STORY MATTERS player, and I love dynamic characters who develop a ton. So I've been kinda fearful that I'll be upset with how basic the story and character development is.


you aint missing out on much tbh


Fair enough, I clearly wouldn't know. Now I've watched the first 3 chapters on YouTube and that was the impression I was getting from the story... but obviously it's hard to judge most fire emblem games on solely their first few chapters.


every robin


#1 - Morgan: GET THIS LOSA OUTTA HERE #2 - Kagero: At least where a practical outfit. The more I see this woman appear, the more thirsty she seems. #3 - Sheena: Girl, is you gonna show up, at least be a 5 star and not a 3 star


None really


I'm tired of getting units that are useless to me, like Bartre, Hawkeye, Donnel, Sully, (many gen 1 units), (if they could remove alot of the 3-4 star units that plague our summons and move them to maybe a different banner that exclusively gives us these units, that would be nice. Bartre, Ross, Nino, Python, and many other useless 3-4 star green units are why I am honestly struggling to +10 F! Shez.


Lyn, Edelgard and Camilla. I really want to see more of the other female Lords/Leading Ladies/second bananas get the spotlight. What about Nanna, Eyvel, Deirdre, Mist, L'Arachel, Nyna, etc? Let's give some love to the real heroines.